-- ¥ Ed Groves gets top Legion post for another term Ed Groves has been re- elected president of Port Perry. Legion, Branch 419. In elections by the general membership held at the Legion in Port Perry May 31; . Mr. Groves turned aside three other nominees for the top post: John Maw, Len Haigh and Chester Ped- zikowski, Jack Cook 'Sr. remains immediate past president and a member of the executive. This election had a first for Port Perry Legion, as past sports officer Dave Durham was voted to the post of 3rd vice president, marking the first time an associate member has been elected to the executive committee. The other executive positions include John Maw as 1st vice president; and Ross Weir as 2nd vice president. Mr. Groves has been a member of Branch 419 for the past eight years. He has served terms as president in 1978 and last year. Prior to coming to the Port Perry area, he had been a member of Branch 1 in Toronto. 'The Sgt.-at-Arms for the coming year will be Jack Lee. The other executive 'committee members are as follows. John Popowich - Ways and Means and Property Management; Ruth Grant - Poppy Fund; Doug Butt - Sick Committee; Andrea Weir - Membership; George Faulkner - Sports; Marie Nightingale - Bulletin; Betty York - Publicity and Youth Education. The elections were scrutinized by members of the Peterborough Legion. "Ask me about State Farms special life Insurance rates for non-smokers" STATE FARM Insurance Companies Head Qffice: Scarborough, Ontario BOB ALEXANDER INSURANCE We have several WW lifeinsura Nl policies with lower 0 rates for people who don't smoke. "Call me for details. [stars sanm INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED CREDIT UNION BUILDING, HIGHWAY 12 BROOKLIN, ONTARIO LOB ICO Telephone: (Bus.) 655-3804 SHORT TERM CERTIFICATES 24 to 29 Days 30to 59 DAYS. . 17%:% 60to 119 DAYS.. 17% 120t0 364 DAYS 16Y:% Rates Subject to Change. STANDARD TRUST 165 Queen Street, P.O. Box 1318 - Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO Telephone: 985-8435 or 985-8436 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Port Perry Legion Branch 419 elected a new slate of returning for another term as president. With Mr. executive officers recently with Ed Groves [left] NG rd a - - ~~ ~~ " > . Groves are John Maw, Ross Weir and Dave Durham. DISCOVER THE GREAT, BIG WONDERFUL WORLD CORAL o&S "NOW OPEN" SAVE 7% SALES TAX ... buy your materials now for your building projects (Before June 30th) _ -- PICNIC TABLES 6 ft. Spruce Assembled $48.25 6 ft. Spruce Kit $34.70 5 ft. Spruce Assembled $40.65 Kit $29.25 FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 P.M. CORRUGATED FIBREGLASS PANELS 26" x96-30z. Shamrock 7 20 each f Sturdy, BE LIGHTWEIGHT EXTENSION LADDER Rise to the task. No-slip feature; self-adjusting feet. J 9 Metal LUMBER 2x4 Utility 20¢ lin. ft. 2 x6 Utility 27Y2¢ li ft MCCULLOCH CHAIN SAW Cuts time and work. Safe, reliable. Mac 340-16" $250.00 Mac 140-14" $172.45 UTILITY SHEDS 8 x 8 - Assembled or Kit Form Various Sizes available. BARBEQUES 13.95 RAILROAD TIES "Ideal for Landscaping" Approx.6x8x8 Each 9.60 All Items Subject to Prior Sale _ LIMITEDTOINSTOCK lll] KIT FORM (A.) $353.91 (B.) $334.65 (C.) $421.77 (D.) $351.70 PRICES ASSEMBLED (A.) $478.91 (B.) $459.69 (C.) $546.77 (D.) $476.72 If it's something new you'll find it at .... PSX | AKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) building centre PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - 985-7391 BVA AAT SIRES RIE 5 SR Fo SERS a PEA TR CL -- wes PC ER re Ie x a. es es \ we Rn 3 eg AGILE 5 22 SNe - TAs In Are R SEER Cea