60 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 8, 1920 Mrs. Cecil Beare and Master Storey Beare are holi- daying in Brantford, the guests of Mrs. Beare's pa- rents Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCaulay. Dr. McMaster, V.S., has just completed a new office at his residence just east of Switzer's blacksmith shop. On the closing day of school, June 29th, the friends and neighbours of S.S. No. 13 assembled with the child- ren and presented Miss May Coultis with a handsome ivory set. 35 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 19th, 1945 One by one our soldier men are returning to their homes in Port Perry and vicinity. The latest contingent included L.A.C. Garnet Weir; Pte. Grant McDermott; and Gnr. Kenneth Hillier. Pte. Grant McDermott and Gnr. Kenneth Hillier are going on to the Pacific war area after a thirty day leave. On Saturday, June 23, 1945, at the home of the bride's mother, 74 Grand Avenue N., Galt, by Rev. Dr. M.B. Davidson, Alice Mary, daughter of Mrs. Henry Haskins and the late Mr. Haskins, to Harry Carnegie of Toronto, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Carnegie, Port Perry. 25 YEARS AGO Thurday, July 14th, 1955 The June meeting of the Service Club was a social evening. It was held at Pine Point with Mrs. A. Bathie, Mrs. Wm. Beare, Mrs. M. Luke and Mrs. R. Birkett en- tertaining. Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Whitby are back home after a pleasant stay in England during the past three months. They reported a most enjoyable visit. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Lee who recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. 20 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 14th, 1960 - A number of Port Perry High School friends and former Canadian Bank of Commerce staff had a get- together at the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Harris, Washago Beach, July 2nd. --A Testimonial Dinner in recognition of the triumph of the Port Perry Juvenile 'C' Hockey team in winning the OMHA Championship last winter was tendered by the Chamber of Commerce, the Lions Club and the Canadian Legion. The banquet was held at the Masonic remember when ...¢ Temple on July 12th. Congratulations to Miss Ruth Milne on passing with honours the Grade 6 Toronto Conservatory examina- tions in singing which she tried recently in Ottawa. 15 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 15, 1965 Rosemary Nodwell of Seagrave, a talented piper will realize her ambition to visit Scotland and attend the Highland Games at Loch Lomond. She left Toronto last Monday with her father Robert Nodwell. Mrs. Florence Fallis Auld was the guest of honour at an Open House Tea at Raglan School, where she has been the principal for the past ten years. Mrs. Auld is retiring after a teaching career of 40 years. A long time employee of the Port Perry Star Co. Ltd., Mr. Archie Farmer, has recently accepted a position with a Toronto printing firm. Burketon News - Several have sold their property. The Robert Staple family have moved into the house vacated by John Ryken on July 1. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lane have sold their house. Manchester News - Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kroes left Monday of this week for a visit to Holland and other parts of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Harrison of Port Perry were honoured by relatives and friends in a quiet celebration in their own home on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Blackstock News - Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Bilbey, who have been in London, England for almost five years, are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wright and are visiting other relatives. After a few holidays, they will be living in Toronto. Dr. Bilbey will be a Professor in Toronto University. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, July 16, 1970 The wishes of the councils of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog Townships to be incorporated as one munici- pality within the planned Regional Government are in- cluded in the Third Paper by the Oshawa Area Planning and Development Study. Also included in the munici- pality is Cartwright Township, a logical decision, considering the geographical location as well as trade and social relation of the area. Phil Goreski, proprietor of Club Annrene, has taken initial steps to build a restaurant at the south end of Water Street. A permit to erect a building on this site (Turn to page 6) chotte CANADA DAY Canada Day was celebrated July 1st this year right across the country, and was perhaps one of the most colourful and well attended birthdays Canada has seen since Centennial year. Cities, towns and villages right across the land pitched in and proudly waved their flags, sang our new official National Anthem and joined in the festivities planned in the various communities. But here in Scugog, Canada Day was just another day. The stores were closed, but other than that nothing was planned to celebrate Canada's 113th birthday. In fact, Canada Day in Scugog Township seemed more like a Sunday than a national holiday. I suppose the blame for this should not rest entirely on the shoulders of our town fathers, but possibly the Township should have arranged some kind of a ceremony or celebration to mark the occasion. Local communities like Uxbridge and Bowmanville at least made an attempt to mark the day with a fireworks display during the evening. I'm not particularly a flag waver, although I am proud to be a Canadian. But it would seem that since Canada is now undergoing a period of uncertainty, with talk of separation coming not only from Quebec, but also the western provinces, every Canada should be making a little extra effort to keep our country together. The singing of O' Canada, or the waving of our bright red and white flag may not necessarily save our country from those who wish to break away, but if enough of us take an interest, maybe it will rub off on others and we will be able to live together with less resentment and hatred. Although it is too late to do anything about it this year, possibly council, with the aid of one of our many service organizations can get something together for next year. Happy Birthday Canada! DISGRACE While I am speaking about Canada Day, it might be a good time to ask why we are given holidays. Is it just so employers and staff can have a day off, or is it to celebrate an occasion? It is my belief that holidays should be taken on the appropriate day, and not the closest Monday so that we might have a long-weekend. Three day weekends are great, but the meaning of the extra day of rest is lost if it is not held on the specific date for the holiday. An example of this was July 1 when we celebrated Dominion Day, or Canada Day as it is now beginning to be (RG IRA SATE UOC Ah » AMY TT EN TY a Yr. Ie it we ALE Tt Oy MAY ' PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, July 9, 1980 -- 5 letters Maternity Unit Dear Sir: As one of the first fathers to accompany his wife in the delivery room of Port Perry Community Hospital for the births of our three daughters may I voice my entirely emotional response against the suggestion made to close this maternity wing. That the cost to operate such a facility, staffed by professionals as competent and caring as ours, is high cannot be argued. But what is the price of this facility which affords the sharing of an experience of the joy of all joys in an atmosphere of warmth, anticipation and readiness? Surely our cul- ture has arrived at a stage of enlightenment that intro- duces a new life to an en- vironment concerned with something more than the cold, impersonal statistics of cost-efficiency analysis. Sincerely, Peter Chellew Port Perry Police Report TWO CAR ACCIDENT A two car accident on Regional Road Two about 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning sent a Seagrave man to hospital with undisclosed injuries. Police report that a north- bound car driven by Bernie Balling of Seagrave collided with a southbound car driven by Sandra Graham of Oak- wood. The Balling vehicle then went out of control and rolled over several times. None of the other persons involved suffered serious injuries, and no charges have been laid. Damage to the vehicles is described as extensive. by J. Peter Hvidsten called. Many factories and businesses closed the Monday before the holidays and then opened on Tuesday, July 1 (the legal holiday) for business as usual. Although this may have been convenient and less costly for some businesses, it is not acceptable. Canada's birthday falls on July 1st, and if a holiday is to be given to celebrate this occasion then everyone should be required to observe the occasion on the proper date. It is highly unlikely that any other country in the world would stoop so low as to make their countries birthday so insignificant that they would arrange the celebrations around a weekend so they can have three days off. If this is how Canadians think, I'm surprised that they haven't moved Christmas Day or New Year's Day to a more convenient part of the week, so they might enjoy a couple of extra days off then as well. Let's see now......Christmas would fall this year on either Monday, December 22 or 29th. Oh no! This will probably create another problem. NEWSPRINT SHORTAGE As I write this article, just how many more issues of the Port Perry Star we will be able to publish this summer is not known. If all goes well, there will be no interruption in the printing of the Star, but if the strike by the Canadian Paperworker Union is not settled soon, there is the possibility that we, along with many other newspapers in the country will be shut down. For the time being, our printing company has assured us that if the newsprint they have been promised arrives, we will have no interruptions until at least August. But after their next scheduled shipment of paper arrives this week, they have no guarantee on any additional orders coming in. To date, there is little prospect of an early resolution of the contract dispute that has closed many of the pulp and paper mills operated by Abitibi-Price Inc. Seven mills are strikebound and another five were expected to have closed by last weekend. And to make matters worse, no immediate plans for a meeting between the company and the union have been arranged. If the strike does continue into the summer and the newsprint begins to dwindle, we at the Star will have to start cutting back the content of the paper and generally tighten up. This would mean editing copy more closely and in some cases being unable to carry some of the reports and news items we would normally consider in our content. In effect, the 32-36 page newspaper you normally receive may BOATING CHARGES Charges of dangerous operation of boat have been laid by the Durham Region Police Marine Patrol follow- ing an incident on Lake Scugog, July 1. Police say that Catherine Mulholland, 17, of Toronto, and Robert A. Graham, 19, of Weston, were in separate boats, and both have been charged under the Criminal Code. These are the first charges of this nature the Marine Patrol have laid this summer. Conviction could mean a maximum fine of $500 and or six months in jail. { FEI vl va L07 Ja ae an tdatiniast keh e dot ail od sintoicdiim "a PALS a rN RN PE A oh hp CIS have to be reduced to 16-24 pages. And if the strike continued even longer there is the outside possibility that we would have to cease publication. Although the above is just speculation at this point, over the next few weeks, we at the Star will be keeping a close eye on the newsprint situation and continue hoping for a quick settlement. But, with the settlement of the strike there is one thing certain. The price per ton of newsprint will be increased to absorb the increases demanded by the union workers. And that means that the cost of printing the Star will be increased to offset the increase of the newsprint to the printers. And that means at sometime in the near future we will have to increase advertising or subscriptions to offset the higher cost of printing the Star. Unfortunately, it's a vicious circle with no end! 8 port perry star ) Company Limited %, Phone 985-7383 & <i> G CNA : (OUR) = - Wo ns TICS Serving the Township of Scugog J.PETER HVIDSTEN Publisher Advertising Manager J.B. McCLELLAND Editor Member of the Canadian Community Newspaper Association and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association Published every Wednesday by the Port Perry Star Co. Ltd, Port Perry, Ontario Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in cash Second Class Mail Registration Number 0265 Subscription Rate: In Canada $10.00 per year Elsewhere: $18.00 per year Single Copy: 25° | on DAR Cs . ~~ FRAT hy -. " Tal RRS Waa. SN SER ay ~~ SPR NRE SS h- ~~ -- Pin NX Pimms" Je- wr FA BIE AS ld " Va os cD a La) - a! \ > - wie re ee -'® " -- w A o =o - it ve fF WE i LTV a ON Ja OF, i: i 1, . a tp SE Sy LL - i ova h nr . 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