Se -- TEE See we Ls rn 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues. February 8, 1983 Classified Ads Classified Deadline Monday 12:00 NOON PHONE 985-7383 ALL ADVERTISING: Must be (No Ad Changes after CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS: $3.00 first 15 words, 10* each word following. REPEAT: Second insertion of same ad... .... $2.50 for the first 15 words, 10* each word following. ARTWORK OR SPECIAL DESIGN LOGO .. EXTRA CHARGE. PROOF REQUIRED: Copy must be received no later than Thursday prior to insertion date. DISPLAY ADS: For rates or information please call 985-7383. before 12:00 Noon Monday. DEADLINE FOR ALL ADVERTISING: MONDAYS - 12 NOON paid for in cash or by Visa Monday 10:00 AM.) Card of Thanks Thanks to staff, nurses and technicians of Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital, and especially thanks to Dr. Hammett for their kindness and integrity towards me. Mrs. Nancie Birk The family of the late Clarence Bryant wish to ex- press deep appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbours for their beautiful floral tributes, donations to charities of their choice, and many cards of sympathy during the passing of a loving hus- band, father and grand- father. Speclal thanks to . Rev. McEntyre, Beethoven and Rebecca Lodge and the R. Carson Funeral Home. The Bryant Family My sincere thanks to Dr. Hammett, all the kind Nurses of Port Perry Hospital, to the Ambulance Service and to Helen, Jean and Earl for their help at home. Ella Bowers The family of the late Edith Andrews wish to express their deep appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for their floral - tributes, donations to the Durham Region Lung Association and the many cards of sympathy during the passing of a dear wife, mother and grandmother. Special thanks to the Prince Albert U.C.W. for providing the lunch, Mr. Wagg and Son of McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home and sincere gratitude to Rev. Glenn Jackson for his comforting words. The Andrews Family We would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to all who made our 50's dance such a success. To the merchants who donated the prizes, The Ridge Runners Truck Club for their generous donation, and all who took part in the impromptu-."'Auction"_ and all who attended. Let's do it again soon! Central Seven The family of Rick Geer are so overwhelmed by the many acts of kindness shown us in our time of need. The many offers to do chores, meals, baking, fruit, flowers, donations, visits, cards, the Bible, the living memorial, pictures. To all the wonderful people who even stood to attend the funeral for our beloved Rick. To Rev. Edith Ann McManiman for such a com- forting service. Wagg Funeral Home for the kind- ness shown us. To the ladies who supplied and served the lunch, Utica Hall Board, also our fhanks to Fire Department, Ambulance, to Constable Schoenrick for his consideration. To Gail, Ar- nold, Lloyd and employees of Utica Farm Equipment, a special thank you for your support at this trying time. Thank you everyone Bruce (Dick) Marie, Dave, Dale and Randy Announcement Floyd and Vernona Beatty, Nestleton, are very pleased fo announce the engagement of their daughter Kelly, to Ken, son of Jean and Keith Sweetman, Port Perry. Wedding plans fo be an- at a later date. Announcement 1 | Mr. and Mrs. Keith Wilson "are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Joanne Patricia to Andrew Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Litt. The wedding will take place in Port Perry United Church on July 23, 1983. Birth STONE Paul and Lorna are happy to announce the birth of thelr baby daughter, Erin Catherine, born November 12, 1982 in North York General Hospital. A dear lit- tle baby sister for Jimmy. At Rest SMITH, Lorne Gordon at his home, in Port Perry, on Thursday, February 3, 1983. Lorne Smith, dearly loved husband of Jody Eade Smith, dear father of Laurie and Sheri, both at home. Loving son of Roy and Helen Smith of Port Perry, brother of Don Smith of Little Bri- tain. A private service was held at the Funeral Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port Perry. on Saturday, February 5, 1983. If desired, a donation may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society. RAINES, John Francis (retired clerk of the town of Port Perry) passed peacefully away at his home on Tuesday, February 1, 1983. John, in his 81st year, dearly loved husband of Lillian Pickard Raines of Port Perry, dear father of Ronald Raines of Port Perry, and predeceased by Allan. Loving brother of Violet Midgley of Port Perry, and predeceased by Guy Raines, Hilda Byers and Gus Raines. Loved grandfather of three grand- children. Complete service was held at the Funeral Chapel of McDermott- Panabaker, on Thursday, February 3, at 2p.m. Spring Interment at Pine Grove Cemetery. If desired, a donation may be made to a favourite church. ESPIE, Jessie Olive (Trevail) after a valiant fight against Cancer, she is finally at peace on Thurs- day, February 3, 1983. Jessie in her 86th year, beloved wife of Hugh Esple, loving mother of Paul of Halibur- ton, Karel (Mrs. J. Not- tingham) of Port Perry and Bruce predeceased, dear sister of Hilda (Mrs. W. King) of Oshawa, Sylvanus Trevail of Ayerscliffe, Quebec, Harry Trevail of Michigan, predeceased by Gertrude, John, Lavra, Ollie, Earl and her first hus- band Frank Petre. Step- mother of Mamie (Mrs. H. Canning) of Oshawa, Margaret (Mrs. T. Hender- son) Toronto. A wonderful gramma to 15 grandchlidren and many great grand- children, favourite aunt of Doris (Mrs. F. Vancott). i Complete service was held "at the Funeral Chapel of 1 McDermott-Panabaker on Saturday, February 5th at 3 p.m. Spring Interment, Pine Grove Cemetery. If desired a donation may be made to the Port Perry Community Hospital or the Central ; Seven Association. At Rest MIDGLEY, Durrell Emily at the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, February 2nd, 1983. Durrell Parkin Midgley, in her 62nd year. Dearly loved wife of Clifford Midgley of Seagrave, dear mother of Maurice of Port Perry and Brenda Jane of Seagrave. Loving grandmother of Lesa and Tammy. Sister of Josephine Carson of" Brooklin and Violet Linton of Raglan. Complete service was held at the Funeral Chapel of McDermott: Panabaker, Port Perry on Saturday, February 5th at 1:30 p.m. Spring Interment Pine Grove Cemetery. If desired, a donation may be made to a favourite charity. IVES FLORIST vm. 985-2525 166 WATER STREET PORT PERRY A Complete Line of Floral Art for All Occasions. Flowers Wired World Wide. In Memoriam . BROWN In loving memory of a dear wife, mother and grandma, Olive, who passed away February 12, 1981. Memories are like threads of gold Never tarnish or grow old Like Ivy on the withered oak 'When other things decay Our love for her will still be green And never fade away. Always remembered by Robert and Families Notice ROYAL Canadian Legion, Branch 419, 50-50 winner- G. Chamberlain $570. Seller- J. Olaisen $100. ATTENTION People who enjoy active sports, a St. John Ambulance Course will make it safer. Call Rick- 985-8897. If You See HOWARD BAILEY on February 11th Wish Him A BIRTHDAY! ATTENTION: Senior Citizens 10% Off Breakfast, Lunch & Coffee Monday thru Friday Only the DAIRY BAR on the waterfront Port Perry DOUPE In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Jim Doupe who passed away February 8, 1973. His thoughts unknown, Hap- py and Smiling Always content, loved and respected wherever he went Always thoughtful, willing and kind, these are the memories he left behind. Sadly missed by wife Leta and Family THOMPSON In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Gladys, who passed away February 8, 1978. Till memory fades and life departs You live forever in our hearts. Always loved and remembered by daughter Jean and Family Anyone who has money owing, or owes money to the LATE ARTHUR CHINN 0 "ARTHUR'S PAINTING" PLEASE CONTACT: Mrs. June Chinn COLLECT (416) 476-3386 ALSO... Anyone having any unfinished business, please call. Notice Notice Coming Events Coming Events iv Canadian Radio-television and Te Commission Conseil de la radiodifiusion et des éiécommunications canadiennes NOTICE The CRTC has received the following applications.' Uxbridge, Port Perry, Prince Albert, Manchester and Sur- rounding Area, Ontario. Application (822350500) by Compton Cable T.V. Ltd, Port Perry, Ontario to amend the licence for the broad- casting receiving undertaking serving the above-mentioned communities, by increasing the maximum monthly fee from $8. to $8.48 effective on the date of the decision and to $8.90 one year there- after; and the maximum in- stallation fee from $25. to $26.50 effective on the date of the decision and to $27.80 one year thereafter. The date of the last fee in- crease was 22 January 1982 (Decision CRTC 82-121). The application may be examined at: 159 Casimir St., Port Perry, Ontario. office hours. The examination files may be inspected at the local addresses shown and at the CRTC, Central Building, Les Terrasses de la Chau- diere, Room 561, Hull, Intervention: any interested person may submit a written intervention to the Secretary General, CRTC, Ottawa, Ont. K1A ON2 and by serving a true copy of the intervention upon the applicant on or before 25 February, 1983. The intervention shall contain a clear and concise statement of the relevant facts and the grounds upon which the inter- venor's support for, opposi- tion to or proposed modifica- tion of the application is based. The postal or messen- ger receipt should be attached to the copy for the CRTC, giving proof that the applicant has received its copy. (PN-83-11) Canada Thursday, Coming Events THE WORK of R. Ernest Jukes will be on exhibit In the Scugog Library from Jan. 29 to Feb. 19. F8 MAYBELLE Rebekah Lodge are holding two lun- cheons at the Lodge Hall on the Oshawa Road, on Wed. Feb. 16th. and March 16th. Times: 11:30a.m. - 1:30 and price $3.50 per person. F 8 HOSPITAL Auxiliary Euchre, Latcham Centre, Wednesday, February 16th, 1:30 p.m. Prizes, light lunch, $1.00 per person. Proceeds to Hospital Building Fund. FILM presentation on Crystal, Doulton dinnerware and figurines. Presented by Mr. R. Marsden of Pentland Jewellers. Sponsored by Port Perry U.C.W. Tuesday, March 1st - 7:30 p.m. in the United Church Auditorium. Free appraisals on old china and figurines. Lunch - door prizes - admission $2.00. For tickets call 985-2509 or 2559. F 22 PRINCE ALBERT Com- munity Centre annual meeting on Tues. February 15, at 8:15 p.m. Everyone welcome. Please plan to at- tend. F8 BLACKSTOCK and District Lions Club Dance, February 19th, 1983, 9 p.m. at the Blackstock Recreation Cen- tre. Music by Durham Coun- ty Line. $10 per couple. Tickets available at door or contact 986-4461. F115 YOUR TAXES and how to reduce them. Those who understand our tax laws - and take advantage of them - pay less tax than those who don't. Our one-day seminar - designed for the layman - shows you how. Conducted by J. Kent McKelvey. Next session: Holiday Inn, Oshawa, Saturday, February 19. Advance registration required. Our last session was sold out well In advance. For free brochure, call: Marion Mur- ray 985-8950 or Peggy McKelvey 655-3103. F8 UTICA Memory Hall annual meeting, Sunday, February 20th at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. F 15 LEGION BINGO The next Legion Bingo will be on February 17, 1983. Jackpot $150 in 50 numbers. Casey Harper was the winner. F115 bers. 19th, 1983. The Membership Search Committee of the DURHAM REGION DISTRICT HEALTH COUNCIL wishes to announce that there are openings for new persons wishing to serve as members in a voluntary capacity on the Durham Region District Health Council. The District Health Council is an eighteen member advisory body to the Ministry of Health on all matters related to health care planning within the Region of Durham. The full Council meets monthly and there are various sub-committees of Council that would require member participation. Approximately 10-15 hours of voluntary work per month would be required of mem- Applications from interested persons with a broad interest in 'health care within the community and who have the time and willingness to be a member of the District Health Council would be most welcome. Nominations of persons who you feel would have the interest and time would also be welcome. Please submit applications and/or nominations along with curriculum vitae to Chairman, Membership Search Committee, Durham Region District Health Council, 40 King Street West, Suite 300, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1A4 by no later than February BIG BROTHER Association of North Durham regular annual meeting, Thursday, Feb. 10th, 7:30 p.m. Council Chambers, Port Perry. Everyone welcome. F8 For Sale WHITE LAB pups, 6 weeks old, $60. 986-5300 after 6 p.m. ALLFLEX . animal ear tags, all sizes. Shur-gain dog pellets, 20 kg. Reg. $11.50 now $10.60 until Feb. 28/83. Sunflower seed, 50 Ib. Reg. $19.95 now $17.50. Marlows Feed Store, 40 Vanedward Dr., Port Perry, 985-7363. F 15 ONE PAIR African geese. Best offer. 852-3991 evenings. FIVE PIECE solid oak bedroom suite plus double mirrors. Asking $750. Sofa, highback chair, low back chair and ottoman, brown and beige. Asking $450. Call 986-5484. BROWN/WHITE baby chicks, special meat, heavy breed Cockerels (White Rock); 3 week old Capons. Small orders our specialty. Guaranteed delivery. Bon- nie's Chick Hatchery, Box 154, Elmira, Ontario. N3B 226 (519) 669-2561. PERMA buildings. Take ad- vantage of our winter clearance on a limited amount of steel buildings at Fantastic Savings. Why wait and pay more? Call now!! 1-416-625-4093. SATELLITE Television - 8 ft. antenna. LNC, 20 inch Television with receiver built In. Sale priced at $2,777. Contact Concept Systems, 15620-1117 Ave., Edmonton, Alberta, T5M 2R7 or phone (403) 453-5827. 22 CU. FT. freezer $250.; kit- chen table and four chairs $40. Call 986-5049. BABY CARRIAGE, car bed, reclining baby seat all in good condition. Call 986-5564. Coming Events ODDFELLOWS HALL EUCHRE TOURNAMENT + Sponsored by Port Perry Lions Club Sat., February 12th Progressive Euchre Tickets: At the Door - $8.00 per Team DOORS OPENAT 12NOON © REFRESHMENTS PRIZES - 50 Percent of Income ~1to6P.M. DANCING -8 P.M. to 1 A.M. Dance Admission - $7.00 per couple. Dinner-Theatrs performances: FN Za VB "isk am & Nisnes oShows d DALWII D OUT! p voi 2 7) 'e v . 7, WW Show § pm > ok LE ss FRIDAY MAR. 4th $450 g Sas ON STAGE AT ey ) «'N : [ Ll] - " . TowmHall ~, ' PORT PERRY. ONT ~d lo y / A \ / AN) TICKETS ON SALE AN PORT PERRY STAR OR INFOF 0 ( IRWIN SMITH MUSIC CALL 985-8376 SR SAO a TR SREB IAL OAT RDG RFT MIRE ASN ANEW i, rr PT