ral EA BURR TON oF Nh AN Eh iy LA SF: AAS NY SOT SAE YTS INE ST ARH EN ANIA SY TA TV UPA IAYRYY RAL Ey SAY RRS Foon \ EASTER wary Lis ERLE ST INA SARIS PS At SE RST of STi ris bth RORY, NERA eR ahaa Sian da dads wi Sa . 3 24 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Tues., December 30, 1980" 500 mL f jar * 8 sweet 1 E.D. Smith H ® 0S€ mixed tomato clam ° __ . [ cocktail | pie 2 HOLIDAY STORE HOURS: oS = * Monday, December 29th & Cl ides = ED SMI Tuesday, December 30th, 1980 at LRN» fyato fo Cl" 8:30 A.M. t0 9:00 P.M. 1 ne : == ' pote Slr Wednesday, December 31st, 1980 . Ais J 8:30A.M. to 6:00 P.M. 4 ral i CLOSED THURSDAY, JANUARY 1st, 1981 i i 0 ao er Friday, January 2nd, 1981 & : 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. ed PER a RE TE vp SEI AAD Sid a. So an 2 oY - a by 2 48 Saturday, January 3rd, 1981 Wl 8:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. I a -y - Leaf or Wa 7 Burns fully cooked ZAC short shank skinless NL butt portion > smoked hams . Dixie 9" printed Swech. Joi White Swan paper Florida, White : serviettes | plates. | GRAREFRUI »]19 89 Fresh, Tasty, Green ONIONS 69 Sprite or 24 x 10 fl. oz. tins Coca Cola 000000000000 0000000 4.89 Crisp McLarens stuffed loose packed ROMAINE 49 Manzanilla olives.....o in or ® Bicks sweet Fresh, Imported, > gerkins os ur 109 Sel inET Img m Slicing ily socked R | sim vegeuabtes 20% .39 | TOMATOES ham steaks essssccsssscccsslb. 1.9 Pillstusy nten2iis 69 Supreme light 49 Mable , . | rOUS.ccciesceserscees fruit oy 1b. o p Leaf cryovac boneless smoked FBI refrigerated cake asereccsssne size 2 59 dinner hams ssessssccccscelb. 2 5 8 = 64 fl. 01. 1. 59 Johnson Royale white - hunks & chunk acla for roasting, tenderloin portion 1 8 frozen Bluewater cashews ...... > g 3.89 tiSSUe..eueerruane ee 39 I {Tat Jl 12 ocean snacks or. . Dog-Go Loin oO Pork esee Ib. avg. Ib. with shrimp .... Son 1.29 Fiddle 200 garbage pha. of ih apes rib portion Pride i a store sliced frozen : shy crust Faddle............. okg. 99 ABB esoeeorsernens s 1. 2 9 in 03 1/2 Ib. cooke pepperoni or deluxe Orville Pork... ae 1.38 ham ee....... ». 1.98 Tokin? § 3500 ms 179 Sele cttentaches . dishwasher ; ia a PIZZA ssrrerres Be inne 1.99 detergent .... A 95 Canada Dry Tonic - meat that's perfect Club Soda or 750 39 ust Murphy's Roms essed colours Ginger Ale pis deposi po verseriin ERs 3/ 1.00 tiSSUC.coererrrreres 2d 69 for party snacks si no Juice. eviirrrcrnnns tin 2! 1708 4. 99 270g 99 i MeaAtiieerrcasss SOAP «eseeserseasones pkg. Maple Leaf coil Allen's sie) ned Polish 178 Schneiders ' ene nemectened Cirveieat Soends - SAUSAZE ovens. Ib. mincemeat ,, 1.58 grapefruit, 99 whole 104. or m lem] 30 tarts. .oorneeenne » Juice. .cvricrriinas d mandarins....... 6 5 toothpaste... whe Lo Chicken, bologna, mac & chest, pickle si Veremantad me oe in eo py pimento, lunc n or F Schneiders cole | 500 French's 16 os. olive _-- Scope 500ml lunch meats.... ase 88 SIAW aii iitsirase cons O8 mustard "ests es or 59 oil sessessnenaes phy 1.99 mouthwash .. nL 99 Maple Leaf i Schneiders Robin Hood breakfast al Values effective until closing Magte Lint ered salami strawberry or cherry N. bi ut cere : Saturday, January 3, 1981. ¥ We salisage 150 eat ool jo 08 cheese 3g Shreddies. i soe 99 reserve the right to limit EE lS -- esese--Pg. bef 9 ic z see ----IFCAAIES ceeevees . A y / "sticks. sesreccsree ph 1. 58 ~ caken mix. sooeee we Lo 9 der ied and seniie ~ DOWSON'S RED & wh FOODMASTER ® oTTARID PORT PERRY PLAZA WENT SCUGOG STREET - HWY. 7A )