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If you have old Christmas cards, bring just the fronts, also bring Campbell soup labels, cash register tapes from I.G.A. and Red and White to your local U.C.W. The Hall board are holding a meeting at 7:30 on Thursday, March 3rd. On March 17th, the Manchester Pot Luck supper that we have each year will be at the church at 6:30. There will be a sing song and a film. They all seem to enjoy this jolly get together. On Sunday, Feb. 27th, Miss McLean's sermon was "What About Lent". She welcomed all. A special welcome to Marion Webster. Marion was ill for several weeks. We have been missing Lorne Thompson from church for a year or more. This past week our visiting committee members called to see him at Fairview Lodge. The callers were Mr. and Mrs. John King- stone. Lorne was glad to see them. Lorne Thompson's wife was before marriage Mary Williams of Prince Albert. Mary had one sister, Mabel. Mabel married Harold Honey. Isabelle Annis is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honey. Isabelle is looking after Lorne with the best of care. -Epsom - by Jean Jeffery Epsom Choir practice at the Baster home, Monday, March 7th. Heddy Lefebvre's father from Lakefield visited Heddy and Leon on Sunday afternoon. Marlene '-and Ian Archibald of Udora were Sunday dinner guests with her parents, Marie and Earl Wilson. Jamie and Robert Ashton had on inday with Ben and Asling. *; : Dr. Pat Asling and , Ivan Keith poi Faye Ashton visited ors with Keith and Peggy Kennedy and Sara Keith Kennedy was in Guelph for a week taking a United Breed- ers Course. Ruth Taylor, New Liskard was with her parents for a week. Julie Ashton had Laurie Smith of Port Perry for an over-night t this weekend. ss and yans her, Mrsy:. Leta Acton at Dahiem Nurs- ing Home on Sunday. Doug Wilson was dinner guest with the Evans family on Sun- day. We are pleased to learn that Maria Bre- znikar is home after surgery in Oshawa hospital. Chris Brown is un- comfortable after breaking his collar bone while playing hockey in apace Uxbridge on Sat. evening. Congratulations to the winners from our area at Sunderland Music Festival. The Epsom School won four firsts for their choirs, Heather Bell was second with 83 points on her flute. Jason Van Veghel was first for trained voice singing while his sister Ginny placed second in her category. 'Uxbridge School band + cdime first with 97 points closely followed by Fort Perry High School Ban with 96 points and sw Band from grade vin. = Cornish also came in Bre are young folks in our community 'who are very talented. The Baster family enjoyed supper and the evening with her par- ents Jim and Clara Jones. Don't forget the Youth Group's dinner and square dance at Utica . Hall, March 3. For tickets call Julie Ashton or the Baster home. Frank and Donna Van Veghel attended the 25th wedding anniversary of Gwen and Len Glover in 'Oshawa Sat. night. Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Jeffery called on Donna Rodin and family one day last week. We were pleased to meet Donna's parents of Stouffville who came to visit her that afternoon. Carol Hansen of Scar- borough was home for the weekend with her mother, Evelyn Hansen and son, Tom and his wife, Laurel of Port Perry were with her for Sunday supper. by Mrs. E. Heron The members of the Brooklin Horticulture enjoyed an evening together last Wed- nesday when under the able direction of Mr. Ken Brown of Ashburn, we planted seeds. Ken gave many helpful hints and how-to's for plant- ing seeds and when they are grown and trans- planted, the flowers will be used for the hanging baskets and the beds in the area parks, which always gives a lot of pleasure for everyone who takes time to look at the flowers in the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Humphrey and baby daughter, Dana Cath- erine, formerly of Africa and Calgary are visiting with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Humphrey and family before they leave for London, England where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. David Humphrey and daughter, Amanda of Deep River also came to visit. Mr. and Mrs. James Daw, Mathew and Michael of Toronto visit- ed with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Daw recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Heron attended the Canada Cord present- ation held in Scarbor- ough Town Centre council chambers last Friday evening when thirty one girls received their Canada Cord. Among them was their grandaughter, Linda McAndlers of Don Mills. The Kirk Guild sponsored an applique "and embroidery sewing . class with Bill Fritches of Oshawa last Saturday morning. And on Tues- day, March 15th "Colours" programe, and there will be a special prize when someone will find out there true colours. This sounds like a fun night. Tickets are available, so for more information, phone Barbara Porter 655-4652. There was a Euchre party at the community centre last Thursday night but we don't have the prize winners at hand. There will be another Euchre on March 10th. Visiting recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gardner and Jean were Mr. and Mrs. Rees Williams of Don Mills, Mrs. R. Ervine of Port Perry, Mrs. Irma Tripp and Miss Alice Arnold of Brooklin. We are sorry that Mr. Bill Hopkins iS in Port Perry Hospital at time of writing. We all wish you a speedy recovery Bill. Last Sunday morning at Burns Church, Rev. McEntyre's message was 'The Impact of Christ and our Image of God'. The scriptures were read by Jack Davidchuck and Bill Burgess and the choir sang, 'Precious Lord take my hand'. There was a film about Knox College shown at the close of the service. Jethro Kloss said - the whole world needs more vitamins, more con- scientious cooks, more care exercised in the preparation of food and less spacious hospitals. Cedar Creek hy Sire Cuifimings Home frem Sir Sanford Fleming ~-Collegié are Jeff Vander- Meet and Ketih "Trem- blay for the weekend. Belated thday wishes for N ink Jr. who celebrated his 16th birthday. Kelly Raines also celebrated her 16th birthday at a surprise birthday party Friday night given to her by Allison Mitchell of Port Perry. All the practice paid off when many of the young people of Cedar Creek participated at the Sunderland Music Festi orto Trem- ky part o oka Saxap artet t won ora: eline Nar nd Laura Tremblay were part of concert band, Laura plays drums, Micheline played Clarinet that placed 2nd. Laura Tremblay and Nick Rensink were members of a Senior Winds ensemble, which placed 2nd. On piano, were Maria Dorig, and Stephanie Cranning. Sorry I never heard any results when they finish- Darlene ed. As you can see, we have quite a few musicians. -. in neighbourhood. Well as you can see, yours truly and Doris Pargeters returned from West Palm Beach after an enjoy- able 2 weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scarrow who is Doris's brother. Mr. Joe Swain and Karen Cummings of Cannington were Sun- day supper guests. Other visitors at the Cummings home on the weekend were Mrs. Lewis, daughter Wendy and _son, Rob of Oshawa, Jack and Adam Cummings of Caesarea. Tracy Shortt of Ux- bulige stayed the week- Connie Cummings of Cannington is staying for a week. George Kilpatrick stopped by on Thursday. As you can see no one phoned with their news so only the Tremblays and the Cummings made the news. Try to do better next week folks, phone Mary 985- 3349. _ the by Vera Brown A reminder of the Youth Groups supper on Saturday evening start- ing at 6:30 p.m. in Utica Hall which will be followed by square dancing. Tickets are available from group members. Church and Sunday School this week will be held in Utica Church at 11:00 a.m. The U.C.W. March meeting will be held on Tuesday the 8th at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Shirley Baster. Pro- gram for the month is on Community Friendship. All ladies are welcome. Winners at the euchre held last Friday in the Hall were Ladies 1st to Hilda Hopkins, 2nd Jean Pogue and low to Carolyn Parish. Mens 1st to Tom Seeley, 2nd to Joe McCaslin and low to Lena Ogden. Freeze-out winners are Dora Geer and Daisy Sellers with Jean Pogue and Joe Mc- Caslin coming 2nd. There will be another euchre in two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding visited on Sat- urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Banks at Omemee. On Sunday the Skelding family visited Nancy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lake to celebrate Mr. Lake's 75th birthday. Best wishes to neigh- bours in "hospital, Mrs. Delia Harper who is a patient in Port Perry Hospital and -Mr. Bruce Bailey in Oshawa Hospital. Recent visitors with the Sutcliffes were Mrs. Evelyn Bray of Raglan, Mrs. Helen Crawford, her daughter Janet and grandchildren Chris, Tammy and Todd. . Tuesday visitors with Mildred Thompson were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan and Mrs. Miller il apel ty: Sutton to pay'n 10 a great aunt Mrs. John King who had passed away. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sutherland visited his uncle, Mr. W. Suther- land, who is a patient in Oshawa Hospital. Little Danny Suther- land, son of Pat and John, had the mis- fortune to fall from a chair recently and broke his arm. I under- stand it hasn't slowed him down too much but I'm sure he'll be much happier when the Doctor removes that cast. Miss Sarah Croxall attended the Circus at Maple Leaf Gardens on Saturday with the Port Perry Brownies. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Holmes and Lorretta of Toronto were Sunday dinner uests with the John oxall family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinchcliffe of Toronto were with the Eric Carre family on the weekend. The Carres and the Hinchcliffes from Mount Albert. On : Jom A a - Utica - attended the figure skating competition in Whitby on Saturday where Denise, as a member of the Ux- bridge Skating Club Precision team took part and won the silver medal in the Eastern Ontario sectionals. Denise and her mother attended the cele- brations at the Ali Baba following the. - petition. Co ulations. Mr. Eric visited with Mr. Mrs. Jim Locke an family in Newmarket on". Sunday evening on his way to Orangeville where he is currently attending a seminar at the Ontario Hydro Con- ference Centre. Prince Albert by Earline Armstrong Get well wishes and a cheerie "hello" to Eileen Hodgins who is a patient in Toronto General Hospital. Hope your stay is short but sweet. Eleven euchure were filled at the Community Centre in Prince Albert on Thursday evening Feb. 24, ladies high was Mary Williamson, second was Georgena McLaughlin and low was Gertie Dennie, now on the mens side, well the men sure needed the ladies help and they got it. High was Myrtle Alsop, second was Edna Manns and low was Charlie Mc- Laughlin (a ladies man himself). Come again next Thursday evening March 3 and you men come too, don't leave it all up to poor Charlie. Doors open at 8 o'clock. Congratulations and good luck to Ron and Betty Deeth on the open- ing of their new store at highway 7 and 12 in Manchester. I am sure the people of Man- chester will find this handy and more than friendly. Helen and Jack Holtby on Quaker Road spent last week end with relatives in Coneord, - Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Clint - Chambers, and David, Shirley, Rob, Neil and Denise . along with -- 'Bonnie and John travell--: ed up to Palgrave én Saturday night and attended a surprise birthday party for Cathy Elford, their daughter. : If you can't find any- thing to do on Saturday tables of evening March 5, Prince Albert Hall is open for a euchure party, in aid of Prince Albert U.C.W. It starts at 8 o'clock. Come on out and help the girls of the U.C.W. A fair crowd were out to church this morning in Prince Albert, it was a pleasure to see Flor- ence Smith in her blue gown once again. Sylvia Lindsay did a terrific job singing in French, Hymn 41, "Thine is the Glory". One never knows another ones talent till you go to church on Sundays. The Sunday School was filled as always, sometimes I wonder where they all come from on Sunday morning. Please rem- ember World Day of Prayer is on Friday, March 4 at the Anglican Church in Port Perry. Remember Vanny and Dale Patammavong they resided on King St. and just moved to Oshawa recently, well they had a son on Feb. 16, Peter they call him. He is a brother for Tom and Wendy. Congratu- lations you two. Happy Anniversary to Eva and Grant Hunter. They were 40 years wed on Sunday Feb. 27. Prince Albert sends their best to you down thereinthes Sunday evening callers with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong and Mrs. Len "Gan - from, 'Oshawa, and°Mr', and Mrs. Gene Peat'son from Brooklin plus Mr. Roy Pearson from North Bay. Please call Ilean Pugh with your news next week, just dial 985-2146. The February meeting of Scugog Island Women's Institute was held in Scugog Hall. President Janis Richardson opened the meeting with Ode and" Collect. This was educa- tion and cultural affairs meeting. Roll Call was what local cultural events do you support? Motto- Cultural activities broaden our horizons. Marylin Fitchet gave a reading on this topic. Lynda Parry introduced our guest speaker- Mr. Les Parks, set designer of the Borelians, who gave us a very in- teresting insight into the work involved in making Scugog Island W.. a play a success. He was thanked by Margaret Morrow. .- We were reminded of a RSVP leadership sefainar, March 31, at Holiday Inn. Gave dona- tions to 4H Club, and the proceeds of our July Auc- tion sale are to go to the Port Perry Hospital building fund. Meeting closed with O'Canada and lunch. HELPFUL HINTS A handy pin cushion is a bar of soap. Needles and pins stuck in the soap also lubricates them so that they will go through stiff fabrics with ease. A a a TT TREN ea STREET SN vii Son SEES SRG a Hi AI WA UN sii