3 1] Nd i N X Wh ™ ~~ Wn id EE a ois Fis nik oF REI IN aa - ------ rs wl Frets o ! Hy FAD Ad a O) cs Tat - ry - - Ps - ox oe A -y IS ER AR EN » AEA ARLEN Ey Pret HEH! SHEERS RANGA be TREE Xo A HA HAMA TS i or EE rib portion 3-3 1/2 Ib. or 1.36 - 1.59 kg avg. 3. fl bs 69 o, ATE 15 BRA 36 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. October 13, 1982 Habitant or ready cut REIN K Sh b™ & 3 TARAS ja 3 oe Yel 7 ET FR pea soup 7 macarom 1kg pkg. @ produce of U.S.A. De q Canada - O| Bend 49 Tender no. 1 500 g pkg Vittles each ' & 500 g box McIntosh yr apples produce of Ontario Canada or © tenderloin portion bio Voth avy or 136 1c 1 SY hy avg loin "O" POLK ies eoness $385,517 pA cut - loin por chops ......... $53.52. Maple or an or regular corned beef - . $ | 59 brisket......... 51." o hg deolh. Maple Lu! d tore slice logna......31 wo, 10% Maple Leaf sweet pickled ceva cottage $ 19 $199 rolls............ ISVS BS no name'™ 454 g phy. chicken Pde of Canada store shiced cooked am ......... 57 wo 2X. fresh - tan ork iver ........ .86 1.39. no name' cooked 375 pg phy. ham ................... 3.38 nde of Canada store pak hot sweet Italian style 9 sausage ...... $321.8 tasty - tender hocks PSR 134.. Maple Leaf 175 g phe. s 4 69. chocolate chip, big cookie variety _ or peanut butter 1 69 Sem. 450g New Orleans or dark red hidnes Stokely b beans ssessssene 14 oz. un 59 14 oz. tin Mitchell's fancy peach halves or slices or Del Monte fruit cocktail sesee 2H oz. tin 1.29 St. Williams raspberry or strawberry with peotin or Aylmer jams sy. 99 pee RH oz. tin QO ca salmon ............... 1.99 Larells plain spaghetti sauce....... 2H fl. oz. tin in 1. 19 WIENETS ...covveennens 1.68 | steaks .cocnneeee. flo-thru orange pehoc Je Ti ivan 92-113 whos / Lipton ello tea bags..... miso 1.49 | puddings.......... .2/.99 all method grind 1 Ib. tin Ae Miah Won lite of Ren shat eens ice cream Chock Full"O Nuts coffee........ 3.59 assorted county stale Lipton box uf 2 CUP-A-SOUP...eenennne .69 Mo L tin ott's clamato juice..... 1.89 pure umm ertened grapeirut or Kraft 32 oz, bl. orange juice......... 99 12.5 oz. can Mott's frozen apple juice .......... 1.19 unsweetened regular or pink grapefruit or Treesweet 6x orange juice....*% 1.59 3 x 3.25 oz. pouch Allen's apple crystals........ 99 assorted 24 x 280 mL tin Weight Watchers soft drinks.......... 5.99 got 30 mL bel. Nes e Guik --_---- 1.49 Nabisco me n eat cream oO wheat cereal..'2:1.29 Rporied 1 14 on Pig tty Crocke snack'n cake..... 1.29 coating eese 20 ml hil regular or butter 142 ¢ phy. Jiffy Pop popping corn....... 27 g bon ak de Pablum baby cereal........ Yau 1.5 L bal Ivory detergent ........... 3.29 Airwick solid lemon or rose air 5 oz. cont. fresheners........... 1.59 ..99 +69 |3 Ib. pkg. DOWSON'S rep wire FOODMASTER 3 PORT PERRY PLAZA SCUGOG STREET - HWY. 7A LOTTARI AGENT produce of Ontario, 12 oz. pkg. Canada no. 1 mushrooms........ 1.79 produce of Onuario, Canada no. | green peppers ...... * 1%, 49. produce of U.S.A. Canada no. 1 radishes..... 1.5 D9 produce of v S.A. Canada no. 1 spinach .c.. vob «18 tropical treat limes sessssene ony, for 39 1 kg bag no name™ peanuts. ceseseses for! 3 29 n oz. tin unt's , tomato paste...... 7,89 Camation instant mashe potatoes cosas 175 g box 69 Ux Kain 454 g pkg. ncle Ben's converted rice...... 1.19 aworted Beuy Crocker hamburger helper ....... isoghon 1.29 1CEe cream Club House 35 g ens. TN chilli no name Seasoning mix ....... .69 Tetra Pak | L carton vanilla L no name 2 L carton 2% milk............. ..83 cheese specials | farmer, colby, brick. havart, or mozzarella 227 g phy Baden natural cheese......... conc 1.49 Baden Cheez-lt cheese \ spread seceene SOW g jar 2 29 cream, waters, salted cream re 200 g box Jacob's crackers........... ee 1069 Th Ho et Ma h = cCormic = crackers vo. 1s0 40x 1.19 } < 3% hae pr Don't forget to stock up for Halloween pr = Carpet Jon 400 g cont. Airwic deodorizer.......... 1.99 caaiFluh automatic totlet bow cleaner.... 120: con. 1.09 wr bind 15 m box astic aran Wrap ......... 85 gx of 10 : urtec garbage bags...... 1.39 i mL ba. iste mout ash __ 2.39 50 mL tube Ultra Brite toothpaste..............79 IN ol cont. Fle itio er or Flex shampoo .....2.29 box of 12 nitary Kotex napkins... 1.65 bakery specials 2) oz. loaf iced ston slice white b bread .......... 79 raspberry swiss rolls or raspbern or lemon Weston pkg. of 4-6 butterhorns........ 1.09 phe. of 10 ranny's utter tarts......... 1.29 Prices effective until Hes Saturday, October 16, 1982. We reserve the right to limit 'quantities. | STORE HOURS: Mon., Tues. & Sat. 8A.M.to 6 P.M. 'Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 8 AM. to 9 P.M.