1 ARIAT PE 0 LI PH ANTIEL TRS TER FERRE RAGE ASR ALD CNB TERA WN IAL hE 8 LVS SL PA AAI SE NT CEE MAR TUL 8 Fp AS hin SWAMI £5 A I A rs PRLBUNE NSE I XA "PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., November 5, 1980 -- 35 Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales Corneil's Auction Barn FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7 SALE TIME: 7 P.M. Auction sale three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay-Little Britain Road. The property of Mr. and Mrs. GLADWIN DAVEY, of Lindsay, plus con- signment from P.E.|. and others. Woods refrigerator, 5 pc. bed- room suite, Beatty wringer . washer, pine bonnet chest, ward- robe, barber's chair, press back - rockers, wicker chair; pine chest of drawers, pine drop leaf table, gate leg table, Boston rocker, mahogany table, coal oil lamps, pine secretariate, spinning wheel, oxen yolk, crocks, qu. of picture frames, sap kettle, minister's chair, and two side chairs (from Salem Mariposa Church), old clothing, brass trumpet, Walthan pocket watch, Seith-Thomas (mantle clock, hanging lamp, qu. of dolls, qu. of. china and glass, qu. of wooden chairs, a 1974 Dodge Y2 ton truck (not certified), plus many more antiques, furniture and house- hold Items, Don ' Cornell - Auctioneer - 705-786-2183. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6 SALE TIME: 5:30 P.M. Auction sale of household furniture, antiques, dishes and tools. Also some farm machi- nery. Terms Cash. Earl Gauslin - Auctioneer. . 2 : t Ontario Polled Hereford Club | ANNUAL ROYAL ~ SHOWCASE SALE Sunday, November 16th Parade 11 A.M. Sale 1 P.M. MARKHAM, ONTARIO ~~" NEWFAIRGROUNDS™ 6 Yearling Bulls, Cows with Calves, Bred & Open Heifers CATALOGUES AVAILABLE. John B. McLauchlan, Secretary-Treasurer, Box 35, Carrying Place, Ontario 613-392-1857 re SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. Auction sale of livestock, implements and 35 cattle, the property of KEN & BEV COCH- RANE - Lot 4, Con. 1 Ops Town: ship - 1 mile east of Valentia on County Road 18 or 3 miles west of Lindsay Sale Barn to EIm Tree Corner and 4 miles south. 1974 M.F. 165 diesel tractor with M.F. 235 manure loader, hydraulic bucket - 1700 hrs. - power steer- ing, W4 Int. gas tractor, 1976 White No. 251 tandem disc - 10°, 32 plates - new; 1978 George White 29 tooth cultivator - 3 pt.; 1974 New Holland 228 manure spreader - PTO, double beater; 2 Martin 6 ton wagons with racks 8 % 18, Allis Chalmers 303 baler PTO, Int. 7° semi-mount power fidfver, Int.-4 bar side rake -on ubber, John Deere 15 run seed drill on rubber with fertilizer & seed box, Oliver 3 furrow trip beam plough, Fleury 2 furrow trail plough, Allied 36'- hay ele- vator with 3/4 h.p. motor, grain auger with motor 20' x 4", grain auger with motor - 15 x 3%", Papec hammer mill with 100' endless. drive belt, 4 sections harrows with evener, Oliver 3 furrow plough for parts, 3 drum land roller, qu. of cedar posts, cedar for firewood, assorted lengths cedar plank, qu. of pipe, steel water trough, stock rack for pick up truck, forks; shovels, chains, many other articles too numerous: to mention. Produce - approx. 5000 bales of mixed hay, approx. 900 bales of wheat straw, approx. 700 bales of oat straw, approx. 1200 bushels mixed grain (Rodney oats and Herta barley). SWINE - York - Landrace sow with 11 pigs by side, York-Landrace sow with 11 plgs by side, York-Landrace sow with 11 pigs by side, 1 York hog - 12 years old. - POULTRY - approx. 100 pullets 42 months old, approx. 90 laying hens, ducks & se. CATTLE: 4 == Chérolals-cows-with calves=by: side, 18 Holstein & Hereford cross cows with calves by side, 2 Holstein & Hereford cows, 1 4-H helfer, 6 heifers 1 yr. old, Charo- lais & Hereford bull - 3 yrs. old. Terms Cash. Noreserve. Sale at 1 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson - Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. NS Building Equipment: Plumbing Supplies: __other.articles.. air compressor, etc. -efc.. -- wt trailer. Cheque. No Reserve. AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1980 SALE TIME: NAM. Having received instructions from Deloitte, Haskins and Sells Ltd., Trustees in Bankruptcy _to dispose of the assets of several estates. Rental Equipment: 2 appliance carts, 4 chain saws, power trowel, 3 electric cement mixers, wheelbarrow, Electrolux wet and dry vacuum, tow bar, hydraulic jacks - up to 12 ton, transits, Hilti gun, a Hilti roto drill grinder, Kango 950, submersible pumps and hoses, 2 electric staplers, duo-fast hoist, plate compactor, scaffolding, lawn mowers, impact wrenches, drills, plus many more articles rented in a rental business. Approx. 150 articles. -clamps; generators, DeWalt 580 10" radial arm saw, Makita 300mm planer/joiner, Rockwell lathe, shaper, plywood, etc. h Rigid model 300 electric pipe threader, copper pipe - 3/4' to 2, plastic pipe up to 4', iron pipe up to 87, cast iron fitting, gas furnace plus-some duct work. Plus many Welding & Ornamenta torches, threaded rod, machinery for bending iron, steel plate 1/4' to 1**, welding rod, grinder, Farm Equipment: 1958 Ford F600 tractor, plow, cultivator, 7 lawnmower, gas tank; sod cutter, Vehicles: 1974 Chev Van, 1973 Dodge Colt, 1955 Monarch, 1955 Ford Torino, 1955 Ford E100 van, 1971 Belvedere tent trailer, 1975 Polaris, 1977 Skidoo 440 snowmobile, 14' boat and 35 h.p. Evinrude motor, 16' boat, boat trailer, skidoo NOTE: This isa very large and excellent sale of tools, machinery, etc. All in excellent condition. Plan to attend. Sale being held at Taunton Road West, between Gerrard Road and Thickson Road, Oshawa. Watch for Signs. Ross McLean - Auctioneer - 576-7550. Viewing: Tuesday - 1-7 p.m. and morning of sale. Terms Cash or Good | Iron Shop: Welding Drill press, assorted "items. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 6 ~ SALE TIME: 12 NOON Special Anniversary Sale Auction sale of 70 Holsteins selling at the Malmont Salés Arena - 2 mile south of Black- stock, Ontario on Thursday, November 6, at 12 noon. Special attractions of the sale are a bred heifer sired by Royalty from 3 generations of GP dams, with up 10 147-154 BCA, 4th dam is VG. A yearling daughter of Senator from a GP Man-O-War dam with upto 178-171 BCA, 2nd dam is VG with a BCA of 150-170. A Tall .Rockman Sr. yearling from a GP dam with 128-154 BCA and 4.4 percent test, next dam VG with a BCA of 173-203 for milk and fat. Also selling daughters of Star- lite, Ned, and Crusader. We will also feature several purebred and grade fresh and springing cows and heifers to help the milk supply along with some Grade N.I.P. heifers [ust ready to breed, LATE ANNOUNCE- MENT: Complete Holstein dispersal of the milking herd of LEONARD & JOYCE METCALFE, Norwood, Ontario. (Due to ill health). This high quality grade herd consists of 21 young cows and heifers, either fresh or close. All home bred and free-listed. Don't miss this sale. Next Sale - December 11 - 12:30 NOON. Entries taken now for a limited number of springers. This sale will be followed by the Malimont Superior Semen Sale. Ed McMorrow - Auctioneer - 705-953-9444. Neil Malcolm - Sales Manager - 416-986-4246. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 8 SALE TIME: 1 AM. Prince Albert Hall Auction sale of furniture and antiques. The property of FRANCIS BEWLEY, of Port Perry to be auctioned at the Prince Albert Hall - two miles south of Port Perry. Westing- house refrigerator, Kenmore "electric stove, kitchen table and chairs, Norseman freezer, apt. size dryer, colour TV with rotar, chesterfield and chairs, 2 single beds, dressers, chests of drawers, electric sewing machine with cabinet, Lazy-boy chair, patio table with umbrella, coffee table, large qu. of dishes, cutlery, bedding and china, bino- culars, electric lawn mower, wheelbarrow, and many more This sale 'Is authorized by the Attorney General with no reserve. Lunch available. Sale managed and sold by Murray Jackson - 985-2459. N5 THURSDAY NOVEMBER § SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay property of WILLIAM C. WEST, and others. Furniture, applian- ces, new rug and floor covering remnants, Honda 90 motorbike, generator, power lawn mowers, good pressure system, red Westinghouse 2-door frost free refrigerator and matching self clean autgmatic electric stove, Maytag wringer washer, excel * lent 9 pc. dining room suite, new 10 x 8 tent, H.D. outboard motor, golf clubs, stereo, box stove, dinghy, portable sewing machine, portable television, drums, wooden coffee and end tables, night table, excellent 54°' continental bed on frame, ches- terfields, 2 calculators, type- writer, 2 oll space heaters, 2 oil tanks, several bags new mortar mix. NOTE: 8 P.M. - Brand New Vices, Socket Sets, Axes, Etc. Many Tools from estate of DR. WOODS, Blackstock. Compres- sor, Beach tool cabinet, Hornett 200 amp arc welder, Ohms meter voltage tester, bits, [ig saw on stand, all iand tools, sabre saw, | sander, clamps, tape player, Craftsman 12' H.D. radial arm saw on stand & attachments set, cross cut blade, moulding set, carbide blade, hollow ground blade, 5" planer, table saw, shop vacuum, drills, wrenches, wood lathe, games tables, wooden tool 'box, electric motors, bar, ping pong table, small trailer, with racks, and hardtop cover. No reserve. Dale and Orval McLean - Auctioneers - 324-0182 days - 324-2783 anytime. MONDAY NOVEMBER 10 SALE TIME: 7P.M Auction sale at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lindsay. Bank- rupt stock of brand new mirrors, - thermal pane glass units and insulated glass - both clear and bronze. Many sizes - about 300. Don't miss this opportunity to save on insulated glass for many uses. Preview for measure- ments - Saturday, November 8 - 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Orval McLean Auctioneer - 324-2783 Lindsay. THURSDAY NOVEMBER 13 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of cattle, machi- nery, and dairy equipment for the property of EARL BACON, Con. 11, Lot 7 Scugog Township - two miles west of Greenbank or 3 miles east of Uxbridge on Hwy. 47, then north 1 mile and turn east '2 mile. Including 10 Hol- stein cows due January & Feb- ruary, 10 beef cows with calves (cows rebred), 4 Reg. Highland cows, 3 Reg. Highland bulls, Reg.. Appalousa Stallion - 3 yr. old, Appalousa Mare - bred for May, Ac D15 tractor with loader, N.I1, corn picker and sheller, AC 10' disc - 22" blade, Weber culti- vator - 18Y2', 3 furrow plow, MF #9 baler, Int. side, rake, wheel rake, 9° snowblower - 1 yr. old, automatic egg washer (150 doz. per hour), Ski Whiz snowmobile, 5 h.p. snowblower, 800 gal. Zero bulk tank, 3 h.p. vacuum pump, 2 h.p. milker pump, 2 saddles, qu. of lumber, scrap, wagon load, plus numerous other items. Sale at 12 noon. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions; , Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. N12 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 SALE TIME: 1 AM. Auction sale of machinery, cars, trucks, shop equipment, and furniture. For Mr. MICHAEL BROD, located v2 mile east of Nestleton on 7A, north side of road. Watch for signs. International B 275 diesel tractor and loader in good condi- tion, Case 220 baler, Int. B 170 dump truck as is, Int. L-180 truck for parts, 1964 Mercury, 1969 Chrysler - both running, as is. Int. 8' 3 pt. hitch cultivator, 3 drum land roller, 2 snowblowers, side delivery rake, Int. 3 pt. hitch plow, 2-3 furrow drag plows, Heavy duty tri-axle traller with electric brakes, Case antique baler, Besly antique belt driven grinder and century motor, 2" =water pump with Briggs & Strat-- ton motor, portable air compres- sor, 2 hydraulic bumper jacks, wagon load, large qu. scrap iron, tools, large pile of rails and cedar posts, 10 ton hydraulic floor Jack, block and tackle, auto body paint mixing machine with scales, auto body pull dozer, 16 lamp dryer for painting, hydrau- lic press, Woods oat roller, old manure spreader - and trailer, Burroughs business machine, chesterfield and chair, office desk and chair, Kenmore auto- matic washer and dryer, harvest gold - and good. Electric lawn mower and much more. Owner Moving. No reserve. Lunch avallable. Sale managed and sold hy Murray Jackson - 985- 2459. N12 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 26 SALE TIME: 12 NOON 100 HOLSTEINS Complete Creamo Dispersal for GILBERT TOPHAM, Powas- san, Ontario, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, 2 miles north of Uxbridge Including the Reserve-Grand Champion=from the Northern Ontario Spring Holstein Show 1980. These are big tall cows and heifers. Reg., D.H.l.A. tested, Classifled, Free Listed. Other features include a 3 yr. old Kemp due January with 2 VG dams. A big powerful 3 yr. old by Quality Ultimate. Also a beautiful group of open heifers and calves. Many cows fresh or close to calving. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524 N19 THURSDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 20 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. "Excellent auction sale of antiques, furniture and collec: tibles, for the property of MRS. H. MULLIGAN, Port Perry, plus a fine house full of antique furniture from an older couple who gave up their home selling at the Wilson Sale Arena - two miles north of Uxbridge, inclu- ding walnut settees, antique bedroom suite with high bed, beautiful dresser with tear drop pulls, extension table, tea wagon, press back chairs, Grand Piano (square), trunks, buffet, Chip- pendale dining room svite, dishes, china, Inglis Citation fridge, Westinghouse electric range, wicker chair, 9 pc oak dining room suite, lamps, number of small antique tables, wringer washing machine, toilet set, kitchen cupboard, pine cup- board, chests of drawers, pat- terned rugs, wicker table, plus many many other items. NOTE: This is closing out an old house- hold. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 852-3524. N19 WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9 . SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Partial property of BOB HERMANN, Nestleton, and other consignments. Prince Albert Hall. - Pearce Auction Service - 985-7492. NOTE: Upcoming sales in Prince Albert Hall - Wednesday, November 26 - 6 p.m. and Saturday, December é - 12 noon. SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 SALE TIME: | P.M. Auction of Farm Machinery, the property of DALENE CORPORATION LTD., DAVID L. NEILL - Lot 22, Con. 3, Mariposa Township - four miles west of Lindsay Sales Barn on Little Britain Road, 2 miles south and half mile east. Machinery: 1970 Ford 5000 tractor, 1972 M.F. 510 self propelled combine 14' header, 1974 M.F. Industrial backhoe loader, J.D. 1010 Craw- ler loader - rebuilt motor, 1969 GMC dump truck - aluminum body, rebuilt motor - sells certi- fied, Hydrlen 4 furrow plough - 3 pt. spring reset, Ford 30 semi- mount 5 furrow plough - spring reset, Tilt wagon for crawler, Farm wagon, JBB field sprayer - 3 pt. with boom 30 ft., 5' Rotova- ter - PTO 3 pt., J.D. 14T baler - PTO, Oliver 17 disc seed drill - grain, grass and fertilizer - good condition, small Ferguson culti- vator - 3pt., Brillion grass seeder - Cullopak - 10, Cockshutt 415 - 7° power mower, trail, 10' Inter- national 350 discs 3 pt., forks, shovels, chains, few small Items. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale time: 1 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer - Reaboro,- Ontario - 705-324-9959. N12 Annual Consignment Skidoo Sale SATURDAY NOVEMBER 29 Annval Consignment ski-doo sale - November 29 at Orval McLean Auction Centre, Lind- say. WANTED - snowmobiles, cars, trucks, recreation vehicles, tractors, machinery, tools. Please consign now so we can advertise for you. Call Lynn Miller - 324-0182 days or Orval Mclean - 324-2783 anytime. N12 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 SALE TIME: 12:30 P.M. Auction sale of furniture, appliances, some antiques, some taols and dishes, will be held at the former residence of the late MRS. R.S. CAMERON, Oak- wood. Details later. Orval McLean Auctioneer - 324-2783 Lindsay. ANNUAL SKIDOO AUCTION Annval Skidoo auction at Orval McLean Auction Centre. WANTED consignments of snowmobiles, recreation vehicles, cars, trucks, tractors, machinery, tools. Please con- sign now so we can advertise your unit for best results. To consign call 324-0182 days or 324-2783 anytime. NS FILING CABINETS - for office or home. Seconds. Reduced Prices. Truckload lot. SEALY MATTRESSES and bed chester- flelds at BIG SAVINGS. Vagabond mattresses from $59. HOTPOINT DISHWASHERS to clear. SAVE NOW at MIDTOWN FURNITURE, 32 William St. S. Lindsay. NS Ashburn news "Last Sunday morning Burns Church Sunday School joined with the congregation to celebrate the 200th Anni- versary of the founding of Sunday Schools. All the Sunday School classes and the Choirs proceeded into the sanctuary and the choir loft while sing- ing "For the Beauty of the Earth." The Junior Choir sang Jesus Loves Me and the Senior Choir sang an arrangement of old fashion- ed songs, some of which are in our Hymn books today. Three ladies Jennie John- ston, Catherine Humphrey, and Julie Emm told what Sunday School meant to them. Marta Till, Roger Smith and Topsy Kavanough told the story of the beginning of . Sunday Schools by Robert Raikes and Nellie Hopkins gave a history of Ashburn Sunday School, and some interesting things that happened in the early years. The service was conducted by Rev. McEntyre and there was a congregational Hymn sing of familiar Sunday School hymns. Douglas Ashton, Superin- tendent of the present time, thanked all the teachers and officers for their faithful A huge birthday cake was lit by Chrissie McKinney, Douglas Ashton and Elaine Knight. Bill and Bernice Gardner cut the cake and we all sang Happy Birthday. Then lunch was enjoyed. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Muriel Lynde in the passing of her husband, Mr. Ralph Lynde last week, also to the Oliver family in the passing of Mr. Roy Oliver' last Thursday. Mr. David Humphrey of Deep River spent the week- end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Humphrey. Miss Muriel Gostich of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hopkins over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. E Heron have returned to their home -- after spending a week with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rowe and Penny in Winnipeg. Mrs. Theo Knight and Mrs. Herb Payner are attending the Institute Convention at the Royal York in Toronto this week. " Due to unforseen circum- stances the embroidery course of the Womens Insti- tute of Myrtle had to be post- poned and will now be held on November 12th in Myrtle United Church Hall. Mr. Danny Lehman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman has returned to his home here after spending two and a half years travelling in many countries around the world. Welcome home, Danny. It is not how much we have but how much we enjoy that makes happiness. Don't forget the Pot Luck supper at the Church for the Church family, served at 6:30. Everyone welcome. Come and enjoy the fellow- ship. A good program of local talent is being pre- pared. Jr. Farmers will tour 20 farms A hundred young farmers will visit 20 livestock opera- tions in Essex, Kent, Lamb- ton, Middlesex, and Elgin counties from November 9 to 14. '""The Junior Farmer's Livestock Management Tour gives young farmers a chance to learn about the newest livestock manage- ment techniques," says Jan Horner, Supervisor of Youth Extension, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. "They also acquire know- ledge about livestock evalu- ation and about selection methods." The farms include dairy, (Turn to Page 37)