Business is becoming more and more complex and complicated today and in order to keep pace withthe rapid changes the STAR, like other business has found it necessary toinitiate changes that will help us reduce costs and "streamline office efficiency. CYAN BA CT Effective November 16, 1981 advertising in the Classified Section of the Star will be on a 'cash only" basis. Payment for these ads must be made before the ad will appear in the paper. For your convenience we now have TWO METHODS of "payment. First is "cash" and Second is by use of your VISA CARD. Ifyou find it is not convenient to come to the Star office during normal business hours you may place your advertisement and make payment by using the mail slot inthe front door of our office at 235 Queen Street. CASH: The procedure is simple. When you phone or drop your ad into the Star office you will have until 12:00 noon Monday before publication to make payment for the ad. If payment has not been received by this we will gladly hold your ad until you have time to make payment and the ad willthen beinserted in the following edition. We hope that the changes outlined here will not cause too much inconvenience to our valued customers and that you will call us at the Star if you have any questions about our new system. We can be reached during regular office hours at 985-7383 0r 985-7384. Y. Rad VISA CARD: This method will allow you to pay for the ad immediately, and without making a special trip to our office. When you call one of the recep- tionists in the office they will request your name, address, phone number and Visa Card number before taking your ad. The ad will then automatically be charged to your account and will appear in that week's issue of the Star.