"PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, June 11, 1980 -- 25 Coming Events Coming Events Coming Events For Sale For Sale For Sale BUS TRIP - June 17th from Blackstock to Cullen Gardens, Whitby to Pickering Nuclear Station and Oshawa Art Gallery. Phone 986-5378 or 986-4983. Warriner Lodge No. 75 Independent Order of Oddfellows -and - Maybe Rebekah Lodge 0.348 - Port Perry DECORATION SERVICE Pine Grove Cemetery SUN., JUNE 22-2 P.M. OPEN HOUSE - Claire and Winnifred Miller invite their friends and relatives to 353 MacDonald St., Port Perry June 22nd, 1-5 p.m., the occasion being their 25th Wedding Anni- versary.' Best Wishes Only. YARD SALE - 9:30 - 4:30, June 4 - 257 Bigelow Street. Press- back chairs, old floor model radio, white vinyl settee, dresser with mirror, pressback rocker, blanket box, toys, clothes, dishes" and lots of miscellaneous. Larry & Judy Lee 'Scugog Island Women's Institute 7th ANNUAL AUCTION SALE is coming SAT., JULY 19 Any donations are greatly appreciated, so don't throw anything away. Donate it to a worthy cause. Watch for Further Details or Call Jan Gerrow 985-3025 BAKE SALE & GARAGE SALE Sat, June 14th 10:00 A.M. St. Johns Presbyterian Church Queen Street - Port Perry" The Teaching Associates of . Mrs. Edna Beckett cordially invite you to a Reception and Tea ON THE OCCASION OF HER RETIREMENT to be held the evening of TUESDAY, JUNE 24th, 1980 Seven until Nine 0'Clock In the Library R.H. CORNISHP.S. Port Perry - Ontario LINDSAY HORSEMAN'S ASSOCIATION presents HORSE SHOW JUNE 15, 1980 10:00 A.M. English & Western Classes LITTLE BRITAIN COMMUNITY PARK Ribbons & Payback INQUIRIES: 623-6063 1-705-799-5589. r-- Conway Gardens RESTAURANT Hwy. 7A East - Port Perry Fish & Chips FRIDAY, JUNE 13th - 4:30 to 9:00 P.M. Salad Bar - Dessert - Coffee $3.80 { TOWN HALL QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY - (A Promiiere Performance Co. Play) 1873 presents "A GLORIOUSLY FUNNY PLAY!" - BARNES, N.Y. TIMES the Prisoner Second "Avenue A COMEDY HIT BY Neil Simon * STARRING * Leon Tapper - Alison McNab - Sarah Twomey Melanie Bruce - Kevin Whidderfield - Carla Dempsey PRODUCED AND DIRECTED BY JOHN FOOTE Friday, June 20th - 8:30 P.M. Saturday, June 21st - 8:30 P.M. Tickets: $3.50 Each Tickets on Sale at Irwin Smith Music Ltd. Or Call 985-2237. ATTEND the Old-Time Fiddle and Step-dance contest - July 11 & 12 at the Fergus and District Community Centre, Fergus, Ontario. For information: 519- 843-2735, 519-843-1630. COME TO the 7th Annual Pork Congress - June 17-19. Over 200 exhibits. Ladies Programme daily. Education Programmes daily. Admission - $2.00. Strat- ford, Ontario. QUANTITY of used lumber 1x6's, 2x4"s, 2x6's, 2x8's, 6xé's. Take the whole pile. $100 or best offer. Phone Peter - 985-7383. CAGES FOR BIRDS - 8 ft. by 10 ft. runs, plus house - $25.00. 985-3752. JOHN DEERE 45 self propelled combine $700.00; M.F. self propelled combine - $2000.00. 985-3903. J18 ATTEND - 7th Annual Pork Congress - June 17 - Breeder Day, June 18 - Feeder Day, June 19 - Market Day. Stratford Ontario. Admission - $2.00. Children Under 16 - Free. BINGO Every Tuesday ont, Port Perry Lions Club at" Latcham Centre. Early bird. game 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors. open at 7:00 p.m. Jackpot $10.00: per line, $200. in 54 numbers, «minimum $50.00. T.F., For Sale | GARDEN TRACTOR with snow blade and box; dining table, oak china cabinet, black leather sofa' and chair, 39' snowblower attachments for White, MTD or Massey garden tractors - 985-, 2935. 20 H.P. MERC outboard motor, 142 deep hull aluminum boat with 800 Ib. trailer, asking $1250. Excellent condition. 985-2935. TWO SHOW HALTERS and one show bridle - sterling silver on each. Excellent condition. Phone 852-6520. TWO METAL BEDS and springs - one 48' wide and one 54' wide - in good condition. Phon 985-3564 LITTLE GIRLS CLOTHES - between infant and size 8. All Like New. Worn by one girl. With brand names - Gagtog, Teachers Pet. Call 985-8066. KVERNELANDS 5 furrow 16 plow, very good condition - $1,500; 44 New Idea blades I.H. disc, new seal bearings and paint real excellent - $2,250.00. A.C. 4 row corn planter - very good condition - $1,200.00. Phone 655-3450. 1973202 FT. SCAMPER trailer - 4 pc. bath, radio, Tv attena, spare tire, new covers for tanks and tire. Excellent condition - $3,850.00. 985-2353. BREZNIKAR Meat Products Sides of Beef - Hinds, fronts Home Grown Pork Whole or Half Sausages - Bacon Smoking & Curing of Meat Government Inspected 985-7736 TF. CERAMIC SUPPLIES Selling Out 'Greenware, Glazes by Gare & American Beauty, 2 Kilns, 1 Spray Gun. Also other supplies. BYANN CERAMICS Lindsay 324-0532 261 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY, ONTARIO T-SHIRTS 50% Off Reg. to $20.00 NAVY, WHITE, PINK, & GREEN. RIDING LAWN MOWER -5h.p., good condition, also one alumi- num truck cap. 985-2784 after 6 p.m. BOX TRAILER - heavy duty suspension, approx. size - 4' x 8', with tail light hook-up and extra wheel - $250.00; Truck cap for Va ton Ford pickup - $200.00. Corner of Cochrane and Balsam. Tel: 985-7637. STIHL 08S Chain Saw - 21" blade, excellent shape, used only 3 hrs. $360 new - Asking $260. 985-2659. CANOE SPECIALS - 14 ft. $189.; 16 ft. - $219.; Square end - $319; Meriah Sailboards - pre- summer sale - $850 & instruction. Murray's Place, 226 Kent St. W., Lindsay. 705-324-4357. SWIMMING POOLS - Factory overstock sale of new 1979 pools. These come complete with walk- around deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filter. Regular price - $2,400.00. NOW - $1,498.00. Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free - 1-800-268-5970. TF 12' FIBREGLASS car top boat. Asking $125.00. Call 1-705-357- 2489. MANURE SPREADER - New Idea, power take-off - $1500. Also a float suitable for round bales - $1,000. 655-4159. J18 45 H.P. CHRYSLER outboard motor, gas tank and controls included. For further informa- tion please call after 7 p.m. - 986-4451. TWO PUREBRED Limousin bulls - two years and one year, tested and guaranteed breeders. Freunhauf Trailer 45' aluminum double deck. Call Ken Welden, Grenville, Quebec - 819-242-8887. 172' GLENELLE TRAILER - three way fridge & 'stove, toilet, sleeps six, tandum wheels, Al condition. $4,500. Call 985-8238. BISON 8 ft. truck camper, light weight, fibreglass, sleeps 4. Two way fridge, stove, sink, excellent condition - $2,400.00. Tent trailer - new screening, sleeps 5 - $450.00 - 985-3752. 1977 YAMAHA XT500 - Enduro - best offer. 985-3149. 1972 HONDA 175 - excellent condition - $750.00; 1965 Honda 150 - mint condition, must be seen to appreciate - $600.00. 985-3752. MUST SELL - one Kenmore dryer - $100.00. 985-3498. 12 ACRES alfalfa & timothy hay - standing or baled. Three miles north of Manchester - 985-3219. PING PONG TABLE, lawn- mower, excellent wringer washer, 'apt. size kitchen suite. Reese hitch and mirrors. 985- 3707. 175 CAN AM - asking $600. 985-7211. COMPLETE Logging Equip- ment - Tractors 4300 Internation- al & Kenworth 335 & 434 h.p. Trailers - Trains - Tandems & Triples. Loaders 2 x 4 yards mic and troj. Grader. Equipment A-1. 705-678-2306. URINE ERASE saves carpets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odours, from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A. Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ontario. TWO TONS of #1 crushed corn. Call after 6 p.m. - 985-3404. SUPER MEAT SPECIALS PRIME BEEF Cut, Wrapped, Frozen Sides - $1.49 Ib. Fronts - $1.29 Ib. Canada Packers Thrifty Bacon 1b. - 50° (26 Ib. - $13.00) Canada Packers PORK LOINS Cut & Wrapped $1.251b. Maple Leaf Weiners 6 Ib. Carton - $6.00 Canada Packers Sliced Smoked Back Bacon 101b. - $12.00 (While Quantities Last) LITTLE BRITAIN MEAT PACKERS LTD. 1-705-786-2101 Drive a Little - Save a Lot! RIDING BREECHES - made to measure. Also shirts. Call Rose - 986-5280. J18 FERGUSON - 3 point hitch mower. Phone after 5 p.m. - 984-5063. CLASSIC BOAT- 19° mahogany runabout - fully restored, fine condition - seats 7. Phone Tor. (416) 691-6908, or see at Goreski's Marina, Port Perry Scugog Island. MECO B.B.Q. - with steel cover, like new - $35.00; Girls 5-speed Pugeot, excellent condition - $65., Lady's bicycle - $10.00. Phone 985-3783. SEARS COLDSPOT Upright frostfree freezer - 19.6 cu. ft., working order. Asking $200. Phone 986-4713. 12 STOCK TRUCK - 1974 Ford 350, suitable for horses - $2,850.; Cockshutt 350 baler - $250; New Idea sickle mower - $250; John Deere rake on steel - $175. Phone 655-4797 after 5. 14 ALUMINUM BOAT with 15 h.p. Evinrude, tank and hoses - $750.00. 985-8349. GIBSON TRACTOR -8 h.p., elec- tric start, plow, cultivator, disc, blade - $800. 986-5067. FOUR CHROME SLOT MAGS - 2-L60-15 tires - set $150. Can be seen at Trans General Store - IN FORD TRACTOR - 3 point hitch, new tires - $850. 985-2538. ONE YEAR OLD Lawn Boy lawn mower - 19°, good condition. Two Michelin tires on T-Bird rims, 225/15. 985-7797 &venings. FULLER BRUSH Products available. 985-3477. T.F. NY » UPHOLSTERY FABRICS, vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools, etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond Street East, Oshawa, 579-5666. T.F. SWIMMING POOLS - Factory pre-season special - 102' x 21; 14' x 28'; 16' x 32' from $1,295.00. 723-0345 and evenings 576-2287. T.F. WEDDING INVITATIONS, personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards, etc. Call the Port Perry Star - 985-7383. T.F. FISHER STOVES C.S.A. approved, and accessories avail- able at competitive prices. Phone Donna Hazelwood - 985- 3640. T.F. CONTINUOUS FORMS - printed and numbered or blank. A must 'for every business. We handle both Moore and Pakfold forms. Call the Port Perry Star at 985-7383. T.F. SWIMMING POOLS - Manufac- turer has an inventory of 1979 above ground pools to clear. Complete with filter, motor, skimmer, pump, walk-around patio, fencing. Regularly - $2,295 NOW - $1,444. Call Toll Free - 1-800-265-8343. TF OAK DRAW leaf tables, chairs, cedar chests, etc. Collectibles. The Morley's Shoppe - corner of Union and Shanley St., Port Perry. Jn CONCRETE Lawn Ornaments - bird baths, planters, statues, etc. Phone Wards (12 miles east of Gréenbank) - 985-3903. J18 CEDAR RAILS - $1.00 each. 985-3903. Jn BROMINATORS and Bromine for swimming pools. Hot tubs Bromine kills bacteria fifteen times faster than chlorine tested. For more information call Arcade Pools - 985-7605. J25 LINED DRAPES - 120" x 84" - $50; 54'* x 84' - $30; gold colour, (upstairs), Prince Albert | like new. Call 985-3477. TRUCK CAMPER - fully equip- CASH REGISTERS, type- ped, sleeps 6. 852-6668. Jis writers, dictation equipment, HALF TON TRAILER - heavy duty, suitable for hauling logs and garbage dumping. Call 985- 3069. Ji8 LOW PRICES on new chester- fields, beds, kitchen suites, coffee table sets, etc. Elmer's Furniture - 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. 728-3473. TF | FOUR BEEF-DAIRY HYBRID BULLS - One sired by 3/4 - two by 1/4 and one by 1/8 Blood beefalo. Weight range - 600 Ibs. to 1800 Ibs. approximately. Best offer above 80c a Ib. before July 1st. A beefalo animal is 3/8 buffalo, 3/8 Charolais and 1/4 Hereford. Phone 985-2655 or 985-3176. Js LARGE 4-MAN TENT - good condition - $30; also a large Franklin fireplace - 8" flue - $85. 985-7183. Gregony ¢ Men's Wear Std. your headquarters for FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS PORT PERRY PLAZA 985-8160 OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9:00 P.M. and photo copiers for sale, lease orrent. 985-2518. T.F MAGNETIC SIGNS for your car. truck, mailbox, etc. Call for prices - Port Perry Star - 985-7383 TF COUNTRY GROWN CEDARS - for hedging, picked up, delivered or planted. 655-4448. TF RABBIT CAGES - made to order - also live rabbits. Call 985-3224. TF Before you Buy ... TRY BOB ARCHER HOOKER CHEV-OLDS Hwy. No. 7, Brooklin PHONE 655-3351 $33 SAVE $$$ STEEL ROOFING & SIDING You choose colour and gauge. We install or you can. For Free Estimates & Best Prices Call: 668-9111 668-8826 a a RENE >. e, pd ~ PA a i . Tr ------ Ee hl POEL ea "et wate tw BR gm PE AN » -y. -- TXT EMA ~ le ng Soa. rey ¥ - on Ne: C ICA PO SAND RTL Sd AA Sh EAN anes = SRR Ean CK DE ve ot" AS \ ¥ x EY