Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 25 Jun 1980, p. 29

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Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales SATURDAY JUNE 28 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Many antiques, excellent older furniture, appliances, Real Estate, the property of W. MAY DEVITT, Bobcaygeon. Com- plete contents of century home, trunks, antique rugs, ansonia shelf clock, marble lamp, phea- sant, parlor tables, antique register, safe, lamps, old cabinet radio, cupboards, wicker bas- kets, antique Connor wringer washer, lantern, partial toilet set, wicker fernery, antique bureau - porcelain knobs, bottles, drop leaf table, old baking table, antique chairs, Morris upright piano and bench, various clocks, 100 day clock, very old post cards, wicker rocker, very old music books, storage box, chests, dressers, pine table, quilt boxes, large qu. playing cards, old books, quilts, qu. brand new shoes, oak library table, parlour clock, rocking chair, exceptional antique rocking chair with carving, mahogany low front dresser, exceptional dresser with high mirror and jewellery box and matching four high poster bed and matching chest, walnut sewing cabinet, excep- tional assortment of very old dishes, 12 place setting of Bridal Rose Cechoslavakia ~ Union dishes, Austrian china old colony flatware, German dishes, oil lamp, large assortment antique dishes, antique tri-lite lamp with silver shelf base, brass floor lamp, antique scales, shelf, needlepoint chair, old cabinet radio, qu. bedding, sheets, quilts, chest freezer, 2 door frost free refrigerator, automatic 30 elec- tric stove, television, chester- field, tool box; Zenith wringer washer, mini dryer, Frigidaire refrigerator, many primitives dihid collectibles. No reserve. Giving up housekeeping. REAL ESTATE: good brick home on large corner lot on main street, hot water heat, good floors, three bedrooms upstairs, lot about 100° x 100', a beautiful home, or would make-good- business location or ideal antique shop (zoned commercial). Terms - $5,000 down, balance on closing. Subject to reasonable reserve. Don't miss this sale. For infor- mation call the auctioneer - Orval McLean - Lindsay - 324- 2783. EY] SATURDAY JUNE 28 SALE TIME 1P.M. GIVING UP FARMING Auction sale, the property of HUGH McARTHUR, Lot 6, Con. . +=, DOUro Township - 2 mile west of the village of Douro or 5 miles east of Peterborough on County Road 8. IMPLEMENTS: 1974 - 135 M.F. diesel tractor - 1230 hrs., complete with Freeman manure loader, hydraulic bucket; M.F. 65 gas tractor with pully, M.F. 10 baler PTO, 1974 M.F. power mower 7 ft. 3 pt. h., M.F. side rake 5 bar with hay cond. adap- ter, Brady hay conditioner PTO, Hay elevator 26 ft., 1978 George White cultivator - 3 pt. h. 10 ft, 1977 Kuhn corn harvester 3 pt. h. - 1 row (used two seasons), Corn box, Int. ace bottom plough 3 furrow trip beam 3 pt.h., M.H. seed drill 15 disc grain, grass fert.; A.C. 2 row corn planter, Sudora snow blower 3pt. h., N.H. manure spreader PTO, Int. cul- tivator, 4 section spring tooth harrows, potato plough, circular saw, Pioneer chain saw, 2-wheel trailer, snowmobile trailer, Ski- doo 10 h.p., Snow Jet - 20 h.p., Qu of scrap iron, some lumber, many other item$. Riding horse - 8 yrs. old, single driving harness, saddle. HAY: approx. 400 bales mixed hay. CATTLE: 10 mature Charolais Hereford cross cows with calves by side, calves born March to May. One Charolais Hereford cow due time of sale. Purebred Hereford bull polled. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale time: Implements - 1:00 p.m., Cattle: 3:00 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. J25 THURSDAY JULY 3 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, appliances, some antiques, farm machinery, tractors, tools at ORVAL MCLEAN AUCTION CENTRE, LINDSAY. Bellarus 400 excellent tractor - 200 hrs., International 460 tractor, discs, 8 furrow chisel plough, 200 Massey Ferguson bulldozer, 272 Inter: nation tractor with loader, Cock: shutt 33 tiller, trailers, cedar posts, cord hardwood, 1972 GMC camper van, etc. To consign bring to barn or phone 324-2783 Oryal McLean - Auctioneer. SATURDAY JUNE 28 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of real estate, historic vehicles, shop equip- ment, tractor and small dozer and furniture and appliances, etc. The property of FRED TEEL, to be held in the village of Woodville, Ontario. VEHICLES & EQUIPMENT: 1929 Model A Ford 2 door coach in excellent restored condition to be sold certified, 1958 Dodge power wagon, 4 wheel drive 6 cyl, 4 speed completely restored with 4 way blade 76' also certified, tractor 2085 Ferguson gas with newly rebuilt motor live PTO, 2 furrow plow 3 pt.h. and 7' culti- vator 3 pt., Pavemaster 4 wheel drive dozer on rubber 4' blade in good condition original side walk plow, 1976 SkiDoo 340RV free air Al, 14' fibreglass canoe - new, Atlas 3 h.p. garden tiller and 32 h.p. gas lawn mower - both like new, body shop 220 Port A spot welder, Kellog air compressor twin cyclinder 3/4 h.p., bench grinder, steel bench and vise, large qu. of hand tools and body tools, 12 good steel roof rafters - 10" x 12 x 15', qu. of block and lumber. REAL ESTATE: Two nice little homes to be sold if not sold prior to sale date. Number 1 -Lot 1 Plan 119 Victoria County - two storey 3 bedroom frame aluminum siding, newly decora- ted, full kitchen, living room, dining room, cedar deck, newly heated garage, heavy duty wiring. Lot size - 66 x 158' - Low taxes. Number 2 - Lot 7 Plan Victoria County - 2 storey frame newly Insulated remodelied bath, full basement, kitchen, and living room, town water, oil fur- nace. Lot size - 66' x 165'. Low taxes. (Terms on real estate - $2,000 deposit sale day, balance in 30 days or NOTE # of required vendor will hold mortgage at 12% due to high interest rates. Excellent terms. FURNITURE 8& APPLIANCES; Like new fridge and stove - 2 dr frost free and 30" Findlay stove (white), automatic Viking washer Al, liquor cabinet, fans, chrome suite, chesterfield and matching chair, rocker, antique dressers, double bed, 3 pc. bedroom suite, guns - 30-30 Winchester model #94, 303 British Sporterized, 12 guage Bolt Stevens, 22 Cooey Repeat, 12 guage Mossberg #195 model, Shells and much more. Terms cash. Absolutely no reserve. Lunch available. Beginning with furniture, real estate sale at 2:30 & 3:00 p.m. Calvin Mabee - Sales manager and auctioneer - Lindsay - 705- 324-4567. : J25 SATURDAY JUNE 28 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Extensive Public Auction Sale consisting of M.F., S.P. combines, N.H. baler, 3 pt.h. tractor, farm implements, tillage, seeding, plantings, ferti- lizer, treated seed wheat, N.H. PTO spreader, R.T. steel wagons, harvesting machines, barn timbers, rails, truck, mis- cellaneous farmers tools and supplies of descriptions. Poul- try, geese, registered stallion, quarter horse, race horse tack, household contents, apg.iances, freezer, kitchen range, various effects, etc., etc. For WM. CLARKE at Lot 25 on side line 24 south of Highway 7, Pickering Township. Midway between Altona and Brock Roads. Sale at 12:00 noon - terms cash day of sale. See flyers for particulars. This sale worthy of attending. C.K. Prentice Auctioneers Markham - 640-3686. SATURDAY JUNE 28 SALE TIME: 11 AM. Antique cars and parts, property of MR. THOMPSON on Durham Road 21, half mile east of Goodwood. 1950 Ford Stude- baker, 1929 Ford truck, a number of Model A and T parts, trailer for moving cars, garden tools, deep freeze, refrigerator, ches- terfield, bedroom suite, adding machine plus numerous other articles. Earl Gauslin - Auc- tioneer. SATURDAY JULY S SALE TIME: 10 A.M. Plan to attend our annual auction sale held in the Sunder- land Park (In case of wet weather in the arena). Consign- ments welcome. appliances must be working. Park will be open at 7 a.m. Lots sold in the order they are recei- ved. Lunch will be available. Come early. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 10 a.m. Durham Region or Auctioneers will not be responsible for any accidents. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctio- neers - Ph (705) 357-3270. J2 0 CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY JUNE 27 SALE TIME: 7P.M. Auction sale three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. Spool bed, organ stools, vanity - three pc., bed- room suite, day bed, antique dressers, partial toilet set, wash stands, Sklar chesterfield and chair, Axminster rug, oval top trunk, Dresden doll, Westing- house spin washer, colonial ches- terfield, chrome suite, bed chesterfield, parlor tables, Quebec heater, qu. of flo blue china, qu. of hand tools, plus many more antiques, furniture and household items. Don Corneil Auctioneer Little Britain - 705-786-2183. WEDNESDAY JULY 2 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques, and collectibles for the property of L.G. LOWE - 2 mile north of Ashburn, from Hwy. 12 at Myrtle go 12 miles west to Ashburn, then Y2 mile north. Including antique buggy, C.P.R. sled, chesterfield, collection of Royal Family dishes, personal hand written letter from King George dated 1918, brass pcs., several antiques brass pcs. with hand carving, large collection of elephants collected from around the world, elephant bridge, antique mechanical toy horse, several pcs. of lead crystal, silver pieces, sterling silver, wash board, large qu. of dishes including antique platters, china, vases, also several pieces collec- ted from the Orient, lanterns, plus many other articles. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions - Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. THURSDAY EVENING JULY 3 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques, and machinery selling at the Wilsons Sales+Arena - two miles north of Uxbridge. Inclu- ding Int. 460 Diesel tractor with hydraulic loader, J.D. 1010 bull- dozer (gas), 1976 GMC 3/4 ton truck, antique mahogany settee, small round walnut parlor table, rugs, TV, brass fireplace acces- sories, oil paintings, antique pictures, and prints, small antique snuffer, set of lawn bowls, air conditioner, 2 veranda posts, piano and bench (good condition), wash stand, glass- ware, Viking auto. washing machine with suds-saver, Find- lay gas stove (natural or pro- pane), plus many small items from the closing of an older home. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. Jy2 THURSDAY JULY 3 SALE TIME: 7:45 P.M. HOLSTEINS EVENING SALE Auction sale of 60 Holsteins selling at the Wilsons Sales Arena two miles north of Uxbridge, featuring a fresh two year old by A Nelacres Johanna Senator, her dam and grand dam with 20,000 Ibs., 4.0% also a VG Emperor, fresh with a Puget Sound Shiek heifer calf. Also a VG Rockman milking 90 Ib. twenty five fresh and close cows and heifers, also some grade and N.I.P. cows and heifers. Also semen selling by Clinton Camp Majesty, Hanover Hill Triple Threat Red, Birch Hollow Royalty, Senator and others. If you have cattle you wish to consign, please call immediate- ly. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. Jy2 Electric: WEDNESDAY JULY 9 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at BLACKSTOCK COMMUNITY ARENA. Excel- lent consignment sale of antiques, piano, dishes, furni- ture, etc. Consignments welcome. More details next week. John Pearce Auction Service - 985-7492. SEE YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY A message from your \_tund Association 723-31 51 J Li pd PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 25, 1980 -- 29 Auction Sales Audience enjoys Town Hall play SATURDAY JULY S SALE TIME: | P.M. GIVING UP FARMING Auction sale the property of KARL POLLI, Lot 25, Con. 5, Stanhope Township 8 miles north of Minden, to Carnarven on Hwy. 35 and four miles east on 530 Hwy., south on 25th line - second farm on the right. IMPLEMENTS: M.F. 35 gas tractor with Robin manure loader - hydraulic bucket, Cock- shutt baler 247 - PTO, Int. side rake rubber mounted teeth - like new, N.F. 7 ft. power mower 3 pt.h. PTO, A.C. 3 furrow plough - 3 pt.h., fertilizer spreader - 3 pt.h., drag cultivator, drag plough, J.D. power mower, garden tiller copper pipe, high speed drills - 10mm to 40mm, aluminum boat, pipe vise, John- son outboard motor - 5 h.p., dies up to 2 inches, pipe cutter, reamer, piping - 2'* - 2'*, electric motor, skil saw, chain saw, aluminum door, chain hoist, electric table saw, wood exten- sion ladder, qu. of hand tools, carpenters tools, air compres- sor, pipe fitting tools, cable, 150 ft. extension cord, 6 volt battery electric fencer, many other items. HOUSEHOLD: sewing machine, sewing basket, electric heaters, tape recorder, large mirror, book case, books, single bed, table, chair, 2 coal oil lamps, card table chairs, dishes, pots, pans, picnic table, many, many other items. HAY & STRAW: qu. of baled hay, qu. of baled straw. CATTLE: 4 mature Charolais cows, 4 calves by side, 1 Hereford cow due for fall, 1 Hereford bull. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale time: 1 p.m. Carl Hickson - Auctioneer - Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. Jy2 AUCTION SALES Saturday, July 12 - 11 a.m. - Furniture and antiques, the property of MILTON (BUD) & HELEN HEARD, to be held at their home on Simcoe St., Prince Albert. Wednesday, July 16 - 6 p.m. Furniture and antiques, property of the late JAMES V. O'TOOLE of 75 Dufferin Street, Peter- borough to be sold at Prince Albert Hall. Wednesday, July 16 - 7 p.m. - Furniture and antiques, property of GEORGE & ERMA JOHNSON of 226 Harold St., Stouffville to be sold following the O' Toole sale at Prince Albert Hall. Saturday, July 19 - 11 a.m. SCUGOG ISLAND WOMEN'S INSTITUTE - 7th annual auction sale to be held at the Centre, Scugog Hall yard. Auctioneer and Sales Manager - Murray Jackson - 985-2459. TF TUESDAY JULY 8 SALE TIME: 1:30 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, antiques, dishes, etc., the proper- ty of HUGH CORY will be held in the Village of Oakwood (north of four corners). R.C.A. double door fridge - good, Viking elec- tric stove - good, Frigidaire deep freeze, Hoover spin dry washer, chrome table and four chairs, qu. of dishes, some antique, set of dishes for eight, Germany plate, bottom of antique lamp, coal oil lamp, 'platform rocker, crock dash churn, Electrohome stereo, chesterfield, platform rocker, rocking chair, end tables, coffee table, magazine rack, 2 pc. bedroom suite, qu. of bedding, corner nick-nack shelf, fern stand, many other articles - garden tiller, power lawn mower, new mail box, garden tools, etc. Property Sold. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 1:30. Reg and Larry Johnson Auctioneers - Ph (705) 357-3270. J2 Glaucoma can strike any time You could be losing your sight from glaucoma and not know it. Glaucoma, a serious and often blinding disease, can be controlled through early detection. Have regular eye examina- tions. Don't let the "sneak thief of sight' steal your priceless vision. For more information, contact your local office of The Canadian National Institute for the Blind. by Danny Millar "I thought it went very well. I thought the entire cast was first rate," said Producer-director John Foote following his troupe's performance of The Prisoner of Second Avenue. The play went on before approximate- ly 130 people at Town Hall 1873 on Friday, June 20. The stage afficionados seemed to think it went over well, too. At the conclusion of the actor's final lines they gave them a lengthy ap- plause that kept right up through the curtain calls. Those in attendance were also clapping enthusiastical- ly at the end of the first act. Director Foote was also pleased with the response saying "I think we got a good long reception." Foote chose this play from '""about ten" that he has read of Neil Simon's works. He said he chose this one to perform because he felt that it was Simon's best story. He also stated that he anticipated making a $200 profit from the two nights, Friday and Saturday, that the play was staged in Port Perry. This money will go towards the production of the next drama here. Foote will be directing a play called "Tribute" some- time next year. In the interim Cam Muir, who is a well known actor locally, will be staging a production in October, according to Foote. A total of 17 people tried out for spots in the Prisoner. The starring roles of Mel Eddison and his wife Edna went to Leon Tapper and Alison McNab, respectively. The play focusses on an emotionally disturbed exe- cutive in the posh, high rise district of New York City. He is upset at the day-to-day pressures of his job and takes it out on those around him, most notably his wife, and an upstairs neighbour. The most humorous scene in the play occurs near the end of the first canto when Tapper has a pail of water dropped on him from the unseen neighbour, voiced by Lynn O'Reilly. He walks back into the living room, pauses, and says '"What a terrible thing to do." In the second half Tapper loses his job and suffers a nervous breakdown, forcing McNab to find a long hours job. The couple receives support from the rest of Mel's family. However, Edna is constantly at odds with them, partially because they won't lend Mel $75,000 to purchase a summer camp in the country. The cast has been working on the play for the last seven months. Originally they had planned to use Jeff Foote in the small role of Mel's brother Harry, but he had to undergo leg surgery and was replaced by Kevin Widder- field. Director Foote had praise for the workers in the play. "I had a good cast," he said, "and good technical help." He also called Tapper and McNab "crowd draws in Port Perry." ' Sarah Twomey, Carla Dempsey and Melanie Bruce all had bit parts as Mel's sisters. They appeared briefly in the second act. O'Reilly doubled as a news caster, giving her two parts that used only 'voices but no appearances. Pensions up next month Increases in the Old Age Security pension, Guaran- teed Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance, effec- tive in July 1980, announced by the Minister of National Health and Welfare Monique' Begin. Besides full indexation to keep pace with the cost of living increase, these new rates for the Guaranteed Income Supplement and Spouse's Allowance include the increase of $35.00 month- ly recently given Royal Assent as part of the Cana- dian government under- taking to fight poverty. The basic Old Age Security pension will rise to $191.28 from the present $186.80. The maximum Guaran- teed Income Supplement for a single person, or a married person whose spouse is not a pensioner and is not receiv- ing a Spouse's Allowance, will increase to $192.03 from its current $153.35. Added to the basic pension, this gives a person receiving both the OAS and the maximum GIS a monthly total of $383.31. The maximum Guaran- teed Income Supplement for a married couple, both pensioners, will increase to $148.07 each from $127.51. Added to the basic pension this will give each married pensioner receiving the maximum GIS a total of $339.35 or $678.70 for the couple. The Guaranteed Income Supplement is paid to pen- sioners whose income, apart from the Old Age Security pension, is limited. The amount of the supplement varies in relation to income. The maximum Spouse's Allowance will increase to $339.35 from $314.31. The maximum Spouse's Allow- ance is made up of an amount equivalent to the basic Old Age Security pension and the maximum GIS at the married rate and is paid to persons between 60 and 65 years of age who are married to OAS pensioners and meet residence require- ments. Entitlement to a Spouse's Allowance, and the amount paid, is based on yearly income. Where the pensioner spouse dies the surviving spouse may be eligible for the continuation of the allow- ance to age 65 or remarriage if that person has no income or a limited amount of income. Increases in Old Age Security pension and Guar- anteed Income Supplement payments are calculated quarterly based on the cost of living. " oo! wi Jaa. ENN ER OR COMA Hig ~~ - yy Sew - MN, ~ar Se Ta sr Pie Nin Re Tr - Dw ry Ray as PONE Mel - - ars. Sh - " ewe a . TA RA OERGS MA o A

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