Ee EE C--O IA i, 3500 C0 EAT ARR ea i LAS Se AT, 4 SLi hw hi BA ing Tide Talented young writers capture provincial title Port Perry High School students Carla' Dempsey and Velvet Lin- ton, both grade 13 students, have been named two of the top stu- : dent writers in the pro- vince by a panel of English teachers who acted as judges for the 16th Annual Student Writing Contest spon- sored by The Perma- nent, one of Canada's HELPFUL HINTS To remove polish * build- up - mix % cup vinegar and '%2 cup water. Rub with a soft cloth that has been moistened with the solu- "tion. Dry immediately with another soft cloth. major Trust Companies. "The prestigious literary contest attracted over 2,000 entries this year, the highest number in its 16 year history. The contest is for stories in either English or French of up to 2,000 words with an open sub- ject. The Permanent awards more than $10,000 in prizes to writers who show an outstanding talent and who, in the opinion of the judges, deserve to have their talents recognized and encouraged. Both students have received an Honourable Mention for their outstanding entries. Carla's work was entitl- ed "To Throw a Stone" and Velvet's "To Catch a Falling Sunbeam." The judges comprise representatives of the Ontario Council of Teachers of English and the Canadian Council of Teachers of English. In announcing local winners Rod Whitham, Manager of The Perma- nent's Oshawa Branch, said that the company is much encouraged by the significant increase in student interest in the contest. He said the com- pany"s objectives are to stimulate interest in writing among students and to help them further their educational aims and interests. Port Perry High School grade 13 students Carla Dempsey and Velvet Linton both received honourable mention in a national writing the minutes of the Jan. contest sponsored by the manager They received certificates last meeting and gave the week from Rod Whitham, manage There were about 2000 entrants i Canada. nv the contest from all parts of } LIAL Cr AV a Nf A ni oh eds y A oh ' eds : Bunn a Dy nN ASAT Wil STR, any AM hd Rs t wy. ef Kathleen Taylor (right) a grade 12 stu- dent at Port Perry High is the winner of the essay contest sponsored by the Durham Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association. Last week, she received a che- que for $50 from executive director Linda Kydd. Kathleen's essay will now be entered inghe provincial finals and she could become eligible for the national competitions. Greenbank W.I. by M. Beaton The Greenbank Women's Institute held their meeting at the home of Mrs. Helen Mc- Kean on March 16th at 2 p.m. Our president, Mrs. Iva Phoenix, welcomed everyone, and thanked Helen for inviting us. She read a poem "A Recipe for a Happy Day." After the Ode, and Mary Stewart Collect, Rachael McMillan read of the Permanent in Oshawa. Treasurers report. About 25 ladies answered the roll call which was "Bring and 4 I. opring is sprung, the grass is riz, Do you know where the ceramics is' at the ANNEX - The largest stocking warehouse east of Toronto OPENING SPECIALS § Over $300,000.00 of ceramic wall tile & quarry WW Red quarry tile 4x8:&6x6 Only i 1. " tile in stock - over 100,000 sq.ft. Maple leaf wall tile, Commercial grade, 1 colour only. 39¢ AL x8 wall tiles, $ 1 09 Only ™ (While supplies last) MN 495 Taunton Rd. | Re 2a Right next oil the floor covering people. 723-6622 Free estimates, expert installation and professional advice. E., Oshawa display a craft, learned from a W.I. course". Reports were given by Muriel Gibson on Agri- culture and Canadian Industries by Jean Hunter on "Education and Cultural Activities" by Doris Hill on Citizen- ~ ship and World Affairs. by Bessie Donneral on "Family and Consumer Affairs'. Marion Innis reported that the district annual will be held at Myrtle on May 25th with lunch at 12 p.m. We are reminded to have our reports ready for our annual meeting in April. Several dates to remember - the quilt display in Uxbridge, Sat. Mar. 19th - the Community Care meet- ing will be held at the Latcham Centre on Mar. 30th with Doris Hill our W.I. represent- ative; Pioneer Days at the Scugog Museum will be on 20th and 21st of May, on Mar 31st at Oshawa a forum in W.I. Procedures will be held with Margaret Couper- thwaite attending. Dot Hooker reported on' the Hall, stating a cleaning and paint bee had been held and other work done. The motto, "Busy hands make a active Mind' was given by Helen McKean. Later Helen and Muriel Gibson gave an account of their recent trip to Hawaii, which was very interesting. JOHNLYN HAIR DESIGN formerly Hair Dimensions UNDER 1] N EW" MANAGEMENT PLEASE PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT: srooklin 655-3134 -- Come In & Meet Us -- ' LIL | PORT PERRY STAR + GUARANTEED SERVICE GUARANTEED GM PARTS 'GUARANTEED PRICE $1539 PRICE e OIL CHANGE ¢ FILTER CHANGE e LUBE JOB It's time for a Change! We'll change your motor oil, up to four quarts, replace oil filter, examine shock absorbers. Check lube intransmission and differential, add as needed. Lubricate front suspension components, door and hood hinges. Service PCV valve. (No time limits on this special 1982 Guaranteed Service!) FOR YOUR $ 5 he AND COMF installation ~ per pair Fy Good shocks are important to the life of your car. If "you get a jolt out of every small bump in the road, have your shock absorbers replaced during this special. 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