8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 8, 1983 Shannon places near top in two modelling competitions Six year old Shannon Brown of Port Perry took part in the Modelling Association of Canada competitions held January 27 to 29 at the Westbury Hotel in Toronto. The competitions are open to students from across Canada who are enrolled in private voca- tional schools of modelling. In front of an interna- tional panel of judges, Shannon placed first runner-up in the modell- ing division and first runner-up in the TV com- mercial division. Shannon is a student of TINTS Conditioner incl. EN 176 Perry St., Port Perry 985-2532 Due to our successful January Specials, we are continuing them through February! CHILDREN'S CUTS...... $3.00- $5.00 & up OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK! This offer expires Mondays, Tuesdays, February 28, 1983. Wednesdays Fridays P| EASE CALL onus OR DROP IN! UrAaYS Ask for Carol, 9 AM. to 3PM. Carolyn or Linda. the Inta Leja School of Modelling in Whitby. Although still waiting for that first "big break' into TV and other com- mercials, Shannon is no stranger to the bright lights as she won a trophy in the Canadian Hemisphere Pageant last July and will com- pete in the same com- petition this summer in both Canada and the United States. Last fall, she was part of a major fashion show at the Oshawa Centre and will take part in the Centre's spring show. She has been inter- viewed on television and has been accepted by an agent for "New Faces" in Toronto for acting. Yelverton news by Harvey Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm and Mr. Ronnie Sharman spent Saturday-Sunday in Kitchener-Waterloo. The occasion was a birthday observation for Miss Mona Malcolm in residence at Waterloo University. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm attended a Meat Packers Council Convention in Toronto this week at the Royal York Hotel. The Harvey Malcolms attended the retirement party honouring Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moffat ONTARIO ENERGY RESOURCES Government Certified Home Insulation 500° Chip Grants available if your home was built before 1971 CALL COLLECT: (416) 683-4199 hadiiieafiie adie odie JGR. GEA. GER. gia. ama aaa a aa a on i Annual Furniture Sale! on Don's retirement as Vice President of United Cooperation after approx. 30 years employment with the company. This was held at the Ramada Inn, Dixie Road on Monday evening, Jan.31, 1983. The Moffats were recipients of a nature painting by Robert Bateman as well as a collection of prints by the same artist. On Tuesday evening, the Directors of the UCO were dinner guests of the Directors of the Ont- ario Federation of Agric. The getting together of these two organizations, each actively engaged in serving Ontario farmers and their dis- cussion concerning their mutual interests can be nothing but beneficial to those they deem to serve. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Quackenbush and Gilford spent the week end with Mr. Murray Quackenbush at Elliott Lake recently. Create that Country Look in Your Home ~ Now at SALE ENDS: SAT., FEB. 12th *All Solid Oak & Pine Furniture *All Lamps & Light Fixtures in stock DOIT TODAY - ORDER YOUR Custom-Built Furniture EXE Settlement House ... in theHeart of Port Perry 183 Queen Street-985-8234 ER SN RA Six-year old Shannon Brown is working hard at her goal to break into the tough world of child modelling. Shannon recently finished in high standing in modelling competitions held in Toronto. (See story) Stereo stolen A Scugog Township man had about $950 in stereo equipment and cassette tapes stolen from his car parked in the lot last Thursday evening behind the LCBO building in Port DEEGAN } Denture Therapy Clinic | 305 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY -- OPEN -- BY APPOINTMENT ONLY! © Tuesday & Thursday z= Evenings - 6:30 P.M. Perry. You don't have to be Top 500" to get the same kind of health coverage. "A Blue CHIP Package is for groups of 3 or more. Write for a brochure or call direct Michael Good Oshawa, ="(416) 433-5541 5760-17 Ontario L1G 4W5 ONTARIO BLUE CROSS