a » an Sn pA 4 Se TIO ED Sd - ee as ns Ll hay Ns Moe SAYS AT MUTFUR Cost ARNT A EAL TORY A 2 ww 2" Ih or NSE HE RR AA A ON A TS A Pt ar AS SRL HUA METRE Ls 32 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., October 29, 1980 Bank of Commerce opens new building For manager Gary David and his staff at the Bank of Commerce in Port Perry, Monday morning was the start of something new. Mr. David opened the doors at 10:00 a.m. Monday, and greeted the Commerce Bank's first customer in the new building located at the corner of Queen and Water Streets. The striking new brick building has just under 6,000 square feet of customer floor area, or about triple the space that was available in the old branch located just a couple of doors to the west. Although the actual move was just a few feet down the street, the work involved for the staff made the last few days at the old building a little hectic, to say the least. Last Thursday, the movers arrived and began transport- ing a couple of hundred cartons of files, records, office materials, everything from cancelled cheques to paper clips. And Friday evening, with security heavy around the'new bank, the vault, safety deposit boxes and valuables were trans- ported by Chubb and Brinks. The building is equipped computer ~=terminals~and "data bases, with new spacious teller and admini- stration areas, and offices for the manager, assistant and loans officers. And all the furnishings are new. When the lock went on the door of the old building at 6:00 Friday evening, it - "7 3 marked the end of a banking era, as the building had been used as a bank since 1888, It was the Bank of Western Canada at that time, which merged with the Commerce more than 60 years ago. Aside from being much larger and more functional, the new building has some unique features such as exposed heating ducts over the teller and administration areas. This kind of thing is an architectural and design trend in certain modern buildings to try to create a more rustic and less sterile atmosphere. Mr. David said that despite the confusion created by the move, everything was "in place Monday morning, and it was business as usual when the doors opened. Including the cost of the land, construction, interior decorations and furnishings, the total price for the new building is in the half-million dollar range. Mr. David said the decision to put up a new building, which was made by the Commerce almost five years ago, is an indication that there is confidence in the long term economic viability of Port Perry and surrounding : area. The management, staff and senior executives from the Commerce head office will hold an official public open house at the new build- ing this Saturday afternoon starting at 1:30. \ RARE And WO SAR REHM BTR IT EINE IN Lr NEE The new 7 ~------andtheold ~~~ ad The old branch just prior to closing for the last time Friday evening. The new branch will have triple the customer floor area, and staff was getting ready for the first customers when this photo was taken just before the doors opened on Monday. News from Yelverton area by Harvey Malcolm Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Page have just returned from an enjoyable week in San Francisco with side trips in that area including a trip through the Golden Gate bridge and near the renown- ed Alcatraz. Also an enjoy- able stay at Las Vegas. Clarence attended an Under- writers Insurance Convent- ion in that city with several of his colleagues. Mr. and Mrs. John Burns of Janetville also recently returned from a most inter- esting three week vacation in Britain as part of a Silver Wedding anniversary gift from their family. Yelverton's annual beef dinner was a definite success with over 500 adult tickets plus an unknown number of children's tickets sold as well. Despite a higher gross return this year, due to escalating costs the net will be a little lower. Guests were present from all the local centers from Toronto to Peterborough with even some guests from California, U.S.A. Congratulations to the Pontypool Generals in winning the Charlie McCullough Memorial Trophy for the top team of the Lake Scugog Softball League in the final playoffs with Port Perry. For those interested in the formation of a Manvers Twsp. Historical Society reserve November 19th for a meeting to be held at 2 p.m. in St. Paul's Parish Hall in Bethany when Mr. Philip Baker representing the Ont. Ministry of Culture and Recreation will be the guest speaker. Manvers has a unique historical back- ground rich in Irish tradition which can scarcely be dupli- cated elsewhere in Canada. To preserve this interesting history should be a pleasure as well as a responsibility. Communion service and service of baptism were conducted at Yelverton United Church on Sunday with Rev. Art Rodgers officiating assisted by Elders Ray and Clare Robin- son. Two children were offered for baptism, Dana Marie Brown, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Brown and James, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gray. Many relatives were pres- ent to witness the auspicious _occasion with family dinners after. Congratulations to Mr. Arthur Rowan and Mr. George Neals each of whom received acclamations to office. Art as joint school trustee with Mrs. Edna Carew for Emily and Omemee and Manvers Twsps and George, current Reeve of Manvers and Warden of Victoria County returned as Reeve of Manvers. A sizeable field of candi- dates for other offices have offered their services. Mr. Lorne Curtain, current Deputy Reeve, failed to qualify, leaving the field open to candidates. Bob Brown, incumbent councillor and a former reeve, and two newcomers Maurice Harris and Terry Kyle. For council six candidates, two of whom are incumbent councillors, James McMullen and Barry Pickering, Charles Morton, a former By-law enforcement officer and canine control officer, newcomers to municipal politics Jack Noden and Terry Staples. Terry was active in an earlier Ratepayers associat- ion and Mrs. McLaughlin who had served a term on council a few years ago. Should be an interesting campaign. Warden and-Mrs. George Neals sponsored the annual Victoria County Wardens banquet on Friday evening in Manvers Community centre auditorium with around 200 guests in attend- ance. Following a sumpt- uous beef dinner served by the arena auxiliary ladies, Warden George welcomed all those in attendance, commented on his year's activities as Warden and proceeded to introduce many of his guests, members of his family, close friends and neighbours and two past Wardens from Manvers Twsp.; Mr.-and-Mrs. Allan - Beer now of Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolm of Yelverton. Members of Manvers Twsp. Council, staff and township employees, Victoria County Staff and clerical employees were also introduced. Past Wardens of Victoria County, visiting Wardens and their wives from Peterborough Northumberland and Simcoe Counties and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beath, Chairman of Durham Region. George also expressed his gratitude to the press for coverage . during his term of office. Greetings were brought and tributes paid to Warden George by head table guests, Mr. Wm. Scott, M.P. and Mr. Linda. John Eakins, M.PP, A telegram was read from Mr. Allan Lawrence M.P. who was unavoidably absent on business. His Honour Judge Lloyd Woods proved an excellent guest speaker combining the two required elements, brevity and humour. Flowers were presented to Mrs. Neals by last year's Wardens wife, Mrs. Jack Coulson. The balance of the evening was spent in dancing to suitable music provided by D.J. Bert Grant. A most enjoyable evening was held by those present for which we express our personal appreciation for the opportunity to be present to George and Mae. The Town- ship of Manvers residents are justifiably proud of the manner that George capably assisted by his good wife, Mae have handled the duties and obligations of the Victoria County Wardenship and extend congratulations not only on a job well done, but on his recent acclamat- ion for another two year term as Reeve. Mr. - Donald-- Whittaker - whom is currently on vacation in Canada on leave from his employment in Saudi Arabia is currently visiting with his mother Mrs. Hazel Whittaker in Lindsay for a week prior to returning to Saudia Arabia. Donald and Hazel were dinner guests with the Howard and Terry Malcolms on the occasion of Jeremy's 2nd birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gundrie of Barrie were also present on the weekend at Terry and Brenda's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Baker and family were Sunday CRS IA ERE PA NLS TPL Ny) i ARIE HRA NY SUA t amt res visitors with the Arthur Rowans. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew of Nestleton who observed their 35th wedding anniversary with a dance at Nestleton Commun- ity Hall on Saturday evening. Present from Yelverton -to- share the happy occasion with relatives and friends were Eileen and Howard Malcolm and Corrie, and . Harvey Malcolm, Mr. Murray Malcolm and Mrs. A. Lee. Best wishes to Norma and Don for many more happy years together. Music for the occasion was supplied by Dennis of Ross Jackman D.J. Besides 'the: guests from local communit- ies and Don and Norma's children, Dave, Nancy, Valerie, Alan and their spouses and daughter Vir- ginia, there were many relatives and friends from a distance. These included Don's father, a lively octo- genarian, Mr. Jack Frew and Don's brothers and sisters from the Norwich and Port Hope districts. } The local U.C.W, hosted the Rally for Region 5 of Lindsay Presbyterial on Oct. 21st with an attendance of 100. Linda Pfoh, chairperson for 1980-81 presided for the day and Myra Page as secre- tary. The theme was Love. Agnes Howe made a beauti- ful banner illustrating the same:----A highlight of the morning session was Fash- ions of Love, commentated by Myra Page and accompanied by Linda Pfoh on the organ. The dresses were banners made and displayed by each U.C.W. depicting the charac- teristics of love. Yelverton ladies served a delicious meal and after- wards Mrs. Jean Robinson of Lindsay showed her interest- ing slides on her trip to China. The meeting closed with an {invitation to the 1981 Rally at Bethel. » : L 3 4 2 J' A .