Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 4 Nov 1981, p. 30

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an -- a 30-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 4, 1981 Vuh CELA PEA SFR WAT ES al ite WC To I SE FE Pe A) A ar Pte, : Cr big hath se LRG, Te Hyates , a AH AAT AT ALA y 2 SERVE NA gerade £, BAR FEO U\ TNE T A, BEA BRE LE $V AAT rAd OR CAR USN IA ne EERE SRR SIESTA Ye Sl pati 4 pra TORE h Bea Wanted to Buy Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Work Wanted Auctioneers MILITARY medals, badges, uni forms, bayonets, swords, guns etc. Morley's Antique Shop , 250 Union St., Port Perry. TF ~ Wanted 1968 CHEV Impala, 2 door, for parts, left fender must be good. 985-3807. Ask for Kelly. WISH TO share ride to Peter: borough. 986-4700 evenings. N11 WILL PICK UP without charg. all used appliances, refrigera- tors, and freezers. Empty your cellars and garages. Also old TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. TF SURVIVAL and emergency dehydrated and freeze dried food. Long term storage. Scott's Perma Storage Foods, 60 York St., Aylmer, Ontario (519) 773-2462. Dealer inquiries invited HEAD NURSE (RN), required for full time night duty. Apply Daheim Nursing Home, Ux: bridge. Phone 852-5191. N11 ATTENTION: Boys and girls who want to earn extra money - get a paper route from Oshawa This Week - guaranteed delivery pay of $30-340 a month plus collection monev. Phone immed- iately for a route in your area. 579-4400 Circ. Dept. or 985-7166 after hours. N18 SCRAP CARS, light trucks or any scrap steel etc. 985-7614, 028 RIDE WANTED to Steels and Woodbine. Working hours 8 - 4:30 will share expenses. Call 985-9107. For Rent TWO BEDROOM house in Port Perry. $450. Stove supplied. Available immediately. Refer- ence required. 985-8938. ONE BEDROOM apt. Heat, hydro, fridge and stove supplied. No children or pets. $250. Apply Box 55, c/o Port Perry Star. TF GRAIN STORAGE, 1500 bushel capacity. 655-4542. N4 STORE FOR RENT, downtown Port Perry, approx. 1400 sq. ft. $550 month. For appointment call 985-2323 or 1-263-2124. TF FURNISHED apartment sublet - Nov. 1 to March 31. Suitable for couple. No children - no pets. References required. Reply Box 57, Port Perry Star. MODERN 2 bedroom apartment, Caesarea, $300 per month. Prefer middle age couple with children. 986-5501 or 985-9088. _ FARM HOUSE with barn to sub- let in Port Perry area. $450 per month. Phone 985-3668 or (705) 324-8662. Wanted to Rent RESPONSIBLE working couple immediately requires 2 bedroom house or apartment within or close to town limits. Good refer- ences. 985-3779. NTI Legal Notice Warehousemen's Lien Act Take Notice that a house trailer identified as a 16 foot blue and white "Rocket" Trailer, which has outstanding charges of $700.00 owing to Goreski Summer Resorts Limited will be sold by public auction at the Goreski Summer Resorts Limited premises, on Monday, November 23rd, 1981 at 1:00 p.m. Should said charges not be paid before "this time. .The trailer, if sold, must be removed from the Goreski Summer Resorts Limited premises by November 30th, 1981. Lost HEREFORD heifer, 750-400 Ibs., red ear tag No. 18. "case call Fred Ford. 416-263-821" « Give Aw:iy FREE to good home kittens. 985-8239. :dorable Miscellanc us ALIVE WANTED - DEAD Guaranteed price 20 for any complete stanc le car with free towing - © Art's Auto Wreckers Lin. TF CASH in on incor Save money on your earn money by prepa: turns. Write U & R Tax 5, 118 Roxborough Drive ronto, Ontario M4W 1X4. PROPANE or C.N onver- sion: Runs cars, | build yourself. For plans a "Wings send $15.00 to Spring' ..'=v Eng. Ltd., Box 2598, Stn. © + elowna B.C. VIX 6A6. RESPONSIBLE mature person to look after two schoolboys ages 7 and 5, whenever required (occasional overnight) in Sun- derland. Call anytime 1-705- 357-2218. MATURE person to do occasional babysitting of toddler and small infant. References required. 985-8828. N11 NEEDLECRAFT opportunity - generous commission. Choose your own hours. Creative stitchery, classes to start in January. Call 986-4826. N4 EXPERIENCED NURSE AIDES NEEDED URGENTLY! For Local Appointments COMCARE 571-3501 © Lee 985-2785. PART TIME sales person over 18 years of age. Must be self starter. Phone 985-2040. N4 MATURE reliable woman to care for 2 small children, more information call 985-7614. NI PART TIME district manager for a leading Toronto newspaper for Port Perry and surrourding "area. Do you enjoy working with young people? Are you sales . oriented? For a great oppor- tunity call collect 686-2231 Monday to Thursday 12-6, Saturday and Sunday 9-2. BABYSITTER mature person to care for one infant in our home Monday to Friday beginning January. 985-2130. NT COMPUTER keypunch operator required immediately. Know- ledge of the | BM 3741 computer a definite asset. Phone 852-3377. Work Wanted RELIEF milking service avail- able. Reasonable rates. Refer- ence available. Phone 985-2762. NT er -- -- a -- EXPERIENCED mother will babysit in my Port Perry home. Toddlers and up. By the hour or day. Phone 985-8570. " N4 WOOD REFINISHING specializ- ing in antiques and fine furniture - call Terry Dyer - 655-4092 after 5:30 p.m. T! ARTHUR'S painting, papering, floor and wall tile, renovations. 985-7960. T.F. COTTAGE and house raisings, footings, foundations, altera- tions and repairs, and masonry work in general. Phone 705-745-6170. TF NEED A SECRETARY? Part time or full time - typing, filing, reception, dictaphone, mail etc. 5 yrs. experience, good ref- erences. Call Cathy Van Capelle, 985-8044. NOT CUTTING like they used to?? We can sharpen you cir- cular saw blades. We're experts at sharpening a wide variety of home, garden and industrial tools. Phone Utica 985-7844. Work Wanted GUITAR LESSONS - Openings now available in Spanish and classical guitar. Phone Fraser N11 MOTHERS - need a break for a date or full time babysitter. Call 785-7694. WILL DO sewing in my home and smock dresses. 985-7013. JANITORIAL SERVICE - Com- mercial, Industrial, Residential. 985-3196. F25 EXPERIENCED mother will babysit 6 month old or over, downtown Port Perry. 985-7460. LADY wants live in house- keeping position. Expeiienced. Please call 725-2759 evenings.. Help Wanted a HOME Salary - Benefits Contributetothe growth and development of a mentally handicapped child. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING BE ARESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATE ANEW EXPERIENCE IN FAMILY LIVING RESIDENTIAL SERVICES OF OSHAWA & DISTRICT ASSOCIATION FOR THE MENTALLY RETARDED 571-3420 Miscellaneous DJ TAYLOR 170 WATER STREET -- PORT PERRY Jerry Taylor 985-8416 See Us for all your Insurance Needs! ' DAYCARE available in, my home. Call Valerie Robinson 985-7498. PORT PERRY AUTO GLASS &TRIM 1 ODD JOBS - yard clean-up, tree cutting and trimming etc. 985-3890. A26 MUSIC forall OCCASIONS Weddings, Dances, etc. CALLPETER 'P&G SOUNDS' 579-6991 Oshawa ELECTROLYSIS Leg waxing, facial manicure & pedicure. HOURS: Monday-2to 7 P.M. Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 9AM.to4P.M. COLLIN ELECTROLYSIS 985-3867 SAVE THE 7% SALES TAX BLACKSTOCK for full time or part time nursingcare. _ Available 24-Hours! COMCARE 571-3501 DOG GROOMI Anne Mees Utica 985-8219 986-4989 NG \ BRICK - BLOCK -STONE - -CONCRETE - New Work & Repairs Frank Sherman 985-3111 - Sunroofs - Vinyl Tops ~Windshields- Cie. will uP HOLSTERY now PHONE: 579-5631 until Januarty 31st, 1982 on Ask for Pager 120 all furniture recovered. and Leave Message. FREE ESTIMATES After Hours Call: All Workmanship 985-8507 Guaranteed 986-4731 NURSING CARE Auctioneers We specialize inthe care of patients in their own homes. carefully screened, RON Ki NG insured and experienced AUCTION EER nurses, companions and . homemakers are available Auctions of All Types Phone Port Perry 985-2643 PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on SHIRLEY ROAD (4 Miles South of Port Perry) "Estates Antiques - Consignments Household & Farm Sales etc. CONSIGNMENTS: 1 or 1000 items. CALL (416) 985-7492 For Local Pickup & Information COCHRANE - AUCTION SERVICE Household - Real Estate Farms - Equipment -Livestock- Whatever Your Auction Needs DON & FRIEDA Will be Pleased toHear from You. 985-2788 DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL Of Fresh, Dead or Disabled Animals | - $5.00 Charge for Sheep and Goats. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FURFARM Hampton 416-263-2721 MURRAY JACKSON AUCTIONEERS Antiques - Household - Farms. Sales Barn available. Toronto Licenced - Ph. 291-6391 985-2459 We Liquidate Your Frozen Assets. BILL WANNAMAKER AUCTIONEER (21 Years Dealing in Antiques) We handle Estates, Consignments, Bankruptcy, and Liquidations. From the 'Auction Place' 1614 Charles Street, Whitby 666-3731 Days 579-6250 Eve. ORVAL McLEAN -AUCTIONEER - Household - Farm - Equipment Real Estate - Antiques - Estates APPRAISALS & LIQUIDATIONS CONSIGNMENTSAT McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE Angeline Street at Hwy. 7 - Lindsay 324-2791 or 324-2783 Auction Sales THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5 SALE TIME: 12:00 NOON Holsteins Malcolm's 4th Anniversary Special Sale, 75 Holsteins selling at the MALMONT SALES ARENA, Blackstock, Ontario. Features of the sale include 2 bred heifers from Elderslie Farms, one a daughter of Man-O- War from 3 direct VG dams with up to 153-158 BCA. A daughter of Jetstar from a VG dam with 19,000 Ibs. of milk that will be fresh or springing to the service of Marquise Prince, from James English, Hastings, Ontario comes 23 bred and open heifers sired by popular U.B.I. Sires and from classified dams with up to 158-171 BCA. Also 20 bred and open heifers from the Sproxdale Herd, Woodville, Ontario, along with their features will be daughters of such Unit Sires as Sheik, Senator, Emperor and Royalty. Two service age bulls, one by Count Crystan and one by Tempo. There will also be some fresh and springing cows and heifers (both purebreds and grades) to help the fall milk supply. Most cattle are Free- listed. Ed McMorrow, Auc- tioneer, Neil Malcolm Sales Manager 416-986-4246. N4 THURSDAY NOVEMBER'S SALE TIME: 7:00 p.m. Auction sale Orval McLean Auction Center, Lindsay, property of MR. AND MRS. WILBERT THORN and others, furniture, appliances, baby fur- niture,-chrome sets, beige prov- vincial chesterfield, wringer washer, old flat back cupboard, wine chesterfield, tables, rocker, van seat, 4 radial 15 tires and rims, 9 pc dining room suite, 2 upright oil furnances, beige provincial chesterfield and chair, bookcase, large tape recorder, lamps, books, sewing cabinet, chests, dressers, records, mantel -clock,burr- ~oughs bookkeeping machine, console stereo, rugs, coffee tables, lawn furniture, dishes, tools, 8' x 8' ceiling to floor solid pine wall unit with dark finish, complete with built in change table and pad, blanket chest with matching corduroy upholstered top, swinging cradle with matt- ress, new maple nursing rocker, pair blue glass swag lamps. No reserve, owners moving. To consign to barn call 324-2783 any- time or 324-0182 days, McLean Auctions. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 6 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Corneils Auction Barn Auction sale 3 miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Rd. McLaughlin 2 seater pleasure sleigh (ex. cond.), Quebec heater, pressback chairs, organ stool, wash stands, anvil, day bed, box stove, antique dressers, chesterfield and matching chair, platform rocker, chest of drawers, single box spring and mattress, wicker chairs, Viking refrigerator, tandem trailer with 12 x 6 box, qu. of hand tools, 7 cu. ft. Woods freezer, coffee and end tables, qu. of china and glass plus many more antiques, furniture and household items. Auctioneer, R.R. 1 Little Britain 705-786-2183. Don Corneil - <3 Si aR SES HN SEHR AA RS We oi TEL INA CY Aes dos B54 Biz A SR

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