4H STP RE PR IR NR Aas A ab dae SWE ow Ty Pt SENG SS EN 20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, May 28, 1980 Cadet C holds 84th inspection night Ni o } | : £, : : y | Lh «9 | 3,7 es 48 | ER am he a won a] v ¢ win @ ry - a i ; . : ' The Port Perry High School Canadian [Army] Past. Other parts of the program included demonstra- Cadet Corps held its 84th annual inspection last week. tions in first aid procedures, communications, and Cadet Commanding officer Capt., Terri Morrow keeps rapelling from the roof of the high school by three an intent watch on the drill team during the March members of the corps. w 4 PPHS students elect council by Ellen Buller before the summer holidays. archery tournament last Dunbarton, Henry Street, Here we are into our last Doesn't it feel terrific! Wednesday. The teams that (O'Neill, Pickering and Port six days of regular classes P.P.H.S. hosted an attended were from Ajax, Perry. ] The boys team put up an » y] excellent showing but didn't ¥ quite make it to COSSA. The girls, however, are headed for COSSA on Thursday. Congratulations Mary and CE Karen McKelvey, Brigitte Spannbauer, and Leslie Park P High 3 " 4 Forder and good luck on 0 erry High School may not be the side of a i 650 SCUGOG STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-8858 Thursday. On top of pro- mountain, but rapelling down creates the same effect. ceeding to C.0.S.S.A. Mary Three cadets 'took the plunge" from the second and Karen McKelvey came storey and made it with ease. . first and second as high girls scorers of the day. I hope everyone was able to attend Drama Night on ® 4 Thursday or Friday. If not, you missed an excellent show. Even Dracula himself didn't want to miss it. Con- FRESH STOUFFVILLE gratulations Mr. Crocker, VEGETAB LES BREADS & CAKES cast and stage crew for a job . well done. EVERY DAY : FRESH DAILY Lee Howsam and George LJ ' Cope - it's your turn to step We have a New Cooler down as the new vice presi- dent and president begin FRESH DAIRY PRODUCTS DAILY their term. The new 1980-81 Student's Council executive --- . is as follows: President - £1 Crimson Red Maple Reg. $2499 ...... $22.99 Brian Barr; Vice President - . § I Cutleaf MountainAsh ............ . Jackie Baker; Secretary - 0 Kathy Irvine; Treasurer - 2 BIR 2 wenLeveniLinaoniree .......... Juliette Chow; Fund raiser - J Brigitte Spannbauer; Coral Beauty Cottoneaster . $6.29 Student Involvement - GlobeCedar .............. $5.95 Laurie O'Reilly & Sue oo Doupe; Dance Committee - ® ¢ oY BlueDanube.............. $7.95 Bruce Arculus and Greg : P Kroonenberg; Foreign Child 5 Andora Juniper I -- $7.95 Sheila Cannon: Girls Athle- by. Fairview Juniper ...... .... $7.99 tic - Teri Henderson and i i . Kelly Owen; Boys Athletic - ke Mountbatten Juniper «ss was $7.99 Brett Oosterman and Todd z . Wilbur. ) ' $7 VSS SALE OF MOST Congratulatios 1980-81 fh \ Student's Council Executive. ) C\ BOX PLANTS ... 99° c.. hope you have a good year. Gh - NN Exams are coming up fast. i 7 \ MOST GARDEN SUPPLIES It's never too early to start } ¢ studying. Don't forget they i HANGING POTS - INDOOR & OUT start June 6th. Good luck N A everyone! " A \ BIRDBATHS Hope you have a safe and 7 G\& ale happy simmer. See you Lt. Colonel M.J. Foster C.D., A.deC. Ontario * TNCY -- September 2nd. Regiment Commanding Officer conducted the inspec- tion.