She SS re WIFE EEE CAS AE BE OA EA SNE FT ARS Ca DCRR THA RA al Tas * Pa : Pa] Pad [| A AER 1 Baars HER) oy LF a . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slute of R.R. 1, Oshawa, ember 1, with a party by friends and relatives. celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on Nov- Couple celebrate 65th wedding anniversary *% * Yo 13344, Ms % re, 2S i --_ a La | Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slute, celebrated their 65th, mark the occasion, the the home of Leonard and oi | of R.R. 1, Oshawa, recently Wedding Anniversary. To family held a reception at Verna Slute. During the hs : afternoon of November Ist, A many relatives, neighbours, oo and friends called to offer hi congratulations and best oo wishes. ii On November 1st, 1916, the Wi couple, Albert Slute and CAL Evelyn Lang were united in a | marriage in Prince Albert by oS S| Bi ER AT R Rev. Bunner. Except for a bs short period of living in fin Oshawa, they have spent ha } *13CU.FT. *2DOOR *ALMOND most of the intervening SAL $ 0 0 years farming in the Raglan 539 2 They have five sons and five daughter-in-laws, Merlin and Emily of Bow- manville, Leonard and *FREE LAYAWAY * Limited Quantities DON'T FORGET: Allour 'Al Used" Furniture & Appliances are fully guaranteed. "lI GREENBANK FURNITURE & APPLIANCES BEES HWY. 12-2Miles North of Hwy. 47 inGreenbank-985-3295 (4h OPEN WEEKDAYS & SATURDAY: 6 P.M.; FRIDAYS: 9A.M.t0 8 P.M. { ) Te. ue ool Pabst a children. ICICI 2525252525252505 250525252525 252525252525 2525252505560 030300 CIC 5 5 ccc e 292 52525252525: caoae Doris of Raglan, Lorne and Eileen of Utica and Lloyd and Eileen of Raglan. A daughter Doris died in 1938. Verna of Raglan, Cecil and, A large group of members, friends and former members, gathered together at Greenbank United Church on Sunday morning to cele- brate the 85th Anniversary. Rev. Rodgers delivered an inspiring message on the topic, "Firm Foundations". A large choir sang two hyms, "Wonderful Words of Life and Guide Me O Thou Great .Johovah', Guest soloist, Mrs. Catherine Randall of Uxbridge rendered two beautiful songs, "O Lord be Merciful" and '"To the Queen of Heaven". Mrs. Betty Dobson played the organ and Mrs. Betty McGee was pianist. The Rod Foster family entertained their families including Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kubinga of Ajax and sons also Mr. and Mrs. Don Foster of Port Perry on Sunday afternoon. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm Stone were daughters, Janice of Whitby, Linda of Toronto and Miss Harriett De Hoop of Thunder Bay. Congratulations to parents of new babies of this community - Mr. and Mrs. Keith Jones, R.R.2 Sea- grave- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Verhoog, R.R.2 Seagrave who are celebrating the birth of a new son to their respec- tive households and to Mr. and Mrs. John Finlay, Greenbank who have a new daughter. Newlyweds, Brian and Janice Lee have returned from their honeymoon and are busy moving in to their newly renovated home in Greenbank. Sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to the 'Durward family in the loss of their son Larry also to the other parents who also lost a member of their family in the same tragic accident. Mr. and Mrs. Don McKean spent a few days in Stayner last week visiting with a friend Mrs. Jean Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Jelly of Peterborough called on Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan on Sunday. SP. eV ed AS 35. > ' by Lo) do DONNA Li LEE Th WF a BRT AH aba] vo Spr ARE eT Greenbank news 'The Greenbank Brownie girls and their leaders enjoy- ed a swimming party at Uxbridge pool last Wednes- -day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bagg of Toronto visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phoenix on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Archie McMillan and Mrs. Adelaide McLennan of Wick were Sunday guests of Mrs. Marjorie Beaton. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McMillan of Orillia spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan on Monday. Mrs. Doris Hill attended the Port Perry commence- ment exercises Friday evening and presented the Institute awards to Miss Diana Gibson and Miss Angela Sharp for 2-4 year occupational courses. The 'Food for all Seasons" cooking course was held in the Greenbank Hall on Thursday with a good attendance, everything didn't go perfect but never does. The afternoon U.C.W. will be held in the church on Wednesday November 4 at 2 p.m. The evening U.C.W. will be held in the church on Wed- nesday November 4 at 8 p.m. all ladies are welcome to attend. For news next week please phone 985-7421 or 985-7712. Needs Xmas gifts The Mental Health- Durham Christmas Gift Appeal, is now underway until December 2nd. Gifts are prepared for those who would otherwise be forgotten this Christmas season. We need NEW, UN- WRAPPED, ADULT gifts especially for Men. Cash donations are welcome. Gifts may be left at: Port Perry Library, Lawrence's Drug Store, Trans Store, Prince Albert and Medical Associates Port Perry: where our drop boxes will be placed. Tate | whe | ade (ag op age | gn | an | gn | pn [ope] ® NC > [te (on [gn (an a ap | ape ago ope on Lee] whe | whe we in| | | | a | ke | ICCC bo 5 Tate Take [ads 1 rte {as [as {ke [tn [as [ke [oe [a > {ade [te [ade ake | an | un | he | {| BROOK'S ha is pleased to announce that (BEGINNING NOVEMBER 2, 1981) SWAIN SEED CLEANERS & DEALERS - CI [ul > | own [am [ope [a [ap | ago | apo apm | po [owe [apn ape | og | age gn | opm | pm [on | 6 o Toke | che | whe | whe | whe | whe he | | whe | [ake [he [in [ke [le | ke | he | ae | he | whe | ke | : - w [og | om | on | ago {apo | > [| C3000 0 [ope Tage [an [opm [apm | gm [gn cn | ag pm | apm | « io [ae Lake | ain] we kn le | ke | he | | be] od k % TESTED TO C.S.A. STANDARDS N i A f B366. 2-M-1981 | will be warehousing and selling SPACE HEATERS WITH SOLID FUELS § 5 ¥ dl 1 I. PURINA CHOWS 3 | i ; & RELATED FARM PRODUCTS ll ® it ; ; Bd i [H . - | to better serve farmers andresidents ofthe Blackstock area with... Quality Feed at Competitive Prices! un in | he che] an | whe] ae whe] whe | whe] whe cho | po ope |e an [on [op gm [gm gn om (ow op ope (on gn a om ayn ope pn pn Robert or Herb: : : Bob or Ernie: - BROOKS FEED STORE SWAIN SEEDS PORT PERRY BLACKSTOCK / ~ SO 52525252525252525052525252525252525 985-7992 986-4331 HIRI Ast WOODSTOVES [OJ Heats from 800 to 2000 square fest [J Steel construction a : [J 10 year warranty against warpage - Width For Feed, Seed & Related Farm Goods Call; § x ororeakage Depth Diam. of flue | DURHAM STOVE & CHIMNEY R.R.5, SUNDERLAND, ONT. 985-8380 o£ commen? } commen 1 comms 1% meme 9 FEATURES & CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS MODEL 1 2 3 290 Ibs. 350 Ibs. 425 Ibs. 26" 28" 30" 24" 28" 33" 24" 24" 24" : ™ ' 8" [ote [eT dn T ln Toe le ie [le we hel | in| in| we SCI foe MK 2505250525252505252% HK Sees eee ee He SIT EN a