TUESDAY APRIL 22 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. Auction sale of farm machi- nery and small qu. of furniture, the property of FRANK NELSON, Lot 3, Con 8, Mariposa 'Twp. 1 mile east of Manilla on Hwy. 7 or one mile west of Hwy. 46. John Deere 1630 diesel trac- tor with heated cab (less than 500 hrs.) like new, Ford Dexta 2000 tractor with front end loader heat houser and extra good rubber, John Deere 3 furrow plow 16' bottoms (3 pt.), M.F. cultivator 3 pt. 25 tooth, Cock- shutt 15 disc grain fertilizer, and grass seed, seed drill on steel, N.H. manure spreader 163 bu., ~ I.H.C. mower 7 ft. 3 pt. , Martin wagon (5 ton) with rack, Ford 6 ft. blade, 3 drum roller, 3 sec. set of chain harrows with draw bar, Detson snow blower 6 ft., post hole auger, slush bucket 3 pt., Mulkey 24 ft. hay and grain elevator with under carriage, 2 wheel trailer, 200 gal. gas tank and pump, Case baler #200 (for parts), single plow, 6 ft. water trough, pressure pump, forks, chains and shovels, small qu. of furniture and misc. articles. Farm sold, terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 1 p.m. Reg & Larry Johnson - Auctioneers - Ph 357-3270. Alé THURSDAY APRIL 24 SALE TIME: 6 P.M. Auction sale of furniture and antiques, the property of the late ROMELDA M. JEWEL, selling at the Wilsons Sales Arena, two miles north of Uxbridge, includ- ing Heintzman Piano and bench (good), Sylvania colour TV - like new, china cabinet, chesterfield and chair, rocking chair, sofa - pull out bed, bedroom suite, portable TV, Electrohome dehumidifier, wicker planter, new platform rocker, chests of drawers, blanket box, plus tools, bedding, cups & saucers, dishes, ladders, books, plus numerous other items. Sale at 6 p.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. A23 Fi SATURDAY APRIL 19 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of farm stock, implements and hay, the proper- ty of WILLIAM MAUGHAN, Lot 17, Con. 6 Hamilton Township, 2 mile west of Coldsprings 4 mile north. .37 head of good Brown Swiss and Shorthorn Cross Cattle 15 cows exposed -to a Hereford bull since Sept. 7 Hereford and Brown, Swiss and Shorthorn heifers bred since November 15 weaned calves. NOTE: this is a good herd, cows have lots of size, recently tested. David Brown #1200 tractor (good), David Brown #900 tractor with loader, M.F. #35 tractor, N.H. haybine (good), M.F. #10 baler, McKee automatic forage box and wagon, McKee harvester with pipes, rubber tired wagon and hay rack (H.D.), Triple K culti- vator - 3 pt. hitch plow 3 furrow, J.D. - KBA trailer hydraulic disc - (new discs) 10 ft., J.D. side rake, Cockshutt #11 grain and fertilizer seed drill, snow blower, J.D. grader blade (good), J.D. manure spreader, hay elevator, two grain augers, many other articles. Farm sold. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 12 noon. Reg and Larry Johnson - Auctio- neers - Phone (705) 357-3270. Lunch will be available. SATURDAY APRIL 26 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. PRINCE ALBERT HALL Furniture, antiques and tools, being the remaining portion of the property of MRS. JEAN HUNTER, also an excellent added consignment of good qual- ity items to be sold at the hall in Prince Albert. Dining room set, Mediterranean pecan table, five chairs and large buffet; two pine corner cupboards with glass doors, handmade dresser, antique pine cupboard, Limoge china, depression glass, German china, apartment size washer (nearly new), antique chairs, lawn mower, Beaver 8' table saw on wheels (with carbide tipped blade and attachments), Black 8 Decker 10' radial arm saw (with extra blades and attachments), two double. bowl stainless steel sinks, one por- celain sink with taps, wall basin and toilet, large qu. of small items too numerous to mention. Lunch available. Auctioneer - Murray Jackson - 985-2459. A23 WEDNESDAY APRIL 23 SALE TIME: 12 NOON CATTLE & IMPLEMENTS Auction sale - farm sold the property of RAY & DONNA FINNEY, Lot 18, Con. 10, 'Manvers Twp., 10 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 to Con. 10 of Manvers and three miles east or one mile north of 7A and 35 Junction and three miles east. Implements: 1971 970 Case diesel tractor 93 h.p. with cab and heater, fully equipped - 2770 hrs., 1973 'Int. 454 diesel tractor power steering with 1501 manure loader hydraulic bucket, M.F. 50 gas tractor with Allied 500 manure loader, 990 David Brown diesel tractor, 1973 Int. 3 pt. h. back hoe 3082, 1971 Case plough 5 X 16s hydraulic reset semi mounted, B.J. & M feed mixer wagon PTO, 1979 Case 14' culti- vator (Fibre Shank type) trail type with ram, Bush Hog tandem disc 9 ft. with ram, Int. 27 baler PTO, J.D. 33 manure spreader PTO, 10 ft. Cultipac, Dion forage harvester 1 row PTO, McKee snow blower 6 ft. PTO, J.D. 4 row plateless corn planter trail type, Fertilizer spreader 3 pt. h. PTO, chain harrows 16 ft., 2 roller bearing wagons with racks 8 x 16', hay tandem trailer 8 x 14 rack, Field sprayer 100 gal. tank 20 ft. boom 3 pt. h., Allied stooker, hay elevator 24 ft., elec- tric power washer, 14' grain auger. Lumber - 38 trusses 22 ft., 8 truss 24 ft. Quantity of fibre- glass insulation, qu. sheets of styrofoam insulation 4 x 8 ft. x 12", hog feeder on wheels, hog feeder on skids, 6 feed bunks 4x8' and 4x10', set tractor chains, mobile grinder with 4 cyl. G.M. diesel motor sucker pick up & mixer mounted on truck, chain hoist, Snow Cruiser, 8 ft. x 4 ft. pig box, portable water pump, gas motor, qu.of fertilizer 15-15- 15, many other items. Aprox. 500 bales straw, large qu. of cedar posts, large qu. hand tools, 3/4 socket set. Cattle: 32 mature Charolais Hereford cross cows due April & May bred Simmen- tal, 4 Hereford steers 1 yr. old, 12 Charolais Simmental heifers 1 yr. old, 24 Hereford heifers - 1 yr. old. Terms Cash, no reserve. Implements: 12 Noon, Cattle: 3 P.M. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer - Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. Alb SATURDAY APRIL 26 SALE TIME: 12 NOON GIANT AUCTION Brand new furniture - applian- ces - mattresses. Having re- ceived instructions from the receiver we will sell the assets of PETERBOROUGH BEDDING & Upholstery Company, 621 Le Parkway, just off Queensway below Landsdown - Avenue, Peterborough, with additions. All Brand New - Covered by Full Warranty and Service. Box springs, mattresses, several chesterfields and chair frames only, ends of material, binding, cording, also used safe, time clock, used Hitatchi cassette tape deck, four large speakers; desk, office files, ball and claw feet chesterfield, 1972 Lincoln Continental Mark IV - excellent condition, new name brand ches- terfields, recliner chairs, wooden rocking chairs, bunk beds, bed chesterfields, curved glass china cabinets, wooden dining room suites, round cureos, what-nots, freezers, round oak table, dish- washers - portable and built-in, electric stoves, refrigerators, micro wave oven, stereos, sew- ing machines, automatic washers, electric dryers, air conditioners, bedroom suites. No reserve. All must go. NOTE: All new merchandise covered by full warranty an excellent 'opportunity to save on name brand merchandise. Terms cash or cheque with identification. Preview: Friday -1to8p.m. and Morning of Sale. McLean Auctions - 576-7550. A23 SATURDAY APRIL 26 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. Auction sale for the Estate of the late ORVAL ROACH, 19 Third Avenue, Uxbridge (north of High School). Clairton color TV, Viking refrigerator, gas stove, gas dryer, china cabinet, dishes, silverware - set of 8, 3 pc. bedroom suite, beds, towels, linens, mantle clock, Windsor rocker, sewing machine, vacuum cleaner, small china cabinet, spin washer, recliner chair, rugs, tables, electric lawn mower, rototiller, hand tools. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. Ii A23 THURSDAY APRIL 24 SALE TIME: 1 P.M. FARM MACHINERY & HOUSEHOLD FURM!TURE Auction sale the property of JOHN MCcHATTIE, Lot 10 Con. A., Monaghan Twp. 8 miles south of Peterborough on Hwy. 28 to Bailieboro and 3 '4 miles east. IMPLEMENTS: 1977 - 990 Case David Brown diesel tractor power steering completely equipped with 1977 S60 Case manure loader and gravel bucket - 1730 hrs., 1952 J.D. AR tractor PTO live hydraulic, 1975 M.F. 12 baler PTO with dual wheels, 1976 N.H. 477 haybine PTO, 1975 M.F. 160 manure spreader PTO with top beater, Int. 10 semi-mount seed drill combination 13 run, Krause 102 ft. tandem disc with ram, H.D. Cockshutt cultivator 10 ft. drag, J.D. double disc, Cardinal 32 ft. hay-grain elevator PTO with undercarriage, J.D. 7 ft. snow blower PTO, Martin 7 ton wagon with rack 8 x 16 ft., Roller bearing wagon with rack 8 x 12 ft., 1iit. 36 plough 3 x 14s wide bottom trip beam 3 pt. hitch, Allied bale stooker, Int. side rake, bale forks, Lehr blade 3 pt. h., 1966 Dodge 3 ton truck 318 motor 8 x 16 ft. van type racks with loading chute, many other items. Quantity of lumber. HAY & STRAW: approx. 1000 bales mixed hay, approx. 800 bales mixed straw. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE: Findlay wood and coal stove, Westinghouse automatic washer, buffet and china cabinet, chrome table and four chairs, bed, many other items. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale time: 1 p.m. Carl Hickson, Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ontario - 705-324-9959. A23 SATURDAY APRIL 26 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of old horse drawn machinery, buggies, harness, and furniture, etc. Property of DOUG DONER. Farm Sold. One mile east of Pefferiaw or two miles south of Port Bolster to junction of County Rd. 23 and Con. 5 Durham Region or 7 miles west of Cannington. NOTE: All horse drawn equipment, H.D. seed drill, H.D. mower, H.D. corn scuffler, H.D. cultivator, H.D. spreader, two furrow gang plow, set of bobsleighs, large qu. of horse harness, collars and tacks, rubber tired horse buggy good condition and rubber tired pony buggy and single pony har- ness, wagon seat, 45 gal. drums, gu. of cedar posts - approx. 50, railroad ties, tools, lawn mower - gas, scrap iron, cream cans, some furniture, dressers, beds, chesterfield, buffet, etc. Terms Cash. Noreserve. Calvin Mabee - Sales Manager and Auctioneer - Lindsay, 705-324-4567. A23, SATURDAY APRIL 26 SALE TIME: 10 A.M. FURNITURE - REAL ESTATE Auction sale for the Estate of the Late CLARENCE SMALLEY - 66 Toronto St. in Uxbridge (opposite Anglican Church). 2 Storey Home with aluminum siding, oil furnace, 3 bedrooms and bath upstairs, close to down- town. Terms on property - $3,000 down day of sale - balance to be arranged in 45 days. Sale subject to executor's approval. Contents include Vicount freezer, drop front desk, sideboard, 6 press back chairs, antique dressers, pine blanket box, iron and brass bed, numerous other items. Sale at 10 a.m. Real Estate at 11 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge - 416- 852-3524. A23 WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 SALE TIME: 11 AM. 140 HOLSTEINS Complete ElImcroft Holstein Dispersal selling at the Wilsons Sales Arena, two miles north of Uxbridge. 70 milk cows includ- ing one Ex. and 30 VG, several being nominated for All-Cana- dian including the Grand Cham- pion at 1979 Peterborough Championship Show. 30 daugh- ters of Quality Ultimate, several by Ned, STarlite. Herd BCA 164-161. An excellent opportunity to buy milk cows, as 30 will be fresh at sale time. If you're looking for a show animal or a sound milk cow, or a heifer for your breeding herd, or a 4-H calf, this is the sale to attend. Cata- logues available. One of the great herds to be sold in 1980. Sale at 11 a.m. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auc- tions, Uxbridge - 416-852-3524. A23 THURSDAY APRIL 24 SALE TIME: 6:30 P.M. ORVAL McLEAN AUCTION CENTRE - LINDSAY Estate of the late CHARLES CLEM STEWART, Lindsay. Furniture, household contents, color TV, tea wagon, dishes, plus large consignment of brand new Mason house windows, picture windows, vertical sliders, hori- zontal sliders, casement crank- outs, all have thermal glass, thermal door units, new alumi- num doors, windows for all rooms. No reserve. Orval McLean - Auctioneer - 324-2783 Lindsay. WEDNESDAY APRIL 30 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. SPRING STOCKER SALES at Lindsay Community Sales Barn Ltd R.R.2 Lindsay, Ontario Annual Spring Stocker Sale at Lindsay Community Sales Barn at 11 a.m. sharp. Stocker Steers, heifers and calves sold in truck- load lots. Singles and doubles will be accepted but will be sold at the end of their category. Please consign early. For con- signments and further informa- tion contact Sales Barn - 705-324- 2774 or 705-324-9959. Carl Hick- son - Auctioneer. A30 AUCTION SALES Saturday, April 26 - 11 a.m. - Furniture and Antiques for MRS. JEAN HUNTER at the Prince Albert Hall. Saturday, May 10 - 11 a.m. - Furniture and antiques for KEDRON UNITED CHURCH, Kedron. Saturday, May 24 - 11 a.m. - Farm machinery, furniture and antiques for JEROME AND SANDRA TAYLOR at the farm, Scugog Island. Thursday, June 5 - 1 p.m. - Holstein herd of JEROME TAYLOR at the farm Scugog Island. Auctioneer and Sale Manager - MURRAY JACKSON - 985-2459. A23 WEDNESDAY MAY 7 SALE TIME: 11 A.M. Peterborough County Cattle- men's Association Annual Spring Stocker sale at Lindsay Community Sales Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ontario at 11 a.m. sharp. Stocker steers, heifer and calves sold in truckload lots. Single and doubles will be accep- ted but will be sold at the end of their category. Farmers cattle only - No Dealers. For consign- ments contact Ferg Condon, Lakefield - 705-652-7615. Con- signments close - 9 p.m. May 4. Carl Hickson Auctioneer.. Please note: starting times for all Stocker sales is 11 a.m. sharp. The barn will be open the evening before the sales and will reopen again at 6 a.m. Please truck your cattle early so we can do our sorting properly because of early sale times. A30 SATURDAY MAY 3 SALE TIME: 12 NOON Auction sale of farm machi- nery and household furniture, the property of AL SWERD- FIGER, Lot 26, Con. 9 Whitby Township (Town of Whitby) five miles south of Manchester, two miles west 2 mile south or 2 miles west of south Myrtle to Ashburn 3/4 mile north. M.F. diesel tractor #255 only 764 hrs. with cab, also front end loader (excellent condition, Large snow bucket, N.H. baler #273 (good), M.F. #35 self propelled combine 9 ft. good condition, M.F. #32 power mower 3 pt. (7 ft), |.H.C. cultivator on rubber, 175 bu. grain box, N.H. side rake, Geo. White snow blower - 7 ft., New Idea manure spreader, Bruan wagon 6 ton, Hammer mill on wheels, 5 sec. drag harrows, double disc, snow blade, post hole auger, Bear Cat grinder on wheels P.T.O., 4 furrow Ford plow 14 in., Bolen 10 h.p. garden tractor, plow, cultivator, harrows and blade. Large air compressor (new), small com- pressor, tools, large qu. of other goods. 1975 Ford 2 ton truck (as is) new rear brakes, 93 cedar posts, qu. of hay and straw. Furniture: G.E. double door refrigerator, McClary stove, chesterfield and chair, G.E. washer, G.E. dryer, King size bed, dresser, two bedside tables, space saver couch, swivel rocker, dresser, end tables, qu. of other furniture. Farm sold. Terms cash or good cheque. Sale at 12 noon. Reg & Larry Johnson - Auctioneers. A30 PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 16, 1980 -- 29 Scugog Island by Mrs. Earl Reader Let me remind you of the April events. First there is the annual Spring Concert on Fri. April 25, presented by the Island Church, choirs and friends. Reserve the evening for one of great musical enjoyment and surprises in the church. The very next day the ladies of the Grace U.C.W. serve their annual Hot Luncheon at the Church. Then don't forget the ladies of the Head U.C.W. will be at the Hall bright and early of the same day making their arrangements for a big day of Art and Craft showings with some sales. You may also have a choice of Home Baking, plants, items in the flea market, a draw and a restful snack. Don't forget you may enjoy this from 12 to 5 . Bring the children. There will be something for every- one. On the weekend about 10 Island Boy Scouts with their leaders Rick Haist and Jim O'Connor accompanied Port Perry Scouts and their leaders on an outing of Utica by Vera Brown Church service this week is at Epsom at 11:30 a.m. Sunday School at Utica is at 10:00 a.m. It was a pleasure at the Church service on Sunday to have Miss Jackie Skelding favour us with a guitar solo "Amazing Grace'. There will be a Bible Study meeting at Epsom Church on Wed. April 23rd starting at 7:30 p.m. This is the beginn- ing of a new group and every interested person is invited to attend. The Epsom-Utica Social Club are planning to attend the Choral Society concert in Port Perry on April 25th at 8 p.m. Anyone interested should get in touch with Eileen Slute or Jean Jeffery as soon as possible for tickets as I am told they are going fast. Birthday greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sutcliffe who celebrated their birthdays with a surprise party on Sunday at their home. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Don Sutcliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sutcliffe and Donald of Janetville, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bartle of Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Miller of Mississauga, Mrs. Donna Brockman and Michel of Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Morrisey, Mr. Wayne Pringle and Bev Bray Betty and Jennifer Bray of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Days and family of Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. David Bray and family of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bay and Gord, Mrs. Evelyn Bray, Rodney, Jerry, Tommy and friend Brenda, Miss Marlene Bray and Mr. Earl Trewin and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Wagg and family of Stouff- ville. Birthday greetings to little Miss Dana Hooker who was 1 year old on Saturday. The Hooker families all came for a birthday supper to help Dana celebrate. I just learned this morning of the sudden passing of Mr. Jack Wanninkhof on Satur- day. Sympathy of the community to Anne and family in their bereavement. Mrs. Les Gauslin of Stouff- ville called on Mrs. Delia i 4 a AR 6 Camping in Algonquin Park. It was a memorable exper- ience even if it was damp and cold and ice still remains in the northern lakes. Todd Haist is pleased to be back among his friends at school. Although still hampered by a brace, he has recovered from his operation quite well. Although the open meeting at the Hall last Wednesday was well attended by those who were aware of it, it was regrettable that more people hadn't heard about it, so they could understand and be made aware of the present Island by-laws as they stand at present. Reserve May 31 for the Island Dance to benefit the Mothers Auxiliary of the Island Guides and Brownies. Mrs. Claire Stainton is now an Island representative for Amway products. We wish her luck. It is a great opportunity to get acquaint- ed. This is Cancer month and a canvasser will surely call you if she hasn't already done so. News Harper on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Miller and Mr. John Kirton of Mount Albert were recent visitors with Mrs. Mildred Thompson. There were 16 tables of euchre in the Hall on Friday evening with the following winners:Ladies Margaret Gall, Ruby Tripp, and Laurrena Bright. Men Ross Alsop, C. McLaughlin and Irwin Kydd. Freeze out winners were Rita and Art Parratt and Doris Devlin and Elsie Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Hillis Wilbur were very proud parents at the Minor Hockey Dinner and Dance held at the Legion Hall, Port Perry on Saturday evening when son Todd was presented with the Gary Jackson Memorial Trophy to MVP in Midget 1. Congratu- lations. Mr. and Mrs. William Brown also attended the banquet. Bill's House League Pee Wee team were winners this year. I always hear that when a team loses it's the coaches fault so I guess being a winner makes him a great coach. How about that logic! Welcome home to Mrs. Dora Geer who arrived back from spending the winter in Florida. Also back are Mr. andMrs. Herb Luke who i happened to glimpse driving by yesterday. Mr. John Croxall and Julia participated in the Uxpool Swim Carnival. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Croxall attended the Basin Street Cabaret in Toronto to hear Stan Getz. Mr. Robert Brown called in to visit his cousin Bill and family on Sunday night. Bob was on his way to Winnipeg. I happened to notice another visitor to the village this week. Mr. Albert Dussault of Detroit, visiting with his sister Mrs. Terry MacDonald. WEDDING INVITATIONS And Accessories PORT PERRY STAR 235 Queen Street 985-7383 Ee gr xh . rt poi ing «Xe ~ Tila RELA lene at CRE "ia ---- all ---- tn it ET 2 3 5 3 SY RR rsa I. ~ (Few . 3 5 bis y A AAA RA