ah hk by Marilyn Beacock If what Mr. Groundhog tells us is true, we can expect an early spring. this year. To date, at least, I'd say we've been very pampered this winter with the relatively mild temperatures and the almost total lack of snow. We've had March weather almost since Oc- tober. Although the avid snowmobilers and skiers are lamenting this exceptional winter, a great many of our older folks are applauding it for they do not have to concern themselves with travelling on slippery walkways and shovelling out the driveway. I also imagine our oilman has noticed a considerable reduction in his business as well. Old Man Winter, I doubt very much, is go- ing to bow out without at least one great huff and puff of blowing snow and drifts before he calls it quits for this year! The flowers in our sanctuary on Sunday morning were placed there in loving memory by the family of the late Mr. Rick Geer of Utica. Rick met with a tragic farm accident last week near Utica and as a result, another young man has has lost his life in our area. The passing of this per- sonable and well- respected young man has left an unesteemable void in the family of Bruce and Marie Geer and their three remain- ing sons. His memory will also be treasured by his grandparents- Mrs. Myrtie Stone, Mrs. Dora Geer and Mr. Hugh Strong, as well as a host of aunts, uncles and cousins. We extend our sympathy to each of them. Congratulations and our very best wishes go out to our neighbours John and Noreen Ball who are celebrating twenty-five years of wedded bliss! We all join in wishing this young couple another forty years of happy times! Don and I and the boys were delighted to have as our guests last weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Beacock, Darryl and Tammie of Elmvale. "Happy greetings to Mrs. Ruth Rodgers, as she wasn't able to attend church at Seagrave on Sunday, her faithful and honest hus- band deposited the coins in our birthday box for her! The Seagrave com- munity was saddened to learn of the untimely passing of the late Mrs. Cliff Midgely of Green- bank. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. Midgely and daughter Janie and to their son and wife- Maurice Midgely and family of Port Perry. The Country Cousins Couples Club are making plans for a novice night to be held in the Green- bank United Church on Sat. Feb. 12 at 8:00 p.m. '"The more the merrier" as the saying goes, so be 'birthday Seagrave and area news sure to mark that date on your calendar and join in for a fine evening of entertainment. Follow- ing the novices, there will delectable goodies - sounds terrific to me, hope you can join in! Couples planning to at- tend from Seagrave are requested to call Mrs. George Obey at 985-8321. Don and I were pleas- ed to have dinner with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Les Beacock on Saturday evening. Of course the boys were along too, to check out Grandma's cookie cupboard. On Sunday, the In- termediate class of our Sunday School decided to spend the sunny after- noon trying their blades out on a clear patch of ice down the road from us. After a couple of hours of basking, a poor defenseless puck around the all came back to our home for the ususal mug of hot chocolate and munchies. One things for certain, any of the N.H.L. goalies needn't lose any sleep over being turfed from the league because yours truly is on the scene!. You know the old adage about "If you can't beat em -- join em!" Well that sums it up for me -- being the mother of three active young boys does not in- clude playing house and dressing dolls -- no way -- I'm a part-time goalie instead! A couple of dates con- cerning church services to keep in mind are the- Baden-Powell Scout and Guide Service which this year will be hosted by the Greenbank United Church on Sun. Feb. 20th. On Sun. Feb. 27th we will be very pleased to have as our guests the Uxbridge Junior Choir. Please circle those dates folks! The U.C.W. ladies will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.L. Wanamaker on Wed. Feb. 9th at 8: 00 p.m. All ladies of the community wishing to attend will be warmly welcomed. The ladies of the Seagrave United Church will be hostessing the an- nual World Day of Prayer service on Fri- day, March 4th at 2:00 p.m. The special guest speaker for this occasion will be- Mrs. Reuben Goertz of Oshawa. This lady is a terrific speaker and it will be well worth your time to attend. The Good Neighbours Group are once again sponsoring a programe of exercising to music. If- you've got a spare tire or two that you'd like to deflate, before you don your nice slim spring suit, you will be in- terested to know that registration will begin at 10 a.m. until noon on Sat. Feb. 19th at the Seagrave Church. The registration fee will remain the same as last time - $25.00. Our instructor will be Mr. Brian McKay. Roy and Lillian Smith wish to remind all of the ME Ra A ts SF 0 oA CAR AE Ts VY FT CTIA Ny TE SET APR 33. MN YUNL ES PS i zr R Fy HE » 9.2, iv 3 . Le EE AI MIRE poy un of Sra Te - AXA SRA SR NL - tei. v ' r » ih , s A ' od . dy RATT RT ANRIOAT TR ABE 0 ing atta AS TER hh ot St PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 8, 1983 -- 29 gang who usually get a soon as possible if you Pickerel Derby has come were as follows: 1st- ing 8 1b. 14 oz.; 2nd- Rod 3 together to celebrate the would like to join them. toa close. Thederbyran Evan (Blackie) Albert of Jones, Seagrave, with his 5 numerous birthdays in The first annual from Dec.1,1982toJan. Pleasant Point with his catch tallying up to 7 lbs. id February to contact him Seagrave Body Shop 31, 1983. The winners catch weighing a whopp- (Turnto page3l) = i: & i. AN AMAZING NEW ENERGY-SAVING IDEA. 4 3 § 2 z, Wo bis i: 9 ku bi Foy 3 ki § $i 5 9: i - re his man is a representative from Ontario Hydro's Residential Energy Advisory Program. (That's REAP for short). When it comes to using energy, you'll be amazed at what he knows. And what he knows can help you use energy wisely- and save money. A He'll tell you where you're using energy efficiently, and where youre not. And he'll do it right in your own home. He'll examine the level of insulation, the adequacy of your home's ventilation, your hot water usage, and tell you about electrical safety. He'll advise you on the best electric heating system to meet your needs, as well as loans and grants that can help you upgrade your present system. He'll give you a complete rundown, 0 including payback potential, of things you can do 2, Oo 0, i} Te pen yA Sind 2 to reduce your energy bills. And he'll doit all for free. There's absolutely no charge for a REAP survey. Call the TREAPT line Bowmanville Area (416) 623-2561 Newmarket Area (416) 895-8605 Fenelon Falls Area (705) 887-2134 Please call 8:30 am-4:30 pm, Monday-Friday.