ES Sas il VN EE TR Rt BS MEN HE SA is er Ph ad SLE Te J sa AF ARLEN PRES HS ad ER ARAT AE LHR OA Pee LOST A Blackstock news by Joyce Kelly Telephone callers in this area should beware. Our new computerized system is not working up to par. The caller often hears up to seven rings going into the house before the receiver hears one. Bell Canada realizes the problem and is trying to repair it. In the mean- time don't hang up too soon. Congratulations to Julie Turcotte and Joseph Young who were married recently. All the best to you. Blackstock and District Lions Club would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank the prin- cipal and teachers of both C.C.P.S. and R.H. Cornish for making White Cane Week such a huge success. Mr. Roy Norton from Bowman- ville along with his seeing-eye dog Omara, spoke to the Grade 6 students about his life as a blind mechanic. It is only through the co- operation of the prin- cipals and teachers like these that children can be made aware of the value of eyesight and the handicap of blindness. On Sunday the O.N.O. held their annual Skating Party at the Arena. Many members and their families enjoyed skating and the delicious Pot Luck Supper which followed. Sympathy is extended to Ann Taylor on the re- cent passing of her brother-in-law. Next Sunday, Feb. 20th at 7 p.m. Vernon and Vera Asselstine will be showing their slides of their recent trip to Japan. This travelogue will be in the rec centre. A collection will be taken for the benefit of Minor Hockey in Blackstock. Rev. and Mrs. Victor Parsons and Linda were " Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and girls. Linda stayed for a weekend visit with son of Aurora was also a visitor with the Kellys and attended several special events in the area, with her local date. Miss Sheri Henderson of Sarnia was an over- night Saturday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey and family. She and Howard Bailey attended a German-Canadian Stu- dent exchange meeting in Toronto on Saturday. They both spoke to this year's exchange students about their experience in Germany last year. At the United Church, hymn books and service books were given as a memorial in memory of Stanford Van Camp by his family. Reader was- Elizabeth Kelly. The choir sang 'All He Asks of Me."" A thought pro- voking sermon on the sabbath was preached by Rev. Davis. During this past week there were two fine public speaking contests held at the Public School. On Wed., the Junior Pupils held their contest with Yvonne Christie, Mrs. Hewitt, School Nurse, and Mr. Rutledge, principal, Prince Albert School, ac- ting as judge. Speakers were- 1. Jennifer Flet- cher who spoke on Paradise; 2. Darryl Leatherdale - School; 3. Tanya McLean - Cats; 4. Tyler McKee - My Life as a Carpet; 5. Sherry Masterson - Magic' 6. Vicki Schrybert - Ringette; 7. Julie Corden - My Week at Camp Quin-Mo-Lack; 8. Kevin Gibson - Music; 9. Cindy Leach - TV; 10. Esther Kelly - When my Sister Learns to Drive; 11. Tyler James - First Race for Sue Ellen; 12. Chris Chorostecki - First Time -at Camp. The judge's a Esther. Cheryl Thomp- decision was that first prize was won by Tanya McLean with Cindy Leach and Vicki Schrybert as runners-up. On Thurs. the In- termediate Contest was held with W.J. Fairburn District Area Superinten- dent, Mrs. M. Van Camp, Cartwright High School and Mrs. A. Farquar, At- tendance Counsellor ac- ting as judges. Speakers were- 1. Dar- ryl Bradt - Ice Boating; 2. Wanda Veldman - Amerexia Nervosa; 3. Nancy Green - My Ex- periences Cross-Country Running; 4. Sean Water- son - The Lemur; 5. Min- dy Kellow - Dieting; 6. Mike Bosley - Walt Disney; 7. Clair McKen- zie - My Experiences with Horses; 8. Lynne Moore - Growing Up. Winners were declared as- 1. Mike Bosley; 2. Claire McKenzie. Con- gratulations to all the speakers who did such a fine job. Glad to report that Mrs. Jean Mahaffy has returned home from Bowmanville Hospital and is continuing to recuperate at home. Word has been receiv- ed of the passing of Rev. George Hambly of Win- nipeg. Mr. Hambley was born in Cartwright Township in Purple Hill and had lived a very il- lustrious life. He . his nineties at the time of his passing. 'Mark Graham and Harold Wright returned home on Saturday from a two-week vacation in Jamaica. Tara Bailey enjoyed a week's vaca- tion in Florida, along with Virginia Frew. They stayed with Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew at their Florida home. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin entertained Mr. and Mrs. Ted McLaughlin of Fenelon Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ashton of Hayden, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McLaughlin of Blackstock. On Sunday, Roy. th along with Deb Vice visited Harold Wright of Oshawa who has just returned home from hospital. Dr. Eva Mennen will speak on Nutrition on Thurs. Feb. 24th. This talk will be combined with some yoga classes. The evenings will be held every other Thursday for four sessions. Scales will be available for anyone who wishes to have regular weigh-ins for this time. For further infor- mation, call Joan Graham 986-4856. Dave Ellis, Beth Schrybert and Tamie (DeMerchant) Chilco will be all appearing in the up-coming play Nurse Jane Goes to Hawaii produced by the Borelians the last weekend in Feburary and the first of March. The February meeting of the Afternoon Unit of the U.C.W. was held at the home of Flora Samells with 16 ladies at- tending. The meeting began with dessert pro- vided by the hostess and her helper Aileen Byers. The meeting followed with the leader Jean Adams reading General McArthur's Youth Credo that he always carried with him. Jean Ferguson had the devotion and read John 3, and an in- teresting comment on the Lost Pearl. The hymn O Love How Deep was sung, followed by of- fering and prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Sec. Aileen Byers. The "business consisted of plans for the next general meeting on Feb. 23rd, at 9:30 in the church. World Day of Prayer was announced for March 4th in the Anglican Church, Presbyterial in Port Perry on March 8th and a Bible Society meeting in the Anglican Church 7:30 Feb. 17th with a speaker. Plans were also made for the Federation of Agriculture banquet on March 11th. Dora Martyn handed out blocks for a crib quilt as there are two ordered. Thelma Wright took for the theme- the South Pacific Island. With the aid of maps and different - ladies reading short ac- counts of some of these many islands, much was learned about that part of the world. Concern is felt that many countries are doing nuclear tests here. Next meeting will be one week later. The meeting closed with prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rodman, Wilson and Blair of Little Britain: were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and family. The Senior Citizen's card party on Tues. evening had eleven tables with the following winners: 1. Adam Sharpe - 94; 2. Edith Burgess - 87; 3. Richard Manns - 79; 4. Dorothy Edwards - 78; 5. Florence Larmer - 77; 6. Lorna Swain - 77; Low- Russel Larmer. Draws- 1. Adam Sharpe. 2. Agnes Prescott. 3. Percy Van Camp. OFFICE SUPPLIES For All Your Requirements PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 a Ne Sa LIES A We aN I ee Tue' 4 ' + » Yai v CHECKLIST OFurniture OFiles OMachines OSundry Supphes OPencils (Ball Pens OType Writer Ribbons OCarbon Paper OFigunng Pads OScratch Pads DPaper Clips (Staples OAdding Machine Rolls OCellulose Tape OColumnar Pads OAccount Pads OSteno Pads Order today! foixon FaberCastel Laser Super . 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