Halloween winners The merchants of Port Per) Plaza sponsored a Hallowe'en Jack-O-Lantern contest last week, with trophies for the six top winners. Last Thursday evening the contest was judged, by Mayor Jerry Taylor and candidate for mayor Vern Asselstine. The winners are pictured above with their prize winning pumpkins. From left, back - Boys third - Michael Griffin, 9; first - Kevin Gassien - 9; second place - Adam Newman, 8 years. Front left, Girls third; first - Brenda Elford, 7; and second place Cathy Elford, 9 years. News from Epsom area by Jean Jeffery There was an all music day at the Presbyterial at Kettleby on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Taylor attend- ed. They went to Flesherton for -dinner. Mrs. Lee, our visitor to York Presbytery from Korea accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van Veghel and family were dinner / guests with his parents on Sunday. Joel Van Veghel stayed with Mrs. Asling on Saturday so his mother could work at the Hospital Auxiliary bazaar. Faye, Keith and Julie Ash- ton were dinner guests with -Mr.-and-Mrs:~H.---- Ashton- while Jamie and Robert visited Grandma Asling. Mrs. Bessie MacCannel, Jewel-Dawn and Ryan visit- ed Mrs. Deanna Anderson one day last week. Joyce, Richard and Leah Lewchuk of Wiarton visited Monday with Mf. and Mrs. Earl Wilson. Laura Wilson spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lee of Leaside on Sunday. Mrs. Evelyn Hansen and Mrs. Hildreth Lyons attend- ed the Remembrance Day dinner and dance at the Legion on Saturday evening. Hope you will phone 985- 2620 for advance Pickets to U.C.W. Beef dinner Novem- ber 27th, There is only a limited number of tickets. Mr. and Mrs. G. Jeffery visited Miss Alvena Jeffery of Orillia on Tuesday prior to her leaving for Florida for the winter. Six "members of the Bethesda W.I. enjoyed the area convention at the Royal York last week. Last Call! Hope you have tickets to the Annual -Mill- Winter carefor stream Men's show at the Uxbridge Secondary School Nov. 15. This will be an excellent show so I've been told. We hope the Trinity Con- 'gregation enjoyed having Rev. Cliff Pendlebury as guest speaker as much as we enjoyed the excellent sermon delivered to us by the Rev. Locke. houseplants Houseplants require less water during the winter than at any other time of the year, says Bob Hamersma of the Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario. As the days become short- "er, plant growth slows. This reduces the need for moist- ure. More plants die from overwatering than from any other cause. Mr. Hamersma recommends checking soil moisture about two centi- metres (almost an inch) below the surface. If the soil is dry, it's usually time to water, unless you've recei- ved special winter instruc- tions for certain plants such as cacti and other succu- lents. Water thoroughly, until the excess drains from the bottom of the pot. Discard the surplus. Check that the soil isn't soggy, just moist throughout. Frequency of watering depends on the type of plant and the light and humidity conditions in your home. Plants grown under lights or in bright, dry conditions may require watering as often as every second day. And many tropical plants suffer in the dry environment of the average Ontario home in winter. "The ideal solution is a humidifier,"" says Mr. Hamersma. "If that is impractical, try taking your plants into the bathroom when you shower or into the kitchen when you cook, to provide the humidity 'that plants enjoy." PORT PERRY STAR - Wed., November 12, 1990 - 37 Nestleton and area news by Mabel Cawker Nestleton Women's Institute The regular monthly meet- ~ ing of the Nestieton Women's Institute was held in the Community Centre on Wednesday November 5 at 1:30 p.m, with 10 members and 2 visitors present. First Vice President Mrs. D. Frew presided and = warmly welcomed. the members opening with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect follow- ed by a reading entitled "Just for Today. President Mrs. L. Malcolm was unable to be present as she was " appointed delegate to the Central Ontario Area Convention held in Torento November 4 and 5. Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. M. Firlit read minutes, correspondence and repogt- ed re finances. Business The Port Perry Hospital Bazaar will be held Decem- ber 12 at 1:30 p.m. at the Hospital. A donation was voted to Operation Scugog. The 4H Achievement Day will be held at the Blackstock Recreation Centre, Novem- ber 28 at 7:30.p.m. A card and F.W.1.0. calendar are to be sent to our sister Women's Institute in England. Prvgchmme The roll call, "A Public School you Attended", was well answered. Mrs. D. Frew convenor of Family and Consumers Affairs presented the motto "You're Never too Old to Learn". Subject: Metrication which proved most - interesting, highlighting the origin of the Metrie System. ~ Readings were given by the following members: Mrs. N. Rohrer delighted members with "Who Does the Work", Mrs. R. Davison favoured with "School Days, School Days", and '"How It's Done" and lastly Mrs. D. Frew gave "Farm Charmers." The meeting closed with O Canada and Institute Grace with Mrs. R. Davison pianist. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. D. Rohrer and group. Apprec- iation was expressed by Mrs. F.Dayes. Next meeting will be held 1: 3p. m. A cordial welcome to all Court Lady Snowbird L1930 President Irene Train opened the regular meeting of Court Lady Snowbird L1930 on Monday November --3-at-the home of Judy Shep- herd, Blackstock with 9 .members present. Commun- ications included an invitat- fon to attend the Remem- brance Day service on Nov. 9 at 2:30 p.m. at the Black- stock Centre. Dorothy Lee and Carol Doyle to represent the lodge and place the wreath. The Nov. 8th banquet was discussed, also a banquet November 22 at the Caesar- ea Community Hall. The Bazaar to be held Thursday November 27th at 7:30 p.m. was discussed in detail. Mrs. W. Davison will open the bazaar. The Public School will be a feature. Tickets are now available for the draw items 1. Ceramic Christmas Tree, 2. Comfort- er, 3. Ceramic Pitcher and Bowl. Officers for 1980-81 were in Nestleton® * Community Centre, Dec. 3 at elected as follows: Presi dent Irene Train, Vice-Pres. Lynn Bowman, Secretary, Carol Doyle, Treasurer- Porolhy Les: Chaplain-Judy ern. Lunch was served by Judy Shepherd and a social time enjoyed. Next meeting will be Dec. 1st at Carol Mairs with a Christmas Gift Exchange and finding out who the Mystery sisters are. Nestleton United Church Church service was quite well attended on Sunday November 9. Rev. Victor Parsons ' conducted the service and extended a special welcome to the guest speaker Mrs. Inez Fleming- ton, a missionary of our church who has been in South Korea since 1976 at the Korean Christian Academy in Seoul. Mrs. Fl spoke to the congregation of her work in that area, a most interesting and heart warm- ing story. Miss Gail Malcolm sang the very beautiful Song of Peace for the Remembrance Day service. Women's Institute Activities Several from the Cart- wright area went to the ~=Central-Ontario-Area-W.I, Convention held in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto on Tues- day Nov. 4 travelling via the bus chartered by Honeydale Branch. Those attending were: Mesdames Margaret Van Camp, Helen Bradburn, Jean Adams, Velva Bailey, Aileen Byers, Blackstock, Norma Frew, Gwen Malcolm and Mabel Cawker, Nestleton, All enjoyed the convention and the banquet, entertainment and the guest speakers were excellent. Caesarea Euchre A very good turnout and the lucky winners were 1. Mardie Handyside-88; 2. Bob France-76; tied for lwo-Betty Ringham and Marlene Skinner both 47. The Ladies Auxiliary are hard workers and need the support of all. Try to attend and give a helping hand. Tonight (Wednesday) as usual. . Nestleton Presbyterian Church On Sunday November 9 the service was conducted by Rev. Fred Swann. He spoke on Remembrance Day and paid tribute to the many soldiers of two world wars who made the supreme sacrifice. He also continued with the study of Acts taking Acts 13 and 15. Mrs. Shirley Scott played for the service. Miss Peggy Scott supplied special music playing her flute. Service next Sunday at 11 a.m. All welcome to attend. Remembrance Day Tribute Once again Remembrance Day November 11 with its poignant memories of glory and grieving has passed. The years go by so quickly but what more sacred duty is there for all Canadians than remembrance, solemnly and reverently expressed for those brave sons of Canada who gave up life itself for the things in which they believ- ed. We need to remember - greater love hath no man than this that he lay down his life for his friends. Notice Everyone is asked to __ceramics. attend the Port Perry Hospital meeting re Health Care issues to be held Wednesday November 12, 7:30 p.m.. (tonight) at Latcham Centre. Plan to attend this important meet- ing. We need to be concern- ed about our hospital. If you have news or a special little caper give me a call for next week. Phone 986-4715. Thank you kindly. Honeydale Women's Institute With an attendance of approximately 35 the Honey- dale Branch met in the Municipal Hall on Thursday afternoon November 6th. President Mrs. Helen MacMaster presided open- ing with the Ode and Collect and a cordial welcome to one and all, Interesting answers were presented when the roll was called Name a Canadian product and tell which country imports it. Mrs. Christie Clark gave excellent thoughts on the Motto, Take Time to Stand and Stare at the Wonders Everywhere. A brief report was given of : the Area Convention by delegate Mrs. Thelma McCreight, and the Crewel Embroidery course by Mrs. Edna Wilson and Mrs. Lillian Harper. The 4-H Homemaking Club achievement day will be held November 22 9:30-11:30 a.m. at the Uxbridge Secondary School. A donation was voted to Operation Scugog. Members are asked to attend the Port Perry Hospital meeting re health Care issues, to be held Wednesday November 12 7:30 p.m. (tonight) at Latcham Centre. Plan to attend this important meeting, we need to be concerned about our Hospital. Mrs. Marion Bell, Agr. and Can. Industries convenor presented the programme and called on her daughter- in-law Mrs. Mavis Bell of Janetville, who gave an informative talk and demon- stration on the making of . Her -daughter - assisted her. Items can be ordered from Mavis at any time. This feature of the programme was enjoyed by all. The meeting closed with O Canada and the Institute Grace. A delicious lunch was served by the group and a time of sociability was enjoyed. Arthritis --his-message-from-Scripture Society campaign The 1980 fund raising campaign by the Scugog Area Branch of the Arthritis Society raised a total of $1,017.35 according to Mrs. Lilliam Midgley, Campaign Chairman. Speaking for the Scugog Branch, she thanks the countless individuals for their generous response to the arthritis appeal. Those who did not have an opportunity to donate, may still send their donation to the Scugog Branch of the Arthritis Society at Box 38, Port Perry Ontario, LOB "INO. A receipt for income tax will be sent immediately.