20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., August 20, 1980 Blackstock and area news by Joyce Kelly Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kellogg (nee Mary Lou Malcolm) who were married in a lovely wedding in the Blackstock United Church on Saturday afternoon. The reception and wedding dance was held in the Recreation Centre. Mr.and Mrs. Harold Craw- ford and Ken returned home from a week's vacation in New Brunswick visiting Harold's Aunt, Mrs. James Harvey and other relatives at Moncton. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walden of Waterdown, - Miss Liva Williams, Toronto attended the annual decora- tion services at Nestleton Cemetery and were evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Samells. - The convenors of the Blackstock United Church Beef Barbecue recently met at the home of Susan Swain to finalize details of their forthcoming dinner. Again this year, the barbecue coin- cides with the Blackstock Fair on August 23, 1980. The -roast beef will be barbecued at the fairgrounds during the day and transferr- ed to the Christian Education room at the church for the dinner '4:30-7:30 p.m. The menu will consist of beef, baked potatoes, fresh veget- ables, salad and luscious desserts. Admission was decided to be adults $5.00 children 6-12 $2.50 and pre- schoolers free. The meeting, concluded with lunch and a social time. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers are very proud with the arrival of a new grand- daughter Dana Leslie. Les and Janice Bushfield of London presented them with this new little member of the family. Guests with Rev. and Mrs. Victor Parsons and girls for a couple of days last week were Misses Raye Hendrick- son of Aylshan and Linda Hillmer of Regina, Sask. " The Blackstock Nursery School is holding a general meeting on Tuesday August 26 at 8:00 p.m. at the Recre- ation Centre. All parents are urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy were Sunday evening dinner guests at the Barry Mahaffy family, Janetville. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hector Shortridge on the arrival of their first grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shortridge became the parents of a baby girl on Friday. - The Vacation Bible School year old girls were instruct- d by Janet Parsons and Ann oogeveen while the 9-12 held at the Blackstock- year old boys had Rev. V. United Church in coopera- tion with St. John's Anglican was a fine success. There were 45 children who attend- ed and a fine crowd of mothers and grandmothers attended the closing cere- monies on Friday morning. This year's school was on the theme, "All God's children Belong'. The director was Mrs. Ruby Parsons. She was capably assisted by Mrs. Barb Byers and Miss Gail Malcolm. The singing was led by Mrs. Eileen McLaugh- lin. Each day a speaker spoke to the children on the theme. On Tuesday Rev. V. Parsons spoke on Belonging to the Church, on Wednesday Mrs. Marion Carnaghan's topic was Family Life when 1 was a Child; Linda Bradburn spoke on Thursday on Be- longing at School. Leaders for the week long school for the 3,4 and 5 year olds were Julia VanderHeul, Carla Adams, Dawn Bouillon, Cathy Paisley and Debbie VanCamp; for the 6,7 and 8 year olds wer Lynn Mc Laughlin, Eleanor Kelly and Marilyn Green. The 9-12 from shocks. There are many other ways to practise electrical safety. And they all have one very important thing in common. Don't touch another until mo read Herre It means never removing the third prong from your three-pronged plugs. It's there to ground the appliance and protect you Common sense. Thinkaboutit,please. # T. most important / thing to remember when you're working with electricity is simply this: always keep a little common sense between you and your electricity. Common sense means always unplugging the toaster or any electrical appliance before you fix it. RG 4 TO Ra SRR: we oh Parsons as their leader. Werry-Wright-Phelp Picnic Approximately 100 people gathered at the Recreational Centre, Blackstock on July 19th, 1980 to reminisce with relatives and friends. The occasion was the 107th gath- ering of the Werry-Wright- Phelp clan. After a bountiful meal of casseroles, salads, etc. Pres- ident Brian Borrowdale.. conducted a short business meeting. Later amid sunshine a committee of Brian and Sue Borrowdale assisted by Gary and Betty Jane Hanewich conducted the following pro- gram: Oldest person present-Vera Terry; Person from farthest distance-Ruth Mellor, B.C.; Closest Birth- day-Peter Werry; Youngest Child-Barry Wright. Races were won by the following: 5 and under: Carrie Borrow- dale; 6-9 Chris Wright; 10 and over-Debbie VanCamp; Child's 3 legged race-Wendy and Carolyn Werry; Adult 3 legged race-Grant and Wendy Werry; the shoe kickers of the day were: Ladies-June Werry, Mens- ~ Clarke Werry, Childs-Lisa™ Werry. A couple of relays followed by a friendly chit chat under the trees concluded another successful picnic. Durham Region Horse- back Riding for the Handi- (Turn to Page 22) 4 I Port Perry Fair FIRST PET SHOW Saturday, August 30th 2:30 P.M. - Grandstand Open to Boys and Girls 14 Years and Under. All Pets in Cage or on Leash. No Entry Fee - Dogs - Cats - Most Unusual Pet. REGISTER - MRS. DOREEN KENDALL 985-7587 : Or at the Fairgrounds by 2 P.M. Saturday. BRAEMORE REENBANK GREE & APPLIANCES - New & Used - Admiral Built-in DUSHWASHER '299. 15 cu.ft. Brand Name FREEZER GOOD, USED FURNITURE & APPLIAYCES WANTED. ; OPEN: Daily to 6: 00 P. M; + Fridays to 8:00 P.M. MOFFAT mm GUERNEY === INGLIS AHVIDOW mms HVS mmm TVHINAY HWY. 12-2 MILES NORTH OF HWY. 4 IN GREENBANK - PHONE 985- ong DAVELUYVILLE ICHARGEX] ~ The First Canadian Bank Bank of Montreal PORT PERRY PLAZA - HWY. 7A EAST We Are Committed To Total Service for You! COMPETITIVE RATES CONVENIENT PARKING CONVENIENT HOURS Monday thru Thursday - 10:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. Friday - 10:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. The First Canadian Bank Bank of Montreal ae a Fv ®