8 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 28, 1980 remember when...? continued improve her French language skills. Blackstock News - Congratulations to Miss Donna McLaughlin, who not only graduated from Peterbo- rough Teachers' Training College, but was also awarded a scholarship for achievement as the top student of the year. She is engaged to teach at Cartwright Central Public School commencing in September. 10 YEARS AGO Thursday, June 4, 1970 Local graduates include: Mr. Ron Blakely of Green- bank, who received his B.A. (Economics) at University of Guelph Convocation services; Miss Christina Rice of Port Perry recently graduated from the Toronto General Hospital School of Nursing; Miss Judy Coch- rane, Blackstock, received her B.A. degree from York University; Miss Sheila Kenny, Port Perry, received her B.A. degree from McMaster University; and Mr. Leslie Asselstine, Blackstock, received his B.A. degree from Waterloo Lutheran University. Stu Black, son of Rev. and Mrs. W. Black, Port Perry and member of the Niagara Falls Kinsmen Club, won the Harbinson Public Speaking Award at the an- nual meeting of the District. Cartwright High School played host to Millbrook High School at their annual Bi-School Track and Field | Meet. The final results gave C.H.S. a total of 400 points Free Ride a i and M.H.S. a total of 246 points, so the school trophy tion and talk at R.H. Cornish school last week won by Millbrook last year was returned to Cartwright. i Greenbank News - Congratulations to Robin Parish designed to help reduce fears kids may have of ambulances. of Uxbridge and Keith, Earl and Jim Phoenix of Green- bank, for winning trophies in the recent Livestock Judging Contest for Ontario County. Around Town - Marie Taylor recently attended a reception given by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario - the Honourable W.R. MacDonald, in the Governor's Shannon Gustar got a free ride on an ambulance stretcher, much to the delight of her Kindergarten classmates, as driver Dave Brown gave a demonstra- Cartwright students visit Montreal, Niagara * + Suite at Queen's Park. The reception was given to hon- our all members of the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir - now in its 75th Anniversary Year. « Letter To The Editor Montreal or Niagara Falls proved to be the destination of the students of Cartwright High School, Friday, May 23rd. Two Travelways buses departed Friday morning at 7:30 a.m. The grade nines and tens headed for Niagara Pioneer Days at Museum successful Dear Sir: Our third annual Pioneer indivi : : igs i Days has come and gone. an individuals - young and Paokise, Public Willizes, the grounds really, Also, ¥ Low student's choice, ended the evening and even the bus © To be successful, an under- ' . i : b, the Counly and cAnnotongel iis people day in Niagara and the stud- driver was rolling around. taki bs th, oe We had this co-operation. Highways who helped in so donated their time and ents arrived back in Black- "Saturday Nite Live" and ing such as this, n © Speaking for myself, I many ways. The Boy Scouts equipment. Even the horses stock by 11:30 sur) Python" oi ert came hock into go BY" The senior students enjoy- us out of trouble Saturday through Port Perry fo adver. ©. 2 larger, but just as night and I think everyone PHILP PONTIAC BUICK LIMITED'S | (vit Fae fos he Plessurable journey fo cxeniuly wet toss ise our Ploneer D: 6 ey Montreal. Our first stop was A big thank you to our w% | Ee a ie te | TECHNICIANS RECEIVE were the people I spoke to on Fletcher. Jemiter and Jeff | on the phone. I would successful. Thank you. Whose Sesame Street books CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT | Sofi. sf mmm ms, , BnSmemes | of the Museum and mention over for this year, the €ven bigger thank you must that we needed a certain Museum is still open and will PLE Ser, aur Trave) o I iver. was : co-operation of many groups wish to thank the Durham Bryce Philp, (right), President of Philp Pontiac Buick Limited, Port Perry, presents Certificates of Achievement to four of the Dealership Service Department Technicians. Receiving certificates are, (from left): Robert Bruton, 7th year; Jimmy Gangemi, 4th year; Ron Hoskin, 6th year; Jack Pargeter, 7th year. These technicians have achieved Qualified Member Status in the 1979 General Motors Technicians Guild by completing a number of years of continuous participation in the G.M. Factory Service Training Program. did a good job getting the thing or maybe we were looking for someone to help with a particular job. Usual- ly the reply was "I know someone' who has just the thing you want or "I know someone' who is experienc- ed at that Particular job. All these things and a lot more made our Pioneer Days Falls, and after a bus switch arrived at Fort George. The Laura Secord Home- stead was the next stop. Everyone enjoyed the Skylon Tower as they saw a panor- amic view of the city and the falls. The Wax Museum and Marineland were also visit- ed. Sandra Knowlton, from C.H.S. was the Kissee of the Killer Whale! Dinner at the be throughout the summer - seven days a week. The price is reasonable. Come and visit our Scugog Shores Museum and bring your children and friends. = Yours truly, Roy Walker Smith R.R.5 Sunderland. Kingston. Once in Montreal. a luxurious hotel, Shendon St. Laurent accomodated the group of 44. Shopping at the Place Villa Marie entertain- ed us Friday night. Satur- day's tours included Notre Dam, Old Montreal and of course the Dow Planetarium which proved to be a good rest stop. Rollerskating went over great Saturday even able to get the boys back in time for their ball hockey game! On June 6th Cartwright High School presents "Avenue Road" at 8 p.m. <r Admission is $3.00. Bring a a friend. You are Welcome to Attend the - OFFICIAL OPENING - EMMANUEL FULL GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP Scugog 7th Concession - East off Durh SATURDAY, MAY 1st-3 P.M. Light Refreshments will be Served EVENING OF SONG A PRAISE WITH REV, JOE GARLINGTON, MOBILE, ALA. - At 6:30 P.M. WORSHIP WITH US ON SUNDAY at 3:00 P.M. Guest Speaker - Pastor David Morris, Montreal President of 'The Apostolic Church in Canada' Rev. Gordon B. Parks, Pastor - Uxbridge, Phone 852-5871