NL La) FRO RANE La LLANES bag OE A MREEE, LES NCAR IRCA Sf Rt. bh HAN A .O8 LAY TP rd XA Ls BN fa BRON Ty CASE SE ES AR Ee a SLE RR 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tuesday, March 1, 1983 Lending A Helping Hand Members of the Durham Region Police force were Good Samaritans last week on Queen Street when a woman locked her keys in the car. In no time at all, by using a coat-hanger and some patience, the police had the doors open and the lady was on her way. HELPFUL HINTS For glass table tops - rub a little lemon juice - dry with paper towels and shine with newspaper for a sparkl- ing table. ALL TYPES - ALL MAKES | PHILIPS Sov r| STEREOS & HI-FI'S 214BLOORST.E. NEED PHOTO COPIES? "Serving Port Perry & Area for the past 15 years." PARKSIDE We can do STE *{ Je] them for you! PORT PERRY STAR FACTORY AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTRE FOR: 235 Queen Street PHILIPS -RCA-ZENITH-TOSHIBA-HITACHI -LLOYDS . 985-7383 MICROWAVE OVEN SERVICE during our March Special!! PATTERNS (EXCLUDING VOGUE) with Fabric Purchase (Other Than Sale Items) MODERN TEXTILES (NEXT TO LUKE'S COUNTRY STORE) 203 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY - 985-3221 ® Sewing Machines Serviced ® Custom Dressmaking IB NEW STORE HOURS: & Alterations Monday through Saturday - 10 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. ELL . ¢ Lay BLS Ae vd FERROUS RVR SARL PALEY CVRURMSE TAT AYR SN 7 Na BG TEN QI WA ra - Free tax help in comes in many different forms When Revenue Canada, Taxation drops 14.6 million personalized income tax returns into mail boxes across the country, it begins the largest single mailing undertaken by any organization, public or private this year. That personalized tax return and the instructions ac- companying it are in- tended to help Canada's 15 million tax filers com- plete their tax returns as easily and as accurately as possible. But in addition to the tax return and guide there is more help available from Revenue Canada, Taxation each tax filing season - help that is free and that can even save you money on the taxes you owe. In addition to the tax free telephone enquiry service available from the Department's 31 district taxation offices (long distance dialing instructions are included on the back of the tax guides) there are free publications, a Teaching Taxes program for schools, a volunteer pro- gram that helps the 'disadvantaged, as well as films, public service announcements and a television program. Why? Because Canaga's tax system operates on the principle of self assessment, a system that depends on taxpayers to report their income and calculate the tax they owe. To help taxpayers meet the requirements of the tax laws, and to be sure they claim all the deductions and exemp- tions they are entitled to, Revenue Canada, Taxa- tion tries to provide all the help it can. A series of tax infor- mation pamphlets treats various aspects of tax law in simple, non- technical language. For example, did you know that as parents you may be eligible to claim certain child care ex- penses or that as a single parent you may be able to claim the equivalent- to-married exemption for a dependent child? Two pamphlets, Income Tax and The Single Parent or Income Tax and Child Care Expenses should be required reading if you are in either of those situations. Are you familiar with the special deductions and exemptions for senior citizens? Income Tax and the Senior Citizen outlines them clearly. Interested in the tax advantages of Registered Retirement Savings Plan or Registered Home Ownership Savings Plans? Pamphlets on RRSPs and RHOPs ex- plain the rules relating to both of these savings plans. Other pamphlets treat subjects such as rental income, capital gains, students and com- mission earnings. Another series, entitl- ed You Were Asking, treats subjects requiring shorter explanations. You Were Asking how to declare Canada Savings Bond interest, and You Were Asking how to claim the child tax credit are two examples. The professionals, lawyers, accountants and others practicing in the taxation area, take advantage of the Depart- ment's Interpretation Bulletins and Informa- tion Circulars. Written in technical terms, these publications provide in- depth treatment of specific tax rules and regulations. People who for reasons of age, health or language, are not able to complete their own tax returns or obtain help elsewhere, can take ad- vantage of the assistance available through Revenue Canada's volunteer program. Through this program, tax officers train com- munity volunteers who in turn offer their services free-of-charge to people in their community or community associations who need help complete- ing their tax returns. Last year more than 1,000 volunteers were trained by District Tax Offices and each in turn helped an average of forty-five people. Of the 45,000 people who took advantage of this pro- gram, a large percen- tage were senior citizens. Revenue Canada is also interested in future generations. This is why for more than a decade the Department has been producing a program en- titled Teaching Taxes. This program enables secondary school teachers and college in- structors to teach the basic principles of taxa- tion to their students who learn how the tax system works and how to fill out a tax return property. In this way the students become more familiar with the Canadian tax system in preparation for the time when they will be required to pay tax. In 1982, approximately 10,000 teachers took part in this program, reaching about 500,000 studens. In addition to these programs the tax depart- ment has free films available on the history of tax, the ways it cat- ches tax cheaters and how it processes tax returns. And during March and April it pro- duces public service material including a half-hour television pro- gram on how to fill out an income tax return. There you have it. Revenue Canada offers a wide variety of free in- formation material and valuable teaching aids to those of you who may want to reduce your taxes; the rest is up to you! Congratulations to the following students: Vocal - Candy Steven- son with 83 marks placing highest in Class 65; Girls solo - 15 years and under. Lynette Jackson with 84 marks placing high- est in Class 69; Girls solo - any age under 18 years with less than 2 years study. Mandy Burnet - with 80 marks in Girls solo; 16 to 18 years. Mandy Burnet and Lynette Jackson with 84 marks also the highest in Class 72; Girls duet - over 15 years. Piano - Danny Sluggett with 83 marks in Class 2 - Older beginners - 10 years and under Lisa Bailey with 81 _ marks in Class 15 (C); Grade VI - 13 years and under. Lisa Bailey with 85 marks the highest in Class 22; Quick Study. Lisa also has com- pleted her Grade VI Royal Conservatory examination in Piano with an Honours mark of 78. These are pupils of Audrey Beauchamp. Congratulations are extended to the follow-" ing piano students of Mrs. Janice White who participated at the Sunderland Music Festival. Beginners - 7 years and under - Joshua Bramham - 84 percent - Third place; Emily Stone - 82 percent; Alison White - 83 per- cent. Grade 1 - Tim White - 86 percent - First place. Duet - 8 years and under - Tim and Alison White - 82 percent. Sunderland Music Festival Results Grade II - Sarah Douglas - 86 percent - Second place. Grade III - Julia Crox- all - 85 percent - Third place; Jason Cooper - 84 percent; Jessica Luke - 83 percent; Carrie Maiwer - 82 percent. Grade IV - Serena Wood - 79 percent. Grade VII - Laura Dobson - 87 percent - First place. Grade VIII - Robert Dobson - 81 percent. The 27th Annual Sunderland Lion's Club Music Festival was held Feburary 17 to February 25th. The first place con- testants will perform at the Festival of the Stars, Feb. 28th, March 1, 2, 3, at 7:30 p.m. Students of Eleanor Bailey received the following marks: PIANO- Grade 1- Karen Mahoney 79; Older Beginners- Brett Free 88; First Place- Maria Dorig 84; Grade 2- Mai- ja Hammett 80; Grade 3- Terri-Lynn Geer 80; Grade 4- Clay Hammett 79; Special Class less than 2 years study- Joanne Desautels 81. SINGING- Girls Solo- 10 years, Janet Stachow 83; First Place, Andrea Swain 80; Third Place, Girls Solo- 13 years, Paige Whyte 83; First Place, Girls Solo- 15 years, Brenda Gundry 81; Third Place, Girls Duet, 15 years and under- Paige Whyte and Lisa Bailey 82; First, An- drea Swain and Janet Stachow 80; Second, Girls Solo, 16-18 years- Lynn McLaughlin and Hilary Fairburn 82; Se- cond Place (tie) Girls Duet, over 15 years- Hilary Fairburn and Lynn McLaughlin 82. SECOND- Hilary Fair- burn recently completed Grade One Theory, Royal Conservatory of Music with a First Class Honours mark of 84. Congratulations to all! The following results from the piano classes of the Sunderland Fes- tival, held February 17th - 18th are from the studio of Mrs. Janice Groves. Beginners - "Funny Bunny' - Megan Ballard - 85 - 2nd place; Matthew Coyne - 81; Jennifer Hunter - 80. Older Beginners - "Trumpets" - Nicole Symington - 83. Grade One - "Sleepy Kitten' - Jennifer Geer - 82; Kim Oke - 81; Lesley Davis - 80; Carrie Saunders - 80. Grade Two - 'Ukranian Folk Song" - Tanya Ballard - 82; Quinn Sutherland - 80. Special Class - "Landler" - Stephanie Coyne - 81. Grade Five - "Sleigh Ride" - Jennifer Fowler - 82 - 2nd place. Grade Five - "San- atina" - Krista Hazel- wood - 81; Molly Morris - 81. Duet - 8 years "Chiming Clock" - Lesley Davis and Megan Ballard - 84 - 2nd place; Carrie Saunders and Kim Oke - 84 - 2nd place. Duet - 10 years - 'Merry Dance' - Tanya Ballard and Quinn Sutherland - 79. Duet - 12 years - "Minuet and Trio' - Jennifer Fowler and Molly Morris - 84 - 1st place. IAB es A SE KN dB A OMS ot tr lt A AI ST NES A RA EA a ain