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PLEASE NOTE: PLEASE TT" == We will be CLOSING SAT., FEBRUARY 12th - 5:30 P.M. to give Country Classic's a brand new look for spring! RE-OPENING: THURS., FEBRUARY 24th COUNTRY CLASSICS 181 Queen Street - 985-8221 NX Ayal BRA RC by Vera Brown The Congregational meeting for Epsom- Utica United Church was held at Utica on Sunday and ran along in a ship-shape manner under the direction of Mrs. Faye Ashton with help from Shirley Baster, Keith Ashton and Barry Page. We welcome the following additions to the board: Elders Mrs. Lillian Lindsay and Mr. Earl Taylor; Stewards Ralph Nottingham, Ron Brown and Gerald Hill; Christian Education Comm. Mrs. Darlene Begin and Ralph Not- tingham. The beginning of a building fund for the much needed repairs and updating to the churches is one of the issues decided upon. Are we really at last going to get rid of that little old building at the back door? We'll need donations from you people out there. Church this Sunday will be held at Epsom Church at the regular time of 11:00 a.m. On Sunday afternoon beginning at 2:30 p.m. the Sunday School will be having a skating party. Weather permitt- ing it will be held at the Greenwood's otherwise at the Scugog Arena and returning to Epsom Church for refresh- ments. On Monday, Feb. 14, there will be a Faith At Work workshop at Good- wood Church. There will be a euchre in Utica Hall this Friday at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding and Karen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Carson at Sunderland on Friday evening. Mrs. Mildred Thomp- son visited her mother, Mrs. Miller at Mount RA TI 3 pat hat at 4 Poly DBL SB SOA OD MR LE REA 2 ON RRR RO VATE A RR SE Re RS a Albert on Sunday. Mrs. Helen Crawford of Uxbridge called on the Sutcliffe family recently. Sympathy to the family of Mrs. Louie Wagner in their recent bereavement. The Wagners were neigh- bours on the 6th con- cession when we first moved to Utica. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hinchcliffe of Toronto were Friday dinner guests with the Eric Carres. Utica and area news Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Scott of London, Mrs. Marjorie Honey and Mr. Bruce Beare had lunch with Mrs. Crosier on Sunday and later with Mrs. Crosier were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Beare in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lindsay had approx. 40 relatives to a bridal shower at their home on Sunday afternoon in honour of Debbie Sproule daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sproule of Oshawa. Nestleton, Caesarea (From page 10) for the worship service. Rev. Dale Davis pre- sented an interesting discourse - theme - "You Are Called To Be A Moses'. A fine number of children were out for Sunday School and the minister discussed the meaning of "Sharing" during the children's theme. The choir sang "I'd Rather Have Jesus' with Janice MacKenzie taking the solo part. Mrs. L. Malcolm - organist. Family Interests Recent guests with Grahame and Neta Fish of Nestleton, were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland Greenbank area news A good attendance at church on Sunday for Communion Service and we really enjoyed the Junior Choir with their two numbers. We extend the sympathy of the comm- unity to Mr. Clifford Midgley and family on the loss of his wife, Durell who passed away in Oshawa Hospital last week. the flowers were in memory of Mrs. Member of the ® 0) indian puillies waociunos Midgley on Sunday in Church. Mrs. Aileen Dobson and Mrs. Glen Till call- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Bur- nett Jamieson, Balsam last Tuesday. Mr. Peter Stone, a student at Waterloo University visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone over the weekend. Mrs. Lucille Reynolds (Turnto page 14) SEE OUR EXCLUSIVE ° Hand-Finished Jewellery ' 4 complimented with the STONE OF YOUR CHOICE All Value Priced For Cuplids! and Chad from Bow- manville. Sam and Mabel Cawker hosted a family dinner Sat. evening at Crandell's Riverboat in Port Perry. Those pre- sent for the occasion were: Arthur and Carroll Cawker of Sud- bury and son Bryan of Waterloo University, Alan and Eleanor Cawker, and Grant and Merna Cawker and daughter Cathy all of Oshawa. After dinner they visited at the farm. Arthur, Carroll and Bryan were overnight guests. The Scugog Point Cawkers attended the Hockey game in Oshawa on Sunday night to see grandson Curtis Cawker play - when the Oshawa Juveniles (Legion Branch 43) shut-out the Peter- borough team with a 4-0 score. It was a rough game with many a penalty, but lots of excitement and plenty of action! Car destroyed by fire A 1980 Ford owned by a Barrie man was found by police totally des- troyed by fire February 5 The car, apparently abandoned in a field near Emmerson's Beach was still smouldering when police got to the scene about 3:30 a.m. Although police traced the registration to an owner in Barrie, they had not yet been able to contact the man as of Monday afternoon. FREE ESTIMATES © PLANS ® PERMITS ® ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FRANK'S DRAFTING SERVICES For Additions or Alterations to House or Building 979-4212 HAPROLRTION eee eS Se Np a AP V2 ~ AWW N 203 Queen St., Port Perry 985-8263 SON SZ LIMITED 7)