Epsom and area news by Jean Jeffery Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson and Mr. W.0. Simpson visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hockley at their home on Pigeon Lake on Saturday. Our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Evans who were married on Saturday. We welcome them to their new hgme on the Reach Road. ny relatives from the area were guests at the wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Leuchuk of Wiarton were guests, then stayed for the weekend with Joyce's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson. Mrs. J.P. Wilson visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson. The Earl Taylor's attend- ed the Tink family picnic at Heber Down Conservation area on Saturday. Mrs. E. Taylor and Marg- aret toured the Parkwood home in Oshawa and enjoyed On Tuesday evening Mrs. Hildreth Lyons was guest of honour at the Begin home when several neighbours met to present Hildreth with a little gift from the neigh- bours. Mrs. Jeffery and Mrs. Bailey presented her with a Church plate on behalf of the Epsom Utica U.C.W. Hildred has moved to Ux- bridge. We will miss her very much, but we know she has a host of friends in Uxbridge so will be very happy in her new home. Paul Kerry was in Ingersol for the weekend with Bill and Betty Stearman. Mr. and Mrs. Garth Spenc- er and Laurel of Kitchener visited with the Basters this weekend. Laurel is visiting Julie Baster for the week whilé Kathy Baster is at Guide Camp Adelaide at Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Dora Geer attended he Fralick picnic at Minnising A D.THAPAR DENTURE THERAPIST 66 Brock St. W., 163 Simcoe St. S., § % Uxbridge 852-5291 Oshawa 579-8752 214 Dundas St. E., : Whitby-668-7797 [op lw lor ler ep on op op onl op [op lop op op [opp [op op op Lop [op [on [a Lop [op [ap Lop Lop Lp Lp oe om Lo Lam Lop Top 525252525252525252525252525258525855 5 CSCS 25e525252525252525254525¢ on Sunday. Mrs. M. Bailey, Mrs. Han- sen and Mrs. Barfoot were guests for afternoon tea Thursday with Mrs. Begin. The tea was in honour of Mrs. Beryl Martin and Mrs. Frank Brown who were cele- brating their birthdays. Mrs. Marten's sister and Mr. Brown were also preserit. The community picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Boadway was well attended. It was a beautiful day, a wonderful buffet dinner. - There were games for all. Congratulations to the committee in charge and a big thankyou to Mr. and Mrs. Boadway for their kindness. "The W.I. girls met for a few minutes to line up leaders for the 4 H workshop that is: coming up, and to arrange for our display booth at Uxbridge Fair. A welcome to the area to the Summerville family who moved in the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Lisa Anderson is home from hospital after suffering from a virus infection and her brother David celebrat- ed his first birthday last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Wat- son and family attended a party in honour of her broth- er Kent Ryder's 21 birthday at her parent's home in Toronto. 9.99 Convenient To Use - Pine Bark Chips 3 cu. ft. Bag. Reg. $5.69 10-6-4 40 1b. Bag 4.49 Cow Manure 50 Ib. Bag. Reg. $4.39 Killex Weed Killer 10-5-10. 18 kg Reg. $16.29 Low, Low Price on 7 &. Garden Specials Miracle Green Fertilizers ® 7.7-7 Weed 'n Feed 401b Bag . 32 0z.can Reg. $7.39 Sale Crabgrass Control with Peterborough Lumber's SUMMER CLEARANCE AND SALE 1st Grade Sakrete ' *Shadow Black Asphalt Base Reg. Price x 7.99 approx. Driveway 1 ow3o 32 sq. Sealer Motor Oil 5 gal. pail pIgmjum ra Reg. 10.79 Stock Up At This G.A.F. Reg. Price $7.29 sq. yd. Johns-Manville Lumber Buys Broan Vinylglide Friction Fitt oo Insulation [ll be smuce 368ece Powered PATIO Attic FA Tne Saver Construction & Standard 0) RS Grad 1 Just Roll It into Place Red Coda (DAS) Ventilator DO Each Rolls R12 a pc. $3.00 50" x 6'8" 47/8" x 24-0" Long De pe. $4.20 Model No. 340 Reg. 452.60 Reg. $5.90 Roll [ll 2:c-00 pe. $5.90 SALE 395.77 2 x8 x10 0 pc. $7.80 Reg. $76.89 60" x68" 39 2x8 x14 0 pc. 30% Reg. 499.95 . «10x10 0 Pec. $9. Special Roll ll 210020 pe $13.86 689 SALE 427.77 Net Prices Limited Quantities Aluminum 5.5 mm Ladder Exterior 4.69 Clearance Mahogany While 26 25 They for many uses . Lasy around the home Extension or collage 3 69 Ladders 4'x8' sheets " 32 Reg 117 | 033° Reg. 11.49 5.39 24° Req 69 25 ASPHALT SHINGLES Our Three Most Popular Colours Special Purchase! Various Exciting Colours & Designs To Choose From 6' Stepladders 62% Limited Quantities While Stock Lasts *Colfee Brown Fulitone Brown sale 6 = 9 7 Bundle Net Price Softred Vinyl 5.99. 4'x8' sheets Ideal While Stock Lasts 10% 12.95 JR Peterboro BR BUILDING CENTRE BUYING POWER IS YOURS WITH A PIL CREDIT CARD...APPLY FOR YOURS TODAY! Prices in Effect until August 30, 1980 or While Supplies Last. ugh Lumber 10 SCUGOG STREET PORT PERRY 985-7334 OY GA old r a ae ef Ld 7... i A ; 3 ¥ : om A a NR Fo =r wr. Moma oe v Tm et Tae ~ ~~ ~~ x 2 ETA "i on a Nog Sv Tele at Ee FRE oe Dana Gibson, six, of R.R. 2 Seagrave, and her pet pooch *'Skunky" who's just .six weeks old, won "the best in show" for the Mutt Show sponsored by the Port Perry Kinettes. "Skunky" also took an individual first prize for the saddest eyes, and we think we can see why. The finest Mutts Best Dressed: 1. Heather Lawrence, 2. Sherri Larabie, 3. Amy Ware. Biggest: 1. Chris Dilello, 2. Tony Debruyn, 3. Danny Howell. Smallest: 1. Dana Gibson, 2. Debra McBride, 3. Toni Hanna. Saddest Eyes: 1. Dana Gibson, 2. Barrett Crawford, 3. Arron Dennis. Longest Tail: 1. Chris Dilello, 2. Pamela McNenly. Best Trick: 1. Eddy Meulemeester, 2. Amy Ware, 3. Sherri Larabie. Curliest Hair: 1. Todd Reamsbottom, 2. Jeffery Card, 3. Steven Short. Longest Ears: 1. Andrew Dennis, 2. Toni Debruyn, 3. Cori Greenwood. Friendliest: 1. Karen Francis, 2. Merideth Jack- son, 3. Robin Park. Dog That Least Resembles Any Known Breed: 1. Dar- ren McGibbon, 2. Karen Francis, Ursula Mertens. Best Mutt in Show: Dana Gibson. Runner Up: Heather Lawrence. HOSPITAL REPORT Week Ending August 7 Admissions ........... Licvisivia 21 Births ............ccooooiiii 1 Deaths ........... Emergencies Operations ....................... Discharged ..................... Remaining ...................... in all of Scugog or - » 4 hi " + § : 785 [Se 4.00; 3 vf A + 4 bE > ¥ oth 3 i The Star photographer was unable to get the name of this cute pup and its master, but by the looks of the dog he's happy to have her to take care of him. With those bright eyes and happy face, you can bet he " would be the pride of any home. rs