8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues., December 30, 1980 by Jean Jeffery A Happy and Prosperous New Year to one and all. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brown entertained their family Christmas Day. They were particularly happy to have their daughter Shelley, from Vancouver, home for the holiday. On Boxing Day, Mr. and Mrs. Brown were visit- ing friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Card were pleased to have all their family home for Christ- mas. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans entertained their family on Christmas Day. On Boxing Day Mrs. Evan's mother, Mrs. Letha Acton of Port Perry visited with them. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Watson and children of Guelph visited a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson, Mr. Ron Watson and Danny of Scarborough also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watson of Ajax were Christmas Day guests. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffery were Christmas guests with Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. Mrs. Evelyn Hanson had most of her family home for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Ellis, Miss Carol and Karen Hansen of Scar- borough, were home for several days, with mother and Carl and Tom. The Earl Taylor family were all home for Christmas. 'Mr. and Mrs. Bruce - Houghland and family had Christmas dinner with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Houghland of Whitby. Miss Esther Houghland of Hamil- ton is spending a Christmas vacation at home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Asling, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton enjoyed Christmas supper with Mr. and Mrs. Keith HAPPY NEW RATE! 14.2% Limited Time Offer for Low Rate New Car and Light Duty Truck Financing - Interest Rates and Car/Truck Prices may Never be Lower! Available on Retail Purchases of New 1980 - and 1981 Pontiac, Buicks, G.M.C. Light Duty } Trucks (Including Demonstrators & , Company Cars.) : Nearly 75 Units in Stock available at 14.2% G.M.A.C. Financing Rate with Terms up to 48 Months, (Life Insurance Included.) Factory Fresh Shipments arriving weekly to Provide Excellent Colours; Models and Option Selection. Up to $700.00 Sales Tax Rebate available on All New Light Duty Trucks with Either Cash or 14.2% G.M.A.C. Financing. It's Always Worth the Trip to ... PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED 10 Vanedward Drive - Port Perry - 985-8474 "BANK ON US TO COME THROUGH WHEN TIMES ARE TOUGH!" Ashton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton entertained their family on Boxing Day. Mr. Leon Lefebvre's nephew Andrew Lennan visited them on Boxing Day. On Christmas Day, daughter Janine and friend were with them. Mrs. Arthur Powell, Debby and Danny accom- panied her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ewen of Udora to Toronto to spend Christ- mas with her sister Mrs. Joan Kernohan. On Christmas Eve Eleanor Powell's parents Mr. and Mrs. Ewen and neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Royle and Drew visited at the Powell home. Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Powell planned to go to Toronto for Christmas but were unable to do so. So daughter Betty, her husband Graham, Scott and children came to visit her parents in the afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson entertained their family Saturday, December 27. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Evans were Christmas day visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson. The Baster family spent Boxing day with Shirley, Paul and the girls. Shirley hadn't counted noses but figured their were about 50 present. Daughter Cathy and her 'husband; Donald Trump of Toronto, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goslin. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Goslin, Cathy and Don spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. John Goslin in Port Perry. Norman and Betty Tap- scott entertained her parents Mr. and Mrs. Herb Thomas of Markham on Christmas Lge # o 4 J fo 4 i Es a TN Cold Ducks Take A Dip . There has been as much snow and cold already dipping way below zero last week, we doubt that they this winter as there was all last year, but it couldnt will have much luck travelling the now frozen keep these two ducks from a cool swim along a creek waterway. near Greenbank recently. But with temperatures - oo i I RENE N. br ge ™ Dav. Then in the event I _ Guaranteed Investment Certificates ay. en in the evening such a beautiful solo and so visited Mr. and Mrs. pleased to hear that the SYEARANNUAL .......... 137/8% Maurice Tapscott of Mark- group received so much 4YEARANNUAL ........... 132% ham. praise for a task well done. 3YEARANNUAL .......... 137/8% The Christmas Eve The Kerry families met at 2YEARANNUAL .......... 135/8% Service at Epsom was can- the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1YEARANNUAL ........... celled due to stormy weath- Arnold Kerry for Christmas fl =~ §5YEARMONTHLY .......... " er. ; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson, Marlene and Rick visited Mr. and Mrs. Ian Archibald of Udora for Christmas dinner. I think Hank Bertram's beautifully decorated home was the prettiest I have seen this year. The lighting is simply gorgeous. ' Several from our area participated with the Uxbridge Messiah Singers this week at Trinity Church. We all were so very proud to hear Mrs. Steve Lee sing supper. Mr. Paul Kerry was home from Waterloo for the holi- day. We are pleased that Mr. Enoch McKnight was home from hospital for the holiday and enjoyed Christmas with his son Ken and his wife and family at Cedar Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stear- man had Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerry. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kerry had their family with them for Boxing Day supper. AED) ED May the New Year bring tranquility, happiness and sunny fortune to your life Walter J. Brown Carpentry Rates Subject to Change Without Notice. SCUGOG FINANCIAL SERVICES 250 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY PHONE 985-3832 All Members of Canada Deposit Insurance Corp. Shur-Gain protection Shur-Gain the improved scour preventative. Shur-Gain Tylazone 240 combines tylosin and furazo- fidone. Tests® show it gives significant reduction in > incidence of scours, an improved rate of gain, and --§ reduces amounts of feed required to produce a pound of gain. Ask your feed ser- vice dealer about starter feeds medicated with Shur-Gain,_ Tylazone 240. Elance data available on request. Quon i ----------uu----L nis" CT + animal health products Shur-Gain--for the modern farmer WALLACE MARLOW CO. LTD. BLACKSTOCK - ONTARIO 986-4201 | * Tylazone 240 v