ERA A RIA CRRA PVA 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 5, 1983 letters ordinary citizens seem to see nothing wrong with having six beers before driving home or (From page 5) potential for similar it could cause mayhem, mayhem. yet to drive a vehicle The root of the while impaired has the problem plainly is that L b). lof! Join the club Supersalesmen? You bet. Wes Lane (centre, left) and Morley Parish (centre, right) were able to renew their membership in an exclusive club Wednesday afternoon. The General Motors Master Salesmen club honours only those with records of sales excellence. Morley has belonged to the club for five years and for his efforts was awarded a gold ring. Wes, a three year member, received a pen. Both men are Port Perry residents and work at Philp Pontiac- Buick on Vanedward Drive. Presenting the awards were Bryce Philp, president of the local dealership, and Tom Mills, GM district sales representative. : ' i PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL a MN -- i Help Send our JAZZ CHOIR & INTRUSION 3 to Calgary for the Canadian Jazz Festival! i PLAN TO ATTEND OUR 'AT PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL SAT. APRIL 9th -- Auctioneer, Don Cochrane { 4 We Need Donations of Items for the lo *Auction Sale *Bake Sale Anyone with items they wish to donate for the Auction or Bake Sale, please contact any of the following: i Bill Ferguson. ...... ES 986-4220 i DonCochrane.............................. 985-2788 f LizMcKenzie............................... 985-8848 7 Dorothy Flieler ........... AN, 985-2504 fy DougCoates ............covvvvunnnnnnnnnn. 655-3018 . FLEA MARKET TABLES AVAILABLE: Contact Don Cochrane - 985-2788 7 --- WE NEED YOUR HELP -- -Watch for other Fund Raising Events over the Next 6 Weeks. -- PORT HIGH BAND PARENT'S ASSOCIATION --- KOO, SLU FIRST ERO CREAT A OG EATER RRA So PARA yivaal grt ishaoanstadat rduiar give habdagn selves | SAAT 4 HS Drinking and driving statistics having a lavish dinner with cocktails before hand, wine during and liquetrs after and then getting behind the wheel of a vehicle. Not caring is the attitude that many people have. That is why not much is being done about drunk driving. On the one hand, you have a all the damage done by drinking, the health care costs, the human misery. But on the other hand, that same govern- ment makes a great deal of revenue from taxipg alcohol related activity. It is also very difficult to convince the average "Joe" that drinking and driving is wrong, as well as illegal when he hears that celebrities, pol- iticians - even judges do it too. Changes in smoking legislation came about because people banded together. They let the politicians know they did not think smoking was entirely acceptable. Now people think twice before lighting up in a room full of non- smokers. The same almost militant outlook by the majority of the pop- ulation could make people think . twice before having one for the road. Some people blame the courts for the amount of driving while intoxicated that takes place. They say the fines - are not stiff enough, that the policing of driving while intoxicated isn't tough enough. I say peer pressure isn't tough enough. I am also saying people should-look at them- and set an example for their children. Yours truly Roy W. Smith Port Perry HELPFUL HINTS Shed no tears if you peel onions under cold running water. AL'S CATERING 985-2683 'PORT PERRY & AREA Weddings - Dances or Dinner Parties - Large or Small -In Your Home or Hall of your choice. Professional Service at Reasonable Rates! Chesterfield Suites Love Seats Sectionals & Mattresses 'McKEEN FURNITURE $24 Simeon S$, Oshawa 128510 o Truck rolls over and bursts into flames Durham Regional Police report two traffic accidents in Scugog Township over the past week which caused extensive damage but no serious injuries. On April 1, a 1981 Ford stake truck driven by Merle Schewaga of Scugog rolled over as the driver turned into a laneway .on Durham Road 6. government that sees" L0€ truck, which apparently was carry- ing a load of sawdust then burst into flames and was completely des-' troyed. Police set the loss at about $15,000. The driver was not hurt. A two car accident April 2 on Durham Road 2 caused about $2000 damage to each car, according to police. The accident took place about 8:30 p.m. when a northbound car driven by Joan Pearse of Oshawa slid across wh pr Bn 830 a Fl (At the Causeway) Hwy. 7A - Port Perry 985-2486 & saturday the centre line and struck a car owned by Herman Meijerink of Port Perry. There were no serious injuries and no charges laid due to bazardgus conditions. A Robinglade snow- mobiler who put his machine through the ice of the Nonquon River March 22 got some good news and bad news when he returned to the scene April 1 to fish out the machine. He found somebody had already pulled the snowmobile from the water and Ieft it in the woods. The had news was that the motor was missing, valued at $500. Provincial Police report very quiet Easter weekend It could have been the rain but whatever the reason, it was a quiet holiday weekend for Ontario Provincial Police in the Port Perry area. "It was a quiet week- end, unbelievable really" said Constable COME FOR DINNER! Bert Shannon. "We're always geared up for more business on a holiday but we didn't get it." Only one accident, a minor fender-bender, was reported and even that occurred before Easter weekend began, last Wednesday. STEAK & SHRIMP STAY & DANCE AWAY THE EVENING with Entertainment by "lan & Janette" from 9:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. BEARE MOTORS 268 QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY Phone: 985-9273 TUNE-UP SPECIALS: 4 CYL. ..... 322.95 6 CYL...... %25.95 8CYL...... %32.95 PARTS & SALES TAX EXTRA UNIROYAL SIMIRE} : 20%0rr ¢ Phone for List of Specials A -- GAS BAR OPEN -- Mon. to Fri. 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. RT 4h SRS ay