Lot RID att NINE Woh DRG aR FORE 5 [© BIR EE eR 407 SIN ee Ra Pg SRN UT Sant ST TNT Ty Sed Ae . SATE USS | A #d Sid 54 AE MLA HE nN * Ashburn area news by Mrs. E. Heron The Ladies Guild met in the church hall on Tuesday evening of last week with a good attendance. The direc- tor Margaret Davis, chaired the meeting. During the business, the Spring into Summer fashions luncheon plans were discussed. It is to be held on Thursday, May 1st and anyone who would like a ticket or any information may phone Barbara Porter - 655-4652. The guest for the evening was Shirley Scobel and she showed some very interesting pieces of off loom weaving and gave some interesting information about the art of weaving. The next regular meeting will be April 1st and it will be a show and tel} night when some of our own members will bring some work to show and tell how it's done. The regular monthly meet ing of the Ashburn group of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Lois Daw last Wednesday afternoon. The Devotional time, was taken by Ray Death and she chose 'The Praying Hands' as the Good effort Congratulations to Blair and Lisa Bailey for a good effort. They placed second with 78 marks in Class 16 - Duet, 10 years and under - selection, Singing in the Moonlight. They also received high marks of 76 in two other classes. They are students of Audrey Beau- champ. basis for her message. Catherine Humphrey led in prayer. The study was given by Rose Heron and it took the ° form of a study of the over- seas mission, fields and the missionaries on each field. Plans were made during the business part of the meeting for the Easter Thank-offering which is to be held in the Church on March 30th. We expect to have someone or possibly a group from Willowdale Presby- terian Church. They have sponsored several families of Boat People and since our church is contributing in this work it will be interesting for the whole congregation and anyone who is interested in this work is welcome to attend. The Community sponsored a dance at the Thunderbird Golf Club last Saturday night. And don't forget there will be a coffee hour on Thursday morning at 10 a.m. March 13th. Come and bring your knitting and have a visit. March is the month for Birthdays in Ashburn so Happy Birthday to all who have a birthday this month. Last Sunday was a beauti- ful winter morning. Rev. McEntyre continued his messages for Lent. Service next Sunday at the usual time 11:15 and church school begins at 10 a.m. There is a nursery for the babies and Jr. Church for the young ones up to seven years old. There is no such thing as too much beauty - too much joy or too much goodness. 1:30 & 8:00 P.M. Thursday, March 13th UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 2 Miles West of Manchester REFRESHMENTS 985-3042 - as oa. The Scugog Jaycess held a '"Las Vegas" night Saturday at the Latcham Centre in Port Perry and all proceeds were turned over to the building fund for the new Scugog Library. Jaycee president Dave Tripp Patton. Jaycees Vegas Night [right] gets ready to turn the wheel of chance and he was joined by his executive Alan Howell, McAllister, Stephen Clark, Rick Prosser and Tom MONTE CARLO HAIR FASHION MEN'S 108 WATER STREET PORT PERRY 985-3684 4th ANNIVERSARY EXTRAVAGANZA WIN A TRIP TO LAS VEGAS, planned by Nonquon Travel. Accomodation & Transportation Participants must be 18 years old and over. Draw to take place Friday, May 23, 1980 at the Big Brother's Dinner. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL ... 20% OFF ALL HAIRSTYLING SERVICES! (From Monday, March 10th to Saturday, March 22nd, 1980) HELP SUPPORT BIG BROTHERS! The entire net receipts from Friday, March 21 will be donated to the Big Brothers Association of Scugog. COME AND MEET OUR FRIENDLY PROFESSIONAL STAFF: We Also Offer An INTRODUCTION to the world of MEN'S HAIR REPLACEMENT Before MICHAEL After (BAAN, UR EE Th SAAR ERD an Pz ABORT RR