ed » a (Cin Care) EN nr Aa nF i fr Sd Toni [od re ™ a ee A a AFI rt SES RF fe EIR, Cr MATIC ANN Ca REAR OTA ANA AY } Fann WEIR Nd SE PERIENCE FRA ATIA SR TAN 10 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed. May 26, 1982 RENT ANEW PONTIAC © ECONOMY COMPACT STANDARD & FULL SIZE © LOWRATES © LONG TERM LEASING © TRUCK RENTALS PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 VANEDWARD DRIVE. PORT PERRY - 985-8474 OPEN: Weekdaysto9P.M Fridaysto6P M Saturdaysto4P M WATERMILL RESTAURANT , &TAVERN Hwy. 12 - North of Manchester Phone 985-3766 Y N s -- **FRIDAY & SATURDAY * *- B.B.Q. Spareribs Salmon Steak Pork Tenderloin Beef Stroganoff *4.50 srer 5.50 Children ... $2.75 EVERY SUNDAY: 12 NOON to 10 P.M. SAA Sets Tali P.P.H.S. Drama Night produces "stars and talent of tomorrow"' Last Wednesday Port Perry High Schdbl continued with its yearly tradition of Drama Night, produced and presented by a large group of dedicated students and staff. This year's audience may have been puzzled by the content, but certainly was not disappointed in the quality of the 1982 play bill. The opening play of the four-play bill was a Festival quality mind-bender entitled "The Hole". Directed by teacher David Sims, this absurdist offering probed humanity's foibles and fantasies in a spare, unique setting. The cause celebre, of course, was The Hole. The Visjénary, Sean Twomey, mmented on it, three well / made up androids, Andrea McGregor, Carla Dempsey, and Kelly Kasper, disputed over and about it, two local busybodies, Leslie McNulty and Julie Ashton, gossiped around it, and Steve Foote, as the workman, came out of it. The conclusion about the 'junction-box' was as enigmatic as the play's content. Mankind 'keeps on keeping on'. The characterizations and blocking were well enacted; pacing was commendable, and special effects 'electrify- ing' as the Hole appeared to attain a force of its own. With a smooth set change executed by stage crew Butt, Foote, Harriman, Moffatt, Tremble, Wilson and Stokes, the scene swiftly shifted to another philosophical 5252525252526 oe Teo Tes Tu Tee Te 0 Teds Tels Te Too Te ci [co Te Tato Tua SCI C. J sor [ow Lo [ow SGC CICICICICICICIC SIG AG CIEL ICICICIC: ~ WHITE FARM EQUIPMENT has just announced.. "The Greatest Sales Program" in the history of the company. Before you buy a Tractor, Combine oT Ta TTT Te Tek Te Tob Tots To Ts 525¢ oT Toe [oh ch Te [co [le] Loe | ch Lio [ce Lc [ote] so J Tue To To Te Tole Tote To TT : 25252525252 or a Piece of Tillage -- YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF TO "SEE US FIRST" Example: 2-135-4W.D. CAB. AIR 135H.P. 18.4 X 26 front 20.8 X 38 rear Diff Lock List Price: $66,560.00 Cash Price: $43,800. RCC (10NLY) B & W FARM SERVICE R.R. 5 - SUNDERLAND, ONT. Phone: (705) 357-3760 or 357-3192 exercise, 'The Feast', directed by talented student Mike Stokes. His task was to reveal to us how mankind can use his imaginative powers to excape a mundane existence. With the aid of Blue Jeans (Lea Dowson), the Old Man (Steve Barton), and the angry Young Man (Steve Foote), he created essayed his role in a virtuoso manner, taking the part far beyond high school histrionics. The play was a winner, aided by Barton's Ode and Blue Jeans' wine. After a brief intermission, with incidental music by Jennifer Simmonds, Mélanie Bruce took the stage in a solo performance of the difficult monologue 'Animal', direct- ed by Sims. This brief, grim tale revealed a family tragedy, carried out by a vindictive, domineering mother. Bruce was certainly up to this arduous task, as she alternately cajoled and abused her treed 'animal', The evening closed with an original play, 'Portage' written and directed by teacher C. Bruce Brandon. This frothy romp in the north woods took Monica Webb, Sarah Twomey, Andy Postma and Garth Kuyt, eventually, to an Algonquin Park evening rendezvous with a bear (growled by Debbie Michalski) and an 'old man of the woods', splendidly made up and portrayed by Allan Patter- son. How musicians McDougall, Ferguson, Solar, Lane and Stone got there for a prom in the fronds is anyone's guess, but it all made for an upbeat ending to an evening's dramaturgy. The audience had assuredly got its money's worth and the students certainly enjoy- Apo { R MC. » ie Celebrate 50th Anniversary 'Rowe. ed it all, An evening such as this would not be possible without the unseen heroes back- stage: these were led by stage managers Norma Arney and Elizabeth Carnegie, assisted on lights by Mike Taylor, sound by Anand Maharaj, curtains and prompting by David Stokes and Karen McHugh. Set construction was by Keith Gibb and his capable carpenters, Bain, Bonang, Burton, Lown, Paterson, and Programme and advertising were by M. Stokes and L. Broad. Once again Port High Drama Night has offered staff, students, and community outstanding homegrown talent and enter- tainment - the 'stars of tomorrow', here, to-day. Long-time residents of the Nestleton area, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stephenson celebrated their 50th anniversary last Saturday afternoon with a reception at the Nestleton Community Centre. The Stephenson Nestleton foi 30 years and many friends and 's have lived on their farm at R.R. 1 relatives joined in for the occasion wishing them many years of continued happiness. The hap ; py couple also received telegrams of congratulations from many local, Provincial and Federal members of government. DID YOU KNOW? If you are a Bowmanville Hydro customer - You can Rent A Hot Water Heater for as low as $2.80 /month . INTERESTED? CALL: BOB GOODMAN PLUMBING 985-7758 -- PORT PERRY -- Your Own Cake! STOUFFVILLE BAKERY Thinking of Getting Married? -- WEDDING CAKES -- from *19.95 (rental) *ALSO SHOWER CAKES* We will Decorate y PORT PERRY PLAZA - 985-2412