Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 10 Jun 1981, p. 34

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AAR Ni LAY NE ee 3 A OL ERE ICL APR N oF ARM 3 hee : LIN NEA A Xn i 3 Ee LE RN A ig Ted Hes \ , RAY 8 WERE SOR Riki RE (MARIE SE tals "i '34-- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 10, 1981 LA . seeks house in Port Perry area. bide $1 2 per neni, pus TA i d § FISHER STO ly . s 1970 MG MIDGET, asking $2,000 | DIAMOND RINGS. scrap aold. 723-5227 during days, 728-6302 Ss. resume 0: J.C. ax - ccoun ing. Z Ves ~woad snd/y or best offer. Can be certified. | «coins, silver, guns, antiques and evenings. J24 | Svendsen Sr., Box 485, High ror iri ain eh avors For Sale Used Cars Wanted fo Buy Wanted to Rent Help Wanted Work Wanted FEED BARLEY by the ton: Will deliver. Phone 705-277-2883. 1973. STARCRAFT hardtop trailer 3 way fridge - propane 6000 BTV air conditioner $150.00; Hoover washer spin dryer $100.00. Phone 1-705-357-2466. oil furnaces, Selkirk chimneys. All C.S.A. or U.L.C. approved. 73 NOVA hatchback $395.00 or best offer. Phone 985-8682. 1977 FORD Granada, 2 dr., p.S., p.b., 6 cyl, am radio, $2700 or best SCRAP CARS - Highest prices paid, will pick up. 985-8636 or 985-3348. - T.F. MEDALS, badges, helmets, 1966 CHEVELLE, 350 auto, 2 door, call after 6:30 p.m. $600. as "Is. 985-8257. SCRAP CARS - light trucks, or any scrap steel, etc. Call 985-7614 M13 985-3340. used motorcycles - Any condition ONE BEDROOM apartment in Port Perry area. Write Box 34, c/o Port Perry Star. : COTTAGE on Lake Scugog - building, 700 to 1,000 sq. ft. heat in winter. 416-839-5770. JN YOUNG professional couple PERSON REQUIRED immed: lately to cut lawn. Please call 985-9010 evenings. OFFICE supervisor required immediately for small northern fu - offer. 985-7076. responsible, with references. Ich 30 owe Woody bayonnets, swords, uniforms. Ee J10 | community of 2100 people. k. awning dual tanks - call | 1973 TOYOTA, 1200 motor. Anything military! Call 985-9024, Candidate must possess at least 3 £1 852-6843. * 985-8636 or 985-3348. TF | FARM, large garage or outside | years accounting experience plus a desire to enter the municipal field. Capable of handling preparation to year end Financial Statements. Pay scale Level, Alberta, TOH 1Z0. ' (403) ELECTRIC FENCER Service, factory approved. Service céhtre for Shur Shock fencers, repairs to all approved makes-battery,. hydro and solid state. Walter. Wright, Blackstock 416-986-4818. K. DAVE MUIR Reg. Industrial Accountant Bookkeeping - Income Small Businesses re BE pm 7 J EN pa y .- Dan Stone-985-7057. 926-2201 hi For A HOUSE wanted to rent in Port . ; {4 i RE Donna. Hazerwcad setae | 1 BUICK sl 23 bs 0b TF |. Perry area. Phone 985-3122. ET AE & Companies. 4 ower windows, and power | - a i i id (except Sundays.) TF | Pecks. radial fire climate | GOOD USED Apartment size or char mow. | Evening & Weekend Appointments ih i i. , radia e, climate ! ed Yamaha motorcycles and show Can Be Arranged i a ONE PAIR GOODRICH belted | control/air, am/fm radio, 57,000 | UPright pianos. Service and Help Want mobiles, and OMC products. | WY tires on Dodge rims, G78-15. $30 | Miles. $1700 or best offer. Phone | tuning available for all makes. Relocation and excellent 985-8494 i 4 each. 985.3704. ' : 1-705-357-2466. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. - 985-2635 | pERSON to clean one day per | penefits. 'Phone collect (403) 985-7079 i be : - TF | week. Seagrave-Sonya (Protec 668-4499. Write Sealand Recre- 3 \ ' Thursday or Friday). 985- . , 2250 - 2nd., Whitehorse 2 bh a? Sota ut | I0UNCERTIFIED | sravemme pa in scan CERT i \ double bed and dresser; 4 pc C ARS area. 986-5088. GIRLS 18-20 years old. Apply 2 os | ~S 3 ir - Box 281, Sunderland Ont. L NAGER REQUIRED to a 3% at ops ne Say Sains STEREO . Sebpe and slides. Call | 140. Please Include phone bons for 8 year old girl for some" THE ] oh furnace; hotwater heater; 39 5 2009 eventos. rumber. haa a thas GRASSMAN Lie double propane tank; carpet 4 ours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. i i monk og og) os each STANDING Hh waned in Port | NURSE'S AIDE or nursing home | ¢40.00 per week. Must be 14 or idle A Rs condition. Phone 986-5128. EG.:'73GREMLIN erry area. Phone : maker wanted for relief duty at | quer, reliable and punctual! Commercial & Residential i PANES Li OFO 255 g least 2 days per week. Call Apply to Box 32, c/o Port Perry { ATX qd 4 ic, x FARM - approx. 50 acres in Port | p Hs. Personnel, Oshawa Ltd. le-. © Lawn Care } X) MICHELINS, set of 4; 14"; ' Perry area. Private. 985-3122 Star, stating age, address, tele { Re approx. 10,000 miles, like new, id y : ) op bt SIL phone number and experience. ® Cultivating | asking $250. Phone 985-3731. 25 Good Certified Fertilizing NI ' ' STRAWBERRY pickers needed, | RELIABLE PERSON required { NAAR ONE RIDING lawnmower, 8 hsp. Cars-'74t0'79. GOOD USED STOVES, fridges, | commencing the 3rd week of | 2.3 days per week In retall store, } %e with trailer, asking $750. Phone washers, dryers and all types of June. Port Perry area. 985-7493. | good with public, some typing an Call John: e/g y ! ' furniture. Phone Greenbank - 7 onn. i 4 985-8712. asset. Reply to Box 31, c/o Port { rd Passes. TF Perry star. (416) 985-8094 | 1 WEDDING INVITATIONS AUTO SALES SELL Michele Lynn costume : | 7 personalized stationery, 'PORT PERRY. ONTARIO i" jewellery. Full or part time. No | HOUSEKEEPER - Stores ; A napkins, matches, playing cards, 3 OLD SCRAP CARS experience necessary. Kit Is | Receiver - Applications are i ah etc. Call the Port Perry Star - 985-7021 ~ provided. For more Information | nvited for a casual (part time) | iY bry re NEWER WRECKED CARS | can Gloria 986-4438. Student | .and relief housekeeping and a | , T ders UNCERTIFIABLE CARS inquiries welcome. } stores receiver. Applicant st DE AD STOCK i ) i . be capable of performing light 3 ! id MASSEY FERGUSON i baler en G20 a thn Ino cash o) SUMMER EMPLOYMENT | and heavy housekeeping duties FREE REMOVAL 3 : y i pportunity - for c care | aswell as learning the stores and = oy | 3 284 4473. Aw: Bradburn, R.R. 1 TOWNSH I P to buy cars and light trucks. oriented person. Young farm receiving process. Receiving Of Fresh, Dead or ; ackstock. A Lsonceit Auto by sehiass. | mother requires assistant to | duties may Involve lifting and Disabled Animals. : e uaran arts. provide constructive stimulation moving of heavy items. Please i | iid TURKEYS, 2 broad- OF SCUGOG OPEN: Mon. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for 4 boys ages 2 to 8. Be part of | apply in writing, stating previous $5.00 Charge For i x / Dreas a, | ronze, one male, one Saturday 9a.m.to2 p.m. _ family atmosphere and vutings. experience to: Director of Sheep and Goats. ! Joma) e; also one white female. SCALA BROS. Driver's licence an asset - not | personnel, Community Memo- { : AUTO WRECKERS necessity. Please call before | rial Hospital, Port Perry. J10 Please Dial Direct: ; (4 June 20, 1-705-357-2287 to discuss 3 BERKLEY WATER pump, R.R.4 - PORT PERRY mutually suitable working | PART TIME. Work your own MARGWILL ; Phone sarsess ion: $75.00. PHONE 985-3132 arrangerients. hours, pay your mortgage and FUR FARM PAINTING EXTERIOR 3 _ JI7 | car payments etc. Keep ahead of Hampton 416-263-2721 FISHING MACHINE - Chrysler ' inflation and improve your Bass boat and 50 hp Io ysle OF poRy TERRY oramunily standard of living. Call Mr, Mills e ng Club r - ey jose ve 10 ry Live MUNICIPAL BUILDING rl na the b reg) and nope 576-6727 for detalls. Jv, 1 wey and eleciric he pump | 181 Perry Street, Port Perry facilities for the 1981-82 season. P, : , meal and lunch preparation for 4 TAR until 12 o'clock Noon, June WANTED TOBUY | fhe various club functions. | CUSTOM haying and baling, post 3 POOL TABLE- 4 x 8, complete | 15, 1981. Specifications and Written replies will be received | hole digging, loader work, BACKHOE SERVICE oa Bopssuop iat Best offer. Call requirements available at ' until June 15, 1981. c/o The Port | reasonable. Bob 852-6691. JV' Septic: Tank & Tile 5 Dr 985 75%. the Municipal Office. Approximately "Perry Community Curling Club, Bed Installations oA STR aw i approximately po : 50 Assasin Pont P.O. Box 158, Port Perry Griese Trenching Basements, 5 arge bales of good mixed grain ° . ater Lines, st! . $1. . - - Taw. S100 por bale. YeESRD. ega Notice -PRIVATE- ONE SUPERVISOR with ECE BRICK - BLOCK Screened Stone, 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8 3 2 2 diploma Blackstock Co- - STONE - pn Sand. 1 Ji ' operative nursery school to work CKSTOCK i CANOES blue hole 16' O.C.A. pinay 085-31 CALLB ; : 3 days per week - for more y ROyaisn Whi) wate) Lows Nave In the matter of the Estate of BS call 986-5016. |. °° CONCRETE - 986-4737 | no Pick up for $725. each. Call (613) | C°ra Charity Heayn, deceased. Resume write Blackstock | New Work & Repairs i 1 Tr oath, oa All persons having claims Wanted Nursery School, c/o P.O. Box 11, i g . » Wally, Tr : against the Estate of CORA an Blackstock Ont. LOB 1B0 1 i" CHARITY HEAYN, late of the re : F k Sh i Gi 28 HP EVINRUDE outboard | Township of Scugog, In the | WANTED STORAGE space for ran erman i i with tank $425.00. 65 hp Evinrude | Regional Municipality of Dur- | contents of house and garage for ¢ NURSING CARE { HH outboard, no tank or controls | ham, who died on or about the 9th | July and August. Phone 839-1527. "WANTED- O85H- A $525.00 Call Ron 705-357-3526. day of May, 1981, are hereby We specialize inthe care of T.F. | notified to send to the undersign- | RIDE from Port Perry to Sher- MEN ANDWOMEN patients intheir own homes. 3 xg -- ed on or before the 27th day of | borne and Front Streets, Our carefully screened, H SAILBOAT - 16', Lazy-E Enter- | June, 1981, full particulars of | Toronto. Arriving approximately to fill positions now insured and experienced i pe i A prise - $800 or best offer. Can be | their claims. Immediately after | 8:15a.m. Monday to Friday. Call available. nurses, companions and 4 " seen at Goreski's Marina. Call | the said date the assets of the | 985-7113 evenings. oC : 1 homemakers are available i 985-2942. said deceased will be distributed - No experience neces- or on lie, part time oF i among the parties entitled there- | WILL PICK UP without charge' ining i - ooo Pg 3 100 H.P. MERC - 18 ft. boat - 4 | to, having regard only to claims | all used appliances, refrigera- sary, as training is pro live-in nursing care. : Whee) ator Sane - all attach- | of which they shall then have | tors, and freezers. Empty your vided. tor all Available 24-Hours! { 15; ments 2674. notice. cellars and garages. Also old Neat in appearance & : rs : DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, | TV's and radios. Call 986-4926. salinapb OCCASIONS COMCARE | Ju URINE BRAS E SAV £4 this 22nd day of May, 1981. TE willingtowork. 571-3501 J; : Guarantees remova KELLY, JERMYN,.ZULY : . -, 3 : dog, cat, human urine stains, Barristers and Solicitors Income from $820.00 Weddings, Dances, etc. ] odors from carpets! Free Box 131, Queen Street, For Rent to $1220.00 per month i Cvweniesis cod, "Box Jou, | Fort Ferny ontario for those who quality CHL PRICE | .r ' LOB INO MOTORHOME - new, class A, 25 i i ' : 4 London, Ontario NSY 4X. | solicitors for Alvin Heayn and 3 Ns 8, fully equipped. CALL: P & G SOUNDS i E 5 - | Orval Heayn Executors of the hone : 2 HUNTER Wood electric . 5 combination furnaces. 80,000 | above Estate. 424 976-6727 579-6991 Oshawa b: | BTU. $1000 complete en, TWO BEDROOM apartment, ] 1 A 2g 295. month, o HA | NOTICE TO CREDITORS igor Wc By Help Wanted ; * : SAY GOODBYE to your landlord & OTHERS 985-8323 ' ' 1 i ; - Say hal 10 rn Home 4h your All claims against the estate : : own lot with a low cost mortgage, | of AMY CAROLINE SMITH, late g a It little or no maintenance and low, | of the Township of Scugog, in the RAI (or ven) a Us ut nous: N U RSI N P low fuel bills. A model for every | Regional Municipality of DUr- | a4 4303 after 6 p.m ) 5 budget. Come see our display of Pyramid Homes on Hwy. #45 just south of #401. Cobourg Homes - ham, who died on or about the 29th day of July, 1979, must be filed with the undersigned per- DOWNTOWN Port Perry office Applications are invited for the position of full time Nursing Supervisor. Applicants should have Class 'A' Tractor Trailer 416-372-9432. sonal representative on or before | space, approx. 800 sq. ft. Pre- : : : Class 'B' School Bus*® i T.F. | July 9, 1981; thereafter, the | viously lawyers office. Very at least five years experience in nursing and be Class T' Straight Truck* | undersigned will distribute the | reasonable. Phone 579-5371. prepared to work all shifts. A certificate in Nur- For Course Information i Gi assets of the estate having T.F. sing Unit Administration or equivalent is pre- Attend the Open House jive Away regard only to the claims then ferred : ; filed. COMMERCIAL BUILDING - erred. Holiday Inn. Osh ' ' ; DATED this 2nd day of June, sq. ft. Conc. 7, Durham Rd. i iti . i SPAYED 5 year old female dog, | 198). y ¢ 8. Call 985-7085. Please reply in writing to: iday Inn, Oshawa fo a good home in the country. GEORGE LESLIE SMITH, T.F. Director of Personnel JUNE 11 fs 985-3516 after 5 p.m. Executor, by his solicitors, 12:00 NOON to 6:00 P.M. MESSRS. commerciaL space orrent. | COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL | o: THREE YEAR OLD male SMITH, SUTHERLAND, 1-1700 square feet; 1-800 square : x i German Shepherd, has been | 04 Queen Street, Port Perry | feet. Suitable for many uses - Port Perry, Ontario LOB INO neutered, all shots, good guard dog. 986-5576 after 5 p.m. Ontario LOB INO J24 downtown Port Perry. 668-5621. T.F.

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