JX k 4 3 1 TE SR SAUNA RY ACAL RCIA § ROUEN OC SICA A A OAR STADE CF RATS PLO LS SPLAT BL ARAL SETH ARTE] EE fe VCH Ah Oh Sat A OM BRE SRL WA it LY ray STA RS RARASI MN ROT ee LAN TRNAS ISRNRSI NE SEVES IE par TE TE | LAA ot RES TR RRA EEN TATEAE SA bt SRR I HU ER RRC ry Se Ww e CA i" LB GEREN SEAN 2 cr led AA Ladin ARERR ERAN SU DHA RL PNR AT SARA (Faas RPEIAMAI CORR NS : SE SE Fw MEGAN TRAN GA ANE ATR 0 ' : asd : 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., August 12, 1981 . : . N 4 i PY A 2 ! 2 [4 ~ ; Cars & Trucks ror Qale en PACER -r rl fn SE Wa A EN - <b TT ad bt AT mR 2 Xe Se. 2 Sal IQ tagie, -- rr Sh A Pe Ew ir ct 3 Sai 1981 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED SEDAN - Dark maroon metallic, maroon cloth interior, air conditioner, cruise control, chrome plated wheels, over 20 options. Lic. RRA 463, Demonstrator Savings Available Now. 1981 PONTIAC PARISIENNE SEDAN - Jadestone green, matching cloth interior, 305 V8, mileage maker engine, fully power equipped, AM radio with 8-track. Lic. RRA462. Demonstrator Savings Available Now. 1981 BUICK LESABRE LIMITED SEDAN - Silver metallic with blue cloth interior, air conditioner, divided front seat, power locks, cruise control, wire wheel covers. Lic. RRA 567 Demonstrator Savings Available Now. 1981 BUICK REGAL LIMITED COUPE - Jadestone green, matching cloth interior, fully power equipped, AM/FM stereo, chrome plated wheels. Lic. RRA 350. Demon- strator Savings Available Now. 1981 PONTIAC PHOENIX - 5 door hatchback, medium beige with beige cloth interior, 2.5 litre /4 cyl. motor, automatic, power steering & brakes, AM radio, light pack- age. Lic. RRA 353. Demonstrator Savings Available Now. 1981 BUICK SKYLARK LIMITED COUPE - Silver metallic with blue cloth interior. 2.8 litre /v6 motor, automatic, power steering & brakes, AM/FM stereo, wire wheel covers. Lic. RRA 265. Demonstrator Savings Available Now. 1981 PONTIAC PHOENIX COUPE - Champagne metallic with matching cloth interior. 2.5 litre / 4 cyl. motor, auto- matic, sport mirrors, power steering & brakes, light pack- age. Lic. RRA 101. Demonstrator Savings Available Now. 1981 ACADIAN HATCHBACK COUPE - Bright red, red cloth bucket seats, automatic transmission, AM radio, defroster, radial white walls. Lic. RRA 338. Demonstrator Savings Available Now. 1981 ACADIAN "S" COUPE - Sandstone metallic, tan check cloth interior, bucket seats and console, automatic, defroster, RRA 468. Demonstrator Savings Available Now. 1980 PONTIAGPARISIENNE SEDAN - Maroon & silver two-tone, V8 automatic, AM/FM radio, cruise control, 60/ 40seat. Oneyear MRP Warranty Available. Lic. ODR 405. 1980 PONTIAC PHOENIX LJ COUPE - Dark blue with light blue Landau roof, V6, automatic, radio, bucket seats, like new. Lic. 0ZK 980. - 1980 PONTIAC PARISIENNE SEDAN - Two tone tan and brown, V8 automatic, AM/FM radio, air conditioner, power locks, power windows, cruise, 60/40 seat. Lic. LEL 654. 1980 BUICK SKYLARK SEDAN - Dark brown, tan cloth interior, clean, low mileage, V6 performance, automatic, power steering, power brakes, radio. Lic. PML 547. 1980 BUICK SKYLARK LIMITED COUPE - Medium gold, landau vinyl roof, cloth interior, loaded with extras, 25,000 km. Lic. PAF 594. Inventory Reduction Prices Available on all New Cars & Trucks in stock for August Ask our Salesmen for Prices! 1979 FIREBIRD TRANS AM - Black with custom cloth gold interior, V8, automatic, fully powered, special wheels, spoiler. Lic. NMW 722. 1979 BUICK LeSABRE ESTATE WAGON - Medium green metallic, air conditioner, power windows, AM/FM radio, loaded with extras. Lic. NYC 991. . 1979 CHEVROLET MALIBU STATIONWAGON - Dark blue, blue vinyl interior, V8, automatic, radio, roof racks, one _ - owner. PED423. 1978 PONTIAC CATALINA SEDAN - Dark blue, light blue vinyl roof, blue cloth interior, V8, automatic, fully power- ed,oneowner. Lic. MPN 918. 1978 CHEVROLET IMPALA SEDAN - Sandstone beige, cloth interior, V8, automatic transmission, fully powered. Lic. NKK 653. - 1977 CHEVETTE COUPE - Metallic red finish, bucket _ seats, console, 4 cylinder, 4-speed manual shift transmis- sion. Lic. MKA459. ' ~ Mr. (From page 1) inaccurate." : : The Association is also working on a 20 point sub- mission it will present to an - ad hoc task force that has been formed to hold public meetings into the Via shut- downs in several provinces. That task force, under Alberta P.C. Don Mazankow- ski will hold one of those hearings August 19 in the Peterborough County Court House. Mr. Mazankowski is the former Transport Minister in the Joe Clark government defeated in the last federal election. Mr. Parkes said that peti- . tions circulating in the communities affected by the planned shut-down of the rail service so far have about 2100 names, and some of the petitions have already been presented to federal and provincial politicians who have authority over trans- portation matters. In an effort to generate more public support for their fight to save the Havelock- Toronto line, the Association Prince Albert by Earline Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Rae Mac- Culloch and Jennifer and Rachel from Cobourg, Ontario spent Sunday with and Mrs. David MacCulloch on Quaker Road. Also spending the week end with Mom and Dad . were Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson and children Robin and Bobby from Camp Borden. And I am told June along with her family leave for Duncan, British " Columbia the middle of August to live. Good Luck June, I am sure you will enjoy the mild 'winter ° - weather out there. Mrs. Shirley Garvey and her daughter Linda along __with her husband Gene Carter from Raleigh, North Carolina spend a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith, they also called on friends in Toronto and Port Perry during the week here. Don and Marion Leslie from Seagrave called on Mr. and Mrs. Smith and the rest on. will stage a rally this Sunday, August 16 at Town Hall, 1873 on Queen Street in Port Perry. Mr. Parkes said that Durham-Northumberland -M.P, Allen Lawrence will be . a guest speaker at the rally, along with others, He said - rail users from the Barrie 'area who are also facing a shut-down of the service to Toronto will be in atten- dance. Mr. Lawrence has been a sharp critic of the plans to close one-fifth of Via's passenger service in Canada and issued a strong state- ment condemning the moves when they were announced suddenly two weeks ago by Mall Starts To Move federal Transport Minister Jean Luc Pepin. Mr. Parkes said the Association is working on other tactics to help pressure the government into revers- ing the decisions, but he declined to say at this time "just what those are. The Association has adopted an un-official slogan "Save Our Train" and members are sporting lapel badges with those words. Mr. Parkes said the members are not prepared to give up without a good fight, oT! Liquor licence (From page 1) never have become involved in commenting on the appli- cation in the first place, which was an unprecedented move in Scugog. If the matter is dealt with on Monday and the April 27 resolution expressing concerns stays on the books, the Township will have to - send a representative to the August 27 hearing to present the resolution and explain the reasons why Scugog is not in favour of the licence for the restaurant. s With the mails expected to start moving again this week, some gf the loyal subscribers to the Port Perry Star will be receiving the last five issues of the paper which have been piling up in bags at the Port Perry Post Office. These papers are bound for subscribers outside the immediate Port Perry and Scugog Township area, and thankfully during the mail strike, we have not had any Re RN EMT i bi a Sit FAA Grn, HPO me retina en a, pan ly 1977 NOVA CONCOURS SEDAN - silver metallic, black Sunday evening. , Subscribers call to cancel their paper. With the strike apparently over, it will be ; doth interior, Sotlive Pt aLic, fower steering, less a and Mrs: HE back to business as usual for the staff at the Port Perry office, who were not on { ry than 25,000 original miles. Lic. . ews and the have : : } ( i 1977 FIREBIRD ESPIRIT - Dark blue metallic, blue vinyl [ll returned home from a weeks © Pecause they are members of a different union than CUPW. | of interior, V8, 4 speed, manual transmission, slider roof vacation at Sauble Beach. 'B A panel, lots of extras. Lic. PRA 219. : 48 They also enjoyed a few days ; " i 1976 DATSUN B210 SEDAN - Dark brown metallic, cloth camping at Niagara Falls. $7 interior, 4 cylinder, 4-speed manual transmission, radio see work is progressing : 7 wheel disc. Lic. KXX 232. well on the new Crosier home 4 ot - on Union Ave. Just got to 03 - USED TRUCKS - keep everybody together for ) 2 : Ek (] 2 1981 GMC LONGBOX WIDESIDE PICK-UP - Two tone (Turn to page 7) 1 1 i green and white, Sierra model, V8, automatic, radio, radial : : INSURANCE AGENCY LTD . | white walls, power equipped, Lic. HY 3361. Demonstrator 170 WATER STREET, PORT PERRY -985-8416 ! A Savings AvailableNow. LLAR ARMANI Juss f 3 1979 DODGE % TON LONG BOX PICK-UP - Dark green I ALLLINESOF i finish, 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, 79,000 km. "As "vg Cala E bY Is" Price Available. Lic. ER 8395. Shea iuly Sale" GENERAL INSURANCE J 1978 GMC SHORT BOX STEP SIDE % TON - 4 wheel drive, -NO SALES TAX- *Hao *Co ial' *Boat 4 V8 motor, 4-speed transmission, Our last 4 x 4 - Priced to ; + ome * mmercia Tet S 4 Sell. Lic. ER 7562. Complete Pool Kits ; *Auto Motorcycles Trailers i with sand filter *Farm *Snowmobiles *Campers Ah Above Ground... from$699 od 4 ' : i r mr 2 It's Always Worth the Trip to ... © Guaranteed Investment Certificates | [# : & Debentures © a All Pool Chemicals on Sale! . ; Liquid Chlorine 5 gal. $5.99 wm the Permanent 3 % : Canada Permanent Trust Company ; 1 4 0 Canada Permanent Mongwse Corporation A PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED. INTERNATIONAL pds Vo Ini GUARANTEED i 1OVANEDUARD DRIVE, PORT PERRY. 988-8474 MANUFACTURING Guaranteed 1 Year Term. INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES JYRRIRL ES (Even 576-2287) Fridays to 6:00; Saturdays to 1:00 P.M.