For Sale For Sale For Sale CANOE THE NONQUON Saturday, June 2nd, 1979 Check-in at Town Hall 1873, Friday Evening, June 1st from 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday at the Lakefront 6:30t09:00a.m. At the Start 9to 10:30a.m. PRIZE CEREMONY Approximately 3:00 p.m. on the Waterfront Breakfast available from 6 a.m. at the Waterfront. SUPPORT SCUGOG SHORES MUSEUM INFORMATION CALL 985-7134 Applications forms available at the Port Perry Star Office. 5 > For Sale For Sale FATTENED PIGS, 200 - 225 Ibs. | 2085 FERGUSON TRACTOR, 3 for freezer, 75 cents pound. Call pt. hitch with heavy duty chains, 985-8397 after 7 p.m. good condition, $1,400.00. p 655-4326. "SHAKLEE" People and products, together in harmony | GOOD USED chesterfield, $60.00 with nature, for personal inter- 985-3196. - view please call 985-2998, 986-4771 or 852-6011. J20 | CONSUMER GAS Inglis Libera- tor clothes dryer, excellent work- GLADIOLUS, Begonias, Dah- ing condition, $75.00, One junior + lias, 50 % off. Master Feeds, | 2-wheel bike 17°' wheels, $30.00. i Port Perry. 985-2021 after 5 p.m. CLEARANCE Sport Shirts, | 1977 KAWASAKI 175 cc, $750.00 short and long sleeve, S & XL | or best offer. 985-8683. only, greatly reduced. Gregory's . J13 | ABOVE GROUND POOL, brand 5 new, pump and filter, cover, HAY, 25 acres, good standing ladder, extras. 985-2774. hay, call 705-357-3645. J6 3 HON ECLIPSE (200) riding HOUSETRAILER, 18', fully mower, 26'° cut, 5 H.P., Briggs equipped, roll-a-way awning, and Stratton motor. Call 985- excellent condition, $3600.00 986- | 7746. 5438. STEREO AM/FM radio, Bsr BRAND NEW 1977 Can-Am | changer, wood cabinet, Trym qualifier, never started, C/W | Jym exerciser, excellent con- Speedo, lighting, skid-plate and dition, 985-2420. license holder $1350.00 or best : offer. 985-7584. BULL TERRIOR PUPPIES, born of Uxbridge's *"Laser" and BRAND NEW 17 TEMPEST, 115 Saskatoon's 'Bully' (Canadian h.p. Mercury, bow tank, boar- | champion). 5 white, 4 coloured, ding ladder, seats six, $4650.00 or | excellent pets and show dogs. best offer. 65 H.P. Mercury tank Uxbridge 852-5085, and controls. $650.00. 985-7584. S SLIP STREAMER windshield BABY CARRIAGE, car bed, | for motorcycle. Call 985-2784. high chair, walker, naughahyde boat cover, camper hold downs, | p|NE TABLE, large round with- Tonka' tent heater, portable | gix chairs, excellent condition. camp toilet, 75 ft. Eldon Slot Car Best offer. Phone 985-7603. track. 986-4236. F HYDRO POLES, four large hydro poles, 32° long,~ 9" top. 985-3610. Jé PIGS, nine weaner pigs. 986-5651. THOMAS ORGAN- Model Catalina - has 16 voices with Leslie speakers and band box, in excellent condition. Must sell, call 985-8258. CONTINUOUS FORMS - printed and numbered or blank. A must for every business. We handle both Moore and Pakfold forms. Call the Port Perry Star at at 985-7383 T.F. 14° PETERBOROUGH Playboy Runabout ski boat, 50 h.p. Merc., clean, good performing boat, trailer available, $1.750.00. Trail- er offer. 985-2910 or 985-7584. SHAKLEE has come to town. For more information and supplies call "The Petries", 986-4771. M30 WEDDING INVITATIONS, personalized stationery, napkins, matches, playing cards etc. Call the Port Perry Star 985-7383. T.F. SWIMMING POOL Manufactur- er has new-1978 pools, regular price $2,190.00 now at our off season special of $1,355.00. Pools come with walkaround deck, patio, fencing, pump, motor and filter. Delivery arranged to your convenience. For best selection and information call: 1-800- 268-5970. Wee J Eluctronics | SALES & SERVICE T.V.'s- STEREOS CB RADIOS - ANTENNAS TOWERS - ETC. Manchester (Hwy. 7A & 12) PHONE 985-8043 Before you Buy ... TRY | BOB ARCHER HOOKER CHEV - OLDS Hwy. No. 7, Brooklin, PHONE 655-4811 CUSTOM MADE stain glass windows. Phone Dan Stone 985-7057 or Chris Montgomery 579-1018. T.F. ASPARAGUS, 10 Ib. freezer order, $10.50. Nonquon Gardens, 985-3293. FISHER STOVES - for competi- tive prices, phone Donna Hazel- wood 985-3640. T.F. OLD RED BRICK, cleaned, skid- ded, banded and delivered, 20c brick. Phone collect 705-745-6170 or 705-745-6002. T.F. CANOES, $185.00, 12', choice of colour, unsinkable. Take one for atry. 985-8523. 243 TRY GUARDIAN Drugs for Q Guard Pool Chemicals. Jé RUBBER STAMPS, for business or personal use. Fast delivery. Call the Port Perry Star 985-7383. T.F. COUNTRY GROWN CEDARS for hedging, 3' to 12' picked up, del'd. or planted. 655-4448 T.F. ELMER'S FURNITURE 53 Bloor St. E. Oshawa. We sell chesterfields, kitchen sets, beds, coffee table sets, etc. 728-3473 TF "TERRY'S FAMILY RESTAURANT & TAVERN Hwy. 12 - North of Manchester - 985-3766 FRIDAY & SATURDAY: 5to 9 P.M. Filet of Sole, Roast Beef or Roast Pork Dinner Eat all you want at our New Salad Bar $3.50 RIB EYE Salad Bar SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER - 1 to 4 P.M. $3.50 QUALITY PINE FURNITURE 25% off list antiqued. 985-7679. T.F UTICA FARM EQUIPMENT - LIMITED John Deere Sales & Service UTICA 985-3042 USED LAWN & GARDEN TRACTORS & RIDING LAWN MOWERS 1976 JD 212-47 Mower... $2395.00 19750 210- 39 Mower... $2195.00 1976 J0 400 - 60 Mower PP1200Piow............ SOLD 1974 ID 140 - 48 Mower... .. SOLD 1973JD 140 - 48 Mower... $2395.00 1973 1HC 108 - 48 Mower... .. $1895.00 1373 Massey Mower & Hitch (as is) $1595.00 1871 JD 110 - 8HP- - new motor EL 1970 JD 110 - 8HP. - 39 Mower. . . $1295.00 1971JD 140 - 48 Mower... .. $2295.00 1968 JD 112 - Hyd. lift - 47 Mower. SOLD 1973 IHC Cub Lo Boy Mower Blade-Cab................ SOLD 1972 MTD - 8HP. - Rider (as is)... SOLD 1976 JD 68 Riding Mower... . SOLD 1966 J0 110 - 8HP. - 38 Mower. . . 1973 - 7HP. Whee! Horse Riding Soo Mowerfasis)............... $595.00 1978)0 312-41 Mower. ....... SOLD 1978) 212-47 Mower... .... SOLD 1970 MTD - 8HP_ Rider (as is). ... SOLD 1973 IHC 109 - 48 Mower... . . .. $1895.00 1973 Massey Mower Electric Lift fasis)......_.... $1595.00 1976J0 210-39 Mower... $2295.00 19710 110- 8HP.- 33 Mower... SOLD {Elective May 10, 1979) BOOK SALE 3DAYSONLY-JUNE1,2&3 NOTE: Sale Hours Fri., Sat. & Sun. - 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Harlequins .... - Assorted Novels (Nice to Naughty) ... 5 for $1.00 Hardcovers ... $1.00 Each (Buy 5 & Get One Free) Look for our other in-store specials! Sorry, No trade-ins accepted on Sale Books. THE BOOKWORM 175 PERRY STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-8645 7 for $1.00 SALE - June 2nd at | p.m. Boats, motors, and trailers, hard and soft top, consignments welcome. 10% day of sale. Balance in 3 days. Third place, south of Thickson Road, on highway 12. 9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Or call 705-357-3169. M.30 For the Best Price on a ZENITH COLOUR T.V. see Luke or Jenny at FALCON T.V. 426 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa 723-0011 Annouricement Gregory & Men's Wear Ltd. your headquarters for . FREEMAN FORMAL RENTALS LAKEVIEW PLAZA --~Rort Perry 985-8160 Open Fridays to 9:00 p.m. a NWT 7 Howard Forder Ltd. is pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Janet Walsh to the Sales Staff. Janet will be shar- ing the responsibilities in the new "PICTURE HOMES" devilopment in Port Perry. For distinctive sales at- tention please contact her at the sales office 985-7371 or 728-9544, Residence 985-3912. BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE - WE SERVE WITH PRIDE. COLIN BALL MOTORS LIMITED Highway 7A West - P.O. Box 1020 PORT PERRY - ONTARIO - LOB 1NO Telephone: 985-8411 FORD TRUCKS 705-786-2101 AAl BABY BEEF *Cut, Wrapped, Frozen *Sides $1.57 per Ib. *Custom Slaughtering Barbeque Special: Chicken Legs ... 10 Ib. $8.95 (10 Ib. limit per customer) LITTLE BRITAIN MEAT PACKERS LTD. AFTER HOURS: 786-2445 REGULAR SUNDAY BUFFET - 5 to 10 P.M. * Adults $5.00 per person Children 12 & Under: $2.50 NEW HOURS: Monday thru Thursday - 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Friday & Saturday 11 a.m to 1 a.m. Sundays 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. . FREE CHINESE FOOD HOME DELIVERY For orders of $15.00 & up. In Town of Port Perry. Fridays & Saturdays: 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sundays: 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. * 10% OFF FOR PICKUP 985-3766 SAVE ON NURSERY STOCK Save 10 to 40% over most other nurseries at: Raglan Nurseries Andorra Juniper-15"to 18"... .... .............. $8.95 BlueDanube-2gal................. .............. $7.95 EmeraldCedar-5'tall ............. ............ $22.95 Euonymous - Emerald Gaiety and Emerald&Gold .............................. $5.95 Savin Juniper-12to 15" .......... . .............. $7.95 © Special Globe Cedar - 18" t0 21" .................. $8.95 6 cu.ft. Peat Moss... oT ER SPECIAL: $5.95 On Simcoe Street - 6 Miles South of Port Perry "Drive a wee bit further ... Save a Whole Lot More!" OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK TO 6:00 P.M. Kawasakill & Your ticket to fly! KZ400 * 4.Stroke, Twin- Cylinder Engine « Combination Ignition and Steering Lock e 6:Speed Transmission Don't let the good times pass you by! MOBILAWN On Durham Road 23 - North of Hwy. 21 R.R.3 UXBRIDGE 852-5288 on TTT RSI Ea 2 2h Do EE Te yp ~ en EN 3 La ET ate] bi ¥ Al i 0 a ih) )