yr 2, on Pe = AL 30 J iF =, "I oy Sead ok 25 ht Nr x FEE Cav Ag" Classifie +e RS ADRS BE ATR] TERE Ah vi RI AR STE RF SOR EER RR US AV ETS RR RR SR RT Cr A I TR A NEYSL SAAN FRAN 403 2 Nc KCI YA nat Ss ANTES EE Card of Thanks We would like to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends and relatives for their expressions of sym- pathy, floral tributes and cards following the loss of a dear mother Mrs. Mae Beare. Also for the donations to the Ontario Heart Fund and the Canadian Cancer Society. Special thanks to Rev. J. Roundell, the after- noon unit of the U.C.W. of Green- bank, and also McDermott- Panabaker Funeral Home. Your many acts of kindness will always be remembered. Ronald & Faye Alldred & family | would like to express my thanks to Rev. Pendlebury, the Epsom- 'Utica United Church and U.C.W., friends and neighbours and McDermott-Panabaker Funeral Home for their help and kindness during the loss of my husband Brian Thorn. Your support and sympathy was most comforting. Denise Thorn & families Thanks to the Brothers of Neville Third at U.W.0O. Here it is! Don't forget to write! Pam & Lynn We would like to thank our friends, neighbours and relatives for the cards, flowers and visits both during our stay in the hospi- tal and on the occasion of our 60th Wedding Anniversary. A special thank you to my room mates, to our doctors, nurses and the hospital staff for the lovely card and for providing the tables and dishes to make our Anniver- sary Party in the hospital a success. A very special thank you to our family and Rev. Clarke, Rev. Swan and the photo-- grapher, Mr. Taylor. Thank you. Clarence and Amy Ginn Sincere thanks to my family, relatives and friends for gifts, cards, and visits. Also to the Oddfellows Lodge for the basket of goodies. Special thanks to doctors and nursing staff of the Port Perry Hospital for kind- nesses during my stay. Maurice Fralick Many thanks to friends and rela- tives for flowers, cards and gifts, also to the maternity staff of the Port Perry Hospital for their excellent care. Special thanks to Dr. Cohoon for leaving his farm chores long enough to deliver our new arrival. - Leah Frew We wish to sincerely thank our friends and relatives for the love- ly oil painting, cards, and best wishes on celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary. Special thanks to our children, Valerie, Ken, Jennifer and Jamie for surprising us with such a lovely evening with all our family and friends and to Noreen Malcolm, for the beautiful wedding cake and help she gave the girls to make the party such a success. Keith & Jean Sweetman Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Goslin of Epsom, wish to announce the recent marriage of their youn- gest daughter, Katharine Helen, to Donald James, son of Mrs. Doris Trump, of Toronto, and the late Mr. Harold Trump. Wed- ding took place April 11th, 1980 at Toronto City Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Murphy of Toronto are happy to announce - the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Lynda Ann to Mark Dennis Shaw, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaw of Nestleton. The wedding will take place May 10, 1980. Mr. and Mrs. J. Laurence Thorn- ton of Ashburn are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Ann Christina to Richard William, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garry A. Evans of Port Perry. Birth GRABOWSKI - Wayne and Sylvia are happy to announce the safe arrival of their third daugh- ter Melissa Dawn, weighing 8 Ibs. 8 0zs. on March 28, 1980. Special thanks to Dr. Millar and maternity staff at Port Perry Hospital. Births _ At Rest Notice Coming Events MARTYN - On march 31st, to Ron and Ellen, a son Joshua Philp weighing 8 Ibs. 5 ozs. A brother for Luke. Grandson of Richard and Charlotte Hemmert and Harold and Dora Martyn. A great grandson of Mrs. C. Hemmert and Mrs. F. F. Con- naughton of Ohio, and Mrs. Russell Wright, Bowmanville. McCLURG - Brian and Wanda are very happy to announce the safe delivery of their first child, a beautiful baby girl, Nina Marie weighing 9 Ibs. 5 ozs. born April 5, 1980 at 10:30 p.m. Many thanks to Dr. Allin and maternity staff of the Port Perry Communi- ty Hospital. Proud grandparents are Mrs. Dorothy McClurg and Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Wilkinson. GIROUX - Rick and Debra are very happy to announce the arrival of their first child, Richard Elliot, 7 Ibs. 12 ozs. at 5:45 p.m., April 5, 1980 at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, Cornwall. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Owen Kennedy and Mrs. Oscar Giroux. CHATTEN - Harold and Barb announce the arrival of Joshua William Rae, on March 4, 1980, at the Port Perry Community Hospital, weighing 8 Ibs. Baby brother Terrena. Proud grand- parents are Rae and Rena Web- ster of Port Perry and Olive Chatten of R.R.1, Omemee. Special thanks to Dr. Hammett and the maternity staff for their care during our stay. FREW - Hi! Announcing the arrival of another little farm product, James Richard, April 9, 1980, weighing 9 Ibs. 62 ozs. Thrilled are 'my new partners Dwayne and Andrew, parents Dave and Leah, grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Don Frew and Mr. Lorne McKee. A GREAT BIG WELCOME to Richard and congratulations to your folks. Valerie, Paul & Tanya BALLARD - Rick and Kelly are pleased to announce the birth of Sean's baby brother, Bradley Jansen, 9 Ibs. 8 ozs. on Easter Sunday, April 6, 1980 at McMas- ter Medical Centre, Hamilton. Proud grandparents are Mrs. B. Crews, Hamilton and John and Joy Ballard of Port Perry. SMITH - Don and Sandra (nee Healey) are happy to announce the arrival of their second daugh- ter, Andrea Dawn, born April 7, 1980 at the Community Memorial Hospital. Proud grandparents are Helen and Roy Smith and Marie and Lloyd Clarke, all of Port Perry. Many thanks to Dr. Price and maternity staff for their care. At Rest GRAY, Marion Eileen at the St. Michael Hospital, Toronto, oh Wed., April 9, 1980. Marion Eileen Maclnally Oster. In her 63rd year. Beloved wife of the late Gerald Gray, daughter of Mrs. Milt Oster (May), of Osh- awa, mother of Mrs. Jim Cheyne (Gail) of Whitby, Gary and Glenn Gray, both of Oshawa. Also survived by five grandchild- ren. Funeral service was held in the chapel of the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Satur- day, April 12 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Mount Lawn Ceme- tery, Whitby. FLETCHER, G. Kenneth 55, a former resident of Caesarea. Died in Clearwater, Florida on March 17, 1980. He was born in Bowmanville. While living in Caesarea he drove the bus between Oshawa and Lindsay. Survived by his wife, the former Helen Glide, son Barry and grandchild Mandy. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Almon Flet- cher, Bowmanville, brother Charles of Picton, sisters Jean Firth and Audrey Fletcher of Bowmanville and Lorna Vietta, San Diego, California. McCOY, Gordon entered into rest at the Port Perry Commun- ity Hospital on Thursday, April 10, 1980. Gordon McCoy in his 81st year was the beloved son of the late Thomas and Melinda McCoy. Predeceased by one sister Ethel. Funeral service was held from the Thorne Funeral Home in Sunderland, on Saturday, April 12. Spring interment - Pleasant Point Cemetery in Mariposa Town- ship. . WANNINKHOF, Jack suddenly at Lindsay, Ontario on Saturday, April 12, 1980, Jack Wanninkhof, beloved husband of Anne Wan- nikhof (De Groot) and dear father of Margaret, Jack Jr. and Andrea. In his 53rd year. Rested at the chapel of McDermott- Panabaker Port Perry for ser- vice on Tuesday at 11 a.m. Cremation. LENNARD - Edward (Ted) - In loving memory of a dear friend who passed away on March 12, 1978. Sadly missed along life's way, Quietly remembered every day. The Fudge Family MacDONALD - In loving memory of our dear brother Ray, who passed away April 17, 1974 and our father Daniel Alexander who passed away December 22, 1976. When families are close And there love is very strong, Loved ones are never forgotten, - No matter how long. Always remembered by, Bessie MacCannell & Jessie Holley HARPER - In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Cecil Harper, who passed away April 21, 1961. Those whom we love go out of sight, But never out of mind, They are cherished in the hearts, Of those they left behind. Lovingly remembered by, wife Delia and family THOMPSON - In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather, William Lorence, who passed away April 18, 1966. You're not forgotten father dear, Nor ever shall you be, As long as life and memory last, We shall remember thee. Always remembered by Jean, Danny, Lisa, Joe and Mariann. Notice SCUGOG CRISIS CENTRE - 1 to 5 p.m. Information - 985-8850. 24 Hour Crisis - 579-8006. M7 ON BEHALF of the Council of the Township of Scugog, | am pleased to proclaim the week of April 20-27 as VOLUNTEER WEEK in Scugog and salute the valuable contribution made by all volunteers, this week and every week. D. Jerome Taylor Mayor CLUB ANNRENE - banquet hall available for dances, weddings, etc. Call 985-7631 for further information. T.F. WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT. The Kinsmen Club of Port Perry would appreciate any articles for their flea market in May. For pickup call - 985-7859. T.F. SCUGOG RATEPAYER'S Association could help. 985-3596 or 985-3073. E.O.W. NOTICE The second installment of 1980 Interim Taxes for the Township of Scugog is due April 25th, 1980. A.D. THOMSON, TREASURER. ANYONE INTERESTED in bowling in a mixed summer league please contact 985-7137 or 985-2614. MORTGAGE FUNDS available at reasonable rates. Also mort- gages bought and sold, prompt and confidential service. 985- 3832. POTTED PLANTS CUT FLOWERS Flowers for All Occasions. PORT PERRY FLORISTS 985-8676 ATTENTION: Senior Citizens 10% OFF Breakfast, Lunch & Coffee Mondays thru Fridays Only te DAIRY BAR on the waterfront - Port Perry IVES FLORIST LTD. 985-2525 LAKEVIEW PLAZA A Complete Line of Floral Art "For All Occasions. Flowers Wired World Wide. WEEKEND SPECIAL: Cut Flowers 25% OFF Coming Events BINGO - Every Tuesday night, Port Perry Lions Club at Latcham Centre. Early bird game 7:30 p.m. sharp. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Jackpot $10.00 per line, $200. in 54 numbers, minimum $50.00. T.F. FLEA MARKET - Saturday, FAMOUS Borelians Revival - May 31, at the Nestleton} "you Can't Take It With You' - Community Centre. Bring all saleable items. Table rentals - $5.00. Limited number available - To reserve yours call 986-5085 or 986-5131. Sponsored by Nestleton Recreation Committee. A23 RUMMAGE SALE - and Bake Table - Friday, April 18, 10 a.m, to 2p.m. at Anglican Parish Hall, sponsored by Junior A.C.W. THE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY Spring Fair will be held at the Latcham Centre - Saturday, May 3, between 2 and 4 p.m. There will be various tables, such as nearly new, children's corner, delicatessen, bake, ~ penny auction, green thumb and others. Donations to these tables will be gratefully accepted. For dona- tions and inquiries please call 985-7137. A23 MAMMOTH TREE SALE -' April 18 and 19 - this Friday and Saturday, beginning at 9 a.m. Bowmanville Lions will be out in full force at the Lions Commun- ity Centre on Beech Ave, Bow- manville to sell everything that grows or makes it grow. Shade trees, fruit trees, ornamentals, shrubs, roses and perennials. All at modest prices. This is the Presidents Fund raising intro- ductions to kick off the much needed Lions Community Centre expansion. See what they have for your planting needs. Lionesses will have coffee and goodies available. Dance - Saturday evening to Ted Koss's orchestra. ANYONE INTERESTED in a bus going to Uxpool from Sea- grave-Greenbank area for swimming lessons In July, please call 705-357-3170. HOT BUFFET LUNCHEON - Friday, May 2nd - 11:30 - 1:30 p.m. at Masonic Lodge, Queen Street. Sponsored by Order of Eastern Star. Adults - $2.75. Preschool - Free. ~ A T.F.. SPRING G-NOTE SALE at Guardian Drugs begins May 5th. A30 Notice NOTICE TAYPAYERS OF CARTWRIGHT HIGH SCHOOL COMMUNITY The Durham Board of Education approved guidelines for the formation of a 'School Accomodation Committee' for several schools in its jurisdiction including Cartwright High School. Such a committee will be formed when enrolment projection and/or maintenance requirements suggest a time to review programme and/or facility requirements. You are invited to attend a meeting at Cartwright Central Public S¢hool on Thursday, April 17th, 1980 at 8:00 p.m., when detailed information will be presented concerning the formation and operation of the committee. G. PAISLEY, PRINCIPAL. GOLF Now Open UXBRIDGE - 0.G.A. RATED - Special Rates: : * Pensioners * Week-ends * Week-days R.R. 2 - UXBRIDGE - ONTARIO 852-9996 CLUB "or 985-8154. The Thursday, May 8th - 8 p.m.; Friday, May 9th - 8 p.m.; Satur- day, May 10th - 8 p.m.; Sunday May 11th - 2. p.m, Advance tickets - $4.00. General Admis- sion - $5.00. Tickets available at Port Perry Star or Irwin Smith Music. Information: 985-8376. "PARENTS ASSOCIATION - Dance - May 10th - Scout Hall. See next week's Star for parti- culars. DANCE - Blackstock Rec Centre - Aprit 19, 8:00380 1:00 - Disc Jockey - "Sagittarian", Bar privileges. Light Lunch. Pro- ceeds to go towards Scugog Sexual Abuse Rape Crisis Centre. For tickets call 985-3330 $10. per couple. Tickets also available at the door. Alé Everyone is Invited to Attend the ANNUAL MEETING of the SCUGOG SOCIAL PLANNING COUNCIL Pot Luck Luncheon APRIL 22nd - 12:15P.M. In the Basement of ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - PORT PERRY Guest Speaker: Lois Warden, Public Relations, Durham Region, Family and Children's Services 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE On April 26th, 1980 - 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Toms of Uxbridge are holding a 40th Wedding Anniver- sary Open House in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Toms of Stouffville. We cordially invite friends and family to come and congratulate them both. (Adults only). Go north on Hwy. 12 to Greenbank, then turn west on 11th conc., 1% miles in on north side. Port Perry Minor Softball GENERAL MEETING Sunday, April 20th 11:00 A.M. Conway Gardens PORT PERRY KINSMEN Spring Fest '80 IS COMING MAY 30 & 31 (Watch for It) CARTWRIGHT Junior Baseball BOOSTER DANCE Saturday, April 26th 8:00 P.M. to 1:00 A.M. NESTLETON COMMUNITY CENTRE Music by 'B & H Sounds' Sponsored by Nestleton Recreation Committee $5.00 per person Free Lunch - Bar Privileges For tickets call 986-5131. \