SFR ST head 1 of ELENA CR le Fred 25a av Th oi SOF RR [A PI Vo AN Py pd oe CFL WAP od I ER FRR RL The summer of 1980 will be one to long remember for 17-year old Stewart Wood of Port Perry. The grade 12 student at Port Perry High School is among just 20 cadets from across Canada selected this summer to spend several weeks in Germany, courtesy of the Canadian Armed Forces. Stewart, who is a Cadet Sgt. with the Port Perry Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps was selected for the Germany trip on the basis of DUI LJ his work as a cadet. He has been a member of the local Corps here for the past two years and prior to that spent two years with the Sea Cadets in Whitby. Although he left home over the weekend, he won't arrive in Germany until the first week of August. He first has to complete three weeks of infantry training at the Canadian Forces Base at Petawawa, 100 miles west of Ottawa. He leaves August 2 for the Canadian Forces Base at Lars, West Germany, and before getting down to busi- ness will spend a week tour- ing around that country. Unlike regular tourists who are feeling the pinch of sky-rocketing prices in Europe this year, Stewart will only have to take along his spending money. Trans- portation, room and board in Germany will be paid by the Armed Forces, along with his flight to Europe. Once the sight-seeing week is over, Stewart will join the 3rd Batallion of the Royal Canadian Regiment station- ed in Germany and take part in the regular army summer exercises and training. He'll spend about four weeks with the Regiment there, and then have two more days of sight-seeing before returning to Canada. Before leaving last week, Stewart told the Star he's delighted to have this chance to see Germany and be a member of the Armed Forces for a month. He said he plans a career in the military and hopes to study chemical engineering at Royal Military College in Kingston after he completes grade 13. Stewart .is not the only member of the Port Perry Cadet Corps who will be Cadet Sgt. Stewart Wood DO 000 080580800 DDOLDELLLHLHLLLLLLLLLEDLDLHLLHHLHLLHLHHLH. BERRY WORLD it's RASPBERRY SEASON | Saturday, July 19th For More Information Phone 985-2123 000 00000000000 000000088000000000080000000000000000800 HRISTMAS IN JULY AT MAR-LAINE"S 227 QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY Until July 24th 30% OFF Christmas Kits - Books - Beads Pearls - Glitter & More ... SHH DHOD DHL H.0.00000000.0000.0000. MAA AAA AAAS AA AAA AAA AA Add OOOO vIvoevoveveevewevev AND ON JULY 24th (5 Months to Christmas Eve) 20% OFF ALL PURCHASES (From 4:00 to 9:00 P.M.) LAY-AWAYS EXCLUDED PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 16, 1980 -- 7 '| + Cadet Stewart Wood going to Germany travelling this summer to take part in interesting and educational courses offered to cadets during the summer months. Cadet Captain Terri Morrow, Cpl. Geraldine Cole and Lieut. Dave Teskey are spending 10 weeks at Camp Borden near Barrie as corp- orals in the reserve army training. Lieut. Margaret Cole, Sgt. Debbie Barton, Sgt. Peter Cole, Sgt. Wendy Burton and Sgt. Jeanette Kane are taking the same 10 week training at Camp Ipperwash on the shores of Lake Huron. Also at Camp Ipperwash, cadets Lionel DeKnecht, Brian Fulford, Dave Moore, Mike Johnson and John Dooley are completing a leadership course. While four cadets are taking specialized courses at Camp Borden. Cpl. Andy Postma-rifle coaching; Cpl. Steve Barton and Chris Cole- scuba; and Cpl. Pat Dooley- athletic leadership. Cpl. Dave Porter is off to Banff, Alta. for a six week course in mountain climbing and white water canoeing. All of the cadets from Port Perry who are attending courses this summer receive free room and board and $100 when they complete the training. SILL PLATE GASKET The new, easy, quick and economical way to seal gaps between foundations and sill plates. Made from 'Etha' Foam 80' Long - 32" Wide - ¥4" Thick $9.95... If It's Something New You'll Find It At ... .. of course! to use. ALUMINUM STORM DOORS | wood vinyl For all seasons. Keep winter out, let summer in. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. FINISH OFF WITH MOULDING 4 Add the final touch with wood or : H vinyl moulding. Pre-finished, ready : "Merillat Homestead Oak Kitchen Display $475.00 (A Savings of Over | 50% OFF List Price.) SPRUCE STUDS Ideal for any number of home or cot- §: tage projects. 2"x4"x7' $1.10 2"x4"'x6' 9% 10% PRE-MIXED CONCRETE Saves time and trouble. Just add water and it's ready to use. WOODGRAIN PANELLING "" Beautify Indoors with attrac- 8 715 | tive, easy to Install panelling. A style to sult every taste. SHEET TUBE Me | " i Hl I § =] Wh L = uy ¢Y =~ - / = : Av _ = PANELLING | ; a CEMENT | = | SNARE your walls. E: 2.25 2.70 Per 66 Ib. Bag VANITIES All Vanities In ns Stock OFF (One Set Only) Reg. $250. CONCRETE STEPS & PLATFORM $75.00 LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER CO. LTD. 11 VANEDWARD DRIVE - (OSHAWA ROAD) PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - 985-7391 . "i vie? EYAS Hy fo. 3a 4 4 i 4' 1 4 ' go ho. re - wi - Tee SA 5 SE BR md ng "un Wh Sli ME a > ES. oT Cas SSIS ofa 4) - eA EEN. pn A] "Hy I oo Tg eI LR AS The eS - ard o£ 0 2% - SSE SH : < nT 2 Er A I EE RR 1