HSA TEAR [os es YR ia Y=. Patricia LeFort of Port Perry was one of the winners of the Lions Clubs public speaking contest in District. A16 held at Richmond Hill on April 3rd. Patricia is seen above receiving her trophy from Grant Marshall, while Commissioner Gordon Forgie presented Jim Cameron of Maple, Ontario the boys trophy. This was the final competition in the Lions Club speaking contest, but Patricia will speak once again on April 27th at the Lindsay Lions Club Convention. SUNDAY, APRIL 2 bring the family to the Country & Bluegrass CONCERT featuring "Bill Johnson & Sweet Country" "Bob Wood & Pinehill Fever" "Liftlock City Grass" PLUS SPECIAL GUESTS at the PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL GYM 210 5 P.M. - SUNDAY, APRIL 20th r '$3.50 per adult; $1.50 under 12; Maximum $10. per family. Sponsored by the Scugog Library Finance Committee. 6th Anniversary SPECIAL © Zichart Auto -Truck Rustproofing SPECIAL PACKAGES (Effective to April 30, 1980) ZIEBART oon Any Car $139.00 SHINEGUARD + veo $49.00 RUG & SEAT GUARD vee... $39.00 ZIEBART, SHINE & SEAT GUARD ... $169.00 IT'S US. OR RUST. or Section of Used Ziebart Cars or Trucks. : NO COUPONS ALLOWED Courtesy Car available with Appointment. FACTORY TRAINED TECHNICIANS Drive a Little Further ... Save a Whole Lot More! od » 10] ENG LTE Por We also have Special Rates on Uséd Cars PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, April 16, 1980 -- 21 Ashburn area news by Mrs. E. Heron The ladies Bible Class held their April meeting at the " home of Nellie Hopkins with a good attendance. Florence Ashton, president presided over the meeting and her opening meditation was entitled Abide with Us. Bernice Gardner was in charge of the program we sang several Easter hymns and Bernice read three beautiful poems. The scripture was read by Marg- aret Davis and Catherine Humphrey led in prayer. The guest speaker for the evening was one who was no stranger to us at Ashburn, Helen Gulliver, of Brooklin. She gave a sincere meaning- ful message for everyday living and it was appreciated by all present. Mrs. Bruce Lehman enter- tained a number of friends and neighbours at her home on Monday evening of last week in honour of Mrs. John Cincurak. Betty was pres- ented with a gift and best wishes from all present. Mr. Les Guardhouse of Malton visited with friends in the village on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Doubt Accident results in $3000 damage A two car accident April 9 at the intersection of Queen and Lilla Streets resulted in nearly $3000 damage and minor injuries to two passen- gers in one of the cars. A spokesman for Durham Region Police said the accident occurred about 12:30 p.m. when a car driven by Lorraine Bray of Scugog Township was struck broad- side by a second car driven by Bradley Howsam of R.R.2 Seagrave. The Bray vehicle was east- bound on Queen Street, and the Howsam vehicle was southbound on Lilla Street. Estimated damage to the eastbound car was $1800, while the southbound car sustained about $1000 damage, according to police. A charge of dis-obeying a red light has been laid by police against Bradley Howsam. The two persons who suffered minor injuries were passengers in the Bray vehicle. spent Monday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Heron and on Friday evening the Herons attended a shower at the home of Mrs. John Phillips, Scarborough in honour of Miss Jane MacDonald of Weston, who is to be the bride of their eldest grandson Robert McAndless next month. Mrs. 'Alma English and friend of Woodville visited with Miss Hilda Hopkins and Mr. Walter Hopkins last Wed. Next Sunday everyone is invited to Burns Church. It is Commemoration Sunday the 12th anniversary of the opening of the new church. The Covenant players are presenting communicative, contemporary drama at 10 a.m. in the church school for young people and children and at the morning worship service at 11:15 a.m. and . also at the evening service at 7:30 p.m. The players are Gale and Patricia Spotten, Dori Marzari and Fred Myers. TYPEWRITERS | RENT-IT ELECTRIC * LATEST MODELS * MANUAL * IBM Selectric * Olympia * Underwood * Smith Corona 408 Dundas St. West, Whitby 666-1131 Tee en wl he he wn ee ae ea he * Telephone Answering Machines DANFORTH TYPEWRITER Sales & Service Est. 1930 * Correctors * Adding Machines * Electronic Calculators * Dictation Units 2940 Danforth Ave., Toronto 698-2589 End House Painting Forever! Clad Your Home With Durable, Long-Lasting VYNAL or ALUMINUM SIDING Also Available: Seamless Eavestrough, Storm Doors, Windows and Awnings. CALL: OPPERS BROS. HOME IMPROVEMENTS 986-5673 or 985-8318 FREE ESTIMATES 00000000005 5252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525252525 HEREFORDS East Central Ont. Hereford Zone ANNUAL SPRING SHOW & SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS Peterborough Fairgrounds SAT., APRIL 19th, 1980 Show at 11 a.m. -Saleat 1 p.m. Selling: Herd Sires Cows with Calves. Bred & Open Heifers and 4-H Calves CATALOGUES AVAILABLE. JOHN B. McLAUGHLIN Secretary-Treasurer P.0. Box 35, Carrying Place, Ontario. KOK 1L0 A ---- NATIONAL ® NATIONAL-NK SEEDS LTD. New Hybrid Seed Corn, Sorghum & Soybean Varieties. Market Sweet Corn, Thor, 919 Brand Alfalfas. Noculized ready to plant. Hay & Pasture Mixtures. Florex d.c. Red Clover. Sunrise Estates turf mixture. COMPLETE INFORMATION CALL: John Sytsma, R.R.4, Port Perry, Ont. 416-985-3238 Bob DeJong, R.R.1, Nestieton, Ontario. 416-986-4782 Need A Car Rent A Ford e LOW DAILY RATES ® RENT BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH ® PICK-UP & DELIVERY AVAILABLE RENT-A-CAR COLIN BALL MOTORS LTD. Hwy. 7A West - Port Perry - 985-8411 & REG.RD. 8 < REACH FAIR IND. PARK N A HWY. 12 LILLAST. WOODWORKING SHOP Pine - Cupboards - Furniture 'CUSTOM MADE TO YOUR ORDER' 4 Post Beds - Dressers Tables - Dining, Kitchen & Living Roll Top Desks - Mirrors Cedar Chests - Book Shelves - Etc. KITCHEN CABINETS Wide Selection to Choose From. Pas ' Wi » REA RARE A TNS eu 'YOU NAME IT ... WE MAKE IT!" - 'COMPARE OUR PRICES' Open Daily 9 to 5 - Saturday 9:30 to 3:30 REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK - 985-7679 >. TR RT: 7 AAA CX] Viat > LN CC, ET PA RA at = ro oe % Ca Ad i " aris wr py TL AA Frat NE 3, Se oe - alm ww. YX i 20% ) Hi Tt, Tr ---- RIANA BIOS To TA AA VP ERE Fat fA =. TEE = Me a