RAE MEAT ER RT OS I LA Sunspun assorted 4 24 x 10 fl. oz. tins cookies Peek Frean Family Digestive, Assorted Bourbon Creme, Digestive Creme, Home Assorted or Assorted Creme 400 g bag juice FBI pure 48 fl. oz. btle. €1S Swanson frozen beef, chicken or turkey 11 oz. pkg. Mrs. Smith's frozen 24.6 oz. pkg. apple crumb cake...... 1.89 . | Prod.ofOnt.-Can.No.1-10lb. ea. Prod. of Ont. - Can. No. 1 | Potatoes 99¢ Cabbage . 39¢ frozen concentrated 12.5 fl. oz. tin 2 unsweetened Sunpac or Suncrop Prod. of Ont.- Can. No. 1-16 0z. ea. Prod. of USA - Can. No. 1 orange juice 0000000000000 00000e 5 Cello Radish 59¢ Tomatoes 69¢ Cavendish Farms froz. fancy | Prod. ofOnt.- Can. No. 1- 16 oz. Prod. of Ont. - Can. No. 1- 12 0z. Fresh french fries........... 2 Ib. bag o 99 | Brussel Sprouts 89¢ Mushrooms $1.69 Juicy Florida White Prod. of Ont. - Can.Fancy 5b. ea. Cc 500 Coffee Mate v........... 1.99 Grapefruit 689¢ Mac.Apples $1.89 cut from Canada grade 'A' bee . Maple Leaf cryovac sweet ickled Carnation 385 mL tin 5 5 ly . a" he 3 18 Softage: | ' 1 78 RAR _ : ° teaks ovvuenn. Ib. TOMS ceceecracecss Ib. . al Kan assorte 0z. tin evaporated milk............ ¢ AN Maple Leaf cat food ee0000scessccsssssssssscce 59 Paramount 7.75 oz. tin sirloin tip avanan we 1 Qf pink salm on 1.3 8) steak 1b. 318 Saal Pkg. regular or deodorant pkg. of 10 8 0 > iy Anse Mele beat ily cooked . Visiing piece 1 18 Stayfree mini pads WAR Ta ring n e, chicken n e . vesesss Ib. . . Cv or chicken noodle supreme pkg. of 2 A Ib. 3 48. a tre normal or oily 200 mL cont. 1 89 i : Lipton soup mix 00000000000 ® 69 regular around rem 1 58 Moed ham Ib 2 1 8 Breck shampoo.......... il Blue Bret 2 Ib. pkg. 1 backigusatin Til } 5 bologna, mock chicken Canada cup 9 oz. pkg. of 51 } A re u ar ma arine 994040 49 full slice Schn id ) S rofoam cu S 0000000000000 99 i 8 ba : round weak. 1 2.48 Tinie z 98 | SU Pp So. General Mills 425 g pkg Burns small link Schneiders Glad pkg. of 20 ie } Cheerios breakfast cereal. 1.59 beef and pork Ih. 1.58 skinless 16 oz. 1.88 garbage bagS.ceeeeeneennens 2. 99 sausage........ wieners ....... pkg. 3 i 8. Ridgways 5 O'Clock pkg. of 60 : : Tide 12 ox i orange pekoe tea bags.. 1.89 laundry detergent...... 7.99 Aunt Jemimi buckwheat, Bounce fabric pkg. of 20 - buttermilk or regular 1 49 softener sheets ............ 1.79 pancake flour......... 1 kg ® « hoice harvard diced be. lemon or raspberry pkg. of 6 for unbleachables 800 g pkg. . bu er flavoured choice harva Ke el, cream stvle Avil Jortentos, "1.99 wn r ime eme | Weston butterhorns...... 99 Javex bleach .............. . 2:49 Sr Sein. A es. LY Py Weston sesame 24 oz. loaf 0 Pinesol 400 mL btl. 1 2 seedless 50x | 99 Ser crusty bread 0000000000000 000000 7 liquid cleaner 0000000000000 t) FAISINS coeecoecees kg. Le 0 fl. oz. Lawry's Taco or Taco oy mushrooms... in +95 Weston pkg. of 12 Wood cleaner & preservative -- SeAONING 35,5 /Q0) Peorjoss brown 'n serve rolls....... of OQ | Scotts liquid gol sm2.,99 MIX cecesecccsseees pkg. ° 40 g . crackers .......... ww 89 : ; flan Ms. -- with pectin i or Values effective until closing Sat., Nov. 7/81. We reserve regular 100 g btl. 1 9) chicken.,.....* i: 1.59 strawberry 1, 1.49 ee er nites: Supplied sed Serviced by Eno fruit salts.............. ol E DOWSON'S geo ¢ wire FOODMASTER 4 " LOTTARIO PORT PERRY PLAZA ~~ STORE HOURS: Mon., Tues. & Sat.: 9AM. to6 P.M. 1 WENT SCUGOG STREET - HWY. 7A Wei: Sri AN 35 a i St ET I