RAHA ARR AIAN Fi eS A ANY 2 n 8 Ay > 3 3 8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. May 26, 1982 Logo Pioneer Days proves a success design contest The Travel Association of Durham Region (TADR) is continuing their search for a logo and a slogan which will be used to identify the association. All residents of the Durham Region are invited to participate in the contest. The deadline for entries is June 15, 1982, and they w.. - Should be submitted at the Parkwood Estate, 270 Simcoe St., N., Oshawa prior to this date. The winning entry will receive a complimentary pass package from several of the association's members. This package includes Sunday brunches for two and double passes to local attractions.. If anyone requires more information about the contest, please call Park- wood at 579-1311. Fire From page 1 the ground floor. Captain Penney said the fire appeared to burn itself out before flames could spread, and it was fortunate the building itself was not destroyed. It is not know when the well-known Club on Scugog Both kids and grown-ups showed great interest in the demonstration of _ Island will be open again for sheep-shearing. Above the kids watch intensely as about seven pounds of wool is business. The owner could sheared from this sheep. not be reached for comment , on Tuesday. HOME COMFORT [1 For All Qf Your PETROLEUM REQUIREMENTS and 24 Hour Complete Heating Service in Port Perry EMERGENCY SERVICE Day or Night - Phone 985-2572 Furhaces - Air Conditioning - Boilers - Air Cleaners - Humidifiers Broom-maker Robert Lyons of Annan, Ontario spent the weekend demonstrating the art of making brooms. Mr. Lyons has been making this age-old cleaning device for over ten years. Sms £ ONTARIO BLOCK & TILE £ E: LIMITED z H P.0.Box 1- Sunderland, E g Ontario LOC 1HO g E (705) 357-3136 = £ The old spin : | sentiment Concrete Block Prices | wheel which was set up in the Lee House. 10cm (4) std. .............. .58 2 E 15cm ((6")std. .................. 69 y = 20cm (8")std. ........ ein ira a 79 s 4 . E 25cm (10)std. ....... LL. 97 DR. G. SILINS "E30cm (12) std. ........... . 1.06 will be on holiday 15 June and will be -- MOVING HIS PRACTICE -- of Medicine and Acupuncture to Today it is easy to buy a handful of staples or nails pu at the local hardware store, but this blacksmith shows MEDICAL ASSOCIATES how they were made years ago.' He is seen here hammering a point onto the metal rod that was just 462 Paxion Stisel, on - 985-8421 heated in the coals to the rear. . = Call Ontario Block or your local Builder's Supply for Delivery & Terms. ® Full size 3 core Block @® Metric size in 2 core only ® Chimney Block - Fireplace Supplies ® Conc. Brick - Clay Brick - Angelstone A g : =. Delivered Full Truck Load from'Sunderland nw