a PARAL LY Ph 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., December 10, 1980 'Bantam B ties Sunderland by Danny Millar Port Perry Canadian Tire Bantam B team played prob- ably its best hockey game of the season in holding Sunder- land to a 1-1 tie in a close checking game, Thursday December 4 at home. Reg Fawns got the only Sunderland goal and it didn't come until the 4:11 mark of the final period as both teams managed to shut down the opponents' offence. John Gifford was sitting in the penalty box when Dean Haugen scored to tie the game with 7:42 remaining. The Port bench exploded with delight after the power play marker. Steve Patterson played one of his best games of the year between the Port Perry pipes. He literally saved the" game for them with 1:17 remaining when he made a glove save on"a shot ear- marked for the lower corner. He was very consis- tent through the first two periods when he was needed. But Patterson wasn't call- ed upon all that often in the early going, and neither was Scott McLean at the other end. The two periods were played at an even pace as play went up and down the many outstanding chances. The first period saw Sund~ erland hold the upper hand and they uncorked a few shots at Patterson during one brief stretch. Jamie Lee made an excellent defensive Yelverton News by Harvey Malcolm This week the Ontario Federation of Agriculture held their annual Convention at the downtown Holiday Inn in Toronto. Those from this community attending the function were Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm represent- ing the Ontario Pork Producers and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm represent- ing United Co-operatives of Ontario. The new Executive elected were incumbents - Pres. Ralph Barrie and first Vice Pres. - Ron White. A new second Vice President - Mr. Ron Jones was elected for his first term of office. Congratulations to Mr. and Mr. Allan Atkinson (nee Donna Kerr) who were married in Yelverton United Church on Saturday, with reception at the Pentathlon Restaurant and wedding play when he dived to break up a rush by Fawns on a two on one opportunity. Port held the advantage in the second period and the third was fairly even. Darryl Mussellman had the best chances for Port during a second session power play but Markham turned them away. The Bantam B's might well want to switch home nights with the Juveniles considering their Thursday night success. Normally they play Monday evenings and have yet to win on that night. ice but:neither side enjoyed === dance in Manvers Arena. A | week prior to the wedding, the bride was tendered a miscellaneous shower in Yelverton United Church basement. Communion Service was held on Sunday morning November 30 with Rev. Art Rodgers officiating, assisted by Ray Robinson and Floyd Stinson. Miss Laurie Rod- gers provided a solo for the occasion - "It took a Mir- acle." A lovely bouquet of flowers from the Atkinson wedding added colour on the occasion. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tosswell (nee Pat Buxton) on the safe arrival of their baby daughter this past weekend. Greenbank and area news Greenbank Church White Gift Service will be held Sunday December 14th at 11:30 a.m. Youare invited to bring your White Gift which will be distributed by Community Care to local needs. Mission and service envelopes are also enclosed in Church bulletins. The annual Christmas concert will be held in the Hall on Thursday December 11th at 7:30 p.m. A good crowd attended Church on Sunday. the anthem rendered by the choir and the solo by Jenni- fer Baird was enjoyed by everyone. In Greenbank United Church on Sunday December 7th, the dedication of an antependia was given in memory of Stephen Charles and Mintche Louise Phoenix, former residents of this "community. This was given by Betty and Ray Laswick and their family of Uxbridge. The Community Candle Light Service for the three charges will be held in Seagrave Church Dec. 24th at 7:30 p.m. Mr. an Mrs. Don McKean visited Mr. and Mrs. Fitz- gerald in Pickering on Sunday. Glad to report Mrs. Ross Cookman is home after a stay in Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. Marjorie Beaton attended a birthday party for Brendon Beaton in Oshawa last Thursday. Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Hooker and family of Utica to the former Vander Slagt house east of the village. Mrs. Nancy Hutton and girls of Ajax visited Prof. McCready on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan attended the 85th birthday party for Mr. Herb Ashton in Utica on Saturday. JOHNSTON'S CERAMICS 650 SCUGOG STREET - 985-8858 - Christmas Gifts - We have a Good Selection of Finished Ceramics including Trees. LOTS OF GREENWARE OPEN WORKSHOP AFTERNOONS 1to4P.M. Come In and Browse. WHETHER YOU DRIVE IMPAIRED, FAIL THE BREATHALIZER, OR REFUSE IT, YOU FACE A CRIMINAL CHARGE. it CONVICTED, YOUR LICENCE WiLL BE SUSPENDED FOR AT LEAST THREE MONTHY, AND YOU WILL BE FINED UP TO $2,000. YOU WILL HAVE A CRIMINAL RECORD. YOU COULD GO TO JAIL. YOU FACE INCREASED AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE RATES FOLLOWING A CONVICTION. AND IF YOU CAUSED AN ACCIDENT, YOUR INSURANCE DOES NOT COVER YOUR PERSONAL INJURIES, DAMAGE TO YOUR PROPERTY, OR YOUR LOSS OF EARNINGS. IF CONVICTED OF A SECOND DRINKING-DRIVING OFFENCE, _ YOU WILL GO TO JAIL FOR UP TO ONE YEAR. | YOU COULD KILL SOMEONE -FAMILY, FRIENDS, INNOCENT BY-STANDERS, YOURSELF. IN 1979 MORE THAN HALF OF THE DRIVERS KILLED IN ONTARIO HAD BEEN DRINKING. IF YOU DRINK, DON'T DRIVE. Roy McMurtry Attorney Genera Solicitor Genera Wilham Davis. P Ontario