2 -- PORT PERRY STAR --* Wed., August 20, 1980 Opening This September! LAKEVIEW TELEVISION HOME ENTERTAINMENT SERVICE 19 Years Experience Watch for Our Opening Service Specials 22 WATER STREET SOUTH - PORT PERRY MINI CINEMA 985-8535 AUG. 18th to 24th NOW SHOWING ONE WEEK ONLY Care des this love story. | "KRAMER VS. KRAMER" ~ MERYL STREEP JANE ALEXANDER" wont = AUG. 18-19-20-21 Fri.7&9PM. - Sa.7&9PM. 8:00 P.M. Sunday 8PM. IE J FO Particl Subscription Series «1980/81 * Ontario Youth Choir * Sunday. September 28. 1980. 8:00 p.m * Musikids « Concert Band Saturday. December 130 1980. 8:00 p.m. * Gloria Forder «Tom Millar Foday. March 27. 1981. 8:00 p.m ur Saturday. March 28. 1981 8:00 p.m. * Maureen Forrester Fharsday. Apnl 23.1981. 8.00 pm Subscription Series Only Membership Only Combined Discount Single Ticket - Maureen Forrester Name -. Interesting 1980-81 Subscription Series by Leslie A. Parkes According to a recently issued memorandum to its members and past subscrib- ers, Maureer? Forrester will be appearing in recital at Town Hall 1873, as part of her spring tour next April 23rd. This beloved celebrity is a distinct feature of the new subscription series of fine concerts and the Direct- ors are making certain that the event is always included in its promotion of subscrip- tion tickets for the .coming season. And why not? School (From page 1) administrators from Ajax, Whitby, and Pickering, which is required under the . Education Act to review the representation on school board every election year. - Scugog's percentage of the total equalized assessment of the municipalities of Ajax, . Brock, Pickering, Scugog, Whitby .and Uxbridge amounted to 13.15 percent, while that in Uxbridge amounted to 13.47 per cent. These percentage figures were then multiplied by the number of trustees from these six municipalities to come up with the number _that each will be allowed to send to the Board. The number of trustees for the other municipalities will " remain the same. Ajax will have two, Pickering three, Whitby, two, and Brock Township one. Membership «1980/81 10% discount on all Town Hall 1873 sponsored events Advance notice of upcoming events Voting privilege at General Meetings An opportunity to support Town Hall 1873 * JOIN NOW x Detach and return with cheque or money order to: Town Hall 1873, Box 281, Port Perry, Ont. LOB INO at $20.00. at $3.00 at $21.00 _ _ at $10.00 Address _ PhoneNo. For Further Information Call 985-2367 or 985-7947 This world renowned Can- adian contralto gave un un- forgettable performance before in the old hall, back in February 1976, long before the present stage was install- ed, long before the front entrance was repaired. But nothing else has changed. The mighty "Mo" was delighted with our acoustics then. She will test them again next spring. Cs The 1980-81 season begins on Sunday, September 28th - with the performance of the astute Ontario Youth Choir, Board The City of Oshawa sends eight trustees to the Durham Board of Education. How- ever, Oshawa is not included in the formula for establish- ing the number of trustees from the six other municipal- ities. : The total equalized proper- ty assessment in Scugog Township amounts to $302,523,769 while the figure for Uxbridge is $309,960,094. Four injured when car rolls Four young people are in _ hospital-today-with injuries -- they suffered in a single car accident early Saturday morning. Durham Region Police say a car driven by Steven Smith, 17, of 300 Simcoe St., Beaverton failed to negotiate a curve on Regional Road 47 near the 8th Conc. of Thora at 12:25 a.m. The car went into a ditch and rolled. Smith was taken to Orillia Hospital with serious' injur- ies. Also in Orillia Hospital are passengers Debbie Bart- ley, 18, of Woodville, and Denise Sedore, 17, or Beav- erton. Tammy Tanner, 16, of Simcoe Street, Beaverton, was taken to Toronto Gen- eral Hospital. under the auspices of the Ontario Choral Federation. The second event is the Christmas Special by the very talented concert band, "Musikids", directed by Drew Parker, Saturday, December 13th. Another pair of recitals by the popu- NCR AN 3 ol PA ENA UR BAO SAL BSW APRA Gh ICE ia Maureen Forrester returns to Town Hall 1873 lar duo-pianists, Forder and Millar; marking the third part of the series, is schedul- ed for March 27th and 28th, 1981. : Subscription series tickets are now on sale. For further details call 985-7620 or 985-7947 or 985-2367. Baby Show feature This year Port Perry Agri- cultural Society is having a three day fair-Saturday August 30th, Sunday, August 31st, and Monday September 1st. On Saturday at 2 p.m. in the Big Tent at Centre Field of Fair Grounds, there will GRADUATION Janet Watson received the Bachelor .of Education degree and Ontario Teach- er's Certificate during the spring convocation at the University of Toronto. Janet has accepted a position with the Waterloo County Board of Education in Cambridge, Ontario. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.G. Watson, Allan St., Port Perry. af Port Perry Fair be held for the first time - a real live baby show! This is in keeping with the Fair Board's objective of having something for every- one - from the youngest to the eldest. After all, the babies of today will be lead- ers in the year 2000. What better way to start. out in public life than in, a Baby Show - perhaps we have a Prime Minister of the future. The various. entries are: Girl, to 6 months; Boy to 6 months; Girl 7 months to one year; Boy, 7 months to one year; Twins to 12 months. There is no entry fee. Entries to be made by tele- phone to the Secretary, Mrs.. Marjorie Wanamaker 985- 2725 by Thursday, August 28th or to the chairman of this event, Mrs. Patricia Reid 985-3884 by 9 p.m. Fri- ~ day, August 20th, Come forward Mother and Dad and enter your little darling! There will be some- thing for all entries. wy oP, Gas oy Going Up? One Very Good Answer. Subaru C & C MOTORS 160 Simcoe St. 8. Oshawa 728-0181 WAVE CONTRACTORS LIMITED TO THE CITIZENS OF PORT PERRY: The Management and Project Staff of Hubway Contractors Limited, wish to thank one and all for their understanding and cooperation during the reconstruction period on Queen Street. You've made our job a pleasure.