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We invite you to use our back door during Queen Street re-construction. Pattersons of Port 197 Queen St. - 985-8332 REGIONAL DURHAM Nestleton, Caesarea news - By Mrs. Mabel Cawker Social and Personal Mrs. Jean Hooper of Willowdale and Mrs. Marie Bodenistal of Guelph enjoy- ed a visit with their sister Mrs. Minnie Fisher, Caesarea, from Wednesday until Sunday. Son Delton Fisher, West Hill, spent Sun. with his Mother. Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Grahame Fish were Mr. and Mrs. Fergie Munroe, Mr. Douglas Fish, Sonya and Mrs. Marion Short of Manilla. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fish and Lisa of Oshawa were Saturday even- ing guests. Supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Fish, Nestleton, on Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holland, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Leishman, Michael and Jamie, Reaboro and Mrs. Victor Bannister, Keith, Karen, Vicki and Kalvin of Lindsay. Mrs. Grace Hastings of Port Perry, was a Saturday evening guest of Sam and Mable Cawker at the farm, Scugog Point. Sunday guests were Mrs. Merna Cawker, Curtis and Cathy of Oshawa. Bashful Beaus Party The Bowmanville Bashful Beaus met at the home of Glenn and Carolyn Dowson, Tyrone, for the final dance of the season, commencing with a delicious pot luck luncheon. After all had par- taken of the first course, a little dancing followed. Desserts were enjoyed later. A very pleasant, informal get-to-gether with the follow- ing Nestleton couples on hand, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bedford, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs. Nestleton Women's Institure The Nestleton Women's Institute met in the Com- munity Centre, Nestleton, on Wed., April 30 at 1:30 p.m. The President Mrs. L. Malcolm presided and wel- comed 18 members opening * with the "Ode", 'Mary Stewart Collect" and a read- ing "I£You Had A Garden". Secretary Mrs. M. Firlitt Joris > MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM - NOTICE TO WATER AND SEWER CUSTOMERS IN BLACKSTOCK AND ORONO read the minutes and corres- pondence. Cards were signed On display were 4-H books by Teresa Wygerde who has now completed 13 projects. The Roll Call "A Home Gardening Hint" was well answered. The delegates to the District Annual was appointed and the plans for the District Annual were finalized. Mrs. Don Frew is in charge of printing pro- grams for the year. The "Kitchen Kappers" band provided a lively musical interlude which all enjoyed. After the closing of "O, Canada' and the Institute Grace, a plant auction was held. Mrs. J. Wygerde was the jolly auctioneer. Mrs. M. Firlitt and Mrs. M. France were clerks. The members were pleased with purchases and even more pleased to learn the W.I. had over $50.00 from the auction. The Officers provided a bountiful lunch and Mrs. G. Heaslip voiced the appreciation to all responsible. Next meeting will be held June 4, 1:30 p.m. in Nestleton Community Centre. Nestleton United Church A beautiful morning with a fair attendance at the Sunday service at 11:15 a.m. Rev. Victor Parsons used as his topic "The Way We are'! based on Holy Scriptures: Exekiel 34: 11-31 and Ephesians 4: 17-32. 'In 'the choir Miss Gail Malcolm favoured with a solo entitled '""The Heavenly Vision', accompanied by the organist Mrs. L. Malcolm. Flower arrangements were place in the sanctuary in memory of Mr. Don Thompson. Offering was received by Mr. Grahame Fish and Mr. Ralph Sadler. The Sacrament of Baptism will be held next Sunday, May 11 Christian Family Sunday. The Nestleton United Church Women will meet on Tuesday, May 13, at 2 p.m. Hostess is Mrs. Victor Parsons, Blackstock. A WATER METER INSTALLATION PROGRAM This is to advise all water customers in Blackstock and Orono that the Region is currently undertaking a water meter installation program in your area. Superior Plumbing, acting as the Region's agent, will be performing the installation of the meters. The program will take approximately three months to complete. Should you require any information regarding the installation of your water meter, please contact the Works Department, Orono Depot at 1-983-5116 collect. W.A. Twelvetrees, P. Eng., Commissioner of Works. warm welcom is extended to all. Nestleton Presbyterian Church The Sunday morning service was well attended. Rev. Fred Swan read portions of the 21st Chapter of John and based his sermon on the third re-ap- pearance of Jesus to his disciples and His exhortation to Simon Peter to care for His followers. In the choir Peggy and Alison Scott sang a duet "All Things Bright and Beautiful' with Mrs. Shirley Scott presiding at the organ. Everyone welcome for service next Sunday at 10 a.m. Christian Family Sun. Hospital News Sorry to learn that Mrs. George Donneral, Nestleton, is a patient in Port Perry Hospital. Very best wishes for better health soon! Warmest wishes to our friend Mrs. Velva Bailey of By Jean Jeffery The beautiful flowers at Church on Sunday were in memory of our former friend and neighbour Ray Medd who was laid to rest on Thursday. Our deepest Sympathy to Mrs. Medd and family. 'We were sorry to hear that Harold Medd lost his house and contents last Sunday afternoon. Their Blackstock neighbours have been so kind to help Harold and his three children at this time. The former neighbours in the Epsom and Utica commun- ity want to help too. There are several callers in the area if they miss you, or you are out when they call you could leave a donation at my house or call 985-2620. The UCW will be held at Utica Church May 13. We will have our "Annual Plant or What Have You' sale. Some who don't have plants prefer to bring baking or fancy work. Everyone welcome, Group 5 in charge. Robert and Jamie Ashton stayed with their grand- parents Sat. night, then went Blackstock, and trust whe will soon feel like her old self once again! : Mr. Clarence Ginn is still a patient in Port Perry Hospital. The very best to Clarence for a speedy recoy- ery! - 3 Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Len Mennen, Nestleton who lost a little grandson recently, just 'five months old. ; Re-opening Pink Shoppe Soon Mildred and Bill Fortune are planning to open the Pink Shoppe in Nestleton on the 24th of May weekend (on the Monday.) More information later. Mildred and Bill Fortune attended the Hobby Ceramic '& Show at 'the International Centre, Toronto, on Sunda and came home enthus and full of new ideas. News for next week please phone 986-4715. Epsom news to visit great grandmother Asling on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashton Mr. and Mrs. Don Asling and Julie Ashton attended the service on Sunday evening at Port Perry United Church to hear Rev. Robert Rumball. Julie played in the band. ~ Mr. and Mrs. E. Simpson called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson on Sunday. Miss Joanne Asling of Ft. St. John B.C. called on Mr. and Mrs. Don Asling recently. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ashton and family were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton on Sunday. Mrs. Myra Grainger, Raglan, called on Mrs. G. Jeffery on Sunday afternoon. We are pleased to see Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson look- ing so well after the winter in Florida. Miss Margaret Taylor was with her parents for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Pollin- son and family of Mississ- auga were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Baster. Scugog Island By Mrs. Earl Reader Don't forget the dance on May 31 at the Community Hall to benefit the Mothers' Auxiliary of the Island Guides and Brownies. The "Head" UCW will meet tonight, Wed., at the home of Mrs. Mabel Strong in Prince Albert. - Every weekend through May will be very busy. Next Sunday, being Mothers Day there will be two baptisms at the Island church. The following weekend is already advertised for 'Pioneer Days' at the museum corner. The next two Saturdays include two sales on Con. 6 at the "Head", the first being farm implements at the former farm of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Taylor. Then house- hold articles and small equipment at the sale of Mrs. Reta Wilkinson. Reta will have many interesting antiques for sale. Another new house is being erected on the property of Mr. and Mrs. Howsam, which was purchased some time ago from Mr. and Mrs. Don Ashbridge. So that is quite a busy corner with the Jerry Taylor house also nearing completion. Last week Mrs. WM. Middleton had a surprise in store for her when the staff and company of Vachon Incorp. planned a surprise birthday party for her at the place of business. Mrs. Middleton has been a faithful employee for several years and plans to retire within the month. On Sunday it was noted that there is still a pair of ladies unclaimed black gloves in the church window. If you lost a pair please call your correspondent. Spring flowers brightened the flower beds and remind us to express our appreciation to the ladies who planted the bulbs. We were pleased to see Mary and Michael Lang back at church after a second serious bout of flu in the family. ®