20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., August 19, 198) TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG 1980 FINANCIAL REPORT AUDITOR"SREPORT: , To the Members of Council, Inhabitants and Ratepayers of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog: We have examined the following combined financial statements of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog and its Library Board at December 31, 1980 and for the year then ended: Statement of Revenue and Expenditure Statement of Capital Operations Balance Sheet Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests and other procedures as we considered necessary inthe circumstances. In our opinion, these combined financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Corporation of the Township of Scugog and its Library Board as at Dece mber 31, 1980 and the results of their operations for the year then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted for Ontario munici- palities applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. wh rey > Oshawa, Ontario March 15, 1981 DELOITTE, HASKINS & SELLS Licence No. 166 Chartered Accountants DateFiled: June3, 1981. STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year ended December 31, 1980 1980 1980 1979 Budget Actual Actual $ $ $ Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at thebeginningoftheyear.................. wee (39,653) (11,788) (23.032) Expenditures and transfers Municipal expenditures Generalgovernment ...................... 415,500 477,296 430,112 Protection to persons and property ......... 176,555 181,736 179,758 Transportation services... ............. 1,017,647 1,181,807 925,179 Environmentalservices.................... 63,535 64,897 60,326 Social and family services................... 4,500 4,325 4,322 Recreation and cultural services........ .. 294,080 339,670 324,442 Planning and development ................. 58,520 87,030 46,955 Totalexpenditure ............ccceiviiiiennnns 2,030,337 2,336,761 1,971,004 Transfers Transfers toregionorcounty.......... ce... 987,529 976,613 926,337 Transfers toschoolboards............... 2,336,805 2,361,550 . 2,067,610 Total transfers........... OL RC 3,304,334 3,338,163 2,993,947 Total expenditures and transfers............. 5,334,671 T6920 4,965,041 Revenue by purpose Municipal purposes Taxation .......cooooveeeeeeecnerneenneens 1,164,897 -1,161,625 1,112,986 Paymentinlieuoftaxes..... ............... 14,766 23,100 14,482 Ontariogrants..............ccoovvuiveenn.s 503,145 520,204 497,399 Othergrants................... Srmans wes --_ 3,378 6,203 Feesandservicecharges......... Joh oh ee 129,627 142,787 150,340 OROr, cov vvrnrsrnvnnne 0 o1e ae 918 470 3:0 $08 8 We BEE 289,830 313,696 186,039 Revenue to pay for municipal purposes....... 2,102,265 2,164,790 1,967,449 Region or county requisition - | TAXAON « 660000 01 08 prpemrerssmens bs satin 945,968 956,531 903,672 Paymentinlieuoftaxes..................... 2,262 3,663 2,199 Ontariogrants ...................coiviinenn, --_-- -- 28,454 Revenue to pay the region or county requisition . 948,230 "960,194 934,325 School board requisition : TARAION «cv os vv ov vn vans in wasn on suv inis 2,320,257 2,358,700 2,071,028 ? ' tl ' Paymentsinlieuoftaxes.................... 3,572 6,890 3,483 Revenue to pay the school board requisition. . . 2,323,829 2,365,590 2,074,511 TOBA POVERME 50.0.0 ot v4 so vsnensssssiosssosiosns 5,374,324 5,490,574 4,976,285 Accumulated net revenue (deficit) at the end of the year (Note 5) NIL (196,138) (11,788) Analysed as follows: General revenue (214,842) (43,534) Region or county 2,880 19,299 School boards 13,605 9,565 Special charges (1,628) (685) Specialareas 3.847 (625) Local boards tr (196,138) - - (11,788) CSF in tave. w rs STATEMENT OF CAPITAL OPERATIONS For the year ended December 31, 1980 Rr PT SN BL ARE RE ES ERT 1980 1979 Actual | Actual Unfinanced capitaloutlay $ $ (Unexpended capital financing) at the beginning of the year ................ 109,525 86,104 Capital expenditure y Generalgovernment ................. 71,402 8,204 i Protection topersons and property ..... | 32,754 25,044 k Transportationservices.............. 490,241 573,784 Recreation and culturalservices. ... .. 62,601 | 219,204 A Planning and development............ 115,900 42,100 i Total expenditure ................ Be uie nt 04 1772,988 | ses ,a26 3 * | Capital financing Contributions from the revenue fund... | 304,919 | 241,206 Contributions from reserves andreservefunds.................... 186,302 | 277,641 4 Long term liabilities incurred. ........ 115,900 42,100 i OntariograntS..............ccvuueene 279,175 | 261,800 1 Other........... crrerrsarrersseennere 36,487 | 22,258 8 Total capital financing ................... 922,783 845,005 { Unfinanced capital outlay (Unexpended capital financing) attheendof the year (40,270) 109,525 BALANCE SHEET As at December 31, 1980 1980 1979 ASSETS Actual Actual Current Assets $ $ CBI 1. 05055 va 35 25 sn spsunn sie sn dre va wed Taxes receivable .................... 20a old Accounts receivable ................. 409.307 340.064 Other current assets ............. S- 60.717 7 4 453 1 i ~ 1,121,949 [1,045,302 5 Capital outlay tobe recovered infuture years (Note2) ........ccceeeeeeene 364,018 | 437,154 Other longterm assets ............ FR 25,047 45,731 1,511,014 }1,528,187 LIABILITIES 1980 1979 Actual] Actual Current liabilities $ $ Temporary 10ans ............ooeeeneenn. 751,000] 600,000 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities . 98,453) 184,286 Other current liabilities ................. 66,794] 58,670 916,247] 842,956 Net long term liabilities (Noted) ............. 404,288 | 327.629 Reserves and reservefunds ...........cco00e 386,617 369,390 ° Accumulated net revenue (deficit) and unapplied capital receipts (Note$5)....... (196,138) (11,788) 1,511,014 |' 1,528,187