CARS LAS GTA a Ho ap SEE TARA LAKE RE TSR ji o a J. IV ANAT ES ba SE EE «Nat wre SNe SLE its. 5; KO 7a] ok XL ed BIAS Ras TF 10 > ahi Rh A ES A Re A ws Over 800 kids will compete at Sunderland Music Festival The Sunderland Lion's Music Festival will open Thursday, February 17th at 9:00 a.m. and close Friday, February 25th. The Festival Class en- tries closed with a record pete Thursday and Fri- day, February 17th and 18th with three sessions eachday. Mr. Frederick Pritchard, L.R.S.M. A.R.C.T. will adjudicate Night' Thursday even- ing at Brock High School auditorium in Cann- ington at 7:00 p.m. Eight bands ranging from grade 7 students through secretaries- Mrs. Marilyn Smith and Mrs. Jeanne Bryan - sup- ported by the whole Sunderland Lions' Club. Sunderland Lions are a oe aad had Lo 3 Poo ARCH RETR Bg Te ST bee 4 PR A Sy -. - - A TA at i het'? Phd Re - Pianists from beginners senior high school will very proud of this project BARNBOARD PANELLING 3 802 entries made up of to A.R.C.T. students. pepefit from the ad- and are grateful for the Grey, looks like real barn boards Fo 240 for piano, 158 for in- Instrumental classes judication of Mr. support and assistance of or strumental and 404 for will compete on Wednes- T,egnard Dunelyk, Regional Boards of Reg. $17.05 Sale: 15.35 Es vocal. Thisrepresentsan day and Thursday, L.RS.M., B. Mus, M.A. Education and all To oa) increase of 100 entries February 23rd and 24th. The vocal entriesrang- teachers involved. The SUPER ELM PANELLING: RI over 1982 and means that Daytime sessions will be ing from solos to full various local organiza- Luan (plywood) backing. ' hexl, over 2700 students and held at the Sunderland school choirs will run tions, businesses, and in- In stock only. Suggested List $17.20 oh musicians will benefit United Church, Wednes- gach day from Monday, dividuals who provide Special P from professional day evening at the jst, to Friday the 25th. the trophies and awards pecial Purchase adjudication. Sunderland Township Trained voices are are also a vital part of Sale Price. . . .. sheet 11.50 Piano classes will com- Hall, and the 'Big Band scheduled for Monday the Festival. 24 HR evening the 21st. The winners of each ' . Mr. Walter Morrow, class receive their A Road Service -A.R.C.T.,, A. Mus, will trophy or award at a MART Ni7 adjudicate all vocal series of concerts called ' classes. the "Festival of Stars" AVERS Fe IN Bus.: 985-8707 The Lions Music held in Sunderland : Festival Chairman is Township Hall, -- -- ora y Mr. Stan Durward, February 28th, March = : aa ne cou rs RAY S TOWING assisted by two 1st, 2nd and 3rd. [| Yi 7 : ATH CAA PORT PERRY A i bh phy a RES 50 Soe shburn news 0s femmemmmnnnn **SPECIAL** --eeoeeeeeee by Mrs. E. Heron or the evining were | : y oO The community utiful slides shown i S $2 00 OFF r centre annual meeting by Ken Brown of SIeh LADDERS rs & © . v was held on January 26 "Florida" which was a sturd : at light. DY od Any Boost or Towing 2 at 8 p.m. The new board flower show that took Wr ol " Ltd B- (ONEPER Offer expires March 31 St of managers for the placeinseveral gardens Serrated safety 4 ol O CUSTOMER) 1983, | centre are: Lois Daw, in Holland last year. steps. eighs CLIP& SAVE comme Margaret Mathews, Ken was there and his 5 irom Se Betty Emm, Grace comments on his slides 5 Hopkins, Moyra Griffin, made them very $33.30 Sally Gilles, Jim Hop- interesting. 6' from 8 from : > 2 kins, Gordon Johnstone, The Kirk Guild held $39.15 $70.25 PREMIUM PAINT THAT LASTS AND LASTS! ' ho Barbara Williamson, the February open : : i \ Mike Beer, Dorothy meeting on Feb. 1st. 1%) Beer, Barb Porter, Gail Margaret Mathews, Bl Gray, Jackie Wright, president conducted the GR Susan Demario, Irene meeting. Margaret TALE : : Mcllan, Marian Slater, Davis read the new slate ron Rose Reid and Bob of officers and conduct- : ip ECONO PAK MEAL Griffin. ed the election of [En EVERY FRI. SAT. a SUN. There was a euchre on officers and gave each "aiaper 4 : : Jan 27th. Six tables member a red carnation orders. : 9 pieces of golden chicken Dlayed and the winners With good wishes for the Approx. one RY f mily ffench fries were- ladies 1st Joy coming year. Margaret day delivery. Fu 2med. salads o your choice Bright, 2nd Jean also gave Margaret & oi SE Ci Hodgins, mens - 1st Gino Mathews a lovely WALLBOARD 15 % OFF Rh 7 Constantino, 2nd Jim bouquet of carnations as 2" x4' x8 sheet ..... ea. 4 99 ae : Lynde. Lone hands prize out-going president to 35 AES went to Don Wood. The recognize the very hard RSIS Phone ahead for CHICKEN & SEAFOOD. SUPER FAST TAKE OUT SERVICE door prize to Don Guthrie and the 50-50 draw went to Wilma Lynde. The next euchre will be held on February CANADA PERMANENT TRUST CO. 'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: DON FORDER INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. work she has done during her time of office. Barbara Porter, the new president, took the chair and thanked Margaret Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Westfall, Heather and Trevor of Hamilton visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. Gardner and Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Drew Leaper and son, Ian of Mississauga spent Sat- urday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron. The February WMS meeting was held at the home of Catherine Fisher. Thc opening devotions were taken by Jean McEntyre, who gave a helpful message on the 23rd psalm. The program was given by LIGHT All Styles FIXTURES A 7 PAINT ROLLERS & TRAYS 7'/2" Roller &JTray Set Spec. 3.69 9'2" Roller & Tray Set Spec. 4.88 { x 10th at 8 p.m. Margaret Davis as past ; fi: 136 WATER ST. There was a good presidents for their very 5 or i 7 PORT PERRY attendance at Horti- sincere work for the " 1 985-9009 culture on Wed. Jan. guild in the past years. "AN 3: 26th. The main feature ARMRAN : OFF STRING LINE SUSPENDED \5 CEILING GRID - SYSTEM '| "J WALL ANGLE MOLDING The easy do-it- yourself ceiling for rec rooms, family rooms, etc. r Port Per 985-8471 Ray Death who shared a Easy to install 2 x 4' ER 30 Wate Street, ort Pe ry tape by Elizabeth Elliot. ceiling tile sheets in ER The hostess served a a variety of designs. bh 7) lovely lunch and a social CAA time was enjoyed. |] the Permanent Canada Permanent Trust Company Canada Permanent Mortgage Corporation CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY Some items may be in limited quantities Subject to prior sale LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) Rev. McEntyre's message at Burns Church last Sunday 22 KING STREET WEST - OSHAWA, ONTARIO morning was "The : 728-9482 Motto of a Moving building PORT PERRY, ONTARIO - 985-7391 ~~ Church Church ce ROOF TRUSS DIVISION CALL 985-3121 inn - i "Members Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation. School next Sunday at 10 3 B.A, 800 dhs sevice X Quay PRODUCTS 3 COMPETITIVE PRICING welcome.