| | | ri Ain ean en? CY ora Angle parking such as you see in the above photo will be a thing of the past once construction crews begin the enormous task of rebuilding Queen Street in a few short weeks. Along with elimination of the angle parking, the sidewalks will be widened and the dangerous cracks that you can see above will disappear. Angle parking to go From page 1 some of the statements in the petition," he said. Councillor Rose also said that if the reconstruction does not go ahead this as planned, it could delay it for two or 'three years: Referring to one point in the petition which calls on the Township to lease addit- ional parking space on the south side of Queen St., coun- cillor Rose said the munic- ipality would have to charge shoppers for parking there. Councillor Don Crosier re- minded the delegation that last November when a day- long public meeting was held at the Township offices over the Queen Street project, only two people showed up and neither voiced any objections. Members of council told the delegation that angle parking is being eliminated because the reconstruction of Queen Street will be 44 feet wide (MTC standards) and the MTC, Township planners and police forces feel that a) RESERVATIONS & COUPLES ONLY SORRY - NO BLUE YE ETE iA Nia VE ERE angle parking presents a _threat to public safety. Mr. Mitchell argued that the safety threat would only be marginal, and he sugg- ested that reducing speed better insure public safety on Queen Street. He also said that since no work has been done on Queen Street for many years, putting the pro- ject off now for a couple more years would not pre- sent a problem. The Mayor's sentiments were repeated by other members of council, and eventually they voted un- animously to take no action on the petition, and allow the Queen Street project to pro- ceed as planned. Reading from the wording of the Petition, Mr. Mitchell told council that replacing angle parking with parallel parking will result in the loss of 13 spots on the north side of Queen Street, and this "will have a serious detri- mental effect on the business community." : Paints DINNER & DANCE Saturday, March 15th, 1980 GOOD MUSIC BY Peter Hvidsten & Bill Ballinger $12.00 Per Couple #583: RIVERBOAT OF PORT PERRY, ONTARIO 15 WATER STREET 985-3281 He also suggest that along with the loss of parking spots, downtown shoppers will find paralled parking far less convenient than angle parking. At one point during his presentation, Mr. Mitchell said the loss of the parking spots and convenience '"'ser- iously endangers the econ- omic health" of the down- town area. Responding to questions from council as to why the business people had waited until now to voice their con- cerns, Mr. Mitchell said the full impact of the parking only hit home recently, and business people on Queen Street had been thinking more about the general dis- ruption during actual recon- struction this summer, rather than the long term implications of the loss of the parking spots, and the con- venience of angle parking. Although the meeting was generally polite and low key- ed, members of council did take angry exception to the wording of the petition, which said that the Queen Street project has "been fin- alized without consideration to the convenience and char- acter of the existing angle parking." Chamber of Commerce president Howard Hall spoke briefly at the meeting, say- ing that some of the petition- ers did not attend public meetings organized by the Chamber last year. He also said that there are 66 businessess in the down- town area of Port Perry, so the 23 who signed the petition "was a far cry from the majority claimed by Mr. Mitchell. Councillor Jerry Jackman questioned the logic of the petition, which asked that angle parking spaces be saved, but also suggested that the parallel parking on the south side of Queen could be eliminated. "It boggles my mind to think of a driving lane beside the curb on the south side," he stated. Council will open tenders for the Queen Street project this Friday, and a contract is expected to be awarded on Monday. PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 12, 1980 -- 3 Joint council meeting called over tax hike The councils from the Townships of Scugog, Brock and Uxbridge will hold a joint meeting tonight March 12 to discuss the implica- tions of provincial govern- ment equalization factors which could result in an average regional tax increase of $25 on a house in the three Townships. The equalization factors have been brought in to help make the Durham Region levies to each municipality more equitably apportioned and based on up to date assessments, of property values in Durham Region, according to Durham's finance commissioner Jack Gartley. Although property owners in Scugog, Brock and Uxbridge face an increase of $25 on an average three bedroom home (or about 17 percent) the impact in Oshawa is far less where the projected increase on a property of the same assesed value is slightly more than $6. .Regional taxes represent North Star Joggers $17.95- $20.95 - $22.95 MEN'S OXFORDS Leather Soles - Black or Brown $49.95 Hush Puppy Loafer Desert Boots $29.95 about 25 percent of the total tax levy against all property in Durham. The new equalization factors are an attempt by the province to spread the tax base more equally among rural and urban property owners. The joint meeting of the councils of the three northern Townships will be held in the Uxbridge Munici- pal building at 8:00 p.m. WALLPAPER Stock Lines - Prepasted Single Roll ... Washable Paper ... FLOOR COVERINGS 4 YARDS Wide $5.95 - $6.95 .... WINDOW SHADES Several Sizes in Stock 36" Width ... $3.25 - $3.95 $2.00 $5.99 Single Roll eae ea eS 05S eS eS 55252 5525252525252 52525 2525S 2 GRR 2 SRS RSS SRG R52 52525252525 25252525525 2525255252525 2525252525 252525252525 2525 256060606 26060 Ca0I000 6006 526262625 35252525 252525 252525252525 252525252525 25252525 2525252 1 OO G0n | 202526 52505250525250525052525 2) Fee 4 104 "t Lr ' At Cs 4 qv Re Ar AL Ub se A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT STORE QUEEN STREET - PORT PERRY (Merchandise Not Exactly as Illustrated.) 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