§ fe A 7 #4 ARIE STAR RBA i x 7 RA re I ER ES INRA Ars bb 5 For Sale For Sale For Sale Used Cars Used Cars Used Cars o> = ' ] BICYCLE - 5 speed, 18" frame, i DODGE OMNI - one owner, 10 1970 OLDS WAGON for parts. mint condition. Phone 985 3195. | 4 1979 Sth WHEEL PROWLER - | MEN'S SUIT - 3 pc. light beige, | 1974 CHARGER - ps/pb, new | DODGE ON undercoated, 14000 | 985-8339. like new $7400. 986-5696 size 44 tall. Worn only three paint, certified - call 985-3583. miles, no accidents, many extras 1980 YAMAHA ET250 snow- | 986-5410. times. $70.00. 985-7974. 1974 GREMLIN - standard, as is. | - like new. Call 985-7726. i DL05MOBILE-DELYA 38 - mobile - with cover, and carbides TRUCK CAPS - fibreglass and 985-8295. Rove e, good running A Sao.00 oF best after. CoM [| TRU Whisiing n-aly 1976 CHECKMATE , 70 hp 1974 VEGA GT - auto, certified, : 985-3418. A23 aluminum. e . ' -P. A i Before you buy see us. 986-5696 - | Merc. & Trailer; 14 - 1968 Crest- 15 DATSUM 510 § am/in vada, Dons haint $1695. 984-5496 1972 DATSUN - 985-7078. A23 I) 3 Yours Trace) railer: | $86 5d, excellent condition 66-5606. | | many other extras. Asking - BELAIR - air condi sleeps 7 - 985-8053. : e ' : : .| 1976 OLDS DELTA 88 - 4 door, | 1977 CHEV - air condi- WEDDING INVITATIONS, beviron Call anver 4 P16 | hardtop, many extras, certified - | tioning, ps/pb, radio - $2,700 or 11400 B.T.U. OIL FURNACE - in | personalized stationery, : $2795. or best offer. 986-5696 - | best offer. 985-3159 after 6 p.m. good condition and 200 gallon oil Raphins, Jristaties playing cards, F I 986-5410. Als y tank. Coverting to gas. 6 yrs. | etc. Ca e Port Perry Star - or ' ES: 985-7383. T.F. Sa e } 1976 PONTIAC VENTURA - two in 0. Good for eolags - 9857288. Yr IIONTR.00 ; oa Sis door, 6 cylinder, automatic, good + A ESTABLISHED Janitorial SMALL HARD MAPLE, birch, gas mileage, naw fires 3 brakes - wd: service. Cleaning equipment oak, ash, cedar and spruce. Also 1970 DODGE DART - as Is, best $1,650. certified. Ca -8238. RRA and installed coin-op laundry 2nsplanting of above plants. offer. 985-7126. ; k EXP facilities included. Capital -705-432-2237. Alé uU ed Truc S a IoLh required. Only sincere offers 1962 2 TON G.M.C. truck - 6 cyl. bos $ Gt de need reply. Write: Driftwood, | FOR GUARANTEED Products standard transmission, step side = a 3 Box 989, Ignace, Ontario POT | and dependable service, call box, as Is - $200. 986-4992. 1974 GMC 1 TON - dual wheels, 2 ITO. your local Amway distributor, ONES BUSINESS MACHINES ! many options, Al condition Sh Bill Jeffrey - 985-3890. M7 1968 VALIANT - 6 cyl. automatic, | $4495.00 or best offer. 986-5696 - SHI 200 GALLON Fuel Oil Storage BEAVER 8" TABLE SAW * CASH REGISTERS * PHOTO COPIERS * certified - $1195.; 1972 Chev 4 | 986-5410. XE Tank; Oil burner unit and con- Wieals Cth cor trie ilo * TYPEWRITERS * door sedan, certified - $1095; 1975 a -- Add) trols; 1000 new bricks, 240 used , * WEIGH SCALES * OFFICE FURNITURE * GMC tow truck open to offers; | 1979 FORD F350 - V8, power ar bricks. 655-3018 after 7 p.m. Discs 3nd attachments). Black. 1972 Chev wagon as is - $600. | steering and brakes, high rakes, sod & Decker 10" radial arm saw 18 Water St. - Port Perry 985-2518 705-357-3061, A23 | 1111. fiat, 8 ton holst. Certified TWO SEAT BAR SET (barrel | (With extra blades and attac excellent condition. Phone . style). Bar with arborite top. | ments). Both saws in excellent . Michael Ash Construction Ltd. - Call 985-2980. condition. To be auctioned TE ------ 1-519-879-6430. Best offer. Saturday, April 26 - 11 a.m. - . VEHICLES es - 1977 KZ750 KAWASAKI - $1900.00 pince Albers Hall A SeHoneer To 1972 GMC single axle cab and Call 985-3134. urray Jackson : 2 FOR SALE chassis, completely rebuilt 427 ! 9 1969 FORD CUSTOM VAN motor, clutch, brakes, steering, eo 22 PROWLER TANDEM oud Joy PETRREOROLGH iin Custom interior, portholes, sunroof, etc; 12000 front 23000 rear, 5 ops - $4695. 986-5696 - oy bad: oA po 4 1200 Ib. <S i) flares, spoiler, rally wheels, 6 cylinder, speed, H.D. Spicer transmission iS : h ) ne standard, economical, must be seen. with air operated two speed axle railer - $2,300 or- best offer. Certified. $1,200.00 1 985-3558 ' ASCE FORD. TON HCI shift, win step tanks, radio, good . 4 TON cab, 1100 x 20 tires - $2,500.00. NEW COLOUR Excellent condition, ready for | phone 723.3742 days or 985.2150" y UNIROYAL STEEL - radial, COLIN BALL MOTORS LIMITED camper, chrome, new tires, new body wide belted tires, four regular, - and paint, 6 cylinder, automatic, evenings. n - S two snows, GR78-14, good tread. Highway 7A West - P.O. Box 1020 Liat brakes, Ziebart, CB, Cap. Cert. ; Asking $100. Phone 985-3643. : ,000. ed , 9 Port Perry - Ontario - LOB 1NO 1967 CAMARO Wanted to Buy from $495.00 COUNTRY GROWN CEDARS - TELEPHONE: 985-8411 327, automatic, new body, flares, = + 0 With Trade for hedging, picks up, delivered ops i paint. Certified..| SMALL MARD MAPLE, birch, 3 Year Manufacturer's Warranty or planted. 655-4448. : - RRA Rl reat foe os" oak; ash, cedar and spruce for : om FORD TRUCKS PHONE NESTLETON transplanting. Up to 10' high. USED COLOUR T.V.'s Nop SuriNG COOKSTOVE 986-5527 Call 1-705-432-2237. Al6 from $150.00 - Toi HOLSTEIN HEIFERS wanted - SPEEDY T Vv FORD FERGUSON TRACTOR ~ F or Sale grades or purebreds, freshing : a. 3 pt hitch, good condition - $1300 May to October. Preferably 108 Water Street - 985-8418 or best offer. 985-7844. = from listed herds or one clean i herd test. Phone Malmont L HAY - Good mixed hay - two : Farms - 986-4246. TF miles north of Seagrave - 705-357- y \ J \ A) 3504. a / ANTIQUE CLOTHING - Will pay A XS : i XS cash for petticoats, dresses, rh H 4 CURVE BAR - four bar stools, nightgowns, blouses, christening As and stereo. 985-2492. " gowns, furs, shawls, tailsuits, A) : lace collars, doillies, as well as | CONTRACTING LIMITED | SCAT, 15 ioretass, carpeted dlls and toys, Amyiing before i sleeper seats, conve e top, «4s ' : : . 1940. Call 985-8331. T.F. [3 | back cover side curtains, ski bar Over 100 Varieties Available in Many Sizes. -- 705-432-2719 and accessories. Clean and well "USED PIANO - any condition. FOR SALE kept. 33 h.p. Evinrude - 985-3482. TREES: EVERGREENS 3 *SPECIAL* Also pianos tuned and repaired. . . : 655-4663. T.F. Reduced Price - One Only HoT TUBS 5 3gise 3 fama. Norway Maple 7-8'. . ... .. $16. Green Colorado Spruce 50 cm. ' : one Joy McKay (Seagrave) - . ' " CARS & TRUCKS for wrecking, DISPLAY POOL 1-705-357-2227. TF Mountain Ash 7-8 2aevuxa $16. 18-24 "ss ss ses sea $8.00 Ross Auto Wreckers, R.R.# 1, Aluminum, in-ground pool, Cutleaf Weeping Birch Norway Spruce 50 cm. Nestleton - 986-4843. T.F. vinyl liner, 16x32" with DAVID BROWN TRACTOR 880 - 7-8' $16 18.24" $6.00 . a ~ 8 6' walk-in steps. with bucket, 1900 hours, Duanne Cri Ki te R d M : ok ce : TET eee . GOOD USED STOVES, fridges, buggy. Phone 986-4703. rimson King Ke apie washers, dryers and all types of ! 7-8 $18. Colorado Blue Spruce furniture. Phone Greenbank - 2nd Anniversary | zo hours, articulated - 4 Wo. Silver Maple 7-8'... .. $10. 22-3". $25.00 doc Lie i . Deere potato digger; MF 200 GreenAsh7-8 .......... $10. Uprights ...... from $15. & up YOUTH BED and file cabinet - Super Meat Specials crawler - loader, hoe, 250 hours; Willow (potted) 7-8'... ... $16. Spreaders .... from $7.50 & up 985-3723. Bombadier uskeg; or ¢ | AAl BABY BEEF orchard model; Fork lifts - big Poplars 6-7' PMC EE EEE he $5. FRUITS: PAYING 8 TIMES face value Cut, Wrapped, Frozen. selection; used orchard sprayers Birch Clumps individually for Canadian coins before 1968, | Fruit Trees - potted . ... $10.00 } from $1500.00; New MF 12 h.p. : gold diamond, rings, antiques Sides... $1.49 1b. garden iracionsriowe?, Va priced .. from $25. to $250. Also available - Strawberries, She ons wanted. Dan Bheing | Canada Packers oT ea Lauipment, Mes SHRUBS: Raspberries, Currants, Goose- : THRIFTY BACON I ------ - All Varieties available berries, Rhubarb, Asparagus, - saves carpets! ; ace 50 00 IN mratR Sov carpas) from.......... $4.50 & up and Blueberries. W ANT F D ) tt : human urine stains, odours from Mable Leaf carpets! Free brochure. Dept. PEAT MOSS: OLD CARS * De A. Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 6cuft............... .. $7.25 SLICED BOLOGNA 7500 London, Ontario. 4 ft $5.75 Licence plates are due. If you are not Carton... $4.00 Cutt. ................ . going to plate your car this year, then (12-6 oz. pkgs.) THREE - Starcraft hardtop fent 2cuft................. $3.80 give us a call and we will buy it from you. We need thousands of cars, For your protection, we are a fully licenced Auto Wreckers, licenced with Scugog Town- trailers, stove fridge, etc. - $1495. and up. 986-5696 - 986-5410. Thrifty Assorted Sliced COOKED MEATS All Prices for Trees and Shrubs are Bare Root unless otherwise stated. ship and registered with The Ministry (12-375 gm. pkg.) TIMOTHY SEED - good gormi- Larger size trees available, individually priced, delivery by crane truck included. osu iatkn and Cormunicstion, : a Ba 9.9. Ibs $9 00 nation - 40c Ib. Hay - small Free Towing. We can pick up cars. 210s. 39. quantity. Straw - clean, small 100% GUARANTEE FOR ONE YEAR SCALA BROS. Maple Leaf Quantity. 9555910, Discount of 10% on 10 or More of 1 Variety. vo SoRARIS AN) WRENS SUPER FRANKS WOMENS SHEEPSKILEO Discount of 20% for 100 or More of 1 Variety. AA : Pkg. ... size 9, 3/4 length, seldom worn - . (24 - 300 gm. pkg. ... $18.00) $50; carpeting (not rug) approx 9 HOURS: Until June 30th, 1980 - Open 7 Days a Week. Wanted Dever Breakin: : ES of white, long nap 1%; Monday to Saturday -8 a.m. to 9 p.m.: Sunday - 12 noon to 6 p.m. ? . adies dress rain s, size 8Y2, ; i ! SAUSAGES one pair black, one pair brown, Starting July 1, 1980 - CLOSED SUNDAYS TRAVEL TRAILERS; hardtops; 12 Ib $1 1 00 like new - $15 pair. Call 985-3305 motor homes; 'vans; cars; ee : after 7 p.m. trucks; boats and outboard Canada Packers motors on trailers; all recreatio- CHICKEN LEGS COBOURG HOMES has the nal vehicles... We will sali for you. 986-5696 - 986-5410 $8 95 areas largest display of modular ' : 10 oe . doublewide and mobile housing. (While Quantities Las!) Save 50% on building costs. . » 4 LITTLE BRITAIN Special 14% mortgaging avail Now at the North-East Corner of Hwy. 47 & 12. IL Siac YP withou) chalye able this month. Some demos MEAT PACKERS LTD. left at special prices. See them PHONE 985-7667 or 852-7729 or 852-3372 Es ty your 11057862100 . today. Hwy. 45 south of 401. some. Also old TV's and radios. Orive a Little ... Save a Lo 416-372-9432. T.F. Call 986-4926. TF