q 8 § ® CASH | 985-8160 PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., Janvary 3, 1980 -- 23 GOOD MIXED GRAIN, Straw - 985-7445. J9 WOOD STOVE - Lakewood Cottager, as new, airtight with blower. Call 985-3362. USED SNOWMAQBILE - offer. Runs well. 985-8075. best RUBBER STAMPS - for business or personal use. Fast delivery. Call the Port Perry Star. 985- 7383. T.F. REGISTERS, type- writers, dictation equipment, and photo copiers for sale, lease or rent. 985-2518. T.F. UPHOLSTERY FABRICS, vinyls, foam, buttons made, tools, etc. Ace Upholstery Supplies, 204 Bond Street East, Oshawa, 579-5666. T.F. . CONTINUOUS FORMS - printed and numbered or blank. A must for every business. We handle both Moore and Pakfold forms. Call the Port Perry Star at 985-7383. T.F. PIONEER - 8 track, f.m. car stereo, used only a few times, paid $250.00 new, asking - $150.00. Phone 985-3007 after 4p.m. T.F. FISHER STOVES - C.S.A. approved, and accessories avail- able at competitive prices. Phone Donna Hazelwood - 985- .OLD RED BRICK FIREWOOD - Maple, Beech, all hardwood - $70 per 2 cord. 655-4159. J9 MANURE SPREADER - New Idea, $1000.00, power take off. 655-4159. J9 WEDDING INVITATIONS, personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards, etc. Call the Port Perry Star - 985-7383. T.F. FULLER BRUSH Products available. 985-3477. T.F. ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E., Oshawa. We sell chesterfields, kitchen sets, beds, coffee table sets, etc. 728-3473. T.F. BREZNIKAR Meat Products - sides of beef - hinds, fronts; home grown pork - whole or half; sausages; bacon; smoking and curing of meat. Government Inspected. 985-7736. T.F. - cleaned, skidded, banded and delivered, 20c brick. Phone collect 705-745- 6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. Before you Buy ... TRY BOB ARCHER HOOKER CHEV-OLDS 3640. T.F. FIREWOOD for sale. Maple and Hwy. No. 7, Brooklin white birch. Call 985-3361. 031 PHONE 655-3351 ENJOY the Canadian Hot Tub experience. Sales and rentals, Used Cars phone Joy McKay (Seagrave) - 705-357-2227. TF. 1974 MATADOR - four * door, sedan, good condition, new tires. $900.00, will certify. Call 705-786- * 2540. he Olt Q 1974 VEGA - blue, auto, winter- ized, and certified, good condi- tion - $850.00. Call 985-2006. "a Qa Ltd Men's eal «| 1968 CHEVELLE $539 posi rear end, 3/4 cam 400 turbo your headquarters for transmission, needs body work - FORMAL RENTALS PORT PERRY PLAZA OPEN THURS. & FRI. TO 9:00 P.M. 985-3628. Used Trucks 1975 LN7500 FORD TRUCK 25,000 miles, 16' grain and live- stock platform with 12 ton hoist. Call Don Frew & Sons Ltd. 986-5568 or 986-5238. '79 GMC SCOTTSDALE - 3/4 ton pick up, auto, PS/PB, 20 options, certified - $6,600.00. 705-277-2070. Found HOUND - male, blue tic, found in Manchester area. 985-7328. ~ incor |i COLIN BALL MOTORS LIMITED Highway 7A West - P.O. Box 1020 Port Perry - Ontario - LOB 1NO TELEPHONE: 985-8411 FORD TRUCKS GOOD USED STOVES, fridges, washers, dryers and all types of furniture. Phone Greenbank - 985-3295. T.F. USED PIANO - any condifion. Also pianos tuned and repaired. 655-4663. T.F. GUNS, ANTIQUES, old clocks, silver dollars, coins, anything collectible. Call Dan Stone - 985-7057. T.F. ONE SILVER TEA SERVICE and one cocoa set. Call 728-4455. AUTO WRECKERS need 1,000 cars and light trucks for wreck- ing purposes. Will pay cash on the spot. Scala Bros. Auto Wreckers are paying $5.00 to $500.00 for cars and trucks. Phone 9-5p.m. 985-3132. J-F. SPECIAL OFFER! $50 paid for complete large American cars and trucks, driven to Scala Brothers Auto Wreckers yard. Limited time only. We can also pick up cars. 985-3132. T.F. CARS & TRUCKS for wrecking, Ross Auto Wreckers, R.R.#¥ 1, Nestleton - 986-4843. T.F. PAYING 82 TIMES face value for any Canadian coins dated before 1968 - gold and diamonds rings wanted. Call Dan Stone - 985-7057. T.F. WANTED One Silver Tea Service One Cocoa Set 728-4455 Wanted GOOD USED Apartment size or upright pianos. Service and tuning available for all makes. Irwin Smith Music Ltd. - 985-2635 T.F. DRIVING FLORIDA - mid January. Room for part time driver. Reply Box 47 Port Perry Star. : For Rent WINTERIZED COTTAGE on the lake, available January 15th, 150. per month plus heat and hydro. 655-3062. TWO BEDROOM house for rent, Utica, available now - 985-8370. J9 PARTLY FURNISHED - electri- cally heated, bachelor apart- ment in Manchester, private entrance, and parking. Must be non-smoker and work steady days. 985-3189. T.F. ONE BEDROOM apartment available February 1st. 985-3006 - 985-2817. SMALL THREE ROOM apart- ment in Blackstock. 986-5378. PRINCE ALBERT - One room plus 4 pc. bath, parking, avail- able immediately, $135.00 per month, heat & hydro included. Call days - 666-1131, evenings - 655-3047. T.F. Help Wanted SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD - at R.H. Cornish School, Queen Street, to commence duties as soon as possible. Apply in person to Township of Scugog, 181 Perry St., Port Perry. E.S. Cuddie, Clerk-Administrator. NURSING SUPERVISOR - Part Time. Applications are being received by the nursing depart- ment for part-time nursing supervisory positions. The successful applicants must assume responsibility for all areas of the hospital. Applicants must have nursing administra- tion background with a mini- mum of five years nursing experience. Send resume to: Director of Nursing, Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, Ontario. BABYSITTER required immediately to come in for day care and light housekeeping. Part time. Own transportation a must. Some evening work. Mother with pre-schooler welcome. Salary negotiable. 985-8633. Wanted to Buy Real Estate PRIVATE PARTY interested in purchasing older type home in Port Perry. Three bedroom maximum with average size lot preferred. Terms and occu- pancy dates open. All replies confidential. Apply to Box #48, Port Perry Star. Work Wanted Bookkeeping Services FULL or PART TIME Pickup and Delivery If Required DAYS OR EVENINGS (Weekends can be arranged.) K. Dave Muir -R.LA. - 173 Lilla St. - 985-7079 John T. Pearce AUCTIONEER Estates - Antiques Household & Farm Sales, etc. HALL AVAILABLE Consignment Sales Consign 1 or 100 Items PORT PERRY 985-7492 For Local Pickup _ additions. SNOWPLOWING - roof cleaning, hourly or flat rate, 24-hour Service. Call; Arlie - 985-2093. T.F. UPHOLSTERING done expert- ly. Satisfaction guaranteed. 985-2991. T.F. DISC JOCKEY - with excellent sound equipment available - 985- 2747 or 985-8339. LIGHT SNOWPLOWING - drive- ways, small yards, very low rates - 985-3383. Jo REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES of snowblowers and snowmobiles. Call Bassetts Small Engines, Sun Valley, Seagrave, Ontario - 705- 357-3526. T.F. COTTAGE RAISING, footings, foundations, alterations, and Insured and will supply references. Phone collect 705-745-6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. TYPING, INVOICING, billing, personal resume, etc. Call 985- 2518from 10a.m.to4p.m. T.F. HAND LETTERED SIGNS of all kinds, trucks and banners. Call 1-705-786-2718 from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. T.F. i PLANNING a wedding or! dance? Call P & G Sounds, with: music for all occasions. Call| Peter 579-6991 Oshawa. ~~ T.F.| LYNDA'S HOUSE CLEANING "~ SERVICE Established Since 1975 Experienced Bonded Cleaners RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Fully Registered Steam Carpet Cleaning 315 BLUE JAY CR. - OSHAWA 579-5462 N 4 i . : . . DRY MIXED HARDWOOD LOG SPLITTERS - for rent or for ANTIQUES, crocks, furniture, GOING SOUTH - Take a motor- ANYONE WISHING to take MASONARY WORK, block, delivered. Ivan Mountjoy - 986- | sale. Lowest prices. 985-2010. cupboards, dishes, paintings, | home 22', fully equipped, avail- | vocal or piano lessons, please brick, stone chimney, and fire- ® 4737. T.F. | and decoys. 985-2179. T.F | able for Dec., Jan. Call 985-2673 | phone 985-2471 from 6to9p.m. J9 places. Free estimates. Work after 6 p.m. D19 guaranteed. Phone 705-295-6987 or 705-745-6170. T.F. T.V. SERVICE We service all makes of Colour T.V.'s, Black & White T.V.'s, and Hi-Fi's. We carry factory parts. Try our written guarantee. TARGET T.V. UXBRIDGE - ONTARIO (416) 852-7391 Sunderland (705) 357-3110 DEAD STOCK FREE REMOVAL of fresh, dead or disabled animals. Please Dial Direct: MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 416-263-2721 KLEAN SWEEP CHIMNEY SERVICE *Dustless *Efficient *Modern a Technique an "*Fast Emergency =% Service 25 Years in Chimney Maintenance & Building PORT PERRY 985-3111 WOOD WORKING SHOP Pine - Mahogany Furniture - Cupboards - Vanities PHONE: REACH INDUSTRIAL PARK Now Open Saturdays 9:30a.m. to 3:30 p.m. 985-7679 N | RecionaLrD. 8 ARENA ' _ ~ REACH FAIR 12 : INDUSTRIAL GROUNDS (5 $ PARK 5 'CREATIVE STEVE LEE 985-3286 Tired of your old Kitchen Cabinets? Don't Replace ... REFACE! also planning and designing of CUSTOM BUILT KITCHENS, VANITIES & BARS Reasonable Rates - For Free Estimates Call CABINETS' GEORGE BURGER 1-705-432-2581 CANADA PACKERS 705-786-2101 AA1 BABY BEEF ® *Cut, Wrapped, Frozen * SIDES $1.59 per Ib. * Custom Slaughtering THRIFTY BACON ... 20 1b. $12.00 LITTLE BRITAIN MEAT PACKERS LTD. After Hours: 786-2445 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Men and Women to work with people under se- vere emotional stress. Training and supervision provided. Interested? Attend an information session at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Scugog Community Care Office, 174 Perry Street, Port Perry. January 16th at the NORM TRIPP: 985-3563 P.0. BOX 608 New Homes - Additions General Carpentry - Pole Barns NORM'S GENERAL CONTRACTING Steel & Ashpalt Roofing - Aluminum Siding - Soffit - PORT PERRY Free Estimates Given with No Obligation. OFFICE: 985-8216 a Soe "2 di x . - S. A on Ny Ta ---y tS PAEAE ae, ? SON As Eo ae N, 3 - I EA SI, wos, TA Sr AL Z ran fon Ad. ~ 3) - .