AACR RCI SEAR RE fs de aa A BARA A A RE HURTS HEE OO ARC AER KD) ERLE A Qa EDINA HERVE EIA = RATA 4 PEAS NA a ¥ Ta oS AGI (HY HY 7 2 RN 3 SURE ATI % ; SAAR TEE SOR SUR PRA Sa RC MA iret XE ASR PAM $d SAP ' A SHARTANTEN HARE E TENE ASR TATE HFS SETI FLAMIN SF SAR A 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 29, 1981 remember BY fh when oe (From page 5) 20YEARS AGO Thursday, July 28, 1961 Three cattle were stolen from the Malcolm Bailey ranch at R.R. 1, Port Perry. The cattle were show animals valued at $500.00 each. Rustling is indicated. Mr. Bruce Mackey and Donna Samells were married inPort Perry United Church. Vicky Luke suffered a fractured skull and numerous bruises when she walked into the side of a car on her way home from the swimming pool. A $500. donation from the Patrick Harrison and Co. Ltd. brings the X-ray fund for the hospital within $3,811 of their objective. 15YEARSAGO Thursday, July 28, 1966 Mr. Joel Aldred, Port Perry has accepted the posi- tion of General Chairman of the Fund Raising Commit- tee for the new Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Bright, Seagrave were enter- tained at a family picnic in their honour on the occasion oo I nsurance Ag eon [4 Y Opened of their 25th Wedding Anniversary., Mr. and Mrs. Murray Holtby and children have Regional Councillor Gary Herrema and MPP seen at opposite ends of this photograph holding the returned to their home in Prospect following a vacation Ross Stephenson were on hand last Friday evening to ribbon. Many friends and relatives attended the to Brandon, Manitoba. N help with the Opening of D.J. Taylor Insurance opening to wish the couple much success in their new 10 YEARSAGO Agency Ltd. The new insurance business is owned by endeavour. Wednesay, July 28, 1971 Sandra and Jerry Taylor of R.R. 3, Port Perry who are Van Camp Contracting, Port Perry has been accep- ted as the contractor for the 1971 street improvement program. Their tender was the lowest bid submitted, at $70,481.50. SS Sewer hook-ups are now available in Port Perry and permits can be purchased at the municipal office for a fee of $10.00 for connection plus a $5.00 trench permit. NEWS .... An addition of a two-storey structure has been pro- i A P PY posed for R.H. Cornish Public School. N X : B : Archie MacMaster was the special guest at Conway 1 A 4 0 U T T H E N F Ww L { B R A R Y | Gardens for a dinner held in his honour. Mr. MacMaster i } 31 T H D A Y } . was presented with a wrist watch in recognition of 25 _ yearsemployment at Beare Motors, Port Perry. ' ' 2 Q-Z ) Mr. and Mrs. Rick Larocque of Cedar Creek have returned home after taking a trip to Moosonee, boarding the Polar Bear Express train at Cochrane, Ontario. "Notice to All Donors & Canvassers" The Library Expansion Committees will be meeting with Wintario Officials on August 5, 1981 to submit their application for final Wintario approval. Itisimportant to have all donations or pledges in hand to have completed financial statements by that date. Therefore please have all canvas kits and pledges/donations in to the Library no later than July 31, 1981. 4 i National Museums Musées nationaux I of Canada du Canada NATURAL HISTORY | | NOTEBOOK PRESENTED BY: THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF NATURAL SCIENCES, OTTAWA HETERODONTOSAURUS Gres changes Snctont occurred on our planet befween 300 and 200 Jt, millon years ago. The | coal age waned, land UII masses coalesced into (MAT) a great world continest, a fie UXBRIDGE MEMORIAL CO. LTD. (IKI) dramatic extinction ff omc ertacion 108 BROCK STREET WEST - UXBRIDGE, ONTARIO ll] ocurred cludes 852-3472 i warmer and drier. 1 Thank You SCUGOG MEMORIAL LIBRARY FUND RAISING COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE NEW LIBRARY CALL: 985-7686. DONATIONS TO THE BUILDING FUND CAN BE FORWARDED TO: P.O. BOX 459, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO. LOB 1NO. . Memorials of Distinction GRANITE - MARBLE - BRONZE CEMETERY LETTERING & RENOVATIONS % CUSTOM DESIGNING & LETTERING A SPECIALTY OF OUR OWN CRAFTSMEN N \ 5 1 Quality & Satisfaction For personal service - AN : assured by our own visit our showroomat Written Guarantee. 108 Brock St. -just east oftherailway tracks. The record of land anmals during _ Tug Time 15 nowhere better 2 Aid preserved than m Anca, where 22 {i mammal-like reptiles were slowly vs replaced by ancestral dinosaurs : 198 which were presumably more tolerant of hof, arid emvironments. Aeitrosboribsarys, bg a primitive, planit-edling dinosaur, was about 1mefer long. Males apparently possessed small Tusks. Evidence from tooth raplacomb suggests the anmals may have been dormant dunng dry seasons in South Africa, some 200 million ears 4qo- | aq 38 Years Home appointments and i f 28 Personal Experience. transportation by request. Reg & Clara Tomkinson % ; \_ Canada FOR FREE REPRINT WRITE TO THE MUSEUM J et