SFR MN SFA EE SR A i AoE ey a Sate TE 1A rh i fi E58 ' BF J Nah rg Va br Lf ALAM EES SS AES AE HERR 7 SSE PERMA LR ET SAT Er a hee AAT ERR HR] ARTS cE TV Ay Le lee 54 2 Hy 3 PAS RR > Ea Hud Lk J Se A Cy SE 8 PORT PERRY STAR -- Wednesday, March 12, 1980 -- 31 'Seagrave and area news 4 by Mrs. Sheila L. Sears School were both well atten- honour of my parents, Mr. Control" as their theme. ial Church on May 8th. Mrs. Improvement." See you i It is with mixed emotions ded on Sunday. Those who and Mrs. Eldon L. Brown, Members had brought E. Mooreof Oakwood is tobe there. LV that I bring you the news this presented their birthday who celebrated their fiftieth articles for a layette with the guest speaker. This weekend the Green- 4 -week. Len Somerville's contributions were Master Wedding Anniversary. We them. Mrs. McNeil, the Plans for the U.C.W. bank Seagrave Scouts will be 2 mother, Mrs. Jean Somer- Kevin Puckrin, Mrs. Diane were joined by many friends, president, presided over the church service on June 29th holding a weekend camp. 14 ville of the Greenbank area, Puckrin and Master Travis neighbours and relatives in business meeting. Final were completed and the Now this camp will be a new i & passed away last night while Guindon. Brett Pyckrih had extending to them congratu- plans were made for the meeting was brought to a idea. Something never done 2 vacationing in Florida. 'been Kevin's guest over lations. After the reception, Variety Supper, which is to close with the singing of a before. Here is what is going : Sincerest sympathy is Friday night and they were the nuclear family went to be held at the Seagrave hymn which was followed by to happen. One leader and {i extended to Len and his joined by a few of their dinner at the Harbour Inn at United Church, on Monday the Mizpah Benediction. one scout are being placed 3 family. Funeral arrange- friends on Saturday in the Lagoon City. The festivities March 17th at 6 p.m. The Mrs. Fern Tobin then into the woods and a mes- 8 ments are not known as this celebration of Kevin's recommenced on Tuesday, charge for admission will be played the piano accompani- sage is going to be given to fia column goes to press, but I important day. March 4th when Bob and I $2.50 per adult and $1 per ment to some rousing Irish the troops under Durham $3 8 & shall make the information Congratulations are in close friends and relatives child. Everyone is welcome songs which the ladies joined Police supervision that two available to you if you will order for Corrine and Claire feted Mom and Dad during to attend. in singing. The evening's people are lost. A searchand pki phone me at 985-8324. Watts on becoming grand- dinner at the Engineers' Mrs. Gertie Wanamaker activities were topped off by rescue operation will be put gi { take pleasure in inform- parents of a bouncing boy Club in Toronto. : reported on the Annual Dis- a delicious lunch served by in action under Police news. 1 F ing you that Mrs. Ida Brand born to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis On Friday, March 7th, Mr. trict Presbyterial Meeting the hostess. These two persons will be 4 and Mr. William Keen have Johnston of British Colum- and Mrs. Bert Wanamaker. which will be held at The Group Committee found with injuries. The A returned home from hospi- bia. were dinner guests at the Cambridge United Church, reports that the paper drive scouts have then to perform pa & tal. Best wishes for con- John and Donna Kent were Sears' home. Lindsay on Tuesday, March held last Saturday was a first aid and carry the two 25 tinued progress are extended given a surprise housewarm- The Seagrave U.C.W. 25th. Dr. McLure will be the success. Another smashing injured persons one mile out Fs to them both. ing by a few of their new monthly meeting was well guest speaker after dinner. success was the Winter of the woods. The program is The Service of Communion Seagrave neighbours. attended on Wednesday, It is hoped that a good Carnival held on Sunday. will be in full view of Police - £3 will be celebrated on Palm The Robert Sears family March 5th at the home of number from Seagrave will Those on the Seagrave Park Firefighters and Ambulance & Sunday, March 30th at attended a reception held at Mrs. Gladys Scott. Mrs. attend. Board are to be complimen- persons. We hope to run this i Greenbank, Seagrave and 'The Loft", Bayshore Marion Short and Mrs. lla ~~ The Regional Rally was ted as every event was program for a couple of 5 Pinedale Churches. The Village on Saturday, March Keen were in charge of the also mentioned and this will thoroughly enjoyed. There hours. Ei 1, Church Service and Sunday 1st. The occasion was in devotional and chose 'Self take place at Miller Memor- were ever so many huffing After this event, is our Fire Pg a . and puffing cross country Prevention and Storm rh skiers, jubilant sleigh-riders, Warning program which will 854 boisterous soccer players, be taught. Anyone wanting ha and enthusiastic baseball to view this many come out 535 ELECTRIC MOTOR | players. The hot chocolate andseeus. Phone 852-6533 to fs and the hot dogs were a most let Paul Saulnier know you isk 2 REWINDING & welcome treat after a are coming out. Scouts will RS DIRECTORY IN ELE roiy ar. The Annual Park wishng lo hep at ine omy. {1 frosty air. The Annual Park wishing to help at the camp- Fy : MITTON ELECTRIC Board Meeting will be held fire Saturday night please be Telephone 668-2670 on March 31st at the Sea- come, we can use you. This 3 RORSESHOEING 208 Chestnut St. East grave United Church. is a learning weekend. obs RELIAB LE MARIO BRIENZA Whitby, Ontario. Everyone is welcome and _ Please call Mrs. Jackie ie urged to attend. Boyle at 985-3941 with your NS & Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Masonry Contractor 086-5372 V-RELTS a LEYS The next Meeting of the news for next week's ps tone - Brick - Block Work : Good Neighbours Group will column. RY New Installations - Repairs' Fireplace L. TOUGH CHAIN-SPROCKETS be held at the home of Mr. 6) Alterations - Power Drain Cleaning Custom Built Homes and Mrs. Frank Branton on Ph BERT FABER Additions Monday, March 24th at 8:15 SMITH-CORONA Ma: . QRE. FOR FREE ESTIMATES CALL p.m. All members are asked 53% PHON £1543.3754 985-2680 Port Perry HOSKI N STAB LES to bring an item for a layette. TYPEWRITERS i i ' = ation gp resizes Dr Ton cis wiki | ppsdlareen 2 = r i pL Qualified Instructors United Cureton weanes. | PORT PERRY STAR 2 QUARTER HORSES CE day, March 26th at 10 a.m. 235 Queen Street ho) & PAINT HORSES : : The topic will be "Self 985-7383 yeh C L E A N E D For Sale ee Also Wood Shavings for Beddin ' : 774 BIL ELLINS . JAMES RANKIN ) : [A # | 986-4678 or 728-8180 i be : i soi) wb Sw | ELECTRIC | INTE EENCE] Residential - Farm - Commercial a PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING BOX 1148 - PORT PERRY THE UNITED CHURCH OF PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bi Living Room, Dining Room and Hall ... SPECIAL $39.95 FREEESTMATES Q@I BF 37 REASONABLE RATES CANADA IN CANADA En Residential - Commercial - Industrial Free Estimates Rev. R. Brawn, Minister Rev. Stuart McEntyre $e SUNDAY MARCH 16 ST. JOHN'S PORT PERRY 0% » ANDREW'S HOME MAINTENANCE Lent IV 319 Queen Street 5 PHONE 723-1461 MACDONALD & LACK 10 a.m. Worship SUNDAY MARCH 16 Se and Church School 9:00 a.m. Church School EO LAW 9:55 a.m. Divine Service As bf d - General Practice Consultations: No Charge PRINCE WERT BURNS CHURCH {ol YO r d e u e S Counsel for Firm an don. ors BD ASHBURN diz R.R. 2, Seagrave, Ontario. JAMES A. MACDONALD, B.A., LL.B. SCUGOG PA SUNDAY MARCH 18 58 F iv rr ; STORAL 10:00 a.m. Church School od AGENT: ARVICE FISHER Criminal Law, Matrimonial, Real Estate and Commercial CHARGE Co 9 Vid Port Perry - 985-7951 175 PERRY STREET, PHONE: Rev. C. Clarke 11:15 Divine Service B) 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE PORT PERRY, ONT. 985-8441 Rev. E. Linstead | CHURCH OF ASCENSION LX Services ANGLICAN BE de Scugog - 9:45 a.m. Rev. R. C. Rose 'in Manchester -11:15a.m. Rector nL JOAN EADS CHRIS ALLEN © mene Rev. A. Woolcock By PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Ek WELL DRILLING EERO Sawwmes : Rev. R. Batten 11:15a.m Hol, Communion hs Sunderland - Ontario - (705) 357-3386 Your Local "ALCAN" Dealer Rev. I MacLean Ro vi Le i SIDING - SOFFIT - FASCIA - TROUGH ham Paily BOHN DAY MARCH bei YEAR ROUND SERVICE 20 Year Written Guarantee 11 a.m. Praise and Worship 11 a.m. Holy Communion kn uf Licenced by the Ministry of Environment FREE ESTIMATES 7 Lew Evangelistic Service Hi. Holy YS \RA Wed., 10:30a.m. P i EAI GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 985-3747 man, Prayeeiime ST. JOHNS BLACKSTOCH ei $15.00 per foot Siding i : alin ap pa SUNDAY MARCH 16 fad : "Siding is our ONLY Business - Not a Sideline! 8 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer Lent IV Sn We care! 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer fe Tune in Ch. 22 * and Church School 3 H - CUSTOM BUILT li idtown Ma AY C HOPE CHRISTIAN & St 200 John Street West, [i] _ HOMES h air Dhar Omario ° REFORMED CHURCH OF ity Additions or Renovations 576-2431 PORT PERRY 3 N | |) Rec Rooms - Framing t e paint Divine Redemption is our and & paper only hope PORT PERRY BAPTIST Rd For Free Estimates Call: 1150 Simcoe Street North, p Services in tie 0 CHURCH Rs Oshawa, Ontario resbyterian Churc Interim Pastor BN J & D CARPENTRY people. 576-9971 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship Rev. Mr. Len Jones : : 579-4191 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 9:45 a.m. Bible School 4 ev. J, Geuzebroe 11 a.m. Morning Worshi Ash 985-8618 Everyone Welcome 7:00 p.m. Hour of Praise Bt 3 TPA