ca sh Ia, 3 ie 3 LA 5 2 IQS ew MOL) FR RRSP PACH TREES Ta ra ly AES E28 CARTAN ERIE. VIAN 4) 1) HATA). WAAAY 4) Ag Ny A RAT R EAA 1 wk 2 EP Oe SAM SORA SY NE ads Pr SORASL 8 AA CREA SBS Tal CO ; A 'y ie ha ad SHRI N WY 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, April 5, 1983 an AY TL Sn eR CE US Sp IN A ARS CALEB NN YELLE} ERIS --~-- -- " Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Plans are underway for the Curling Club Windup Dance on Fri- day, April 8 in the Rec- reation Centre. Get your tickets soon. The At Home and C.H.S. Re- union plans are pro- gressing well as well. Many classes are work- ing on Reunions to coin- cide with this the 25th At -Home which will be held at the Cartwright Central Public School. i iL over, the Howard Bailey rink with Craig willl ol Paisley, Tara Bailey and Joy Werry emerg- 100m set aside for visit- , ing. ed as the winner. Easter weekend The eighth annual "Mudcat Bonspiel" took place March 21 at the Blackstock Curl- ing Club with 12 teams of students in hot pur- suit of the coveted trophy. When it was all It's All Here ... Come On In and Treat Your Appetite! RESTAURANT & TAVERNLTD." 15 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY - 985-3281 ... where vour family's dollar ... goes the farthest! 2 TP 0 SMORGASBORD © yoo gi { 0 Bring the children in LAA for our Hot & Cold Smorgasbord and let them 1 4 orice | ~ eat all they want. Co RIGHT HERE ... SUNDAY EVENINGS ONE OF CANADA'S LEADING KEYBOARD PLAYERS "GREGG DECHERT" For Your Listening BRUNCH 10a.m.to2 p.m. 1 F *Breakfast Steaks [#3 *Pancakes SO *Scrambled Eggs T= Pleasure ... i i "SUNDAY EVENINGS ~Peamealed Bacon *French Toast 570 "Home Fries *Sausages 1 All You Can Eat... Join Us Sunday Invite some friends rv " You'll Love It! - (Ge MPM ISOON | ee oracon isco SOY ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT sundry mo SEO : Chicken 'n. > . Smorgasbords a SMORGRSEORD Rib Smorgasbord : Sil ota Pig Ze 2 PRIME RIB & - Try Them with Our. Special Sauce! ..... . ) TU RK EY ge me eyed Make Your Plans Our taste tempting smorgasbor in aR ME Dt These > includes all the trimmings. Sa o> ! ane then > > i pie aa invited } > ii y 3 [nt H ¢ Give Us A Call panied Re 985-3281 . There will be a Class-. . brought Christmasy weather. But the Easter spirit came, weather or not. Special services with excellent congregations were held in both churches. The Good Fri- day Service in the Unit- ed Church was made u of Scripture Passages, Readings by Lawrence Malcolm, Doreen Van- Camp, Eleanor Kelly, Bob Wheeler and Aileen VanCamp followed by a musical response either by the choir or congreg- ation. It made a very impressive service. At the Easter morning service, the Junior choir sang the Anthem Re- joice, You're a Child of the King. Rev. D. Davis delivered a fine sermon entitled "Preparing the Way for You'. The Senior Choir sang "Lift up your Heads'. Next Sunday, Mrs. Sue Rob- inson of Brooklin will be guest speaker. There are still openings in the "Growing Together Weekend" for married ""'couples in the United ~ church on Friday, April 22 to Sunday, April 24. Cost is $25.00 plus one ~ pie. Call Anita or Dale Davis Mor details\ Reader at the Easter Service was Craig Paisley. ng A fine congregation was at the St. John's Easter Service which was a Carol Eucharist: The first hymn was a "Gloria in which the children rang bells. The Junior Choir sang the fine anthem "Celebrate God". The Sacrament of Communion was cele- brated by the Rector Rev. Ansley Tucker. Christopher Bryant had a birthday party on Saturday when he enter- tained a number of are eligible in the Half It's Your Chance to Participate in Wintario's Half Back program & Save! It's simple. All you do is bring in your non-winning tickets and redeem them. (50 per ticket; maximum 50% of the cost. or $15.00, whichever is less) onany Books by Canadian Authors! Tickets dated Octobe 28, 1982 and forward a . Curling Club hosts Friday windup dance friends to celebrate his 8th birthday. When he was born 8 years ago all the roads were com- pletely blocked with a surprise spring snow- storm so ° Ontario weather is indeed hard to predict. On Sunday a family gathering was held at the home of George and Brenda Bryant and family. Those attending were Mr-and Mrs. Dean = Ormiston of Brooklin and other members of the Ormiston family. On Thursday quite a number from here attended the R.S.V.P. - Rural Seminar for Vital People held at the Holiday Inn in Oshawa as a Training Session for leaders in various organizations. Among those attending from here were Ruby Van- Camp, = Edith Mec- Laughlin, Helen Brad- burn, Dora Martyn, Roly Coy, Merrill Van- . Camp, Joan Graham, Linda McLaughlin, and Joyce Kelly. All report an excellent day. Many family gather- ings were held over the Easter weekend. Most of the University "students were home at' "the families for the holiday weekend. - A nuipber from here participated in the Port Perry High School Mud- 'cat Bonspiel. Others were at the Millbrook Curling Club held at the Peterborough Curling Club. : At the Senior Citizen Euchre Party on Tues- day there were 10 tables with the following winners: 1. Ella Ven- ning-82; 2. Ann Manns -81; 3. Adam Sharpe-78; 4. Harold Swain-77; 5. Ken McKenzie - 76; 6. "Hazel English -76; Agnes Prescott - low.' The draws were won by 1. Muriel Lawrence; 2. Ann Taylor; 3. Lu . Griffin. EO fons ~S EJ pi EN a TE