Ontario Community Newspapers

Port Perry Star, 29 Oct 1980, p. 6

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LATS FE % EL 25 woz Se a ST VES ENR a Se Te = ET Ss 2%) es ba a WR So ei mes X =, TAL 6 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., October 29; 1980 remember \ ~ when...? continued doing?" To which the girl purred, "Well Madam, we thought you were taking inventory." Mr. Charles Reesor won the Junior War Workers Draw held at the home of Mr. R.J. Woods. First prize was a quilt. S/L James Kerr, Mrs. Kerr and daughter, have moved into their new home in Toronto. Mr. Victor Aldred, who has been in the Western Provinces helping with the harvest, has returned to his home at Scugog. 25 YEARS AGO Thursday, November 10, 1955 The members of the United Church Choir presented a musical program in the Public School Auditorium. Songs and music from various lands, and the nar- ration of Mrs. Frank Godley tied all into the "World Brotherhood of Song." Selections from Brazil, Australia, Germany, France, Africa, etc. were enjoyed. Mr. Gordon McLean, who has been the County As- sessor for the past six years will retire because of ill health. Wreaths to the Fallen were deposited a the Cenotaph by Reeve W.H. Peel and President Harry Oyler. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, November 10, 1960 . Commencement exercises were held in the new auditorium of the High School. Valedictorian address was given by Miss Linda Clements. Mr. Volodimir Hatschinski was awarded the Board of Education Scholarship for the highest standings in nine Grade 13 subjects. At a recital held in the Oshawa McLaughlin Public Library, Mrs. Marie Taylor was congratulated on hav-- ing the highest mark in Grade 9 Organ in the Province. Two Top Club members, Lillian Leach and Betty Ashmore, were Division Winners and two ladies, Reta Brown and Shirley Cummings received honourable mention at the annual Ontario Provincial Recognition Day in St. Catherines. They also brought home a plaque for the most pounds lost per person in Canada. 15 YEARS AGO Thursday, November 11, 1965 For the seventh time in thirteen years, Michael Starr captured the Ontario Riding for the Progressive Conservative Party. Blackstock News - Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samells who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson of Port Perry celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary at their home re- cently where they received friends and relatives for the occasion. Seagrave News - On Thursday morning the stork paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. Bolling, who recently moved to the Bruce farm, and left a son. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Blain, Toronto, were in town Friday night for the High School Commencement and later visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. William Wakeford. The Port Perry High School Commencement Vale- dictorian for 1965 was Miss Linda Stone. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, November 12, 1970 Two newcomers have entered the Port Perry muni- cipal election race. Jerry Jackman of Beechcroft Cres. and Phil Goreski, a village property owner, have told the Star that they intend to seek a position on council. Joanne Prentice, student council president, pre- sented the Valedictorian Trophy to Robert Fair during the Port Perry High School Commencement exercises. A full house of students, parents and friends was on hand for the occasion at which 157 students received their graduating diplomas. Scouting in Port Perry has been forced to discon- tinue because of the lack of leaders. This decision was made at a meeting of the group committee of the Port Perry Boy Scouts and Girl Guides Association at the Scout Hall. Port Perry High School Senior Volleyball Team has captured the Georgian Bay Secondary School Association Volleyball Championship and will compete in the All-Ontario Championship this Saturday at Guelph University. Three-year-old Nicko Rensink was dwarfed by a giant pumpkin grown on his father's farm in Reach Township. It tipped the scales at 87 lbs. On the same vine were two other large pumpkins weighing 55 Ibs. and 28 Ibs. respectively. Greenbank News - Welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Craw- ford who have moved into the Walter Phoenix house in the village. More than 300 friends and relatives gathered at the Seagrave Church to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott on their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennedy who celebrated their 54th Wedding Anniversary at the Community Nursing Home on November 8th, 1970. Lat 34 ORBIT Guild holds Fall Festival of Crafts by Pe Myers Autumn leaves and crisp air can only mean one thing - the annual show and sale presented by the Potpourri Handicraft Guild of Port Perry! What a grand oppor- tunity for those looking for handmade craft items for Christmas gifts or that special personal treat. The Guild members were specially pleased by the enthusiasm of those attend- ing. The quality of work displayed was again first rate, and the variety of crafts represented was almost endless. An exquisite knitted baby set, in pale yellow, stuffed dolls, needle- point, bags, oil paintings, children's knitted wear, Coverage (From page 5) Wright in 1868, suggested "nestle-town" This was accepted in its current abbreviated form of Nestle- ton. Later when the railroad went through from Burketon to Lindsay bypassing the hamlet to the east by several hundred yards, the station was built one concession to the south and was known as Nestleton Station fill the demise of the railroad, when it acquired the designation of South Nestleton. Harvey Malcolm Yelverton P.S. The photo was obviously taken from the four corners of North Nestle- ton in front of the church facing towards the south. ° crocheted afghans, quilts and Christmas decorations are only a few among a wonderful selection dis- played. Some members had items for display - heavy knitted sweaters in intricate design, a decoupage piece entitled "Crafty Lady" a needle- point picture, an oil painting and a hooked rug which won a Certificate of Merit from the Ontario Hooking Craft Guild - Honorable Mention - made by Susan Watson. The Guild's invited artists this year included Jewellery by Frank Arney, Port P Silk & Dried Flowers y Myra Grainger, Raglan; Wooden Toys - Adeline Gailling; Wendini by Wendy Bateman and Dini Page, Port Perry; Folk Art Sculptures by Audrey McNeill, Port Perry; Indian Beading by Ann Enzi; Stone- war Pottery by Alison Ryrie, Seagrave; Quilts by Myrtle Snelgrove, Port Perry and Eloise Hoggard, Oshawa and sewing by Lois Moffat, Raglan. As usual the bake table was one of the highlights and most items were gone in the opening hours of the sale. Door prizes were drawn - throughout both days of the sale. The happy winner of the grand prize of the handmade quilt is Dorothy Lee, Nestle- ton; 2nd prize of crewel pic- ture was awarded to Carol Catton, Prince Albert and the pine cone wreath went to Frank Bailey, Blackstock. Congratulations to our winners! Many thanks to those who attended and made our event a success. 'See you next year! For the Best Deals on New G.M. CARS or TRUCKS RICHARD HUNT So RR 2, MRE ies od TEEN 8 fi: Veh SLL EN " ihatierbon (From page 5) I wonder if the price of vodka in Red Square will go up or down after the presidential election in the U.S. on November 4. And speaking of those elections, pity the poor American people having to choose between a weak-kneed % peanut farmer and a washed up actor who is 70 going on 90. If I was a voter and they were my only choices, I might just be tempted to stay home on election night, and watch re-runs on televion. The fact that Reagan is given a better than 50-50 chance of victory is a sad commentary on the last four years under g ' Jimmy Carter. I would bet that the Kremlin is cheering for Carter in this one. Those boys in Moscow like when the U.S. people elect a president who's a little mushy when it comes to tough foreign policy, and Reagan at least talks like he might get tough with the Soviets, or anybody else for that matter. And if there is one thing the Soviets don't like, it's *® somebody who talks tough. They probably think that Reagan is just erratic enough to start something. - Talk is cheap, of course, and Reagan, if elected is no more capable of tough foreign policy than Carter. But like the guys who stand up and say they can cut taxes, Reagan is telling the people what they want to hear. . "There's no doubt about it. Observing politics is great ~~ € fun. Far better than the movies, and infinitely better than T.V. More than worth the price of admission, which is usually nothing. What more can you say? \ Foy LIMITED "203 Queen Street - Port Perry 1 3 . 0 ' ) ' ) ) LJ OPEN: Mon., Tues., Wed., & Sat.-9t06. _ OPEN: Thursday & Friday - 9to9. - EAR PIERCING - BY APPOINTMENT WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS - WATCH & JEWELLERY REPAIRS - - BELTONE HEARING AID BATTERIES - 2525250 25252505052 LY a TT I CC EC SC CI IC ICC IC IC I IC ICICI I A TIC ICC) oS 75d ~ CC CG I I I CICCCEN) PURI | ATTENTION - VETERANS EX-SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN AND DEPENDENTS The Royal Canadian Legion Service Bureau Officer, Mr. Gord Alguire, will be visiting Branch 419 - Port Perry during the week commencing Dec- ember 1st, 1980. Anyone wishing information, advice or assistance regarding: (a) War Disability Pensions; (b) Treatment for Entitled Veterans; (c) Application for Benevolent Funds; (d) Appeals against adverse original applications for War Veterans and Widows Allowance; is requested to contact Clare Nightingale at 985-2647 before Sunday, November 9th, 1980, that we may arrange an interview. S------ - - ' FoR CALL... Lye l WILLIAMSON MOTOR SALES Uxbridge 852-3331 \_ Thinking of Leasing? Give us a Try! ~ I'M LIP ME Phe H---- hyn mms mn Tih EFFECTIVE OCT 30%th / WE CARE 'ABOUT YOUR TV | our $ ONEYy?2 your's i THIS AD IS WORTH... TOWARDS ANY REPAIR JoB. TV, STEREO re & ANY NEW I 20" coLOR rei |g STEREO PE ® TOWARDS I '$ ANY NEW FAST, [EFFicEnT] | SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES * LAKEVIEW TELEVISION! 22 rae sr. PH: 985-887] rort Perry rm -- -- ---- t-- -- ------ on o-- pn om oo om om oo -- oo) - R26" ¢co orl TV oR, STERWO SYSTEM Sa 330h --- er a a a mm a o-oo -- & CRIT TTR. SR VARILS, TP AP ANT AD PER CUSTOMER- EXPIRES DEC.3),80

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