2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 10, 1980 Hydro truck From page 1) warded to Ontario Hydro for routine rubber-stamping, officials there refused to approve it, saying the truck is not necessary because it wouldn't get enough use. Mr. Griffen said in an interview that there is nothing wrong with the present truck used by the Commission, but he outlined several reasons why the members felt the new truck should be purchased in 1981. The major reason is safety, he stated. The double bucket allows two men to work on lines in the air at the same time. Also, he said that the Commission's cash reserves are sufficient at this time to buy the truck without borrowing money, and a second truck would eliminate rental charges when the one now in use is in the shop for repairs. Mr. Griffen said that 'presently, Scugog Hydro customers (those in Port Perry) will be facing a rate hike of about 7.2 per cent in 1981, the lowest of any community in the Region. If the truck is not purchased, the rate hike will be about three per cent next year. Stating that the Commis- sion members got "a sym- pathetic hearing" in Toronto last week, Mr. Griffen said they were told a final deci- sion on the truck purchase will be made by higher authorities in Ontario Hydro, likely within the next week or so. If Hydro gives the Scugog Commission permission to buy the truck, an order will be placed immediately, and delivery could take up to six weeks, he said. Mr. Griffen said that the Scugog Commission has a cash surplus of about $200,000. Your Christmas Baking Centre 146 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY. 985-8807 (Opposite the New Commerce Bank) Come In and Save At... INGREDIENTS UNLIMITED Malcolm declines nominations Taylor gets seat on finance Scugog Mayor Jerry Taylor and newly elected regional councillor Law- rence Malcolm had a minor skirmish of their own at the inaugural meeting of Dur- ham council last 'week, and Mayor Taylor came out on top. Both Taylor and Malcolm had gone to the meeting with the intention of getting elec- ted to the powerful finance committee of council. However, there is an un- written rule at the Region that two members from the same municipality should not sit on the same commit- tee of council, if at all possible. Taylor had been a member of the finance committee for the past two years, and from 1976 to 78, Malcolm was vice-chairman of finance. Both indicated that finance was their first committee BULK FOODS - 'SCOOP WHAT YOU NEED! preference, and Malcolm was even considering a shot at election as chairman of that committee. Malcolm was nominated for the chairman of finance, but with defeated Regional chairman candidate John Aker also nominated to the position he has held for the past two years, -Malcolm declined to let his name stand for the vote. Both Malcolm and Taylor were nominated on the first ballot for finance committee membership, but Malcolm declined to let his name stand "for the vote, and Taylor, along with Oshawa councillor Doug Wilson and Newcastle councillor Ann Cowman were all acclaimed on the first ballot. On the second round of balloting for finance com- mittee membership, Mal- colm again was nominated, COOKING DATES .1.69 HONEY DATES . 2.69 GLAZED CHERRIES 1.99 MIXED FRUIT With Cherries .1.39 MINCE MEAT .1.39 MIXED PEEL 1.29 WALNUT PIECES .2.99 PINEAPPLE PIECES 1.59 'FREE' Pick up a Free Copy of our Bran Muffin and Bread Mix Recipes. PINEAPPLE RINGS .1.29 *FEATURE* | SULTANA "RAISINS »°1.19 PIE FILLINGS ..99 BRAN MUFFIN MIX ».99 BREAD MIX ».99 CREAM OF WHEAT 0. d9 but declined to let his name stand for the vote. Malcolm eventually was voted to the Public Works committee of council, which was his stated second preference, and he indicated afterwards that he was not . unhappy with being a member of public works. Taylor, who admitted that there had been tension between himself and Mal- colm over the finance committee spot said only that he was "not prepared to back off" in his wish to get re-elected to finance. "I'm pleased to get the position (committee member) again," he told the Star. "I've been a member for the past two years and the financial issues are very complex. It takes time to come to understand these complexities," he said. NEW COMMITTEES The structure of the five standing committees of the Durham council was estab- lished by vote at the in- augural meeting last week. They are as follows. . FINANCE } John Aker (Oshawa) chairman; Jerry Taylor (Scugog); Doug Wilson (Oshawa); Ann Cowman " (Newcastle); =Ed = Kolodzie (Oshawa); and Alex Robert- - son (Pickering). PUBLIC WORKS Jerry Emm (Whitby) chairman; Jerry Fisher (Pickering); John Howden (Oshawa); Bill McLean (Ajax); Lawrence Malcolm (Scugog); and Maurice Prout (Newcastle). PLANNING Don Hadden (Brock) chairman; Mike Armstrong (Oshawa); Jack Anderson (Pickering); Bruce McAr- thur (Oshawa); Maustyn McKnight (Uxbridge); and Jim Witty (Ajax). SOCIAL SERVICES John DeHart (Oshawa) chairman; Tom Edwards (Whitby); Diane Hamre (Newcastle); Chris Mason (Oshawa); the mayor of Uxbridge will be a member of social services; Laurie Cahill (Pickering). rd MANAGEMENT committee Garnet Rickard (New- castle) chairman; . Al McPhail (Brock); Allan Pilkey (Oshawa); John McLaughlin (Oshawa); Margaret Shaw (Oshawa); _ and Bob Attersley (Whitby). Bob Attersley and 'Jerry Fisher were elected to the Police Commission; Region- al chairman Gary Herrema was elected to. the Toronto and area Industrial Board; all members of the Social Services committee were elected to the Board of Health; Chris Mason was elected to the Oshawa Hostel ==Services=Ine:;-Al-McPhail; Alex Robertson, Diane Hamre, Jerry Taylor and Chris Mason were elected to the Children's Aid Society; Mike Armstrong and John DeHart were elected to the Children's Services Co- ordinating committee. OLDSMOBILE ll di SINCE 1919 268 QUEEN ST. - PORT PERRY - 985.7351 | / olors Monday to Friday 9 to 9; Saturday 9 to 5. PORT PERRY STAR WERE aE Christmas Store Hours: OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P.M. - Wed., Thurs., Fri., Dec. 17, 18,19 'Mon, Tues., December 22, 23. OPEN UNTIL 5:00 P.M. - Saturday, December 20. Wednesday, December 24. Saturday, December 27. CLOSED - ~ DECEMBER 25 & 26, 1980 New Years Store Hours: OPEN - Mon., Tues., Wed., Dec. 29, 30, 31 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. .CLOSED - THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1981. OPEN - Fri. & Sat., January 2 & 3 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.